WISH Away the Pounds Outstanding October Challenge -- Everyone welcome!

well I'd like to be more active - however in the last few months (3ish) my left hip/thigh has been aching .. not all the time but alot of the time and whooo last week when I walked our local fair all afternoon - it KILLED! I have a Dr appt next week for my diabetes and my depo shot so I'll bring it up .. I am doing my Zumba once a week and did say I was going to commit to some other work outs but so far haven't done it i'm just lazy.. I asked my Hubs to get me a Yoga mat for my Bday on Thursday so when I get that I will have to start! I wish he was more on board with losing/eating healthy that would really help me.. I'll need to talk to him about that :)

Ouch! Hope that hip feels better soon. Does it seem like a bony/joint type thing or just a pulled/strained muscle?? Good thing you are seeing your doctor soon.

I agree that it is hard when people in the household aren't onboard with getting healthier... but I am here to tell you that it CAN be done.... and you can be a great EXAMPLE to them! Many years back DH and I were losing weight for Disney.... he chose Atkins (this was his first or second go around with that) and I chose WW.... it was difficult to plan meals (plus the kids were little), but at least we were both working toward a common goal of losing weight. He lost about 60 pounds that year and I lost about 40..... but then the trip came and we collectively fell off the wagon over the next few years. I regained about half.... he regained all and then some!

When 2008 and another Disney trip rolled around, I got back in the wagon and put myself to work to lose again.... but he wasn't so inspired that time. I spent all of 2008, all of 2009, and the majority of 2010 losing weight and maintaining while he continued to eat unhealthy, be totally inactive, and gain and gain. It was HARD.... plus it was so sad for me to see him continue to be so tired and unhappy with his weight, but I really said NOTHING. I would wager that most overweight people KNOW they are overweight and saying something to them isn't going to help them make the decision that they need to start taking care of themselves!!

It wasn't until DH's accident in 11/2010 and having to have his mouth wired shut for 8+ weeks that things changed. He lost so much weight during that time and THANKFULLY he was inspired to CONTINUE to lose weight. I think he finally saw the TOLL that the extra weight took on his body while he was recovering from his accident... plus of course, the kick-start of losing all that weight during his recovery was a big incentive.

I will say that once or twice between 2008 and 2010 when DH expressed an interest in WW, I did mention to him that I would be HAPPY to help him get started. But he needed to be ready to do it his own way on his own terms. You know, the old.... you can lead a horse to water... scenario.

So set a good example, both with your eating and exercise. Talk about how GREAT you feel, show him that you are ENJOYING eating the healthier foods... and you may lead him to the right place!!...................P
I agree that it is hard when people in the household aren't onboard with getting healthier...

I will say that once or twice between 2008 and 2010 when DH expressed an interest in WW, I did mention to him that I would be HAPPY to help him get started. But he needed to be ready to do it his own way on his own terms. You know, the old.... you can lead a horse to water... scenario.

So set a good example, both with your eating and exercise. Talk about how GREAT you feel, show him that you are ENJOYING eating the healthier foods... and you may lead him to the right place!!

TY Pam for the words of wisdom. :love: My DH has proven to be quite a challenge as well and can be extremely sensitive about weight loss. I think he wants to, but just hasn't gotten to "the water" yet. For someone who is constantly on the move around the house, and really does eat ALOT better than he used to, I just can't believe the scale hasn't moved more for him. He still needs to establish some better eating habits, ESPECIALLY when it comes to non-existent breakfasts and post-dinner snacking, but he has to figure it out on his own. If I try to even be very gently suggestive, he gets very defensive, so I don't say anything. I :love: him regardless, I just remind him I want him around for a long, long time. :rolleyes:
Good Morning all!!!

QOTD for Tuesday, October 8, 2013:

What is one HEALTHY HABIT you would like to establish in your life? What steps are you taking to get that habit started?? What else could you do to help make that habit "stick"?


I need to give up the coke (yet again!). I am not drinking much (sharing a couple a week with Mike). But I just crave it. Today (even after a rough start to the day) I stuck with black coffee so I am proud of myself. But I did have some junky food at lunch. Best I could do today. :)

I am trying to remind myself "you can't control your world just your reaction to it" but I could use a stress free day. Not that things have been that bad around here, just chronically stressful--maybe that is just life and I am hoping for too much.

