WISH team 2006 Full-Half Marathon--January Info/Training

Lisa (Zeraspride)- My WISH buddy,

You can definately do the 1/2 Marathon!

Just knowing that you can do the FIRM and Cathe, trust me YOU CAN DO IT!! I promise you that you can!! I think I remember that you were going to order Marathon for mortals. Let's train together (well 100's of miles apart) but virtually together. You can do it. I now know that I probably could do the full if I put my mind to it. It's all mental! If you put your mind to it, I promise you can do it!!

Plus, you have so little to loose before you get to your goal and you still rock when you exercise. Think of all those muscles you have built! Just think every squat and every lunge will have helped to prepare you for the finish line. I also promise that once you cross that finish line, it will change your life. You will feel on top of the world and no one will ever be able to take that feeling or accomplishment away from you!! YOU CAN DO IT!! I believe in you!
hi i'm a 40yr old sahm of 3 (3,7 and 9 yr old) - i am seriously :scratchin thinking of walking the half marathon next year.

i have never ever participated in a race :scared: - or have walked more than 2- 3 miles- so i have a lt of work to do :eek:

my husband :hug: says he'll train with me - he also has NO racing experience.

i'm not telling anyone my plans - expcept for you guys :grouphug: - my friends will think i have lost my mind :crazy: - since they know me well and know how unathletic i am.

i have a question though- since i'm trying to loose weight- how many more months can i keep on dieting- before i have to increase my calorie intake to train????

for right know i'm going to try and get in an hour of brisk walking a day and see what kind of distance that is for me.

her's hoping to see everyone at the race next year :thewave:
Last year registration closed about August for the half and September for the full--but I don't think they started in January.

Actually they did open the registration on Monday, January 9th, the day after the 2004 marathon. I know because DH & I both registered for the 1/2 that day (being swept up in all that post marathon excitement) even though we ended up not being able to go.

So I think that you'd be safe waiting a month or 2 but obviously there is no guarantee. And with the venue being changed in 2006 with the separate days, I'd say all bets are off as far as when registration will close! :)
I just ordered Marathoning for Mortals. One step closer.

And y'all have already helped me stay motivated. I've been wondering if I'm going to have the time to train, especially when it comes to the longer runs. Just reading about all of you SAHM's, especially the ones that homeschool.... if you can find time, then I can certainly find time. I guarantee your life is a lot more hectic than mine. :flower:
You should do fine with cutting your intake until late summer. After that it takes about 12 weeks or so train for the 1/2 marathon, longer for the full. Good Luck!
ooohh ooohh I wanna run/walk the 1/2 marathon...since we are going in October, I would need some friends to go with, because it will just be little(hopefully by then) ole me......do we have a list of who is going yet???

A little about me....

I am a 27 y/o mother of two beautiful girls, I work only part time, and go to school as well...when I grow up I'm gonna be a teacher... :D ... I have a wonderful DH who I have been with for almost 8 years, who BTW love Disney as much as I do...thank God...lol....uhm oh yeah and I want to lose 46 more pounds before the marathon. Wish me luck!!!! :cheer2:
Alrighty...I have the List...on an Excel spreadsheet (I might be a bit of a geek :D )

Looks like there's 22 of us so far. I've included everyone, even the maybe's and those who won't be able to join us this year, but would still like to train together. Demographically, I don't have full info on everyone, but so far, we're all girls with an age range of 22-40. We span two continents and eleven US states. Most are training for the half, but six are working on the full.

The List...if anything is wrong or missing, please let me know and I'll update:

Lisa Loves Pooh
little grey donkey

Are we fabulous or what?? :cheer2:
Rocky's tip of the day:

To account for the crowds and give yourself a better chance of a success--set your bar high for a 15 minute per mile (4mph) or better pace--that way the law of averages is on your side to help you to the finish line :)
Okay... I am officially in.. just registered.. and printed out that confirmation which I am going to photocopy and paste all over my house... car..... office... just everywhere... I am NOT missing out on this again next year!! I am here... I am training... get used to it!! LOL!!! (at least that is the speech I keep giving to myself!!) Already planning my treadmill time for tomorrow! GOt my IPOD ready to rock and roll!! So... sign me up.. and I am ready to start studying and memorizing all of your names and stats... and Oh.. who am I kidding.. I will NEVER remember all of your names and stats!! LOL!! But I will certainly give it the old college try!!

