WISH Away the Pounds Outstanding October Challenge -- Everyone welcome!

Hi everyone, just here for a few mins to ask you all to think of me around 4:30pm EST today as I have to put my beloved cat Bandit down.. :( he is 16.5 yrs old (83 in human years) and while I think I've done my best by him it's tearing me apart that he has been getting sicker over the last 6ish month.. he has a large tumor on his left hind side and last night it started to ooze a bit. knowing that there isn't anything the vet can do we made the hard decision to let him go across the rainbow bridge and join our Beagle Copper.. I do feel badly for the hubs but at this moment I am having a HUGE all about me pity party because I've had Bandit for almost as long as my DS (who turns 17 tomorrow) I hate when people say cats are different then dogs when it comes to loyality, because Bandit wasn't like that all - he really wanted to always be right beside me or on top of me even.. he used to like to sleep right on my side (think of laying on your side with a cat right down your shoulder to your thigh!) he also still just follows me around and lays right under my feel every chance he gets . he was a human lover - well a me lover and has been right to the end..

Rest in Peace little Buddy - love all the years we had together and I will be soooo very lonely without you..

this one show just how much us Humans loved you..

Michelle, I'm so sorry. I had to have my darling boy put to sleep in August. It broke my heart. People who say cats are different only say that because they're not lucky enough to understand them. We adopted two new cats from a rescue, but no one will ever take the place of Angus. Never, never, never. You'll be in my thoughts as you help your darling boy over the rainbow bridge. I never thought I'd be able to do anything like that, but my husband was away and Angus and I did it together. It was a great honor to see him off. I will always have cats, but I believe totally that Angus was my one great love.

Hi all! A brief intro. I started typing it on my phone yesterday and totally petered out. I couldn't do it. Too big of a time commitment.

I'm Jamie. I turned 37 at the end of August. I'm married, have three great kiddos and a houseful of pets (1 dog, 3 cats, 1 turtle and 2 guinea pigs). I've been over weight my entire life, but thanks to a lot of therapy, I'm finally getting my head straight about my weight and what I have to do to actully lose weight.

I'm doing a hybrid program right now which is Weight Watchers Simply Filling coupled with a little bit of my own brand of magic.pixiedust: If it works, I'll share it. If not, back to the drawing board.

I've been recommitted since July and have lost 8 pounds, by my scale (less by weight watchers, of course). I had a little bit of a bad stretch last week and bounced up a couple pounds, but I'm working on sloughing that off. My daily goals are 40 minutes of exercise/day and 64 oz water/day. I do have an ultimate goal, but I'd really like to be down fifteen additonal pounds by the end of the year. We'll see if that happens.

QOTD Wednesday, October 2, 2013: How will you recommit to your program this fall to get a jump on the holidays and keep your program fresh and exciting?

As I alluded to above, I've kind of been working on my own hybrid plan that's incentive based, which works well for me. I'm kind of excited about the prospect of it working, so that's keeping my head in a good place right now. I need to be very careful to not let little slip ups mean I go off program for long amounts of time. That's my biggest downfall!
Michelle- I exactly know what you're going through right now. I was the only "Mom" Reebok ever knew and we had that same kind of connection. She would sleep right on top of me every night, groom my face and hair, and usually would come when I called her. It's been three years and I still miss her so much. I swear I even still hear her purring at night! I like to think if they could, our critters would thank us for ending their pain, even if it still stinks for the rest of us. :sad:

Reebok "Boo Boo Kitty"
16 yrs old
QOTD Wednesday, October 2, 2013: How will you recommit to your program this fall to get a jump on the holidays and keep your program fresh and exciting?
I am recomitted to tracking my food. If I do that, I stay pretty good, but when I don't, blech.
I'm sorry about your kitty Michelle. :hug:

Exciting news for the day--we now have a washer and dryer at our apartment. We only went about a week without one, but holy cow it got old fast! Really enjoying doing laundry. :)

I need to think about the QOTD.
QOTD Monday, September 30, 2013 and Tuesday, October 1, 2013: Please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your goals for the challenge and the rest of the year. You don't have to share numbers, it can be general.

Good evening!!!!!:yay: I'm going to join you all again!! It has been too long!! It is so great to see so many familiar "faces" here and it has been way too long since I've been here.
I'm Kathy, 49 yo, single mom to 11 yo boy Mike, and 2 year old dog-daughter, Poko. I guess I could blame Poko for my lack of time for the dis since we got her almost 2 years ago, but I can also thank her for her help in keeping me moving and walking for the past 2 years so I guess it evens out.