Our mini dachshund (who is 15) has a herniated disc. She got up this morning and couldn't move her hind legs. This has happened before. She got a big dose of steroids, pain meds and muscle relaxants and now we wait to see if the paralysis is permanent. After just going through what we went through with Petie this summer, it is a little overwhelming. We have to keep her quiet for 6 weeks--right now she can't really move and isn't trying. So any good thoughts you can send our way are appreciated.:goodvibes

I am going for a run tonight. I hope it's a good run, cause I could use some runner endorphins.:goodvibes
Great plan to improve your dinner habits. Why don't you try starting with something easy like a stir-fry or a one pot meal? Or perhaps an easy crockpot meal so it is ready when you are hungry? What kinds of things do you like? Perhaps some of us could offer up some easy recipes and meal ideas to help you out. And try checking out the WISH recipe thread!

I love the idea of using the crock pot! I always forget I have one and it hardly ever gets used. It seems so easy to turn it on when I get home from work and have supper cooked when I'm ready! I am sadly a picky eater, but I love soups! Pasta is a big favorite of mine, but that's out. Bread too! I'm of Italian decent, can't you tell? :lmao: I love anything breakfast and often have binner. (breakfast for dinner) I will look on that thread thanks!
Good Morning all!!!

QOTD for Tuesday, October 8, 2013:

What is one HEALTHY HABIT you would like to establish in your life? What steps are you taking to get that habit started?? What else could you do to help make that habit "stick"?


I would love to incorporate more vegetables. I definitely do not eat enough even though I love most veggies. I just dislike cooking them (mainly because I'm the only one in my family who will eat things other than green beans, carrots, corn). I do enjoy a big salad almost every day if possible, though.

Well, good morning again! I can't believe NO ONE was on here since I last visited! What a quiet night!

I was prepared for a nice easy morning.... drop DS off at school early, return home for my walk, breakfast, shower, and then off to Bible study.... but the phone range at 6:10 for work and I made the decision that I could use the money!! So it was a crazy 40 minute dash of washing, ironing, making coffee/breakfast/lunch, etc. And we (DS and I) actually left the house at 6:49with 1 minute to spare!!:yay: I brought instant steel cut oats to make here at work (not my first choice but it worked well today) and thankfully I had packed up a few lunches on Sunday night (homemade soup). I did take an extra minute to pick a decent outfit and iron it, since I have to go from here to my WW meeting tonight.

I'm the computer teacher today.... thank goodness the kids know MORE about the computers than I do!!:lmao: It will be an easy but slightly boring day and at least I have access to pop on here and say hello!

I did grab my sneakers and will try hard to find some time today to at least take a 1 mile walk here at school. I've got to ask someone how many laps around the building make a mile. Otherwise I will be struggling to get in my mile after dinner at 8 or so tonight. :rolleyes:

Off to check email!..................P

Hope you had a good day as the computer teacher!


Hey everyone :) I am just checking in to reply to the QOTD. I have some work to do online tonight for work, so I better get started. I'll check back tomorrow.

Hi everyone, just here for a few mins to ask you all to think of me around 4:30pm EST today as I have to put my beloved cat Bandit down.. :(

i am so sorry for your loss. i have lost family pets in the past and i can say now that i have my own furbaby one of my greatest fears is her passing!

Also, can't wait to find out who else is coming from this great group. I know Buffy is!! YAY. What about Cam? Rose? Anyone else doing the princess this year?

me!! :wave2:

I wonder if that will work with sweet potatoes ... I love those! I will try this over the weekend and let you know!!

I had a great experience tonight at the Bali Leggs outlet. They fitted me and I have gone from a 42 D to a 38 D. She said 38 C but I tried that size on and I don't think so!

Best part, Kohls online had my favorite Bali bra in mint green on clearance in my size for 12.99 (must be a seasonal color). Subtract from that a 30% code, minus free shipping code, minus 3% ebates ... Came to $8 and some change per bra for a bra the outlet was selling "40% off" at $24!! I stocked up, these are my every day bras I could care less what color they are. Smallest and cheapest bras I've bought in a while, very cool!

this is awesome! i really need to get properly fit for new bars. none of mine fit anymore!

