Working the System - A NYE PTR - Link to TR is up! 1/13

Sounds like your plans are all coming together now! You're so organized it's amazing!

I'll forget stuff, plenty actually! thought of you yesterday as I realized just how much extra ham we had at breakfast and that I wish I could take it to FL for lunches...along with an entire bag of shredded cheese. :rotfl2: started thinking of how to repack, or take a carry-on so that stuff could go in the luggage with cold packs.

I'm glad that most of the moving parts finally locked in. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Most. We got Kerri's tickets in yesterday but the system, even though Swan is an option in the drop down, won't recognize their reservation so still no FP_ ability for the first part for them. Of course it is now complicated by the fact that it seems every ride is saying she can't go on. To the point of being ridiculous. Safari is not ok if you are pregnant???

Woohoo and congrats! Merry Christmas friend. :hug:

Very exciting! Does complicate the fast past situation for her, amazing what Disney says she can't go on (as well as what sounds like pretty conservative OB

Merry Christmas!

Wonderful news! Merry Christmas and have a magical family trip.

Very exciting, they were awfully cute about it, especially my BIL

Congrats! What an awesome Christmas present!

Jill in CO

Very awesome! They'd planned to try in FL...guess life had other plans!
I have told Andy if he sees a huge group at Epcot on New Year's Eve, to introduce himself to you. He's not sure yet what he is doing, but he is aware (and I showed him your photo).

If I don't get back here (I did a short update yesterday but want to try to get another one done), have a magical time and safe travels.
Breaking news!!! Kerri will not be drinking around the world, she will be snacking!

I'm going to be an aunt again!

Merry Christmas!!!!!

Congratulations, Cynthia!

And safe travels for your upcoming trip! Come back with loads of magical memories - we all cannot wait for the trip report. :goodvibes
I have told Andy if he sees a huge group at Epcot on New Year's Eve, to introduce himself to you. He's not sure yet what he is doing, but he is aware (and I showed him your photo).


If I don't get back here (I did a short update yesterday but want to try to get another one done), have a magical time and safe travels.

Thank you, we will! Sadly I am at work today but hope to do a little DISing later in the day

Wonderful news!!!!! :cool1::cool1::cool1:

Very exciting, changes the FP options for her quite a bit though!

Congratulations, Cynthia!

Thanks, we are very happy for them!

And safe travels for your upcoming trip! Come back with loads of magical memories - we all cannot wait for the trip report. :goodvibes

Thank you! I can't wait


A few changes :)

Kerri's tickets came so we got them "sort of" linked yesterday. She is linked and set up and can book FP's for the 4th and the 5th but right now her DH isn't linked to her so she can't book for both of them. But, with the pregnancy there is a lot she can't go on now (overkill on some of them if you ask me...safari????) so not sure that she will book any. So funny (not) but I swear both she and my mom totally didn't get why my parents have bands for the first part of the trip and Kerri and her DH only for the 2nd. Um...because I fudged you being on our reservations so you could get bands and DME that's why. They kept thinking it was because Kerri didn't have her tickets yet. :confused3 I feel like the teacher in Charlie Brown. :rotfl2: I actually grabbed Jeff's's phone xmas eve and installed the app so he can see where he is supposed to be. He doesn't get it at all, really kind of driving me nuts!

We are hopefully buying our Universal tickets today, info has been sent off to make that happen. We've decided to do private car/van for the 1st day there and then on the 2nd day, we will have rental cars. Basically my folks needed a car starting on the 6th so it made sense to just get it early as the weeklong rate wasn't hugely different and more than offset the cost to get another private van. However it will mean that we head over there in 2 loads, with the 2nd arriving later to facilitate the move to THV as well as not having us return the car too early in the am on the 7th. Basically my dad will pick up their car at 8am but we aren't getting ours until 9:30. that way we return our car at 9am on the 7th and keep it under the 3 day rental time. An earlier return on checkout day seemed brutal! I figure the E's will go with us. They won't like it but their cousins have had less park time than they have and "need" that extra hour or 2 more than they do. They can suck it up!

We did decide for now, that we will wing it for dinner on the 2nd. With a rope drop start at Harry Potter and lunch at margaritaville we are now thinking that we will get pickup at 6pm. Since we will be back on the 4th, hopefully that will be enough time. Right now some of our group will need to add a day to their tickets if we want to go to parks when we get back but we figured we'd just play it by ear as we jsut aren't sure what we will want for dinner. I considered another villa meal but practically speaking, feeding 11 in the BWV is tight, as in no where for us all to sit and I couldn't think of another good group meal cooking option. We will have had burgers for lunch, most had pasta yesterday and we didn't feel like booking another sit down. We could do a later transfer ride back and eat at Citywalk but nothing jumped out at anyone. So it will be interesting to see how it plays out, truly potentially a free evening. DTD could be a good option but we may be wiped from Universal and not into the whole crowd idea. We will see.

Other than that I think we've figured out how were are getting to the airport (not back yet though) and I will be re configuring luggage as the forecast is changing enough I might alter what's checked versus carried on.

I hope everyone had a nice Christmas, we certainly did!
I haven't been able to keep up but knowing how your PTRs are, I'm sure there were numerous changes, more number crunching, and quite possibly a flight change that I've missed. :rotfl2::rotfl2: :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Don't feel bad, I haven't been able to update my own TR in weeks. :faint:

I did want to stop by to wish you safe travels and to have a wonderful time in WDW!!!! :wave2: :wave2:
Congrats on your new upcoming niece or nephew! That's exciting!! I hope Kerri can find some rides that "allow" her to ride!

