our secret green club? Part 5a

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:).....the bunkbeds at WL stressed my poor dh!!:lmao:

Hmmm... maybe you and him should take them and let the kids have the big bed on the floor! I am sure his big guy persona could handle the climb to keep his cubs safe! I know the obys would love to see him way up there, though they may have been a bit jealous!:rotfl2:
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Your DH sounds like NSalz's and my Dad! Worried about absolutely everything.
I remember going to my brother graduation from med scholl. My Dad my DB another DSis (not NSALZ) and I were about to cross the street. DSis and I were both in college and DBro was going to be a M.D. the next day at graduation. My Dad actually tells us to make sure we look both ways before we cross the road:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: DBro says look Pixie Dust is the youngest here and she's 19, I think we can manage this without the reminder! DBro ended up being a psychiatrist.:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Glad that you did make it safely across or we wouldn't have heard that story!:rotfl2: Parents are that way, as I am sure you have noticed it in yourself and DH with the girls!
So much has been going on. Bill on a diet, Jeff getting to go to a regular 4th grade class for his resource time & he is reading a bit(!!!!) on his own!! Chip has another go with a possible surgery in a few months if his right tibia gets worse than it was on Monday. And then my dad.

Dad told us at Christmas that he had a mass on his kidney. They found it by accident when a sharp eyed radioligist saw it when the did the medicare covered scan on his aorta to check for anuresiums(sp). His doc sent him to a specialist in town and they sent him over to Norfolk (Across the water)to the big hospital where the best docs are for his condition.

He has known for a while but didn't tell us. They did the last Cat scan on 12/12 I think it was and gave him the results on 1/10 and discussed surgery procedures for Monday 1/22. They had hoped to take it laproscopically, but that isn't going to happen. He is diabetic and they wanted to leave both kidneys if possible. I get a bit upset that it took so long to get to the surgery point. 2+ months!!

Dad has a x- large kidney stone in that kidney, right in front of the mass. They didn't want to wait to blast it and then let it move and were concerned about it moving after the surgery and causeing damage. It became a moot point when a dark spot showed up in the lower part of that kidney on the CT Scan. They don't know hwat it is at this point.

Monday they will take the kidney. He will be in the hospital for 2-3 days and then they will hopefully let us know what is going on. 90% of these masses are cancerous. He really didn't have any pain until just recently.

Dad is retired, but of course my mom is a nervous wreck. Being a wife of the 50's, she went from her parents home to being married to my dad. Both are in their early 70's and she hasn't been alone. Not sure what my brothers plan to do, but Chip and i will be with mom at the hosptial waiting.

Thanks for praying for & with us. Dad's name is Kent.

Prayers and pixiedust: that all goes well! I'll be sitting and waiting with you and your family in spirit!
Hmmm... maybe you and him should take them and let the kids have the big bed on the floor! I am sure his big guy persona could handle the climb to keep his cubs safe! I know the obys would love to see him way up there, though they may have been a bit jealous!:rotfl2:

If this happens I want pics :lmao:

You might do well with the bunk beds, though I can see EM throwing fits cause she can't sleep/jump/fly/tumble off the top one!

Can't have Em trying to jump/fly/tumble off so keep a close eye on her ;)
I think she was taking your place while you were out of contact in the evenings. Either that or you 2 are in cahoots to get the #1 FMC award for naughtiness in a clean setting!
yes I was the "fill in" for Mary while she was out... :rotfl2:

Haa this post came at 11:11 and is # 3838 for me must make a wish --- HOT Weather in the World Jan 31st to Feb 4th
Originally Posted by Va-bear
Ohhh , man, I Jiffy Pop!!!! (Though, that whole "back and forth, while going round and round...." part always gets to me.)

Is it me, or was that meant to be smutty?

Poor Bear. Even when she's not trying someone sees the FMC in her posts!
kiki read that quick and thought you were refering to Rer as MC Hammer.. HAAAA had to go back and read it again!!
Oh that is just too funny. :lmao: I sure wish we could have found ANY way to help clear the windows in our CARS (plural) Sitting here with blankie again tonight folks and wearing a pair of gloves :lmao:

Hee hee. I can picture your car with its own electric blanket on the windows to keep them clear. I do think they make those though... here is one sit to keep you warm in the car!http://www.heatedcarblanket.com/?gclid=CJLT3vmw6okCFSoIFQodbEulKw and the stuff is on sale! the page before is good to! Or even cheaper, a hot water bottle on it to deforst or melt quicker?!:confused3
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