The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 23

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Please someone chime in that it's not that bad.:guilty: I am supposed to schedule one due to some localized pain I have been having in my left b**b and after Becky's post with the jokes I have been having a hard time working up the nerve to schedule it. I know I'm being a wimp but I can't seem to help it, it sounds worse than childbirth.:scared1:

I chimed in before, but in case you missed's not bad at all! And I'm not a small chested woman.
Vicki if you get the potato heads at target with the easter bunny ears what are you going to do with the extra potatos? That is what had been keeping me from buying the easter ones.
The Boy Scouts here are planning 2 big trips in the coming summer's. First they are planning a trip to Montreal for this Summer. It is for 5 days including the weekend prior to our WDW vacation. For obvious reasons this isn't going to work for us. Nick doesn't feel comfortable going away for 5 days with the Scouts as he just met them last month. I guess he will be passing on the first one. The second one is to Montana in late July 2008. The dates don't conflict with our WDW plans, but I don't think that I'll be able to get away for another 10 -11 days after our 3 week trip. Nick would really like to go on that trip and since it is a year and a half away maybe he'll feel comfortable going without us for 11 days. If they can't raise enough money by 2008 it may get postponed to 2009 in which case we may be taking a family trip to Montana. YellowStone, the Grand Tetons and Glacier Park. It sounds like a great time, but there are so many factors between now and then we will have to see how it all plays out.
I want to visit that area sometime. It sounds pretty but first I want all the kids potty trained. :goodvibes
Aunt Stell is home from the hospital. They tell her that shes is 99% fine and is able to continue her regular life. She got lucky. Thanks for all your thoughts & prayers. I have lots of aunts & uncles. I do not look forward to each passing year. We have been very lucky that we have lost so few of us.

Until my father died in the car accident 8-1/2 years ago, every one of my grandparents decendents who survived birth were still alive including my grandparents. My dad has 12 brothers & sisters, 11 of them married, and 10 of them had children. I have lots & lots of cousins, second cousins, third cousins ... you get the picture. I was very close to all of them growing up. Since losing my father, my grandmother died after having something similar to alzheimers, grandpa died a year or so later from a broken heart (he told us it was just too hard to go on without her), my Aunt Carol died of complications from adult onset diabetes which she had battled for years, and one uncle by marriage died. One of these days, the flood gates are going to open and I will be attending funerals left & right.

My mom has 8 brothers & sisters when you include those that are 1/2. We have lost quite a few on that side but we were not close with them except for my favorite aunts husband who we lost 24 years ago and my grandparents. My grandfather died of old age when I was 16 and my grandmother died when I was 23.

I dread them all getting older. It hit me hard when we heard about Aunt Stell. She is one of those that was special to dad. She was his older sister and there was only one older. They all have had illnesses where they have been in the hospital but very seldom is it anything life threatening. I dread the flood gates. :sad1:

Becky I'm glad you finally found a new laptop. What did you end up buying? It must be nice to have a fully functioning computer :thumbsup2

I got a Sony Vaio, it is 13.1 inches and a much lighter 5 pounds then the 10 pound, 15.4 inch clunker I have been dragging around.:thumbsup2
Please someone chime in that it's not that bad.:guilty: I am supposed to schedule one due to some localized pain I have been having in my left b**b and after Becky's post with the jokes I have been having a hard time working up the nerve to schedule it. I know I'm being a wimp but I can't seem to help it, it sounds worse than childbirth.:scared1:

I am so sorry.:hug: I did not mean to scare anyone out of going to get this test done that was not my intention. I truly hope that you will decide to go and get this test done because it can help save lives.:grouphug:
Hi Becky how was your day at work.

It was good. I was there most of the day by myself. Which would have been a serious problem had I not been there because somehow no one could work??:confused3

The store now has an assistant manager, a full time employee and a part timer they should be able to operate without having these gaps in the schedule. I am supposed to be there the same time as the assistant and/or part timer to help train them. Not supposed to be in the store by myself anymore. Well they are both there and I am now off. Not the intent of me being here.

