"What Not to Say"

Actually, I find nothing wrong with any of the posts or questions on any of the boards. There are times when it is just to labor intensive to page through ALL the pages on any of the boards. There are enough rules and guidelines in real life and we don't need them on a message board. Obviously the owner of the boards needs to institute their own rules.

We are all different and everyone has a different posting style. Just like in "real life", there are bound to be repeat questions. It would be impossible not to have them.
Actually, I find nothing wrong with any of the posts or questions on any of the boards. There are times when it is just to labor intensive to page through ALL the pages on any of the boards. There are enough rules and guidelines in real life and we don't need them on a message board. Obviously the owner of the boards needs to institute their own rules.

We are all different and everyone has a different posting style. Just like in "real life", there are bound to be repeat questions. It would be impossible not to have them.

I agree...and actually the OP would make me afraid to post a question here, I'd be afraid to post a question thinking I would break a "rule"
- Use the title. Instead of "I have some questions," be more specific. If your question is about fireworks, put that in the title. Looking for advice about which attractions to see first? Ask it right in the title.

Hope this helps to give you the courage to post ANY of your questions, and gives you the tools to get the answers that will most benefit you.

I have merged this thread together with the other recent one offering advice on what and how to post.

Please remember that this is the WELCOME BOARD, and we want to focus on being welcoming to our newbies, many of whom may be new to using any type of forums, and who are often overwhelmed by the DIS. Let's not scare them off before they even make their first post!

I have one! Not paying for seats on Airtran and then coming back to complain that your family wasn't able to sit together.

I think that this thread is very informative to a newbie. Welcome to all the newbie's!
I hope this thread doesn't scare anybody from posting. This really is a great board, with tons of info. I think most folks are really trying to be helpful, even when they disagree. I think some of this particular thread is a tad tongue in cheek.

Might I also suggest, that many of the heated threads follow kind of common sense rules. The common sense of why they get heated may not be obvious to a new poster, but say - many of the threads get heated because they are about a way to break a rule: the rule may be real or perceived. The inquiry may be over a very grey area that Disney doesn't explain well.

I would hope - that this thread will do the opposite of intimidating people - it will encourage them to keep posting, and educate them. When I first started posting on another board, I posted what I thought were innocent comments. Someone went far enough to personally PM me with a nasty threat. What I didn't understand was that threats and nastiness were the culture of that board. The nastiness wasn't really directed at me personally, it was just the way that person ALWAYS posted. I did stop posting there, because I luckily found the DIS.

It would be my hope that someone new to the DIS, who happens to post a question about refillable mugs, say- would see this post and go AHHHH! IT not MY individual inquiry - it's the history of the subject. they can easily follow up with a search of threads onthe topic.

I also hope that maybe when newbies see a topic like: heelies, scooters, towel animals- they maybe have a place they can go to learn what heelies, scooters and towel animals are. (as well as any other topics they don't understand). I myself am very guilty of using abbreviations and shorthand.

As others have said, maybe posting your finanical history isn't so wise, esp if you admit to having large debt. Sort of like teens posting nude pictures. It may seem innocent to some, but others will immediately get defensive because they wouldn't post anything so personal.

And hey - even us experienced folks sometimes post threads that go no where. I'd almost rather generate a heated thread than one which goes nowhere.
The issues with strollers are partly about parenting styles: How old is too old fora stroller?

And both sides of: what it's like to be hit in the ankle witha stroller (stroller as battering ram) and strollers on buses (when they aren't folded, how much room they take up), and stollers taking up parade/fireworks space vs. what it's like to try and push a stroller around all day: other guests not paying attention to where they are going, not having anyone willing to hold a door, strollers on buses.

Another similar heated topic is kids on kid-leashes. Some folks thing they are great for safety if you have a kid who runs off frequently and eliminate the fear of losing your child vs. those who think they are degrading or the parents who use them are not watching their kids.
You'll have to excuse my ignorance, but on one of the earlier posts on this thread, reference was made to Pool Hopping.... er, what is that? Logically, I assumed I know what it means, but if it means what I think it does, what a hassle! That led me to wonder......! Clearly I need to brush up on some of my terminology here ... it's not like I've never been to Disney! :)
I haven't read the entire thread, but I remember a few months ago, a huge debate over whether you use your hand or your foot to flush a toilet. That was a fun one!

I love reading the debates on here, but never post in them. I really think you could do some kind of psychology/sociology research paper about the DIS.

Either way, it's a great place! And highly addicting!
Obviously I'm new, can't even get the quote right:laughing:

I'm ALMOST to embarassed to say this.....But at least you started figuring it out!! :rotfl: Good for you! :)
I've been on here 500+ posts and still don't know how to highlight a quote and transfer it to another post with out posting the entire thing. :lmao: So sad. :sad2:
There are enough rules and guidelines in real life and we don't need them on a message board. Obviously the owner of the boards needs to institute their own rules.

We are all different and everyone has a different posting style. Just like in "real life", there are bound to be repeat questions. It would be impossible not to have them.

In 100% I agree.
I have one! Not paying for seats on Airtran and then coming back to complain that your family wasn't able to sit together.

UUH! Flying them in 2 weeks (not to WDW). Will they put me and my 2yr old together? I never even considered it being an issue.
Is it okay to ask whether the toilet paper goes on the spindle over or under or is that a hot topic too? :lmao:

Thank you for the lists. I hope that I can remember which ones to stay away from. There seem to be so many.
Is it okay to ask whether the toilet paper goes on the spindle over or under or is that a hot topic too? :lmao:

Thank you for the lists. I hope that I can remember which ones to stay away from. There seem to be so many.


In all seriousness.....Over.
Posting the word subscribing in order to subscribe.

It usually won't start a debate...but it makes the thread unnecessarily long. You can subscribe by clicking the thread tools button at the top of the thread. Of course, posting to say "not to post 'subscribing' " sometimes generates a short debate over whether it's really a good idea because it bumps a thread up.... :goodvibes
getting a babysitter and/or using childcare can be a sensitive topic.

oh, and its usually not a good idea to name call. i got called a ******* a few days ago, that wasn't very nice. heh, didn't faze me, they got blasted by fellow DISers. :thumbsup2

oh, and avoid saying things that go totally off topic. answer the original question posed by the original poster. when the OP asks: "what did you forget to bring?" don't give them a packing list. theres no fun in that. see http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2293594
While Reading your posts, I was surprise to see the cruxes of debate in the boards - here's three of them.

Corporal Punishment in the Parks
By golly, no moment at WDW is more disturbing than disciplining your child at one of it's theme parks. I listed it because I saw a father slap his daughter on her, er, buldet while Muetti and I waited for the tram after a day at Epcot during the Epcot International Food and Wine Festival. That would spread debate between pro- and anti-spanking advocates.

People Bashing Walt Disney World/Claiming Either Universal Orlando, Sea World, So-Local-to-Me Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, or A Combination is/are Better than that Said Resort
I haven't experienced it in the parks in person, but there are people that explicitly claim that UO's rides are superior to WDW's (e. g., Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls at IOA vs Splash Mountain at MK). Disney fans should note it as a subject of serious debate.

Temper Tantrums in the Parks
No explanation necessary.
Just another point to the newbies - if you ask a question that doesnt get much of a reply, and it gets 'bumped' - its not something bad! Its just someone has bumped your question back up the board for people to notice it, hoping to get you a reply. (I spent ages trying to work out what I had done wrong for my question to be bumped :lmao:)


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