Hope the weather and everything holds up for you guys! I am anxious to hear how the FP+ and your schedule work as we are now contemplating a trip next year around this time. Not sure if we can pull it off (we don't have a lot of points) but might go close to the 1st for the lower points. Who knows? But as we all sat around yesterday talking, we thought it would be fun!
Congrats on the new niece or nephew. I went to the world when I was pregnant with my third son. I rode just about everything but the roller coaster type rides. I guess with the Safari they are worried about the bumpyness of the roadway. If I were in the first trimester I'd ride it, heck even in the early third.
The gps tour guide does not sound like fun.
Sounds like a busy trip and busy times when you got home. You will soon be “home” so that is great.
The plans all sound great.
Hope you had a Merry Christmas and if I don’t make it back hope you have a Happy New Year.
I'll forget stuff, plenty actually! thought of you yesterday as I realized just how much extra ham we had at breakfast and that I wish I could take it to FL for lunches...along with an entire bag of shredded cheese. :rotfl2: started thinking of how to repack, or take a carry-on so that stuff could go in the luggage with cold packs.

I would totally freeze the ham now and toss it in the luggage just before you fly! If the ham starts out frozen, as soon as it gets to 30,000 feet it will stay cold, really the cold packs aren't necessary, but you could do it JIC.

I've started my PTR, but I'm not going to post it until I finish my other two TRs (this week) but we plan on doing the same thing. Instead of bringing a hunk of meat, we are going to bring sandwich slices from our many turkeys and hams that we have in the freezer because May/June weather lends itself to sandwiches rather than big chunks of meat like the last two trips.

Thought I'm not sure about the cheese, I might add that to the grocery service order, but why waste some good ham? Plus you could save a bit and with 11 folks, I'm sure someone would eat it!

Have a great trip! Hope everything works out for Kerri, that's insane that they think the Safari is too much for her!
Listen to Alison when it comes to traveling with meat. :rotfl2:

:goodvibes Have a wonderful trip girl. Admittedly I'm so behind and skimming but I'll keep up with FB of any pictures you post, hint hint. ;)
Just wanted to stop by to say Have an absolutely Wonderful Trip! You and the family must be besides yourself with excitement. I hope you post pictures every day on FB! You've worked really hard to get ready for this trip so sit back and ENJOY! Your plans look wonderful.

On a side note - I want to go to Hawaii just for that view and the mahi sandwich. :rotfl:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you and the family!
Wow. A lot going on here in just a few short days. Congratulations on a successful whirlwind trip to Hawaii. It would be a little bittersweet to be there and not get a few hours of downtime to experience the island... but at least you've been there a few times recently and you know you'll be back.

I'm glad that you were finally able to get tickets linked and work on FP+ for everyone, but this has been my biggest fear and about the FP+ system since it started:
Changing theirs was a total pita. Very limited availability and options for what they wanted to change. Especially at DHS. At DHS all I was trying to do was replace RRC with something else. With the times they had, NOTHING was available. Move the time of RRC and all I could get them was BAB! If you make the mistake of just cancelling the one you dont want, you cant add just one to the other 2 you have. You have to book all 3 at once and it will override your previous 2. And of course it wont bring up the previous 2 you had! UGH. So right now they have 2 bookings for BAB, neither of which they want and hopefully between now and then we are able to modify it.
I mean the "great" thing about FP+ is that you can change FP on the fly if you so choose. I can change ADRs a day before I leave home too, but I'm probably not going to be able to change a Chef Mickey ADR to another day or time. I'm glad I saw your comment about not being able to cancel just one. I didn't realize you couldn't do it that way. I'd probably end up with mine being all screwed up! The whole process of friend requests and tying accounts together to make it work just seems like a major PITA.

And you made a very good point in your last post about having to explain the magic bands to everyone. Nobody understands this system. I mean Dis'ers and dedicated Disney fans kind of understand it, I think. We were watching the Christmas parade and when they were talking about the Magic Bands, DW was asking all kinds of questions about them and asked if we had to get them. I told her what little I know and understand and she just looked at me and asked if we have to do FP+.

Ok, sorry... back to your trip. :rolleyes
Congratulations to Kerri!

I didn't really understand the pregnancy restriction on Safari either, but if you think about how bumpy it is... I guess I can understand it. Maybe. :confused3

Have a great trip!!!
Hello! Merry Christmas! I was wondering if this trip was still a go, as there wasn't a peep about it on FB, so I figured I'd take a gander over here. Still have lots of catching up to do, but wanted to say Merry Christmas and hope you have a wonderful trip! :goodvibes
off to get a mani pedi and then to the office but...have a packing dillemma

Right now the forecast is calling for 90% chance of rain and thunderstorms on Sunday...arrival day and CP. It does look like rain more in the early day than night but hard to say right now. really debating my boots as they can take the rain and are uber comfortable. However it only has a low of 59 that day...lower the rest of the week. That and what the heck to wear for Blue Zoo (which is showing a low of 45 at night) have me keep changing my mind!


I'd also love to know, from the ladies in particular, for YOU on a winter variable weather trip how much of the following do you bring?

Sweatshirt/Fleece/Sweater or Jacket



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