I had a good weigh-in this morning at WW. I was so off-track the first three days of my week as I struggled with my brother's death and his funeral and my Aunt's visit for the funeral. We definitely indulged in too much comfort food and sometimes too late at night.

i am also very sorry for your loss.

I would add that "Winners don't listen to voices in their heads that say they can't reach their goal!"

i love this!!

Well, I think I am officially crazy!!!

As most of you know, I will be 50 in 6 short weeks.....so, what to do for my birthday??? A nice meal with friends and family???? A party??? A weekend away with DH????

Oh, no, nothing so ordinary......I've only gone and signed up for my 1st ever 10K!!!!! I've got 6 weeks to make the leap from 5K in 35 minutes to actually finishing a 10K!!! I've estimated my time to be 1:30...hope that is enough. Already been studying Jeff Galloways training page!!

good for you!! i did something similar. i decided earlier this year that my "gift" to myself for my 24th birthday was to run my first half marathon a couple of days later. :)


phew. i've been mia since wednesday or thursday and man! did it take a while to catch up! i am happy to say that this past thursday i was a loser and started the month off right. :)

i work for a toy company so business has really been picking up the last couple of months so our hours have been slowly increasing. we usually work 7-3:30. that usually gets extended in half hour increments and half days on saturdays as we start to pick up. last wednesday we started going to 5pm, so i am just BEAT! i really love this time of year and the money is certainly nice but the first month or so of getting adjusted is always tough. come black friday, i will be supervising third shift and laughing my way to the bank with basically unlimited overtime. i do have a disney trip to pay for after all.:lmao: the only downside is that i am just so tired that i haven't been keeping up with my training during the week and the last two weekends, life got in the way of my long runs on sundays. i sat down and looked at my training schedule and the only day i have consistently run for the last 5 weeks is tuesdays. go figure! That being said, I got out there for my 3 miles today and it was one of the best runs i've had in a while and has reminded me why i like it so much (when i'm not hating it, that is, lol).

this week marks week 5 out of 8 for DBF's training and man, am i ready for him to just be home again 7 days a week. weekends are just way too short. this is the least we've seen each other in the almost 4 years we've been dating and it's just so strange.. and quiet:lmao:.

i hope everyone has a great night and i hope that I won't far so far behind again! lol.
Exciting news over here for me! I stepped on the scale this morning to see I had lost 0.6 pounds. While this may not be a lot it puts me 0.2 pounds from weighing the lowest I have since high school!I am really excited and motivated to continue on this journey! Thanks to all of you for the support! :grouphug::banana::disrocks:
I need to give up the coke (yet again!). I am not drinking much (sharing a couple a week with Mike). But I just crave it. Today (even after a rough start to the day) I stuck with black coffee so I am proud of myself. But I did have some junky food at lunch. Best I could do today. :)

I am trying to remind myself "you can't control your world just your reaction to it" but I could use a stress free day. Not that things have been that bad around here, just chronically stressful--maybe that is just life and I am hoping for too much.

Our mini dachshund (who is 15) has a herniated disc. She got up this morning and couldn't move her hind legs. This has happened before. She got a big dose of steroids, pain meds and muscle relaxants and now we wait to see if the paralysis is permanent. After just going through what we went through with Petie this summer, it is a little overwhelming. We have to keep her quiet for 6 weeks--right now she can't really move and isn't trying. So any good thoughts you can send our way are appreciated.:goodvibes

I am going for a run tonight. I hope it's a good run, cause I could use some runner endorphins.:goodvibes

Calypso and I send your pooch belly rubs and wet, sloppy kisses! :love:
Happy Wednesday my friends~!

QOTD for Wednesday, October 9, 2013:

Pumpkin or apple?

Summer or winter?

Morning or night?

Teal or lavender?

Traveler or homebody?

Lake or Ocean?

Cats or dogs?

Reality shows or dramas?

Camping or "glamping"?

Pinterest or Facebook?

