The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 2

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us too... we had 25 credits left. we are going to try things without the DDP and see how it goes.
Next time we go that is what I plan on doing too. I'm not happy with the DDP changes so we will get use the DDE.
But, I am afraid that when they bring in the "big guns" it WILL get noticed. :eek:

Here is what concerns me...

We are considering bringing in some expert consultants that are specialists in mysql performance to look at the code and see what they can do. We know that long threads are becoming an issue. I'll just copy a quote from the vbulletin board to explain:
vb stores the threadid and dateline in the post table. Whenever a bunch of posts needs to be selected, vb filters the post table by threadid and orders the results by dateline, and takes a few of the posts (of course there is an index involved). In other words the query is similar to

SELECT * FROM post WHERE threadid=$threadid ORDER BY dateline LIMIT 8575,15

which means that mysql will have to throw away the first 8575 results and then return the next 15. If my understanding is correct, this is the reason why large threads are bad. We need only 15 rows, but mysql has to analyse thousands.
With some threads approaching 125,000 posts you can see the issue. We don't want to have to put thread length limits back so we are looking for options.

they are looking for options.....but we could always make it a game if they do put thread limits back (that must have been awhile ago) . Whoever hits the limited post has to start the new thread. :laughing:
o yes..those would be the dragons ;)

I saw that too--i hope they dont "shut us down "!

and with that, im off to work!!
To everyone else leaving on trips soon (i know theres a few of us!--Elin, Robyn, Heidi-who am i missing?!)

HAVE A GREAT TRIP!! cant wait to hear about them and see pictures , of course!!!

Have a great trip Jen!! Hope it's relaxing!!
I know we enjoy our very long thread, but we could always start a new one every month if needed. That won't change our happy family. We are always on the top of page 1 on the Creative DISigns board anyway so it isn't like the thread would get "lost".

That is exactly what I was thinking. We would just need to periodically start a new thread. It's not like we haven't done it before. We could just make sure the last post on the old thread has a link to the new one.

Colby is learning to write a few words this morning. So far he can write Colby, Mom, Dad and he accidentally wrote mad :rotfl: :rotfl: I think he is finally ready for kindergarten :thumbsup2 He is actually interested in learning and not just playing.

I need to get some laundry done before I have to be chasing kids for a few hours. I can't wait until the end of February when Logan will start full days of school. At least I'll have 2 days each week that I don't have to run out :banana:
We will probably never do the DDP again. We had it for just 4 of us and split the meals between the 5 of us and still had far too much food. It seemed to be such a waste and we certainly consumed much more than we would have. We have used the DDE card with great success. It just fits into our eating habits much better. Our family are not adventurous eaters and the kids prefer a quick meal to having to sit for any length of time which lends itself to counter service. I also like to be able to change our plans on the fly and if we have ADRs that isn't done easily. It was nice to try the DDP once, but we'll stick to DDE. This next trip will be different in that we will have a fully stocked camper to help with meals. We hope to just eat out one meal a day. We will make sure that we have plenty of breakfast items in the camper and lots of crock pot items. That way we will have a nice hot meal waiting for us whenever we get back to the camper. I even have some crock pot dessert recipes. I know that most people prefer not having to cook on vacation, but I've found that with longer trips I crave homemade food and don't want to step foot in a restaurant. That may also have something to do with the fact that I'm in a restaurant so much at home. You'd be surprised at how many nights I opt to not eat at work (even with the amazingly low employee pricing) and come home to make myself a meal. Ok, you can all think I'm strange now ;)
I can see your point Deb...especially with you working in the restaurant industry.

well, our first non-ddp trip will be this we'll see how it goes.

We will probably never do the DDP again. We had it for just 4 of us and split the meals between the 5 of us and still had far too much food. It seemed to be such a waste and we certainly consumed much more than we would have. We have used the DDE card with great success. It just fits into our eating habits much better. Our family are not adventurous eaters and the kids prefer a quick meal to having to sit for any length of time which lends itself to counter service. I also like to be able to change our plans on the fly and if we have ADRs that isn't done easily. It was nice to try the DDP once, but we'll stick to DDE. This next trip will be different in that we will have a fully stocked camper to help with meals. We hope to just eat out one meal a day. We will make sure that we have plenty of breakfast items in the camper and lots of crock pot items. That way we will have a nice hot meal waiting for us whenever we get back to the camper. I even have some crock pot dessert recipes. I know that most people prefer not having to cook on vacation, but I've found that with longer trips I crave homemade food and don't want to step foot in a restaurant. That may also have something to do with the fact that I'm in a restaurant so much at home. You'd be surprised at how many nights I opt to not eat at work (even with the amazingly low employee pricing) and come home to make myself a meal. Ok, you can all think I'm strange now ;)
That's not what I needed to hear :rotfl: Lucy's Dr. did tell me that on Monday she really thought Lucy sounded a lot worse than she let on to Eric. She was afraid of scaring him. She thinks that I can handle the news better. Umm, NOT! That is what scares me the most is being in FL and having something get worse. But she honestly thinks that she'll be fine and I trust her judgment. She did also say that Emma and Molly would probably end up with it while we are there. The incubation period for RSV is 7-10 days. She said Emma would probably just have a sore throat and Molly would sound "croupy" but nothing major.