I've been a yo-yo dieter for years, and done these challenge for quite a while. I started the year at 226, rejoined ww and was down 33 lbs, but put back on about 7 over the summer, and now am getting back on track, and am back into ONE-derland for the freaking last time, I swear.

I'm a run/walker too, and was lucky enough to do the princess half in 2011 where I met Lisa and some other wonderful WISHers and am going back in 2014 and can not wait!! I will also be turning 50 on the Tuesday after the princess half and my goal for this year is to lose 50 lbs by age 50, so I pushing for 5 pounds a month.

I have to take ds to taekwondo now, but will come back to catch up with everyone!! Yay!!!:yay:
My name is Noemi. I restarted my weight loss journey last month with spectacular September. When I first started my "get healthy" plan in 2011, I was 205 lbs and at 5ft 2in, that is way too much for a girl who was pretty tiny as a 20 year old about 20 years ago! I lost to about 175 lbs before I kind of lost my focus and stabilized at around 180 at the end of 2012. I had been running but haven't had much luck with my knees so I have started only walking until maybe I can get some of this weight off. I did meet a long time goal of running the Rock &Roll half marathon in Nov of 2012 but I really want to go and do all the RunDisney ones someday.

DH and I started ballroom dancing after our Disney Hawaii cruise last October and have found it to be very enjoyable as well as a great form of exercise.

We are looking forward to our next cruise on the Wonder in mid November and I'd love to be at an all time low of 155 lbs. we'll see how it goes!

Welcome! How are you enjoying the ballroom dance??

Lisa, thank you very much for being our hostess this months!!!

On to the QOTD:

My name is Magdalene. I have struggled all my life with my weight. I was already a heavy child when I was in third grade. Or at least I was what was considered heavy in the 1970 and 1980s. Looking at teenagers today, I think noone would think of my teenager weight as being fat anymore, but then I was the heaviest girl in my class. It wasn't until I was in college and became close friends with three lovely girls (who I still count as three of my dearest friends) who were just naturally thin - think size 0 thin. But they were also active and encouraged me to try to lose weight. And I succeeded. I ended college looking very good. I still felt fat since I was still about 15 pounds heavier than my size 0 friends. Today I think I was ridiculous then and just had a very wrong body image of myself. Afterwards over the years the pounds kept coming back thanks to stress at work and in my private life.

About 9 years ago I got so upset with myself and then tried out Weight Watchers Online. Never made it all the way to my goal weight, but managed to get back to a BMI of just under 25. Then I lost focus, manged to maintain at around that level for some time, then had stress at work again and shot up to nearly my heaviest weight again and returned to Weight Watchers. Managed to get down to the same weight as in the first round. And the same story began. So last fall I was once again getting quite disgusted with myself about how the pounds came coming back.

And then I did the best thing ever, I signed up for the Biggest Loser challenge here on the DIS. And for the first time became a little active in it. While I lost well at first, but then destroyed it all with a very bad December. However, I was motivated to keep going and signed up for the WATP challenges starting this January. I find that the monthly format is really great for me as it forces me to set smaller goals instead of the big goal of being as skinny as my college friends (yes, they are still that skinny despite the fact that two of them have three kids now and the third two kids). And the start of each month is a new clean start which brings a lot of motivation. Taking an active part in the chat her often helps me on days when I find it difficult to focus on eating healthy.

And since this time round I started the weight loss process well before I got to my heaviest weight, I feel like I am starting out from a much better point. At the moment I am just below my "end weight" from my last two weight loss attempts. And my motivation for this month is to get further away from that mental barrier! I have given up on ever being as skinny as my college friends. But I still am not where I want to be. My first long term goal (the first weight where I will have a look and think about whether this is already enough) is 7 pounds away. I hope to get there by the end of November. The next goal (which is the weight that I think I will finally pick) is 6 pounds away from that. And then there is that final goal (which is the lowest I ever got during college and looked fabulous at) and that's another 5 pounds. So that would mean that I need to lose another 18 pounds.... With my speed it seems so far away. But that is why I love these challenges and the monthly smaller goals!!!

You have done SO GREAT! Such an inspiration to everyone! Imagine... just 7 pounds away from your first goal!!

I'm in for October too!

My name is Taylor, I'm 21, and am one of ohMom's DDs :)
I am currently going to school, working two jobs, and caring for my three 4-legged 'children' :)

Just recently signed up here on the boards and with the WISH challenges.
My goal is to be back at what I weighed two years ago, and am setting a goal for 8 pounds a month.

I am leaving in two days for a mini vacation to a dog show in Nebraska, hopefully the hospitality dinners won't get the best of me :)

I am excited to have some more support and motivation to get things moving!

