Would you feel guilty?


DIS Veteran
May 27, 2008
I have been ill for a little over a week. DH and DD have been in charge of the house. Last night DH did not fix his lunch for work. He is now grumpy and ill from not eating. Would you feel guilty? He was expecting a short day today, but has been gone over 10 hours.
I have been ill for a little over a week. DH and DD have been in charge of the house. Last night DH did not fix his lunch for work. He is now grumpy and ill from not eating. Would you feel guilty? He was expecting a short day today, but has been gone over 10 hours.

Guilty??? Hell NO!!!!

Awww, poor widdle baby. If he can't manage lunch on his own, tell him to run to Mommy's house.
I don't understand what you would feel guilty about? Should you have somehow known he would have a longer day than anticipated and told him? Does he want you to bring him food and you don't feel up to driving to him? Or do you mean that had you been well you would have made him a lunch and had him take it even with the anticipated short day?

None of the above seem like reasons to feel guilty IMO. Surely your husband is a grown up who can manage to take care of his own needs for a few days while you are under the weather--and if he screws it up, he can live with it without blaming you for his mistakes.
Not if I am sick. Sorry your DH didn't prepare a lunch for himself. Was there any way that he could have bought something?
No. He left the card at home. I am not allowed to drive at all right now due to the headaches, meds, and vision problems and he was 30 min away running service calls. He does keep drinks in the truck.
I guess it is just me...DD and I are here where there is food. He has not tried to put a guilt trip on me at all.
My best friend cooks all the meals for her and her husband and makes his lunch as well. She did that before they got married as well.

And it's not the whole "I want to do it" or "I'm the better cook" it's because he expects her to.

When we get together (usually once a week) she has to make sure he has dinner for him so that means making it the day beforehand so he can heat it up. Otherwise she says she has to stay home so she can make sure he has a meal.

He's like 42 and she's almost 29. Pretty sure he survived before he met her over 5 years ago. The few times she's gone out of town she has to prepare X number of days of meals for him. It works for them but I'm glad it's not how it is with my husband.

OP I wouldn't feel guilty at all. Even if you are the primary meal preparer the other person should be able to cope with it if something arises. I say being sick..well that's one of them. I'm sure there was an opportunity for him to get food even if he didn't have cash..do you guys have a checking account or a credit card that could have been used just for today?
if he is competent enough to keep up with drinks in the truck he should be more than capable of:
---packing his own lunch (whether you are ill or not)
---keeping up with some form of money to purchase any emergency necessities

Definitely nothing to feel guilty about.
I am the main meal preparer in our family but DH knows how to cook. I prepare his lunch for him every night because I want to do it out of love but if I'm sick then it is on him to get something ready. But I get what the OP is saying that she feels guilty that he didn't have any food for lunch. She just wishes she was well enough to have made his lunch like usual.
Ds13 makes his own lunch, and sometimes forgets it Oh well, maybe hunger will make you remember the next time. Same as when DH forgets his wallet - you are a grown man, remember your wallet. I don't make anyone's lunches.


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