Chips or chocolate?

Zumba or yoga?

Skirt or pants? (I think I'm safe on this, as I don't think we currently have any male participants!)

I'll BBL to chat.... gotta get the laundry moving first!............P
Good morning, everyone!

Bryana - Your schedule sounds crazy and it is only going to get busier. Kudos to you for getting in your run yesterday. :thumbsup2: When will DBF's training be done?

Great job, Jillian! How exciting!!

Awww... Calypso is beautiful!!

Not much new here. I am really glad I got to the Y last night, even though I only lasted 30 minutes on the dreadmill before my hunger compelled me to go home for dinner. I haven't worked out at the Y at night in a long time. I may try to get back into a routine of going for deep water aerobics on Monday and/or Wednesday nights. It was strange being back there this morning, though, less than 10 hours later for my regular session with Killer Kyle (strength training and core today).

Tonight I am baking my "famous" pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Resisting them will be a huge test of willpower for me. However, I have been perfectly disciplined on WW this week and my weigh in is tomorrow, so I really don't want tarnish my journal tonight with cookies. LOL!

QOTD for Wednesday, October 9, 2013:

Pumpkin or apple? pumpkin

Summer or winter? Hmm... can't I say "fall"? LOL!! Guess I'd have to say summer

Morning or night? morning

Teal or lavender? teal

Traveler or homebody? traveler

Lake or Ocean? Ocean

Cats or dogs? Dogs

Reality shows or dramas? Dramas

Camping or "glamping"? glamping

Pinterest or Facebook? Facebook

Chips or chocolate? chips

Zumba or yoga? I've never tried either. Looking forward to other responses. :goodvibes

Skirt or pants? pants

1. Both but at different times of year. September and October are definitely Pumpkin but then I get pumpkined out and switch back to apple. Lol.

2. Winter! I just cannot deal with the humidity we get here. If I lived in a dry heat climate, I would probably pick summer.

3. Morning.

4. Teal!

5. Traveler.

6. Ocean.

7. CATS! I am a total cat lady, lol.

8. Dramas.

9. Pinterest. Facebook anymore is just.. Blah. My preferred social network is Instagram.

10. Chocolate.

11. Yoga. I am NOT coordinated enough for Zumba and look like a fool, lol.

12. Hmmm.. In terms of just casual wear, pants. In terms of dressing up, skirt.
Bryana - Your schedule sounds crazy and it is only going to get busier. Kudos to you for getting in your run yesterday. :thumbsup2: When will DBF's training be done?

Thanks for the kudos. :) His training is over at the end of this month and his graduation ceremony will be on the 1st. This is largely dependent on that he can pass the firearms training he has the next two weeks but I'm sure that he will. His best friend is a gun collector so he has been making Ryan shoot while we have gone to see them the last couple of weekends to make sure he is comfortable before he even starts the training. :)
I still need to catch up - somehow the weekend in Switzerland got me all behind on everything in my life, not only this thread. I also haven't dared to step on a scale since then! All that delicious cheese!!!

Anyway, but I loved Pam's QOTD, so I thought I better jump back in and at least answer that!

Pumpkin or apple?

Summer or winter?

Morning or night?

Teal or lavender?

Traveler or homebody?

Lake or Ocean?
oh - difficult one. I guess I go with lake, but I also love warm oceans.

Cats or dogs?

Reality shows or dramas?

Camping or "glamping"?

Pinterest or Facebook?

Chips or chocolate?
chips, but my true love are any kind of gummy bears (and related candy)

Zumba or yoga?

Skirt or pants?
skirt - even though I am wearing jeans right now! Need to buy more winter dresses and skirts, but am putting this off at the moment. That's going to be my treat when I get to my goal weight!
TY Pam for the words of wisdom. :love: My DH has proven to be quite a challenge as well and can be extremely sensitive about weight loss. I think he wants to, but just hasn't gotten to "the water" yet. For someone who is constantly on the move around the house, and really does eat ALOT better than he used to, I just can't believe the scale hasn't moved more for him. He still needs to establish some better eating habits, ESPECIALLY when it comes to non-existent breakfasts and post-dinner snacking, but he has to figure it out on his own. If I try to even be very gently suggestive, he gets very defensive, so I don't say anything. I :love: him regardless, I just remind him I want him around for a long, long time. :rolleyes:

I think I've been exactly in that place before and it is tough. We love them and want them to be healthy and it is SO EASY from our POV to see the changes that they need to make. But no one wants to be reminded that they aren't perfect!