WOOHOO on having a second generation here!! Eight pounds a month is ambitious! Best of luck with it and have fun at the dog show! Do you show, judge, or just enjoy??

Quick QOTD:

I'm Buffy. I am a SAHM of 4.
I'm a co-moderator of the Creative Community, where the crafty people hang out.
I've been a WISHer for a few years now.
I started at 199 and I'm currently 171.4.
My ultimate goal is 125-135, depending on how I feel physically.
I'm a self professed foodie, so my weight loss has been slow going.
I am currently following Ideal Protein, but not as religiously as I should, I really need to follow it 100%.

I start training in October for my first 1/2 in February, the Princess 1/2.
I'm also toying with the idea of doing 40 races in my 40th year, which is this year. I'm not sure yet though.

You forgot to mention you are a crazy busy Mom and a FUN, FABULOUS friend!!

Hi all!

I'm Bryana and I'm 24. I live in a suburb of Philadelphia with my boyfriend of almost 4 years, and a grey/white tuxedo cat named Kitters. :)

I've been creeping around on the DIS since my Dis trip in 2008. I just started participating on the WISH boards back in June when I signed up for the Glass Slipper Challenge. Last month, I found the WATP thread for September and decided to join.

DBF is currently on week 4 of an 8 week training period at the state academy in Harrisburg to become a Parole Agent. He is gone sunday nights through friday afternoons, and while it has been hard (we have been living together for just over 3 years and have never really spent more than a couple of days apart!), it has definitely given me the opportunity to focus on myself a little bit. I've been buying less snack foods and eating more wholesome dinners and making enough to have leftovers for the next day at work. I also have been trying to wake up earlier in the morning to give myself time to eat (a real!) breakfast in the morning. The last week or so it has been tough and am hoping to fall back into the routine this week. I am hypothyroid so I am on medication that I have to take and than wait an hour before I can eat so it is difficult. I definitely noticed the change when I switched from just toasting a bagel at work and when I wake up and can sit down with a plate of eggs, bacon, toast, and some fruit.

I am hoping to lose 4 pounds this month and get back into the 140s in... i can't remember how long. Probably end of high school which was 6 years ago. At my heaviest I was at about 180 and it took a trip to the Dis for my cousin's wedding in December of 2010 for me to realize it. I didn't even recognize myself in the pictures. Over the next two years or so (a lot of start and stop, start and stop!), I managed to get down to 150. Earlier this year, I gained 10 of it back and right now am about evened out to where I had gotten originally. I'm hoping to finally break through that. I'm hoping that it shouldn't be too hard. As a lot of others have done, I have become a runner over the last year and a half. I've run various distances with my two biggest races being this year's Broad Street Run 10 Miler in Philly and my first half marathon back in June. As I mentioned earlier, I am doing the GSC in February. Before than, I have a few races scheduled. Namely, the Runner's World 10K in two weeks and the Philly Half Marathon in the middle of November. It should definitely help me in the weight loss area to be ramping up my mileage again. :)

I think this is my longest DIS post ever, LOL.

Good luck this month everyone. :)

Welcome and GOOD FOR YOU for taking this opportunity of "alone time" and turning it into "ME" time!!

Hey DIS friends - I'm Bev, an old timer and MIA for quite some time! :wave2:

OhMom is my DD and Taylor my DGD - I'm joining in here to get my mojo going (again) - seems to be the same ol same ol - I do well then I stop doing the things that work !

So, one of my goals is journaling EVERY DAY - not the guessing I've allowed myself to settle into (again) :cool1:

I'll be back tomorrow with my WI number and weight goal

Glad to be a part of the Oct challenge - thanks to the moderators and for the inspiration we can give to one another!

Let me be another to say WELCOME and what a great thing it is to have three generations of Disney Lovin' ladies here!!

I'm in for this month too.

My name is Jennifer, or Jenn for short. I have been married for 11 years to my DH and we have two kids. My DS is 7 and my DD is 4. I work full time at a hospital and then it's straight to the school to pick up the kids.

I started really trying to lose weight in February of this year. I'm counting calories and trying to work out when I can. I have managed to lose 37 pounds so far this year. It is nowhere near my goal, but it's a good start.

My goal for the remainder of the year is to lose at least 10 pounds. Well, that's my weight loss goal. My other goal is to learn to resist the temptation of pumpkin spice. I can avoid many things, put yesterday I bought pumpkin spice waffles, pumpkin spice cream cheese, and pumpkin cookies. I think I lost my pumpkin loving mind yesterday.