How was your day?
I got the Girl Scout Area Cookie Order together - 1201 boxes of cookies to be delivered to my area and for me to sort the week of April 16. Should be fun! I hope the weather is nice. There are only 14 troops. We also have cookie cupboards where the troops can get more cookies if they get extra sales so we will sell alot more between now & then.
Girl scout cookies Yum, I love their thin mints.:love:

Elin, if I don't talk to you before you leave, have a safe trip tomorrow.
:wizard: Safe travels Elin.

Don't beleive all the hype, my sister is very large chested and had no pain at all with her mamao.
I hope that your right, all my mom's aunts and her grandma died of female cancer and my mom is upset that I have been avoiding mine.
It was good. I was there most of the day by myself. Which would have been a serious problem had I not been there because somehow no one could work??:confused3

The store now has an assistant manager, a full time employee and a part timer they should be able to operate without having these gaps in the schedule. I am supposed to be there the same time as the assistant and/or part timer to help train them. Not supposed to be in the store by myself anymore. Well they are both there and I am now off. Not the intent of me being here.

How was your day?

most of the morning I was watching the radar, spent a little bit of it in the hall closet with Olivia as a tornado was spotted south west of the town we live in, The rain finally stopped around 2pm. I think the weather men are calling for more rain tonight.
I got the Girl Scout Area Cookie Order together - 1201 boxes of cookies to be delivered to my area and for me to sort the week of April 16. Should be fun! I hope the weather is nice. There are only 14 troops. We also have cookie cupboards where the troops can get more cookies if they get extra sales so we will sell alot more between now & then.

I like the new lemonade cookies. Jeff likes the thin mints and penut butter patties.
Updates on wedding plans! I meet with photographer #2 on Thursday! DJ is paid off! Florist says I'm too early though (Go figure! Doesn't he know I'm a planner??? :rotfl: ) but I did decide on centerpieces. I'll have to take some pics of them through the shop window. They are nothing spectacular - just the tall vases, about 36 inches, with golden branches and crystals hanging from them...but they will give the room height. Mom is still trying to convince me to do a Disney theme wedding, but too many people are expecting that from me...
I say do whatever wedding you want it's only once.:goodvibes

Thanks for the concern everyone! We did end up going to the doctor yesterday afternoon as the eye was still really red and puffy. She did have a small scratch right in the middle of the lens. They gave us some antibiotic eye drops to protect from any germs in rubbing, but she should be as good as new in a day or so.
Glad it's nothing serious.:wizard: Hope it heals quick without infection.

Has anyone tried the new PassPorter Club yet?

The idea and the worksheets look pretty cool, but I was wondering if anyone had tried them yet.
I have for our Dec. trip if anyone has any ? about it. I love the e-sheets and have been using them already.:)

I know, I can't believe it! She measured 40" at the doctor yesterday and is so excited. :banana: :banana: I think the in-laws are flying us out to CA in May and we'll hit DL at least one day, more if we can get people to sign us in two days. She can ride Star Tours now which she has talked about for months. Unfortunately, Splash will be closed as I think she'd love it. Space Mountain in DL is 40" as well so we may venture that since I can sit next to her on it. We'll see though.

ladies we are under a tornado warning prayers needed.
My boys loved Space Mt. They like DL's new version over WDW. Oh how I wish we could have a quick trip to DL.:cloud9:
:wizard: Jennifer
I know, I can't believe it! She measured 40" at the doctor yesterday and is so excited. :banana: :banana: I think the in-laws are flying us out to CA in May and we'll hit DL at least one day, more if we can get people to sign us in two days. She can ride Star Tours now which she has talked about for months. Unfortunately, Splash will be closed as I think she'd love it. Space Mountain in DL is 40" as well so we may venture that since I can sit next to her on it. We'll see though.

Tia she just turned 4 right? Olivia was 40 inches in Dec when we went to WDW.
Sort of a fly by post.

