Wk of Jan. 20th-- WISH Walking/Running Club

Hey everybody! I got out there in the cold today for 3 miles at the park. It was COLD, but I hate the TM so I headed out after bundling up!! Again I felt great, and finished in less than 30 mins....I haven't had a run with a less than 10 min pace in a loooonnng time. So it feels good.

To all those new people out there that may be doubting if they can complete their upcoming races, whether it be a 5k, 15k, half or full....YOU CAN DO IT!! Please don't doubt your ability to do this. You have come to the right place for encouragement!!

BTW---did anybody see the Spirit of the Marathon movie tonight??

I wanted to go but didn't make it, wanted to see if it was good..they are playing it one more time in february and I want to know if I need to see it then!
BTW---did anybody see the Spirit of the Marathon movie tonight??
Yup! :thumbsup2 Go see it in February!

Our showing was sold out. It was kind of sad though. All kinds of people there knew each other. But I didn't have my WISHers there with me. :sad1: Well, besides Chad & Mom! ;)

I loved when John Bingham talked about paying so much money for a race and taking your time & not rushing through it - getting your money's worth. That seems to be my motto! :rotfl: I also kept looking for green WISH shirts before I realized that this was the 2005 Chicago marathon. I am pretty sure that was pre-WISH gear.

I really want to talk more about the movie, but I have to get up in 4 hours for work. Gotta run....or sleep, rather...

First you will notice I highlighted the name of the movie in WISH colors because I thought of you guys the whole time I was watching the movie and I WISHed I had every one of you there with me there watching it.

Firt my technical impressions:

I liked it because the huge majority of the movie followed "amateur " runners like ourselves. I thought it was going to follow more of the elite and worried that I would not be able to relate to it but NOT TRUE.

I will go out on a limb and say this even if there are those who saw it and dont agree with me . YOU HAVE TO GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!! It is very inspirational and awesome.

The reason I gave the warning for my post is this movie brought back a lot of emotions that I have not felt for a while because I have not been able to train and run races due to my back injury. Rather than bore you with every emotion I felt through out the movie (DH got it all and he is NOT too happy :eek: ) There were two key points that I would like to put out here as hope to those just starting out, as continued motivation to those in the middle or for those like me who need new motivation or who are in a sense starting over:

#1 At some point in the movie they talked about the 40000 runners YES I said 40000 for everyone who complains about the crowded start at DISNEY -- YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING!!!! The ariel of the starting line at this race is unbelievable :scared1: But then they go on to talk about the 1.2 million spectators and they talk about the connection between the runner and the spectator and how some times when the runner feels like they can't take another step the spectator spurs them on and literally gets them there. I GOT GOOSE BUMPS!!! That's us scream teamers !!!:yay: :yay: And that was why it was so important to me to be there for you guys this year.

You guys on this team, day after day have inspired me to press on in spite of injiury and horriffic pain, seriously some days were so dark. But you guys have so pulled me through. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART

#2 Running for me has always been a very emotional issue. I have never been athletic, ever!! and when we were a very POOR couple with one car and a tiny house and really no hope for the future (pathetic I know but it's true) I never would have imagined the blessings that God had in store for us. I have always been a quit very easily, never try for very long at anything kind of person but then last year changed all that. Last year I graduated from college in a degree in Engineering with the WISH team pulling me through that hard last semester, but ME -- the girl who couldn't run a mile without walking ran a 1/2 marathon at a 9 min pace then ran a 15K at an 8:58 pace!!!:yay: THANK YOU WISH TEAM!!!

I said all that to say that one of the main points that they sum up in the movie is that for a lot of people the marathon is an emotional thing. Figuring out that they can do so much more than they ever could have imagined they could. That was me last year. Every time we came home from a long run and we added a mile, I would cry and say I can't believe we just did that!! For everyone, even if you are just starting out and your goal is a 5K or you are training for the next full, YOU CAN DO IT!!! If I can get to the point that I did, ANYONE CAN.

So this year I start on a new journey, to do a FULL :dance3: And I can not even begin to imagine doing it without you guys!!!! Thank you for all your support and I hope that you guys all get the opportunity to see this movie to motivate you even more to continue on in this journey that we have all chosen to take.

We just got back from seeing Spirit of the Marathon. Great movie! Everyone should go see it when they replay it in February.