Singing to the choir about the PUMPKIN!! YUMMMM! That being said, I have a built-in excuse to keep it out of the house, as my DS is highly allergic to pumpkin! That doesn't always stop me from having some around though! Had a pumpkin-banana smoothie for breakfast today.... so filling and yummy!! I'll pretend I didn't hear you say PUMPKIN SPICE WAFFLES!!:rotfl:

Hi everyone! I'm excited to be here on the W.I.S.H board!
My name is Jillian, I am 20 years old. I am in college for Early Childhood Education, and have dreams of opening my own preschool. I love children! I also currently work part-time as a Photographer's Assistant. I have been going to Disney since I was around 8 years old. I now go with my boyfriend and family at least once a year!(Hopefully we will start going more!) I first started a weight loss journey after I was involved in an accident with an 18 wheeler. I gained about 10 pounds from having to stay on bed rest for about a year. I am very ready to get rid of it! My goal is around 5 pounds a month, unless I can get it off all in one month :lmao:
I just started running, WHICH I LOVE! I hated running when I was younger, but now I can't get enough! I hope to start a Pre-Trip/Training report soon, I am running the 2014 Wine and Dine Half!

I think that's about it for now! I look forward to getting to know all of you!

Hope you are fully healed from your accident! Glad to have you here with us!!

Joining in for a truly outstanding October! Have not had a chance to read through the thread yet but glad to be here with everyone! Good luck to all as this new month starts.

I am ALSO looking forward to a truly OUTSTANDING OCTOBER!! Glad you are here with us!

At my weight loss group in the UK, we do something called the 777 challenge. 7 glasses of water a day, 7 different vegetables a day, for 7 days......people on average see a loss of 2 - 4 lbs a week on this. (You do get to eat other normal food too, not just the 7 veggies...you can count salad stuff too, but not fruit due to the higher sugar content.)

Does it have to be 7 different veggies or just 7 servings of veggies? I know today I had pumpkin (in my breakfast smoothie), carrots, celery, onions, and tomatoes (all in my 13 bean soup at lunch) and roasted tomatoes (with dinner).... but that is just 5. Fridge is rather bare today or else I would dash in and eat some greens and broccoli to hit the 7!! :lmao: I do love this idea though!!

If someone wants to come up with a mini-challenge for the month of October that would be great! :thumbsup2 I'm open to anything as long as I don't have to keep track of it. ;)

Lisa... I see Cam agreed to host the challenge, but I don't think we have quite decided what it will be. Is a mile-a-day challenge too boring??

A few years ago, I hosted a 100 crunches & 100 pushups a day challenge. Maybe we could do something like that, but modified, perhaps to 50 and 50 or 100 of one or the other? Is anyone interested? If so, I'd be glad to host it.

Thanks for offering to host a challenge!

Truly the best thing I did for myself this year was to challenge myself to a mile a day everyday. I am still a little disappointed that I have not run them all (I have walked a bunch), but despite all the craziness around our house lately, I have kept it up. I have walked or run a mile in all four disney parks, with friends, family, in several states, around at least 4 of the wdw resorts. In my old neighborhood, in my new neighborhood, in at least 4 different parks in Louisville. It has kept me grounded. I can't even really explain what I have gotten from it. I even squeaked one out after my bad fall in July--though TigerLily volunteered to do it for me, which was awesome.:goodvibes

Anyhow, I strongly encourage mini daily challenges. It's not always easy, but it really is a huge feeling of accomplishment!

QOTD--Hi I'm Rose. :) Been doing challenges since 2010. Lost ~50 pounds, got pretty sick, gave up gluten, dealt with a bunch of injuries, got healthier, gained a bunch back. That pretty much sums it up. I am frustrated with myself for putting so many pounds on this summer, but I am ready to get to it and get my weight back down. I see the frustration as an excuse to quit, so I am working hard to let it go and to concentrate on one bite at a time, one mile at a time, one day at a time. I am 46, married, one DS who is in grad school 500 miles away. I work part-time. I think I am just about at menopause--which is adding a whole new level of challenge to things, but I know it's doable, so here we go!

Welcome to all the new folks!
We are back from visiting DS and ready to get settled in our apartment at least until we figure out where we are going in our life adventure. Our house is officially closed, the mortgage paid off, and the new people have moved in. Still a little sad, but mostly ready to get organized! :)

I'm glad you saw my post.... I want you to know that you inspire me (and I'm sure others) every day!

Yup, the menopause card is definitely a game changer!! I'll just leave it at that!

I have an app on my phone. It's a 7 minute workout. 30 second cycles with 10 seconds of rest in between each one.