The DSL connection has caused more havoc than I thought possible. Our land line phone is 100% DEAD. No phone, no DSL, no dial-up, nothing. I can't even buzz the technician through the &*%# gate because it requires my land line phone!!:headache: :mad:

We got new debit cards in the mail yesterday with a note that our existing card #s may have been compromised. BUT to activate the new cards you have to call from your HOME PHONE!:headache: :mad:

AT&T says they will have the problem fixed by 7 PM TOMORROW. I can not even begin to tell you all how furious I am.

In the meantime I have discovered something useful about eBay. If a seller invoices you but you can't get to the invoice in your e-mail you can click "pay now" on "My eBay" and it will pull up the invoice with the recalculated shipping charges.:) I was VERY worried about paying for my last (YES, my last) set of pins because now that I am locked out of my e-mail I couldn't get the invoice.

Stephanie - I have gone up, down, and backwards to try to gain remote access to that e-mail account and I can NOT get it to work. I have discovered that Netscape is different from Netscape Connect, which may be part of the issue. WalMart Connect must have been configured NOT to allow remote access, and it is still that way despite the name change.

So if anything catastrophic happens somebody needs to call me on my cell.

:hug: and :wizard: to all! I need to go sort out Brother & Sister because it is going to be a crazy afternoon!!:scared:
:wizard: I hope they get it sorted out What a mess.:eek:

We went to the urologist this morning. There is nothing physically wrong with Alyssa, but he wants to have her get a spinal xray just to rule that out. When we first got there she had to give a sample, then we met with the dr. and they did an ultrasound of her bladder and kidneys. It turns out that he thinks the problem is that her bladder is not emptying completely, as it was still full during the ultrasound. Because she has always held her urine until the last possible minute (too into playing to go to the potty), she has strengthened her muscle so good that it is cutting off the urinary tube (don't know the technical name for it). Think Kegel exercises. So when she goes it doesn't all come out. He gave us some instructions for getting her relaxed enough when she goes that hopefully it will start emptying more. And of course when urine just sits in the bladder it is more prone to infection. The good news is that her latest sample came back good, so hopefully the infection has cleared up. Also, she was dry last night. At some point in the middle of the night she took her pull up off, she said it was tickling her. It, as well as her bed, was dry! So now I'm thinking maybe going back to no pull up at night because she knows if she has to go she can just go in it instead of getting out of bed. Thanks for all the prayers and pd with this!

:grouphug: and :wizard: to you all.
I'm gald it's nothing serious. I have heard of this before in an article I read in some Parent mag. once. :wizard: Hopefully some of the ideas people have will help. And have fun on your date.:goodvibes

Good Afternoon DDA!

I really wish the sickie bug would leave our house! Poor Leighanna is sick again! I think her allergies are really kicking up. Too bad that the medicine that she is supposed to take won't stay down!

Leighanna had her physical yesterday for kindergarten, despite being sick. She did really well, except for her hearing test, which she failed. They checked her ears and noticed a little fluid. We will retest her again when she is feeling better, and hope for a better result!

Since she was not feeling well, they decided against giving her her immunizations. So now I need to get back in to have that done, along with her hearing test.

They also recommended her to see a nutritionist, because they think that she is too picky of an eater. :confused3 She has certain aversions to food, but we know what she will and will not eat, and have worked around it. She has a high palette in her mouth, and certain texture foods tend to get stuck and make her gag and vomit. I just don't know what a nutritionist will do to get around that!:confused3

Hope all is well with all of you! I still have not had time to think about my ADRs and I really need to get on the ball! Help!

Have a good day everyone!
:wizard: :grouphug: I hope she gets feeling better soon.

My girls are still picky eaters....they might have gotten that from me. :cool1: But their dad also won't eat "a" know, avocado, asparagus, artichoke.

My sister was also a picky eater...but a stint in the Navy fixed that.
Zack is really picky but they think it might be p[art of his overall issues.
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