Sorry I've been MIA this week. Just got back from California, and my sleeping schedule is now all screwed up. I'll try to catch up with everyone this weekend.

By the way, I finished my marathon trip report. Here's the link if anyone wants it:


Have a great Friday everyone!

Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

No running for me yesterday other than running around. It was a very busy day, but today is DD6's pooh: b-day (now DD7 pooh:)! We asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday, and her response was very cute. She asked if there was anything "Pooh-ish" going on. I asked what she meant - Pooh-ish like dinner at Crystal Palace? She just laughed. You can see her in "Pooh Heaven" if you look at the photos I submitted for the photo contest. Oh, and while you're there, you can vote too...

Welcome to Liz & Patrick- It's always great to have new people.

GinnyFavers/Amanda- Take small steps, and you will get there. Don't get overwhelmed about the big goal. That's a long time off. Just focus on what you are doing today and this week. I literally went from being on the couch and started off walking 20 min, then 30 min, then 2 miles, and I kept building from there. You can do this. Definitely go to Fleet Feet, and you may find a good support group there too. I know my Fleet Feet is getting ready to start up it's "Learn to Run" program again for the spring, and I think it's a nationwide program sponsored by New Balance. My Fleet Feet is very walker friendly too. Keep plugging away!

Lynne- Thanks for doing the hats again. Are you in Hawaii yet, or are you still here in NY?

MsMightyDuck- I am soooo impressed with you! I can never get to the gym once I get home. So many times the hardest part is getting out the door. WTG! You ROCK!!!! I'm so glad you stuck with it and kept your committment. Keep it up.

Laurie- Awesome job on the cooooold 3 miler. Uuugh, I had a free ticket to "Spirit of the Marathon", but I couldn't make it with taking DD10 princess: to tae kwon do, etc.

Hi Kristi- Glad you and Chad had fun seeing the movie. Maybe I'll have to go with DW when it comes back in Feb.

Angie- Thanks for posting your emotional thoughts about the movie. Wow, I can't believe when you saying you were never an athlete. You've put up some great times with the 1/2M and 15K. You are an amazing person, and just think of this phase of your life like a marathon too. Just like college was... it's long, it's hard, but you will persevere and come out successful in the end. :thumbsup2

Steve- Whasssup buddy? What were you doing in CA? Where were you? Go vote for my photos... ;) seriously, go vote...
TRIED TO POST LAST NIGHT, RIGHT BEFORE THE BOARDS WENT "DOWN" Glad I could save the screen. :confused3

Cam are you and Howard renewing your Vows during your trip for the Marathon next year? I just noticed your countdown.
Yes, Nancy!! Howard and I are doing a Disney Fairy Tale Vow Renewal the Monday after the Marathon. It has been such an exciting time, making preliminary plans for it and really starting to crystallize our vision for the dream wedding we never had. Howard told me yesterday he wants me to "enjoy the 'H-E-double toothpicks' out of planning it." :love: :lovestruc I am one of those crazy people who LOVES planning, so this is so much fun! I started a planning journal on the Disney Weddings and Honeymoons thread if you want to hear more. I could just go on and on but I don't want to bore everyone to death! :lmao:

BTW---did anybody see the Spirit of the Marathon movie tonight??
I wanted to go but didn't make it, wanted to see if it was good..they are playing it one more time in february and I want to know if I need to see it then!
The movie was awesome. The tag line was something along the lines of "for anyone who crosses the finish line, they will be changed forever" and one of the opening quotes was something like "for anyone who crosses the finish line, no matter how fast or how slow, they will be changed forever" That is so true!

Angie's post really tore my heart up. I can't imagine how a passionate runner could bear to be out of commission for a while. Seeing Deena Kastor recovering from an injury really made me think of the dedicated athletes here who endured, recovering from injuries (just to name a few Skywalker Dave, Judy, Angie, Anne, Kathy . . . the list could go on and on and on). Just the 2 months I was in PT this fall for a back injury made me crazy with my desire to get some miles in and I really don't even love running! ;)

The movie deals alot with strength of will and overcoming the frailties of our bodies and our psyches.