30 second jumping jacks
30 second wall sit
30 second push up
30 second ab crunches
30 second step ups
30 second squats
30 second tricep dip
30 second plank
30 second high knees
30 second lunges
30 second push up with rotation
30 second side plank

Could I modify this?? I popped something in my chest doing tricep dips a few years ago and now they kind of scare me! And I tweaked my right knee a little while ago, so I'm not sure the lunges would be a good idea. But I think I could handle the rest! What do you think about allowing folks to modify the list for themselves and using that as the challenge (sticking with the basic 7 minute workout idea) ????

Hi everyone. I just joined as a 'loser'. This group seems very encouraging. Thought I would join!

I too am a pumpkin lover! I had coffee mate pumpkin spice cream this morning. Mmmmm

THat sounds totally yummy!!! I found a recipe on Pinterest yesterday for homemade pumpkin spice latte. I need to modify it because it contained quite a bit of cream, but I'm still planning to give it a try!


Evening ladies! Trying to get caught up before Survivor!!...............P
Also sorry to hear about the loss of your fur baby. We have three. We've seen a few over the rainbow bridge and it never gets easier. I tell myself I can't do it again but then I go find a kitten who needs a home - like Martin there in my avatar who we acquired on his way to the pound as a kitten last year. Poor guy the last in the litter no one wanted but he's awesome. We also have an ancient one with diabetes which has been well managed for two years now but it's tough going and he's getting up there but he's a fighter.

Qotd - this one is perplexing me because I have a long commute and I won't be able to make it home before the sun goes down much longer. I know I can break out the treadmill but I loathe that thing and I see myself making excuses. One alternative is doing my run / walk down where I work. That could be a nice change of pace for the workout. As for eating my goal is less caffeine, less diet coke and more water!
I wanted to pop in to share this recipe. It's for oven baked fries. We had them for dinner tonight and they were REALLY good. I'm sure I didn't use the 4tbsp of oil they called for.


No crap, just potatoes and olive and oil. Next time, I'll slice them thinner so they get a little more crisp. They're a little time intensive (10-30 minutes of soaking plus 20 minutes of baking) but they're a great substitute if you're a french fry person.

I am a french fry person. ;)
Hi everyone, just here for a few mins to ask you all to think of me around 4:30pm EST today as I have to put my beloved cat Bandit down.. :( he is 16.5 yrs old (83 in human years) and while I think I've done my best by him it's tearing me apart that he has been getting sicker over the last 6ish month.. he has a large tumor on his left hind side and last night it started to ooze a bit. knowing that there isn't anything the vet can do we made the hard decision to let him go across the rainbow bridge and join our Beagle Copper.. I do feel badly for the hubs but at this moment I am having a HUGE all about me pity party because I've had Bandit for almost as long as my DS (who turns 17 tomorrow) I hate when people say cats are different then dogs when it comes to loyality, because Bandit wasn't like that all - he really wanted to always be right beside me or on top of me even.. he used to like to sleep right on my side (think of laying on your side with a cat right down your shoulder to your thigh!) he also still just follows me around and lays right under my feel every chance he gets . he was a human lover - well a me lover and has been right to the end.

I am so, so sorry to hear of your loss. I too am a cat lover and lost a very, very beloved kitty friend almost 5 years ago now but it still is painful to even think about. Cats can be just as loving and friendly as dogs and cat owners are a very special breed themselves! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and I know your kitty Bandit will be waiting patiently for you. Many hugs for your family as you lose your special loved one. :hug:
Look around and see if there is a Jingle Bell Run somewhere near you -- they are usually 5ks and are at night so people can see the Christmas lights. :santa: The local running group folks here swear by Yak Trax for when the snow flies. I myself am a fair weather runner and retreat to the indoor track. :sunny:

I think your fall plan will be a big success! :cool2:

Thanks! I'm going to look into Yak Trax. It's terrible in the winter where I run. The park is only plowed in certain areas and people do not shovel sidewalks :headache: I wish I had an indoor track. I dislike running distances on treadmills. I am going to look into a New Years run for sure.

