Who here is not in the "clique" like me? Part 5

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Hi everyone!

Lyzziesmom, that sneaky Lyzzie, saying she wants to learn cursive even though she already knows it :lmao: Sounds like something I would've done ;) Darnit now I want some cake :badpc:

DznyFan, LOVE the pics!! They are gorgeous. Did you take any in any other parks?

Lesa, glad you got the doctors note!!!

Hey Michele!! Glad you had a slow day. Give Lilly a hug for me :love: I'm a city girl too!!!
Hi Ashley! how are the sideffects? I hope it's getting better!:hug:
DznyFan......Just had to tell you this....

At the risk of sounding like a dirty old man.........Erin is stunning. She's a beautiful girl.

And you have taken some wonderful pictures.

Colton is my Disney freak. He is the one who takes more after me in that regard.

Chase loves Disney as well, but just not quite to the extent of Colton.

Courtney hasn't been there enough times. She's only been twice.
Talk about cutting it close! I couldn't get an answer from the Dr until 1:45, the cheer clinic started at 2:30. I had to run and get the note and take it to school on the other side of town.:headache: He still has her on pretty strict restrictions for now. There's like 60 girls trying out, so please keep your fingers crossed and sprinkle some pixie dust, I have a feeling she's going to need it. :sad2: I don't know if they will hold her restrictions against her or not. Oh and yep, I was right, all the trouble makers are there trying out, yippee!.:rolleyes:

Best of luck to Britt!!!!!!!
Pozey - awwww... thanks. :blush: One day, Courtney will be your Disney girl, too!

Lesa - luck, pixie dust, and prayers for Britt!! We got the same cruise ad- need to look at it.

Ashley - we didn't do any in other parks this time. We shot Epcot last trip - and they came out good.

Michele - thanks! and yes - Lilly pics! We need pics!

Linda - any word... yet?
Hi, everyone!! I just got caught up reading the posts from today, now I'm off to cook supper.:rolleyes:

DznyFan:: I must say that I absolutely love Erin's pics!! I think the 3rd one is my favorite by a teensie bit, but they are all fantastic!! Erin is a georgeous young lady!!princess:

Linda:: I hope you hear something positive from the CFS people really soon, but I suspect it would take a couple of days to inspect your ex's habitat and write the report?.:confused3
I hope Kenny has fun Trick ro Treating...Nathan goes tomorrow night!!

Lesa:: I'm crossing my fingers for Brittany and her tryouts!! Will they know the results this evening??

Michele:: I'm waiting for the Lilly pics, too!!!:cutie: ;)
Sorry Matt's life is so boring.:guilty: Basketball will be starting before you know it!!

pozey:: Dirty old man???:confused: :rotfl2:
I hope you manage to get Colton his new cast. Must think creatively.:cool1:

Well, better run before another pan manages to boil over.:teeth:
Ok here are some pics of Lilly

In the coat Aunt Lesa sent.

Blake bought her a teething bagel, she thought she was in heaven when we handed her 'real' food:eek:

Lilly and my dad at Matt's football game. She loves to chew on water bottles.
Aw heck, she loves to chew on anything!

OK Lilly is ready to cheer now:cheer2:
I know I'm biased but couldn't you just eat up those cheeks??:love:

I love the pics, Michele!! Lilly is just too adorable for words!!!:cutie:

Lilly look so serious holding the pompom!! I think she may be ready for tryouts, too!!:cheer2:
Lesa, how did Britt do?

Michele, Lilly is a absolute doll! princess:

Here is an ultrasound picture:


Going right to left, head (can you see his little nose?), then his fist, and then tummy. This is right before he punched the wand.

I had a doctor's appointment today (regular OB). She was listening to his heart and he started punching/kicking that wand. :laughing: Apparently, he doesn't like to be bothered. He has such a wonderful attitude already.
DisneyGirl4188 said:
Here is an ultrasound picture:


Going right to left, head (can you see his little nose?), then his fist, and then tummy. This is right before he punched the wand.

I had a doctor's appointment today (regular OB). She was listening to his heart and he started punching/kicking that wand. :laughing: Apparently, he doesn't like to be bothered. He has such a wonderful attitude already.

That picture is awesome, Amber!!! Nice to finally "see" Spencer!!:goodvibes He looks a lot like Nathan did at that age!!:earboy2:
Has he had the hiccups yet? That's an experience.:goodvibes
gotta go gove the kids a bath....

I'll be back in awhile...
Ok here are some pics of Lilly

In the coat Aunt Lesa sent.

Blake bought her a teething bagel, she thought she was in heaven when we handed her 'real' food:eek:

Lilly and my dad at Matt's football game. She loves to chew on water bottles.
Aw heck, she loves to chew on anything!

OK Lilly is ready to cheer now:cheer2:
OH!!! Lilly pics!!! I LOVE them! She's just adorable!

Poor Matt - having football withdrawls. Thank God for Basketball.

Here is an ultrasound picture:


Going right to left, head (can you see his little nose?), then his fist, and then tummy. This is right before he punched the wand.
Amber, first baby pictures!! I'm SO excited! That one is great!

Evenin', Poz!
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