I have to tell you, just several of the opening scenes had me in tears. Every once in awhile it hits me that I have finished a marathon. (twice)

Howard and Andy both know me so well. They both said tonight that they'd bet seeing the movie made me want to do another one. Shhhhhhh . . .Don't tell my body! I made certain promises to it during this year's full. :rotfl:

Oh, and like Kristi, it was soooo cool to see John Bingham and Coach Jenny talking to people training for a marathon. The Penguin is among my personal heroes. Heck, the picture of me and him together in Chicago is the screensaver on my cell phone! But, I loved that Jenny reminded the runners of how to take care of themselves and I LOVE that John encouraged runners to do their own race at their own pace. He is really a GREAT guy! Did I tell you that when I met him the second time at the Inaugural 1/2 Disneyland marathon in September 2006, he remembered us meeting before the 2006 WDW 1/2 marathon and pointed to his heart and asked me "How are you doing? How do you feel? Everything still good?" Okay, I'm going to cry, just remembering that.

You really should see the movie when it encores in February. And really listen to and enjoy the soundtrack/score. It is absolutely awesome!

Sorry for the frighteningly post! :scared1:
I started a planning journal on the Disney Weddings and Honeymoons thread if you want to hear more. I could just go on and on but I don't want to bore everyone to death! :lmao:
Ohhh, I am heading over the to read that!
Us Disney Brides have to stick together, ya know! ;) :goodvibes

Movie: I also loved a sign one of the spectators had:
"You're All Crazy!" :rotfl:
I'm feeling unmotivated today. I need to run 5 miles and my car said 18 when I dropped the kids off at school. It is early release day so I gotta go out soon. I guess I could try to get on our 80s TM, but to be honest I'm not too sure about that dinosuar...

Angie, beautiful post. I'll be waiting for the DVD for sure! I looked and the next time it shows is also on a Thursday - totally bad night for me cause of the girls' dancing. Rats.

Cam, I'll have to go look for your renewal thread. Awesome! I would love to do that one day, DH and I got engaged in Cindy's castle. It was so long ago though, before they started doing all the weddings at Disney stuff. My girls have no choice - if they want me to pay for their wedding they have to get married at WDW! :lmao:

As for the WISH hats, I just want to tell everyone that I got one the last time and I love that hat! It washed up awesome! I even went back and ordered a plain white one from them.
Shan: I am gonna make your day. It is 18 there, it is -17 here. Yep, that's a minus and the wind, she does blow too. I am going to have to hit the gym for XT today instead of being outside. There is no balaclava, hat, cold gear or anything else to save me from the temps outside today!!!

Enjoy the "heat"!!!!! :beach:
Grrr... Now I wish we had gone to teh Monvie alst night. 45 min away adn a little too late fro us. Bad choice. In Feb, the closeset theater will be 87 miles away from us. WHile I might be able to watchi it with Jen, 87 miles and crossing Lake MI in February is a bit far for a movie. :guilty:

Angie - OMG. Who is the person you speak of? Can't run a half mile? Doesn't stick things out? WHo is this person? Surely, you jest. :goodvibes

Steve - Glad you're home safe and sound! Look forward to reading your report!

Cam - I heard you........;) Knew it wsn't the end!
Carrie - I hear you on the Movie. The closest theatre was that far away for me also. Arggg... maybe I can watch it on "video" with Big Vic!!!!

Cam - So are you doing the full in 2009??? I said never again, but then changed to not anytime soon!!! I am reconsidering for 2010!
Cam - So are you doing the full in 2009??? I said never again, but then changed to not anytime soon!!! I am reconsidering for 2010!

No way! :rotfl: Actually, I am already registered for the half. For many reasons --
(1) My memory is not quite bad enough for this year's event to have faded enough!
(2) I will be so busy planning the VR that I fear carving time out to train for a full would be impossible
(3) My goal for 2008 was to have been running the 1/2 until I heard about the commemorative Mickey medal and decided to do the full this year, so I still NEED to accomplish the goal of RUNNING the half
(4) our daughter, Jenn, and my Aunt Rose are doing the half and I think it will be fun to share the experience and be on the same training schedule
(5) Our son and Howard will do the 5k, Jenn & I will do the half (with some family and other friends coming to Orlando for the VR) and Howard will do the full -- we'll bring home a great medal collection but either Howard or I will be able to hang with Andrew during the half or full and get around the course to cheer and
(6) I don't want to be exhausted for the vow renewal Monday. Our Magic Kingdom Portrait Session is at 6 am, which means 3:30 a.m. hair and makeup call -- I'd look like death warmed over!