Hi everyone, just here for a few mins to ask you all to think of me around 4:30pm EST today as I have to put my beloved cat Bandit down.. :( he is 16.5 yrs old (83 in human years) and while I think I've done my best by him it's tearing me apart that he has been getting sicker over the last 6ish month.. he has a large tumor on his left hind side and last night it started to ooze a bit. knowing that there isn't anything the vet can do we made the hard decision to let him go across the rainbow bridge and join our Beagle Copper.. I do feel badly for the hubs but at this moment I am having a HUGE all about me pity party because I've had Bandit for almost as long as my DS (who turns 17 tomorrow) I hate when people say cats are different then dogs when it comes to loyality, because Bandit wasn't like that all - he really wanted to always be right beside me or on top of me even.. he used to like to sleep right on my side (think of laying on your side with a cat right down your shoulder to your thigh!) he also still just follows me around and lays right under my feel every chance he gets . he was a human lover - well a me lover and has been right to the end..

Rest in Peace little Buddy - love all the years we had together and I will be soooo very lonely without you..

:grouphug: I am so sorry for your loss.

Good evening!!!!!:yay: I'm going to join you all again!! It has been too long!! It is so great to see so many familiar "faces" here and it has been way too long since I've been here.
I'm Kathy, 49 yo, single mom to 11 yo boy Mike, and 2 year old dog-daughter, Poko. I guess I could blame Poko for my lack of time for the dis since we got her almost 2 years ago, but I can also thank her for her help in keeping me moving and walking for the past 2 years so I guess it evens out.

I've been a yo-yo dieter for years, and done these challenge for quite a while. I started the year at 226, rejoined ww and was down 33 lbs, but put back on about 7 over the summer, and now am getting back on track, and am back into ONE-derland for the freaking last time, I swear.

I'm a run/walker too, and was lucky enough to do the princess half in 2011 where I met Lisa and some other wonderful WISHers and am going back in 2014 and can not wait!! I will also be turning 50 on the Tuesday after the princess half and my goal for this year is to lose 50 lbs by age 50, so I pushing for 5 pounds a month.

I have to take ds to taekwondo now, but will come back to catch up with everyone!! Yay!!!:yay:

Welcome back! I CANNOT believe that Poko is 2. I remember when you got him! Hope everything is well for you, Mike, and Poko :)


Good evening all. I'm sorry, but I do not have much time tonight. I am so tired tonight, so I am going to go wind down and get ready for bed. Have a great night!

I wanted to pop in to share this recipe. It's for oven baked fries. We had them for dinner tonight and they were REALLY good. I'm sure I didn't use the 4tbsp of oil they called for. http://www.annies-eats.com/2010/02/25/baked-oven-fries/ No crap, just potatoes and olive and oil. Next time, I'll slice them thinner so they get a little more crisp. They're a little time intensive (10-30 minutes of soaking plus 20 minutes of baking) but they're a great substitute if you're a french fry person. I am a french fry person. ;)

I wonder if that will work with sweet potatoes ... I love those! I will try this over the weekend and let you know!!

I had a great experience tonight at the Bali Leggs outlet. They fitted me and I have gone from a 42 D to a 38 D. She said 38 C but I tried that size on and I don't think so!

Best part, Kohls online had my favorite Bali bra in mint green on clearance in my size for 12.99 (must be a seasonal color). Subtract from that a 30% code, minus free shipping code, minus 3% ebates ... Came to $8 and some change per bra for a bra the outlet was selling "40% off" at $24!! I stocked up, these are my every day bras I could care less what color they are. Smallest and cheapest bras I've bought in a while, very cool!
QOTD Wednesday, October 2, 2013: How will you recommit to your program this fall to get a jump on the holidays and keep your program fresh and exciting?

Recommitting to food journaling (I use MyFitnessPal) and logging at least 8k steps using my Fitbit One to track. I will give myself one "free" day per week on the steps -no leeway on journaling EVERYDAY :woohoo:

DH and I are cruising east Caribbean (Royal Caribbean Oasis) Nov 16th so that is my incentive
Michelle, sorry about your kitty.

Qotd, hmmm. Just being here is a commitment for me. I am definitely no longer snacking with the kinders when serving! I will miss the cookies and crackers. As usual I am doing the exercise challenge on another thread, but I did have to drop my minutes from last month. Drat still movin though!
I leave and we were on the end of page 2.....

NOW WE ARE UP TO PAGE 7.:confused3


Looks like I have some catching up to so!!:lmao:

Had fun these past 2 days jogging and lifting weights and just plain acting silly with Ladybug.:yay:

Just a checkin n w/everyone and saying "hi."

wish me luck.....