Here are mine... Single, chubby (not for long) Disney Loving gal. WW member. 26lbs down to date (although I think I am up 2 or 3 lbs this week) I chickened out of this years marathon because I basically blew it last year.. no commitment to my diet or exercise.. but then at the end of August.. something happened... something clicked in my head.. I got serious about my diet. I joined WW online.. I started watching what I ate.. gave up the booze..started exercising... however.. not exercising enough to participate in the marathon (so I thought) But.. here I am ... COMMITTED... ready to stick with it.. and get serious about this.

I am sorry if I have rambled.. but I guess this is sort of my online testament to get me going... I hope to meet some really nice new friends here...All advice greatfully and graciously accepted!!

Here's to a great beginning to us all!!

Kathy :wave:
Welcome Kathy! To all our WISH friends, I think one of the most important things that the WISH marathon group learned over the past 12 months is that, with training and commitment, we can accomplish an incredible goal. Most of us had never walked more than one mile in our lives. Many of us were carrying extra pounds (and some still are--like me). But by starting the marathon last Sunday, we all accomplished something in our lives that we will never forget. We all had doubts when we started--Can I do this? Can I really walk 13.1 miles? For those who followed our marathon training thread, all of us had doubts even up to the end--Should I even start the race if I don't think I can finish? I encourage everyone to believe in themselves. You can do it! One of our fellow WISHers has a quote in her signature that life is journey. I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you as we prepare for the marathon in 2006. princess:
So, who will be our fearless leader in charge of the WISH 2006 delegation?

Just wondering if anyone has given the idea some serious thought?

Also I posted over at Runners World to get some ideas on race etiquette for those who have never participated in a race before. Here's the link to my post and the responses.


I hope this info helps you out, as I did not know most of this when I participated in last year's 1/2. I tried to do my best to keep out of the way of the faster runners, but was glad to have learned the rest along the way since then.

On many of the running forums there are lots of complaints about the people who walk at the WDW race & "get in the way" of the faster runners. While I don't totally agree with that I figured some more knowledge never hurts!

HTH! :teleport:
TXBelle said:
I think one of the most important things that the WISH marathon group learned over the past 12 months is that, with training and commitment, we can accomplish an incredible goal. Most of us had never walked more than one mile in our lives. Many of us were carrying extra pounds (and some still are--like me). But by starting the marathon last Sunday, we all accomplished something in our lives that we will never forget. We all had doubts when we started--Can I do this? Can I really walk 13.1 miles? For those who followed our marathon training thread, all of us had doubts even up to the end--Should I even start the race if I don't think I can finish? I encourage everyone to believe in themselves. You can do it!

Thanks for posting all this! I know I was feeling a bit discouraged yesterday when I was walking my sad, little two miles. Thirteen miles sure seems like a long way away! I tried a little bit at 4mph...that's a brisk jog for me right now.

What's amazing to me is the way I feel afterward...like I could do anything. That endorphin-rush is hard to beat! And hey...now I have a DVC at stake ;)

I started reading the books last night. They make the point that 90% of the race is mental. The most important thing is just to believe we can do it. I think having this group will be a great motivator!!
chimera said:
It just got interesting...

DH says we'll buy a DVC if I compete...I don't even have to finish the race...just compete. I think he's feeling a little guilty about his earlier comment.

I'm printing out my registration receipt now :goodvibes

You go girl, what a great incentive. We love DVC and know you all would too.

Lisa loves Pooh said:
I didn't know you homeschooled...as do we!! Of course mine are munchkins at the moment.