Designer cupcakes! Those cupcake shops are popping up all over the place. Oprah had some on her Favorite Things that I think were like $60 for 9 cupcakes :scared1: They did look yummy though

I am sure the girls will be fine! :) Try not to worry about it since there really isn't anything you can do. If someone gets sick then you assess the severity and move on from there.
If I thought a cupcake was worth $6.50 I might buy one on occasion, but I wouldn't buy them often OR in large quantities!:rotfl2:

So...Should I make a 60 second video and send it in?:confused3 I could use a new career even if it is short lived. :rotfl: What would one put in such a video?

Well, judging by the Moms Panel results you should NOT say you have an AP, DVC, or over 1000 DIS posts.:rolleyes1

Well, I ended up not having a very fun day. I overslept a bit this morning, and made the disastrous decision to drive myself to work today, instead of taking the train (since the train wouldn't be running as frequently that late). Of course, it ended up taking me even longer to get myself downtown than if I'd waited for a train, and then getting home tonight (leaving the office at 7 p.m., no less) was another nightmare. Both the major freeways I can take home had major accidents on them, one with a fatality. :sad1: I feel fortunate to be alive, but it took me almost 90 mins. to get home. I certainly won't oversleep tomorrow!

And then I decided to start my night by reading the thread about the 40% off codes - seems like a huge batch of e-mails went out about them today. I'm going to call again tomorrow, but when I called a few days ago, the CM said a code was not associated with me or Jonathan. I did previously do some of the things those with codes said they've done recently (ordered the planning DVD, updated my profile after the mom's panel e-mail, etc.), and I also went ahead tonight and saved (but didn't book) some mock reservations on the Disney website. I'm sure it's all in vain, but I'm very jealous right now! :rolleyes:

I didn't watch any news last night - I am sorry you got stuck in traffic but I am thankful that you are safe!:goodvibes
That 40% off thing is starting to chap my tushy, but I keep getting drawn back in. I might have to call back today.

I know we enjoy our very long thread, but we could always start a new one every month if needed. That won't change our happy family. We are always on the top of page 1 on the Creative DISigns board anyway so it isn't like the thread would get "lost".

I see no problem at all with starting a new thread every week or whatever.

I love that place! All fresh ingredients and they are so flavorful! Lindsay -- I've tasted the red velvet, banana and strawberry -- all were really good. I wish I didn't care for them! ;)

Elizabeth -- I think I would go ahead and bill her for the cupcakes. If you feel bad about the cost, wait until after the party when she sees you did need them and then get reimbursement. When is the party again?

Have a good day everyone! I'll try to post more pics from our trip later. :)

For whatever reason Sprinkles just doesn't do it for me. Unfortunately there are plenty of other things that DO pull me in.:rolleyes:
I will talk to her about the cupcakes tomorrow. The bigger cake was only going to be 6 more servings for $10, so it really is proportionate. I told Dadboss I ordered them and he didn't ask how much it cost.

Colby is learning to write a few words this morning. So far he can write Colby, Mom, Dad and he accidentally wrote mad :rotfl: :rotfl: I think he is finally ready for kindergarten :thumbsup2 He is actually interested in learning and not just playing.

Yay for Colby!:banana:

WE're late for gymnastics! Chat later!
We will probably never do the DDP again. We had it for just 4 of us and split the meals between the 5 of us and still had far too much food. It seemed to be such a waste and we certainly consumed much more than we would have. We have used the DDE card with great success. It just fits into our eating habits much better. Our family are not adventurous eaters and the kids prefer a quick meal to having to sit for any length of time which lends itself to counter service. I also like to be able to change our plans on the fly and if we have ADRs that isn't done easily. It was nice to try the DDP once, but we'll stick to DDE. This next trip will be different in that we will have a fully stocked camper to help with meals. We hope to just eat out one meal a day. We will make sure that we have plenty of breakfast items in the camper and lots of crock pot items. That way we will have a nice hot meal waiting for us whenever we get back to the camper. I even have some crock pot dessert recipes. I know that most people prefer not having to cook on vacation, but I've found that with longer trips I crave homemade food and don't want to step foot in a restaurant. That may also have something to do with the fact that I'm in a restaurant so much at home. You'd be surprised at how many nights I opt to not eat at work (even with the amazingly low employee pricing) and come home to make myself a meal. Ok, you can all think I'm strange now ;)

