WISH team 2006 Full-Half Marathon--January Info/Training

I have not officially decided yet (not registered) about the 1/2 next year, but I am leaning towards doing it again. I am 35 and a SAHM (DD-12, DS-10). I have a bookkeeping business out of my house, so I work in the mornings, evenings, when I need to squeeze it in. I also homeschool my children so there isn't a lot of down time. I did finish the 1/2 without training so I know that I can do better next year. I am still at WDW and we will be home on Sunday. I am getting back on track with my eating and I need to lose some weight and then I want to also make sure that I train well for next year. I look forward to any information on training that was done this time that was helpful, books that were read and websites with great information.

Thanks for all of the motivation to participate in this year's and I look forward to us helping each other along this year.
It just got interesting...

DH says we'll buy a DVC if I compete...I don't even have to finish the race...just compete. I think he's feeling a little guilty about his earlier comment.

I'm printing out my registration receipt now :goodvibes
chimera said:
It just got interesting...

DH says we'll buy a DVC if I compete...I don't even have to finish the race...just compete. I think he's feeling a little guilty about his earlier comment.

I'm printing out my registration receipt now :goodvibes

LOL!! Atta girl. You show him who can run!!
chimera said:
It just got interesting...

DH says we'll buy a DVC if I compete...I don't even have to finish the race...just compete. I think he's feeling a little guilty about his earlier comment.

I'm printing out my registration receipt now :goodvibes

LUCKY GIRL :cheer2: :cheer2:
Hi, I'm Lisa, age 38. Now that my body has almost recovered from this year's half marathon, I'm planning on registering to do it again next year. DH and ds will be going down with me, and dh may do the half with me this time, if we can figure out what to do with ds during the race. We are DVC members, so we'll probably make reservations next month to stay at VWL.
chimera said:
DH says we'll buy a DVC if I compete...I don't even have to finish the race...just compete. I think he's feeling a little guilty about his earlier comment.

Now THAT makes it worthwhile! I'd do a lot for more DVC points :teleport: One of the things that was so great about the half marathon for me this year was the unbelievable support I received from dh. When I was nervous, and didn't know if I could do it, he kept saying how proud he was that I was even trying. It really was a memorable day!
I'm new to the DIS boards, so I hope I am posting this correctly... :D I did the 1/2 this year, and LOVED every minute of it! DH and I are doing either the 1/2 or full next year - haven't decided which, yet. (I think I have talked DH into doing it..) I would love to be part of the WISH group, though!
My name is Lynnda, and I'm a SAHM of a 20 month old boy, Bubby (nickname). I guess I actually work part-time 2 nights a week - I just started as a receptionist for WW last Thursday!!! :cheer2:
You all are awesome! I have loved reading your past threads!
I'm Melanie -

I did the 1/2 marathon this year and it was one of the best experiences of my life!! I plan on doing the 1/2 next year and MAYBE?? the full in 2007.

I also plan on doing the Philadelphia 1/2 marathon with DH in September.

I'm a mom of 2 (DD12 & DS7). My DH was so supportive of me this year and jumped right in when I asked if he would do one with me.
crzy4pooh said:
I'm new to the DIS boards, so I hope I am posting this correctly... :D I did the 1/2 this year, and LOVED every minute of it! DH and I are doing either the 1/2 or full next year - haven't decided which, yet. (I think I have talked DH into doing it..) I would love to be part of the WISH group, though!
My name is Lynnda, and I'm a SAHM of a 20 month old boy, Bubby (nickname). I guess I actually work part-time 2 nights a week - I just started as a receptionist for WW last Thursday!!! :cheer2:
You all are awesome! I have loved reading your past threads!

Your post looks fabulous, Lynnda! Welcome! :flower1: Where are you on the Space Coast? I loved it when I lived over there!! DD12 was born in Cape Canaveral Hospital princess:
Oh yeah,
I went out and bought Marathon for Mortals and ordered the Courage to Start by John Bingham. Already Excited Grammy recommended those two. I sure wish I would have read them last year.
Thanks for the welcome!!! I'm now in Palm Bay, born and raised in Melbourne. :cool1:
Lisa loves Pooh said:
What--others from the Space Coast?????

I'm in Indialantic--Melbourne to those going, "huh?"


My ex is still in Indialantic...that's one reason I live on the other side of the state ;)

Gosh, Lisa...I hope you don't know each other :scared1:
I'm throwing my hat in the ring but very tentatively. I want to do the half marathon next year but I'm a bit skeerd. DH said to go for it and we'll use our DVC points for a villa either Boardwalk or OKW. I still have another 36 pounds to lose to get to goal so I'd like to wait a bit and see how close I can come to getting to goal before registering.

I am 37 years old. I work fulltime and have a wonderful DH and teen son. I have never run/jogged/walked in any typ of race before. This is the smallest I have ever been in my adult life and I don't know if I can participate in an event like this but I know if I do it would be one major biggie thing I do for myself which makes me want to do this even more!

Does anyone have any idea when the 1/2 registration would be over? If I waited say another month or two do you think I'd be shut out?
Last year registration closed about August for the half and September for the full--but I don't think they started in January.

I'd like to say you'd be safe--but if it's full, I'm taking it back ;)

I think you should be fine--it takes several months but it fills fast. Mark it on your calendar so you DO NOT FORGET ;)
MelanieC said:
I'm Melanie -
I also plan on doing the Philadelphia 1/2 marathon with DH in September.


I ran this last September and really enjoyed it. The course is nice (start on Market St. and loop through Center City, then up W. River Dr. and back down Kelly Dr. to the finish.) I'll definately be doing it again this year.

How about Broad Street Run in May? It a 10 miler. :cool1:

I think I'm aiming for the full next year.



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