"OUR BIG, FAT DISNEYLAND ROADTRIP" The End 4/20 pg. 44 Better Than Cats...

Great photo's I doubt I'll ever get to DL so I can live it through you :yay: And who is that skinny minnie in the photos? :confused3

It just me! I actually have un-earned my 15 pound ribbon!!!!! But THANKS!

Here, here! My DS had a blast at 4 months, 12 months, 16 months, 2 years, 3 years, and 4 years. Different experience each time and always enjoyable!

Wow, is it just me or does Norah seem sooo much bigger/older since the Sept. pics? She really looks like a Big Girl now!

Loving this trip UMama! :thumbsup2

I know, she does look bigger to me too.
I LOVE seeing my kids' faces. To me THAT is "Disney Magic"!
But my sister, wont bring her babies either. :confused3 I tried to tell her about the super cool Baby Care Center and the Ride Share Passes...but "no way". Eh, to each his own!

Welcome back! I can't believe I'm already 2 chapters behind! You work fast! :thumbsup2 Great start so far and I love your pictures! I can't believe how big your daughter has gotten since your last TR!!! They sure grow up fast, don't they? So, was Disneyland just like you remembered it? It's been over 20 years since I've been there! (Well, don't I feel old now...) Looking foward to more!

Have a great weekend!
No, actually, it is nicely updated! Everything is familiar though. We'll be returning at least every few months to get our money's worth out of our AP's :thumbsup2

LOVE your new Mulan siggie! Think Spring INDEED!
Awesome pics and storyline. :thumbsup2
Thank You, eh!

The kids are ADORABLE !!! and I agree with V, Norah looks so grown up !!!

oh and YESSSSSSS.... SQUOZE IS a word !!!! My Lexie DD%, said she squoze our dog the other day when she picked her up, LOL. She uses it all the time, she has her "own" words for words, kwim?, soooo funny!!!

It's better than "squazed"!!!! :rotfl2:

I love it... please tell me you had to bite your tongue at the coincidinks - every now and again... something will happen and I want to yell BORG but Wendy's not around to "splain it... sad I know!!

and no bounce there :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounce no fair!!!


Poor Princess Norah... everybody is pickin on her!! :wizard:
loving the install ,shows me what to expect at our trip ..and by our i mean both our families:genie:
and can i say that you do look Mahvelous in your pictures ...:cutie:
can't wait for the next installment those dole whips look good too bad i can't have one .. i will just live off your pictures :cloud9:
and as far as Norah looking bigger i can't say that ,she looks like princess: norah but i see her alot.. she is just a cutie patootie i can see her saying i'm no pissy missssyyyyy...
Another great installment, UM!!.I have never been to DL and love to read of all the differences.Norah does look alot different,it must be the age people keep telling me that about my DD2.The pics are awesome.:thumbsup2 I have a Pissy Missy too!!Your boys do look so happy,can't wait to read more!!!!:hourglass popcorn::
Is it me, or does Captain Jack look a little creepy? Seems the WDW Jack is more realistic? At least realistic enough for some woman behind me in line to force her scared kids onto the ride so she could take a picture of Johnny Depp:confused3

And I must agree, your Norah has grown by leaps and bounds since your last trip. What a cutie, even as a pissy-missy :cutie:

Oh, side bar....LOVE your glasses. I need reading glasses. (Oh, did I just admit to that? Perhaps it's too much time DISsing?!?!?) That is a great shape.

Keep it coming!
Great Installment!!! :thumbsup2

I haven't been to DL in 10 yrs, but remember I :love: the Raiders of the Lost Ark ride! I was so afraid I'd be sick on it, but did it for the kids and had a great time!!! Someday we'll go back! :banana:

First Aid Station?!?......Not Good...No, not good at all! :scared1:
Norah in extreme annoyance that she has to look up at the camera... (We call her "Pissy Missy" often. To which she screams, "NO PISSY MISSY!!!!!!!")
Too Cute!

Our parking was free because of our new AP’s (it would have been $11 bucks per day…more Fuzzy Disney Math is computing in my noggin. Shoot, $11 could buy a few baked goods???).