I am about to write not one not two but THREE FREAKIN' TAX BILLS!!
(Property, school & city):headache:

Can some kind soul fax me some asprin??;)

Hi everyone, just here for a few mins to ask you all to think of me around 4:30pm EST today as I have to put my beloved cat Bandit down.. :( he is 16.5 yrs old (83 in human years) and while I think I've done my best by him it's tearing me apart that he has been getting sicker over the last 6ish month.. he has a large tumor on his left hind side and last night it started to ooze a bit. knowing that there isn't anything the vet can do we made the hard decision to let him go across the rainbow bridge and join our Beagle Copper.. I do feel badly for the hubs but at this moment I am having a HUGE all about me pity party because I've had Bandit for almost as long as my DS (who turns 17 tomorrow) I hate when people say cats are different then dogs when it comes to loyality, because Bandit wasn't like that all - he really wanted to always be right beside me or on top of me even.. he used to like to sleep right on my side (think of laying on your side with a cat right down your shoulder to your thigh!) he also still just follows me around and lays right under my feel every chance he gets . he was a human lover - well a me lover and has been right to the end..

Rest in Peace little Buddy - love all the years we had together and I will be soooo very lonely without you..

:hug:I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. We had to put my beloved Leopold to sleep this spring.
QOTD Wednesday, October 2, 2013: How will you recommit to your program this fall to get a jump on the holidays and keep your program fresh and exciting?

Well, due to what I am convinced are supernatural forces, the scale is telling me I went up 2.6 pounds in 2 days???!!!??? :confused3 It's just as well with me leaving for the F&W Festival this afternoon. This way, I'll be able to keep my chowfest under control (somewhat :lmao:). Really, who can resist those pierogies??? :cool1: :woohoo:

I do have a 7 mile run planned for Friday morning, so that should definitely help keep things somewhat on track and other than going to Epcot, I plan on eating a LOT of salads over the next few days! :thumbsup2 Knowing that I have a number in mind before the W&D Half, and also knowing I want to have as much weight off my knees as possible before race day, should help keep me on track. Nothing like having that big a challenge looming in the near future to keep your choices smart! :goodvibes
Hi everyone , just a quick update this morning. Bandit went very quietly I am sure he was tired of fighting - he never wiggled or cried to get out of his box when we brought him into the vets and just laid right down on the cushy blanket on the vets table. They let us pay up front and had us in a room with a side door so we could just exit without anyone seeing us.. it was peaceful and I was a wreck but it was the best decision for him. My Hubs and I stayed there talking and petting him till the Vet said he could no longer hear anything and then told us stay long as you want but I said few more tearful goodbye words then bolted I just couldnt' be in the room one more second longer (I did feel bad when I booked it out the side door as a lady was getting into her car and I was a blubbering mess when I came out of that door but Oh well) Hubs stayed for about 5 more minutes.. then we went home.. we'll get him back in a few weeks and he can sit on the shelf in the livingroom with Copper.
Amanda, Lisa, Cam, Jamie, Kimberley, Rose, both Jenn's, Elizabeth Jill and Linda you have no idea what you kinds words mean.. I appreciate every one of your comments.. thank you.
I summed it up pretty well last night on facebook when I said "Thank you Dad for picking Bandit to be mine he and I were a perfect fit right till the very end" as you see my dad picked out 2 kittens that day so long ago - Bandit the black and white one and Sammie the orange and white striped one, my sister tried to get Bandit as she was still living at home and my Dad said "oh no this little black one is for your sister " I don't know how he knew but he just did, Thanks Dad!
hope everyone has an amazing day I'll be doing my best as today is my DS 17th Bday .. I just can't belive my baby boy is that old!
Good morning all! :goodvibes

One of the nice things about a fresh start every month is that it gives us all a chance to review what is and isn't working and fine tune our healthy living lifestyles. :hippie:

To that end I'm sharing a little excerpt from an article on sparkpeople.com called 7 Things that Separate Weight-Loss Winners & Losers.

Whether you're focusing on your diet or hitting the gym, the commitment to long-term weight loss takes the mindset and mental stamina of a champion. You've got to have a supportive team and a great playbook to get on a winning streak. In this head-to-head match that lasts a lifetime, its all about preparation. Your success will be determined by how well you set your strategy and play the game.

Here are the winning strategies you'll need!

Winners Set Small Goals

Winners Take Breaks and Timeouts

Winners Are Proud of Themselves

Winners Take On New Challenges

Winners Keep Score

Winners Are Part of a Team

Winners Make It Fun

Here is a link to the entire article if you are interested http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/motivation_articles.asp?id=1732

Which brings me to the QOTD for Thursday, October 3, 2013: Do you have all the winning strategies covered? Or do you have one of your own that should be added to the list?

BRB with replies and my own answer.
Playing a bit of the ongoing "catch up" game here again!!

Hi -

I just sent my PM, but thought I'd jump into the conversation. :wave2:

I'm Laura - 40something from Long Island, New York. I've been doing these WISH challenges on and off for a while.