We have been homeschooling for three years now. I have to say that I'm learning a lot as we go along especially since hitting sixth grade.
Thank you TXBelle for the welcome!! I too am really getting excited again about my weight loss and training... I really was getting into a rut and starting to slip a little... you know... the portions getting a little larger again... not excercising enough... the usual drill. But is am truly ready to get my butt in gear!!

Taking it all in! :)

Kathy :wave:
chimera said:
Alrighty...I have the List...on an Excel spreadsheet (I might be a bit of a geek :D )

Looks like there's 22 of us so far. I've included everyone, even the maybe's and those who won't be able to join us this year, but would still like to train together. Demographically, I don't have full info on everyone, but so far, we're all girls with an age range of 22-40. We span two continents and eleven US states. Most are training for the half, but six are working on the full.

The List...if anything is wrong or missing, please let me know and I'll update:

Lisa Loves Pooh
little grey donkey
MelanieC Melanie

Are we fabulous or what?? :cheer2:

GACK!! I'll be the oldest??? Oh, hey...YAY ME!! :cheer2: LOL!
chimera said:
Alrighty...I have the List...on an Excel spreadsheet (I might be a bit of a geek :D )

Looks like there's 22 of us so far. I've included everyone, even the maybe's and those who won't be able to join us this year, but would still like to train together. Demographically, I don't have full info on everyone, but so far, we're all girls with an age range of 22-40. We span two continents and eleven US states. Most are training for the half, but six are working on the full.

The List...if anything is wrong or missing, please let me know and I'll update:

Lisa Loves Pooh
little grey donkey
MelanieC Melanie

Are we fabulous or what?? :cheer2:

Good job Mel, I see your good a the computer stuff........
I am so happy we have list going!!!
I am going but have not yet registered. money is tight so it will be the first thing I do as soon as I get my taxe return! lol

SO many new folks to meet! is it too early to vote for trails end on friday night!lol........

so excited.... :jumping4:
Just seeing my name on this list gives me goosebumps! I feel like the little train that could . . . "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!"

Melanie - your post had me tearing up my WISH-sis! I would love to virtually train with you for this! I am hoping my teen son will train in RL with me. He said he'd run it with me if I wanted him to. I did order MFM from the library. I wanted to take a look at it before I bought it. I'm sure I'll end up just buying my own copy eventually. I am setting this weekend as my limit for backing out of this thing. If I have half the confidence in myself that you have in me on Tuesday when I come back to work, I'm going on line and registering. There I said it for the whole internet world to see. You are such an inspiration to me and I'll stop now before I start to tear up again!

This is such a wonderful thread and you are all helping to give me the incentive I need to give this a go! Thanks so much!!
wiskband said:
is it too early to vote for trails end on friday night!lol.....

Heck, no! I called group sales this am just to see how the block of rooms thing works. If we need 10 or more rooms, we can qualify for a group block with discount. I'm inclined to agree with Lisa...if you have AP, resident or DVC...it will probably be a better deal. But, if there's 10 people don't have those options, we can get a group block. Maybe the rest of us can then schedule in the same hotel.

Would the EPCOT resorts be best since the race starts and ends there? Of course, they're all deluxe resorts...ouch!
chimera said:
Alrighty...I have the List...on an Excel spreadsheet (I might be a bit of a geek :D )

Looks like there's 22 of us so far. I've included everyone, even the maybe's and those who won't be able to join us this year, but would still like to train together. Demographically, I don't have full info on everyone, but so far, we're all girls with an age range of 22-40. We span two continents and eleven US states. Most are training for the half, but six are working on the full.

The List...if anything is wrong or missing, please let me know and I'll update:

Lisa Loves Pooh
little grey donkey

Are we fabulous or what?? :cheer2:

man, you didn't even alphabetize the names?????

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Chimera--I think CBR, POFQ or PORS are your best bet. They are mods and close to EPCOT (very short busride).

Regarding the meals and partying--you ladies won't be doing Jellyrolls on Friday...BAD IDEA ;), Thursday maybe--but Friday...not a good idea.


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