The most dramatic step I took to improve my DH's health was to refuse to buy Diet Coke any more. He is/was very addicted (yes, I believe it is addictive) and it would be NOTHING for him to drink 2+ liters a day at home. I finally put my foot down and just stopped buying it. I told him I REFUSED to continue to poison him. He will, occasionally, buy a bottle for the fridge and I know he has a habit of stopping at the convenience store for one of this big 75 cent fountain sodas, but I can't stop him from doing that and I don't usually even talk about it.

I need to give up the coke (yet again!). I am not drinking much (sharing a couple a week with Mike). But I just crave it. Today (even after a rough start to the day) I stuck with black coffee so I am proud of myself. But I did have some junky food at lunch. Best I could do today. :)

I am trying to remind myself "you can't control your world just your reaction to it" but I could use a stress free day. Not that things have been that bad around here, just chronically stressful--maybe that is just life and I am hoping for too much.

Our mini dachshund (who is 15) has a herniated disc. She got up this morning and couldn't move her hind legs. This has happened before. She got a big dose of steroids, pain meds and muscle relaxants and now we wait to see if the paralysis is permanent. After just going through what we went through with Petie this summer, it is a little overwhelming. We have to keep her quiet for 6 weeks--right now she can't really move and isn't trying. So any good thoughts you can send our way are appreciated.:goodvibes

I am going for a run tonight. I hope it's a good run, cause I could use some runner endorphins.:goodvibes

So sorry about your pup! Prayers for a recovery. Hope the run was therapeutic!

I love the idea of using the crock pot! I always forget I have one and it hardly ever gets used. It seems so easy to turn it on when I get home from work and have supper cooked when I'm ready! I am sadly a picky eater, but I love soups! Pasta is a big favorite of mine, but that's out. Bread too! I'm of Italian decent, can't you tell? :lmao: I love anything breakfast and often have binner. (breakfast for dinner) I will look on that thread thanks!

I know that there are a few crockpot recipes on the WISH recipe thread and I have a few standby tried-and-true ones here in my book that I'd be happy to share. It really can be SO EASY! Something as simple as the rosemary roasted chicken I have on the recipe thread. If I chop the veggies the night before (or even a few days ahead), I can literally get the crockpot loaded and cooking within 10 minutes before I leave in the morning. Then I get home to a wonderful smelling house and a FULL DINNER in one pot, ready to eat!! It is NEARLY like having a dinner fairy!!

I would love to incorporate more vegetables. I definitely do not eat enough even though I love most veggies. I just dislike cooking them (mainly because I'm the only one in my family who will eat things other than green beans, carrots, corn). I do enjoy a big salad almost every day if possible, though.

Don't let that stop you! Make veggies JUST FOR YOU! You are worth it! And lead by example!!;)

Hope you had a good day as the computer teacher!

I did! It was SUPER easy, low stress, I got to chat on the DIS a LOT and I got outside for TWO nice 1 mile walks!! Kind of wishing they had called me for it again today!


Hey everyone :) I am just checking in to reply to the QOTD. I have some work to do online tonight for work, so I better get started. I'll check back tomorrow.


Hope your week is going well!

good for you!! i did something similar. i decided earlier this year that my "gift" to myself for my 24th birthday was to run my first half marathon a couple of days later. :)

What a wonderful idea!!