I set my goal for the month at 10 pounds - I know that is pretty ambitious, but I think at my weight (over 200) it is possible.

In the past, my only activity was walking a few miles each night. But about 2 months ago, I joined a boot camp. It is pretty intense and I am doing things that I never thought possible. Although I've only lost about 7 pounds so far, I am losing inches by leaps and bounds. :cool1: (For pictures, see this post: http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=3174168

Until recently I was following a combination of Weight Watchers and tracking calories on LoseIt. This past Saturday I started following a plan recommended by my boot camp trainer. It is based on calculating your needed daily macronutrients (carbs, proteins, fats) and caloric deficits specific to a variety of factors. We are doing a six-week challenge at boot camp, so I thought it would be the perfect time to join a WISH challenge as well.

Looking forward to working with you guys this month. :thumbsup2

- Laura

Hey stranger!!! So happy to see you here with us again!!!:hug:

Hi All!

Usually I lurk, but I haven't even done that on this thread in several months! Figured it was about time I started up again since I can't seem to lose on my own! That and the seasons have changed and my clothes don't fit! :lmao:

So I'm Linda, 48, married to DH for 25+ years (we celebrated in DLR last year!) with 2 DS. Yesterday one started his second year of college. The second is a junior in high school with a huge recital open to the public at our church in the spring. He's our Renaissance Man. Last time I participated was when DS1 was getting ready to graduate, so now I figure I can use this recital to get me going!

I was doing a "Rose" challenge of sit ups every night. I made it through several months and then somehow just forgot one night and that was that! Where's that hand slapping smilie?! Now I think I'll start up again.

Today I was good and after work (I sub as an assistant for the school district) I ate a yogurt instead of the big fat handful of Costco chocolate covered almonds I really wanted! They are in the house because DH is a major chocoholic, but he is a "moderator" and I am an "abstainer." Not a good combo for my waistline. ;)

And welcome back !! So happy that you are here with us once again!!:yay:

Wow, it is so nice to see so many new and familiar people! And let me just go ahead and throw myself onto that pumpkin boat right from the start! My friend and I hike every weekend and afterwards chat at starbucks whilst I enjoy myself a nice venti iced skinny pumpkin spice latte :love: And I stock up on canned pumpkin all year long... that stuff is a godsend, truly, you can do soooo many things with it!

Hi all :wave: I am Amanda, 32 (can't believe I just wrote that, first time intorducing myself as 32... weird), engaged to my wonderful DF (who is so awesome he proposed in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle last summer), and have 2 wonderful kids (12 yo son and 6 yo daughter) who DF treats as his own. I work as a child welfare specialist for the state, crazy and draining, but I do love my work. I have always been overweight, always. I did lose about 100 lbs a few years ago but have sadly gained most of it back. Have been trying to GET HEALTHY (vs. just lose weight), with the help of WISH and MFP, for a couple years now. I do not want to give myself some ultimate goal, BUT I do have a huge event (the wedding) coming up in 5 1/2 months so I do need to be serious and not slip up. So that is my goal. Do not stop, keep going, and feel amazing on my big day.

Again, so happy to see everyone here, I have missed you all! And I am particularly thrilled to see so many new folks and look forward to getting to know you!

And one other disclaimer, I am on the west coast(ish) and usually only get time to post at night after the kiddos are tucked in so I will be on different schedule than most of you with replying and all :)

Nothing like upcoming nuptials to spur on the motivation to get in shape, right?? Glad you are joining us for an Outstanding October!!:bride:

Good morning all! :goodvibes

QOTD Wednesday, October 2, 2013: How will you recommit to your program this fall to get a jump on the holidays and keep your program fresh and exciting?

I will be back with my own answer and replies after I update our list. :goodvibes

I'm recommitting to REGULAR exercise....even if it isn't many miles or hours, I can committ to something small EVERY SINGLE DAY!! I know that is what I need to get me to the bottom of my maintenance range again (that is my happy place!).

With two half marathons coming up 8 weeks apart, I have a couple of great reasons for keeping those numbers on the scale within reason. Since I also decided to start weighing myself more often, I don't think I'll have much choice but to keep the food decisions under control just so I can keep my head on straight. It always amazes me how much a bad weigh-in can screw with my mental health for a day! :crazy2:

To go completely :offtopic: for a moment here, if anyone is interested to see what I'm doing for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, please PM me! :lovestruc

I'd love to see what you are doing for this month with the breast cancer awareness!! No time to PM right now... I'll try to send you a message tonight!


Caught up a bit more!...........P


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