I absolutely love fuzzy math, use it all the time. I love telling my husband how much money I "saved" him when I get home from a day of shopping.

Once past security, we had to go activate our Annual Passes. We were second in line and when DH was giving them his birthdate, the dude next to us said, “Hey! That’s MY birthday too!” Coinkidink! Plus, the CM taking our pictures was named Wendy…So I said, “Hey, this must be Coincidence Corner” (we were in the far right corner of the room) …which you had to be there, but it had everyone laughing.

You don't disappoint. :rotfl: :rotfl:

Hey, this goddess has MY shape, so I took her picture!

(For the WISH thread peeps. Check her "W" shaped chest!!!! HA!)....


:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: :laughing:

Another great chapter. I should have known better than to read this at work. :surfweb: I got "caught" when I busted out laughing but I couldn't wait until I got home.
GIRL?!?! I just love all your many pictures. Thanks, Utahdaddy! I have never been to Disneyland (or California for that matter) and am enjoying this muchly. Frankly, the lack of love bugs would be a big draw for me.

I'll be waiting for another installment..........tomorrow-ish? popcorn::
Another great episode!

Of course I pulled the bamboo with the sign that says “Do NOT pull bamboo”. I couldn’t possibly walk by that!
I HAVE to do that too. It really freaks out the people around me when I do it, because most people dont know what it does;)

I have to say though, I am sort of surprised to see the lines for the rides in some of your pics. I dont remember it being very crowded at this time of year when I went a few yrs back. Was it crowded or are the pics deceiving?
Woo woo! It's like WDW, but different! One of these days I'll have to go, but until then, I'll rely on the great Utah to take me there virtually.
I swear Norah changes so much so fast - she doesn't look like a wittle baby no more!
I'm loving it! :thumbsup2

This is random but did anyone notice all the people in the background of the pics? Go back and look at them. There is a girl with a blanket wrapped around her like a cape, another girl who looks like she is digging for treasure in her nose, and the guy at the Dole Whip stand has a look like he just saw someone with 3 heads.

Anyway, looking forward to the rest of your trip! I've never been to DL myself. Didn't think I would like it as much as WDW but now I'm not so sure!

See you on the Peep side!
Thanks for another installment. I asked DD10 if she wanted to take a Crocker next time we are at WDW, she said no. I asked if I could have a Crocker. She said no. Reason, she didn't want to be emabarrased. Silly kids, moms always embarrass.
Wendy, I absolutely love reading your trip reports! Its the first thing I check as soon as I hit the Dis boards hoping for an update! I thank you for taking us all on your adventures! Can't wait for the next installment! I love looking at your pictures, I almost feel like I'm there!
Ok, I had to turn the 'puter off today so that the lightnin' didn't ZAP it, and what happens???? UM posts another installment! :headache: Love your pics! Have to agree Norah is looking so much like a big girl! :cutie: Love Riley in the "R" !

Now about those glasses....didn't you break your others in Epcot back in Sept.? I remember you referring to that, but I don't remember reading it in your TR. :confused3 Could you please refer me to the book, chapter, and verse where that tidbit would be located in your MILLION PAGE WDW TR? ;) :rotfl:

Love those Dole Whips, but I am one of those crazies that like the juice with mine. :duck: (I'm ducking for when you smack me in the head)
Uma, finally had a chance to catch up to your trippie after a busy work week.

Fabulous, as always, you are a gifted and funny writer!
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU PULL THE BAMBOO! I was on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what happens! What is this ride like? Sounds cool.

The POC does look like it is cleaner, crisper maybe...What do you think makes it better?

I always thought it was "up and Adam" either way, what does it mean?

Love the installment and all the pics!
Dole Whips - mmmmmmmmm. Why did I NOT know they had Dole Whips at DL when I went a few years ago? That was during my pre-DIS days.

I had my picture taken in front of the giant C in front of California Adventure! Must be a popular thing to do :lmao:

I'm loving your report, Uma!!!


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