I can see your point at the end of a week on vacation I am usually just really wanting something I've cooked. Maybe because we only used it for four days but we enjoyed having the DP and never were stuffed. We also decided that when we go back we will still probably do the DP because we like knowing our food is paid for ahead of time and we have too many sit down restaurants we still want to try. This is of course only if they don't mess with the plan again. :sad2:
Good morning DDA!

Janet - glad the water is back

Robyn - Hope everyone stays healthy!

Jen, Elin, Heidi and Robyn - Have great trips!!!! Can't wait for more pics.

Anne Marie - Sorry about the store. I hope you can find something soon for the interim. Way to go on the loss this week!

Jennifer - I hope to hear that you got more sleep last night.

Vicki - Have a safe drive home.

Everyone else - :wave: Hope that you all are well.
I must have missed something somewhere, but waht is the video entry thing that Elin was talking about?
Its sounding more and more like I shouldn't even worry about pricing out DDP for us. I know that Phil will prefer Quick Service in the first place, but was still thinking about the plan. Now if there is free dining any time, maybe I can convince him to book earlier in the year and we'll do it, but otherwise, it may be room only for us this time.
Lindsay - your day was NOT a very good one. I hope today is much better and that your inbox is flooded with 40% offers. :hug:

Thanks, Elin! From your lips to Mickey's ears! ;)

and with that, im off to work!!
To everyone else leaving on trips soon (i know theres a few of us!--Elin, Robyn, Heidi-who am i missing?!)

HAVE A GREAT TRIP!! cant wait to hear about them and see pictures , of course!!!

Jen - I can't believe you leave tomorrow! Have a wonderful time!!!!

I'm caught up and off to get ready for the day! I haven't decided yet whether I'm heading home today or tomorrow. I really should get that decision made soon so I can see if there is room at the inn. :rotfl2: Have a great day everyone!

Have a safe trip home, Vicki, whenever it may be!
Good morning!

Off to work today. The kids were invited to 2 more birthday parties so I might buy more Disney sleeping bags today. :)

I was on the 40% off code thread too looking & hoping I will get one. I have done everything too..ordered the planning video, updated profile, etc etc but no code for me. I was hoping for one for April. We have 2 rooms booked at Pop now & thats $200 a night total..with a 40% off code we could do a deluxe for alittle more than that!
Code Fairy, please hear my plea!!!!!!:worship:

Have a good day at work, Anne Marie! I'm jealous of your discount. ;)

And I'll send up a prayer to the code fairy for you, too! :rotfl:

Have a good day everyone! I'll try to post more pics from our trip later. :)

You, too, Marci. Can't wait to see more pics! :goodvibes Loved the ones of the GF on New Year's Eve on the GF thread. I don't think I've ever heard how the resorts themselves celebrate - just the parks. Sounded like a lot of fun!
What job is this? I haven't heard anything about it.

Disney announced a couple of days ago that they would be hiring a Chief Magic Official - here are some links:

Sounds very cool!

Our water is back on :thumbsup2

Yay - glad that didn't take long for you guys! :thumbsup2

Next time we go that is what I plan on doing too. I'm not happy with the DDP changes so we will get use the DDE.

I was just perusing some of those DDP posts on the Dining board last night - doesn't sound pretty. :scared: We tried the DDP once (during free dining), but other times have just used DDE. We like the DDE card a lot. :)
That is exactly what I was thinking. We would just need to periodically start a new thread. It's not like we haven't done it before. We could just make sure the last post on the old thread has a link to the new one.

Colby is learning to write a few words this morning. So far he can write Colby, Mom, Dad and he accidentally wrote mad :rotfl: :rotfl: I think he is finally ready for kindergarten :thumbsup2 He is actually interested in learning and not just playing.

I need to get some laundry done before I have to be chasing kids for a few hours. I can't wait until the end of February when Logan will start full days of school. At least I'll have 2 days each week that I don't have to run out :banana:

Yay for Colby! Good luck with the laundry - come on February. ;)

That 40% off thing is starting to chap my tushy, but I keep getting drawn back in. I might have to call back today.

:rotfl: :rotfl:
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