Maybe someday. Which is, of course, different from NEVER AGAIN! WHAT have you guys done to me! :grouphug: :love: :lovestruc :cloud9:
TRIED TO POST LAST NIGHT, RIGHT BEFORE THE BOARDS WENT "DOWN" Glad I could save the screen. :confused3
Angie's post really tore my heart up. I can't imagine how a passionate runner could bear to be out of commission for a while.

Cam -- Thank you so much for posting that! Most of my friends and family even DH has not quite understood exactly why it has tore me up so much to not be able to run. Everyone wants to feel like SOMEONE understands them :)

What I said was true, not kidding. I never played any sports as a kid I always did ballet, drill team, etc. In high school I wanted to try out for Lacrosse but could not even run the mile they wanted you too. And even a couple of years a go when I joined the gym I could not run a full mile on the treadmill without walking. -- That's what I'm saying IT'S POSSIBLE!!!

And since i used to be such a quitter i like to encourage people to believe in themselves :love: Gotta go back to work.

Cam--I just read your PJ for your vow renewal. All I can say is WOW!!! I am so excited for you and Howard!

Stephen and I saw The Spirit of the Marathon last night too. It was phenomenal. Like, Angie I was wishing that I had all of my WISH friends to watch the movie with, it would have been even better sharing the night with all of you. :goodvibes I really can't say what I thought of the movie better than how Angie said it, so insert her post in here. Word for word that is how I felt during the movie. I am so glad that I have my WISH team to go on this incredible journey with me. When I started training (and joined the WISH team) in May 2005, I had no idea what the future had in store for me. I was just training to finish 1 half marathon and now 2 years and 8 months later I have completed countless 5k's and 10k's, 4 half marathons, and 1 full marathon and many more to come. I know without a doubt it was your support and your invaluable friendship that pulled me through all those months of training, through the days I didn't feel like running, through injury, and through days of success and victory. I am so thankful for each and every one of you (especially Stephen :love2: ).

Okay, I am going to get off here before I start crying again (I cry a lot this days :rolleyes: ), just know as you go out and train that I'm thinking about you and cheering for you!

Love you guys!


What I said was true, not kidding. I never played any sports as a kid I always did ballet, drill team, etc. In high school I wanted to try out for Lacrosse but could not even run the mile they wanted you too. And even a couple of years a go when I joined the gym I could not run a full mile on the treadmill without walking. -- That's what I'm saying IT'S POSSIBLE!!!

And since i used to be such a quitter i like to encourage people to believe in themselves :love: Gotta go back to work.


Being a newbie, who has been trying to build my walking into running.....Thank You! I am going to remember your words everytime I think "I just can't do this".
Another two thumbs up for Spirit of the Marathon... They did a portion on the Chicago Distance Classic, and I kept my eyes peeled for WISH shirts knowing we had a contingent there, but then I realized later the movie is about the 2005 edition of the race not this years. :confused3 Did it really take over 2 years to edit the movie?!? It's only 37F outside here and I'm still complaining and pondering moving my bike ride indoors again, but looking at the -17 in other posts is making me feel pretty whiny. ;)
I saw the trailer for Spirit Of The Marathon, I thought it looked great. My best friend just looked at me and shook her head:rotfl: She will not join me if I go to see it. She did however let me rent some of her DVC points for really cheap. I am using them to stay at the Disneyland hotel for the 1/2 Marathon. I was able to add an extra day and go from standard to premium view and still save $200.:woohoo: She is going to go with me for the 1/2 marathon weekend, but she already told me not to wake her up when I leave:lmao:
Thanks everyone for the glowing reports about the "Spirit of the Marathon" movie.....I just bought tickets for John and me to see it on 2/21. He is thinking about doing the full next year.....and I am trying to make a decision about whether or not to join him. To be totally honest, I actually ENJOYED my whole marathon experience. I just don't want to train for it again. Maybe the movie will help me decide.
Now I'm asking myself if it's still an accomplishment if you WALK the entire way, as I did. People always ask me if I actually RAN a marathon and I always say, "Well, actually I walked it" and then they just go "oh" and move on. Kinda makes me feel like chopped liver.....


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