phew. i've been mia since wednesday or thursday and man! did it take a while to catch up! i am happy to say that this past thursday i was a loser and started the month off right. :)


i work for a toy company so business has really been picking up the last couple of months so our hours have been slowly increasing. we usually work 7-3:30. that usually gets extended in half hour increments and half days on saturdays as we start to pick up. last wednesday we started going to 5pm, so i am just BEAT! i really love this time of year and the money is certainly nice but the first month or so of getting adjusted is always tough. come black friday, i will be supervising third shift and laughing my way to the bank with basically unlimited overtime. i do have a disney trip to pay for after all.:lmao: the only downside is that i am just so tired that i haven't been keeping up with my training during the week and the last two weekends, life got in the way of my long runs on sundays. i sat down and looked at my training schedule and the only day i have consistently run for the last 5 weeks is tuesdays. go figure! That being said, I got out there for my 3 miles today and it was one of the best runs i've had in a while and has reminded me why i like it so much (when i'm not hating it, that is, lol).

this week marks week 5 out of 8 for DBF's training and man, am i ready for him to just be home again 7 days a week. weekends are just way too short. this is the least we've seen each other in the almost 4 years we've been dating and it's just so strange.. and quiet:lmao:.

i hope everyone has a great night and i hope that I won't far so far behind again! lol.

Well... you are so lucky to have the opportunity to earn extra money this time of year!! And how FUN that you are putting it toward a DISNEY vacation! I'm sure we are ALL jealous!;)

Take care of yourself during all of this extra work and that includes not losing track of your training!

Your BF will be home again before you know it!!

Exciting news over here for me! I stepped on the scale this morning to see I had lost 0.6 pounds. While this may not be a lot it puts me 0.2 pounds from weighing the lowest I have since high school!I am really excited and motivated to continue on this journey! Thanks to all of you for the support! :grouphug::banana::disrocks:

How great to hit a NEW milestone!!! Congratulations!!!

Not much new here. I am really glad I got to the Y last night, even though I only lasted 30 minutes on the dreadmill before my hunger compelled me to go home for dinner. I haven't worked out at the Y at night in a long time. I may try to get back into a routine of going for deep water aerobics on Monday and/or Wednesday nights. It was strange being back there this morning, though, less than 10 hours later for my regular session with Killer Kyle (strength training and core today).

Tonight I am baking my "famous" pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Resisting them will be a huge test of willpower for me. However, I have been perfectly disciplined on WW this week and my weigh in is tomorrow, so I really don't want tarnish my journal tonight with cookies. LOL!

They sound yummy but it was a GREAT PLAN to make them the night before weigh-in!! I always have the BEST willpower on Thursdays!!:rotfl: Stick one in the freezer to save for another day!

QOTD for Wednesday, October 9, 2013:

Pumpkin or apple? pumpkin

Summer or winter? Hmm... can't I say "fall"? LOL!! Guess I'd have to say summer

Morning or night? morning

Teal or lavender? teal

Traveler or homebody? traveler

Lake or Ocean? Ocean

Cats or dogs? Dogs

Reality shows or dramas? Dramas

Camping or "glamping"? glamping

Pinterest or Facebook? Facebook

Chips or chocolate? chips

Zumba or yoga? I've never tried either. Looking forward to other responses. :goodvibes

Skirt or pants? pants

Yes, you can opt for FALL if you want! :thumbsup2


1. Both but at different times of year. September and October are definitely Pumpkin but then I get pumpkined out and switch back to apple. Lol.

2. Winter! I just cannot deal with the humidity we get here. If I lived in a dry heat climate, I would probably pick summer.

3. Morning.

4. Teal!

5. Traveler.

6. Ocean.

7. CATS! I am a total cat lady, lol.

8. Dramas.

9. Pinterest. Facebook anymore is just.. Blah. My preferred social network is Instagram.

10. Chocolate.

11. Yoga. I am NOT coordinated enough for Zumba and look like a fool, lol.

12. Hmmm.. In terms of just casual wear, pants. In terms of dressing up, skirt.

I am feeling that way about FB myself.... but I kind of assumed it was because I have very few friends. I can skip FB for 48 hours and (other than some online yard sales) only have 1 or 2 new updates to read! Boring! But I stay active on it because I love to see what my nieces and nephews are up to!!


Morning again! Three beds stripped, sheets washed and hung out..... one load of towels washed and hung out, and one load of jeans currently in the washer. So obviously today's "day off" is LAUNDRY DAY!!:laundy: But BRRRRR my fingers were FREEZING! It was a brisk 38 degrees when I was hanging out the first load! But the sun is shining now so I need to take advantage of the weather while I can!

