What's On Your Mind? REDVINES!

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somehow i can tell i'm gonna be sorted into hufflepuff

what the hell is a hufflepuff



OHAI RYAN REYNOLDS i love that movie.

I got into Pottermore :teeth: Although, regretfully, I did it twice... Holly made one for me, because I didn't think I'd wake up in time. Then I made one for Allie, because she told me she might not get a chance to do one. Then I made one for myself, in the chance that Holly used the wrong email... I'm going to ask my friend today whether she's made one, and if not, then I'll give the spare one to her. But which one: FlameRook200 or ProphecyMirror76. I quite like them both really... I'd probably give her the latter since it's the one I made myself, and therefore the one I shouldn't really have.
blow my mind, dj blow my mind, i put my head, against the speakers singing blow my mind, dj blow my mind, all fired up i feel alive, so keep me on your radar, keep me keep me keep me on your radar.
But Ellsbury, while not viewed as a team leader in the traditional sense, has indisputable credentials as an offensive catalyst, captain of the outfield and respected teammate.
Does anyone else get annoyed by those "I'm disgusted that people keep reblogging *enter popular thing here*, when they could be reblogging this picture of *insert terrible phenomena here*! *Insert backstory for photo here*, so don't just skip over it, reblog it!" things? I know animal cruelty exists. I know cancer is a horrible thing. I know there are terrible people out there who would do appalling things to people because they're different. But I don't see why reblogging it will help at all... They don't even give links to websites where you can help. They just tell you to reblog. It's pretty useless to me.
Does anyone else get annoyed by those "I'm disgusted that people keep reblogging *enter popular thing here*, when they could be reblogging this picture of *insert terrible phenomena here*! *Insert backstory for photo here*, so don't just skip over it, reblog it!" things? I know animal cruelty exists. I know cancer is a horrible thing. I know there are terrible people out there who would do appalling things to people because they're different. But I don't see why reblogging it will help at all... They don't even give links to websites where you can help. They just tell you to reblog. It's pretty useless to me.

i hate those posts
I wonder if anyone on the dis actually has 1,000,000 posts (besides the ad person)
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