I'm waiting for it to warm up a bit before I head out for today's mile. I may do one mile this morning and then another with DS when he gets home. He is so sedentary now that he isn't involved in a team sport. Other than paintball, which he hasn't done in a while, he has no real "active" hobby. So I drag him, kicking and screaming, out for a walk with me after school when I can. He hates it, but he is such a good kid that he will go to make me happy. It is also a nice time to have a chat, so it is a win-win.

Well, I'm currently "cooking up" an idea for a small side business that I may start up, so I need to brain storm on that for a bit today.... plus my trip with DS to Minecon is coming up quickly and it dawned on me at 4 am today that I don't have rental car reserved yet. Plus I'm still working on changing our plane tix, so I need to check the prices today. And of course, laundry, dishes, etc. Plus I would LOVE to do some scrapping today! Time to get back on track with that!

Hope you all have a great day! I'll check in a bit later this morning to see how our West Coasters are doing...................P
I still need to catch up - somehow the weekend in Switzerland got me all behind on everything in my life, not only this thread. I also haven't dared to step on a scale since then! All that delicious cheese!!!

I am so jealous of a "weekend in Switzerland" that I could cry! Hope it was fabulous and amazing. My top #1 bucket list item is the see the Swiss Alps from the Austria side and the Switzerland side!

Anyway, but I loved Pam's QOTD, so I thought I better jump back in and at least answer that!

Pumpkin or apple?

Summer or winter?

Morning or night?

Teal or lavender?

Traveler or homebody?

Lake or Ocean?
oh - difficult one. I guess I go with lake, but I also love warm oceans.

Cats or dogs?

Reality shows or dramas?

Camping or "glamping"?

Pinterest or Facebook?

Chips or chocolate?
chips, but my true love are any kind of gummy bears (and related candy)

Zumba or yoga?

Skirt or pants?
skirt - even though I am wearing jeans right now! Need to buy more winter dresses and skirts, but am putting this off at the moment. That's going to be my treat when I get to my goal weight!

Love your answers! And I'm kind of tickled that most of you seem to know about "glamping" ! I just heard of it for the first time recently!


OH BUGGERS!!!! Just got called to work!!! Drat. Well.... there goes my scrapping time. Thank heavens at least I got the laundry done!!

TIME TO SHOWER AND DASH..... but at least it means a full day's pay for short day! I'll pop on after school!...................P
Happy Wednesday my friends~!

QOTD for Wednesday, October 9, 2013:

Pumpkin or apple?

Summer or winter?

Morning or night?

Teal or lavender?

Traveler or homebody?

Lake or Ocean?

Cats or dogs?

Reality shows or dramas?

Camping or "glamping"?

Pinterest or Facebook?

Chips or chocolate?

Zumba or yoga?

Skirt or pants? (I think I'm safe on this, as I don't think we currently have any male participants!)

I'll BBL to chat.... gotta get the laundry moving first!............P







Cats (that was hard)

Reality shows (even harder, I dislike both)


Facebook (another hard one! I don't have either)


Zumba (Haven't done either)













pants I don't even own a skirt
oh my i'm too far behind to catch up! been down sick for a few days...will rejoin though i'll be gone again all weekend.
:wave2:Hi All!!!

Hoping I can join. I started Weight Watchers on Monday. I need all the support I can get. So far, I'm finding it hard to eat all my points, lol.

I was an avid runner 3 years ago and then I just stopped (not sure why). I have since put back on all my weight and then some due to a leg fracture in April. I visit the DISboards daily, multiple times a day and so I'm hoping that being a part of this thread will help me to stick to my goals!

I'm not sure how all this works on this thread so I'm going to do some reading and if I have any questions, I'll be sure to ask.
I'm just now seeing a noticeable difference in the ways my clothes fit. My jeans are fitting better and my favorite pajama bottoms are loose!

It took me 17 pounds lost to notice! Is this typical? Will it continue to be so long for these noticeable milestones?

I'm going to squeeze one more question in today. What is a good timeframe for weights? 10-15 minutes 3 times a week? More? Less?


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