Found old safe in my basement

OP thank you for the fun and frankly if the family is still around or the law firm that letter will mean something to them. As far as the nay sayers on the safe too bad it was hers. In her house. We all enjoyed this ride and the fun in sharing her dream. So yay to you and yay to DH for being so DIS-understanding.
Puhleez. It was hers, to do with what she wanted. She's not accountable to any "antique police."

Ok...BUT she could have gotten $$ FOR the Safe, IF she hadn't Butchered it, thats all I am saying.:confused3 There are ways to OPEN a safe without Cutting into it.:sad2:
Ok...BUT she could have gotten $$ FOR the Safe, IF she hadn't Butchered it, thats all I am saying.:confused3 There are ways to OPEN a safe without Cutting into it.:sad2:

OK, I know I skimmed the beginning of this thread quickly, so I may have missed it. Where was your post to the OP, offering to buy the safe outright, or offering to pay to have the safe opened by certain people in a certain way, because YOU needed to have it opened in a certain way? :confused3

If you have bought the safe from her, then of course, you have a right to criticise her not following your directives, because the safe then, would be yours to do as you want.

OK, I know I skimmed the beginning of this thread quickly, so I may have missed it. Where was your post to the OP, offering to buy the safe outright, or offering to pay to have the safe opened by certain people in a certain way, because YOU needed to have it opened in a certain way? :confused3

If you have bought the safe from her, then of course, you have a right to criticise her not following your directives, because the safe then, would be yours to do as you want.


Thank you!
HUGS HUGS and THANK YOU for bringing some adventure to the DIS on what has been a very long weekend. Here's hoping for some pixie dust for you and your husband for providing us all a bit of entertainment!! What a good sport he was :)
Ok...BUT she could have gotten $$ FOR the Safe, IF she hadn't Butchered it, thats all I am saying.:confused3 There are ways to OPEN a safe without Cutting into it.:sad2:

Yeah, but the safe was already damaged because someone had drilled it out. So it was *already* cut into. So in order to sell it and make any sort of money, they'd have had to fix it and lord only knows how much it would cost to fix a safe that old. So they might (wild guess here based on other info) have gotten a hundred or so for it seriously damaged.

I honestly believe that OP got well over $100 in entertainment value because of this whole thing.
Whenever someone tells my dad that they have something that is worth *however much* money, he always responds "only if you have a buyer"......

I think the safe story was fun! :thumbsup2
Whew! I made it all the way to the end, and what a ride it was! party:

Thanks, OP, for letting us share your adventure, and thanks to all the experts who added to the excitement. And special thanks to all the humorists for making it so hilarious from start to finish! Great job! :thumbsup2 :lmao:
I liked the adventure too even though I didn't say anything. There is a little possibility that the OP could have gotten a nice sum of money for the safe even with the drill hole but that of course was her choice to make. I wouldn't try to look up the potential value now though! ;)
Could someone please explain this thread to me, I tried to read back but it is all :faint:

Did the OP really find an antique safe with a letter that was dated 1899???
Thanks, OP, for sharing your adventure!

P.S. - You had the whole house following, too. - Will tell DH and DS about the letter when they wake up!
I couldn't bear to read anymore last night, so I waited until this AM. We were getting ready for church, but everyone made me run down here to get an update.

Very cool letter!!! I'm sorry there wasn't anything else in there -but, now you have a neat story to tell!!!

Thanks for the entertainment. I can honestly say that I've never followed a thread with such a passion!! (Although, I did read the paper bag thread after the fact.)

I hope it doesn't take you too long to clean up!
Ok, but you ruined a piece of History...there was a better way to Get into the safe, but you refused to do it. Oh, well.:confused3 YOU could have sold the safe to someone who was interested in it, IF you hadn't... A.Cut the hinges off and B. Cut a Big Gaping hole in, you have something you can throw away in a dump.:confused3 :sad2:

So what:confused3 ...there are a lot of should ofs, and could ofs in life. She did what a majority of us would of done...No harm done.
Can I go to bed now? :surfweb:

Who's next?? :hyper: How about Pursewatch. Some of you ladies have enough junk in there to fill a few threads!
Thank you! This was the most exciting thing to happen all weekend and don't let anyone make you feel bad about getting into the safe....
Thanks for letting us follow along with your treasure hunt. I would have done the same thing ,so don't feel bad about destroying it in the process. One man's junk is another man's treasure, and at least you have a story to tell.
That was such an amazing,thrilling ride! Thanks OP for sharing!;)
I guess that is the end of our Safe Watch 2008. I am so glad that all of you were here to share in this. I am sorry that the ending is so disappointing. But at least there was the one letter, gives me something to research into.

Boy do I have a mess to clean up................ :eek: Heavy concrete, metal and not to mention the smell to get out of my house.

The safe may have been empty, but look at it this way, at least there was an ending and it wasn't another "neighbor" thread!

Thanks again for making this even more exciting for me!!!!!

And to all who are angry with me for ruining a piece of history "I am sorry" but I just couldn't help myself. Forgive me:worship:

I would have done the same thing..
The letters that you found are RICH in HISTORY for your community and if you choose to find a family member to the families included on the letter to share your finding than that in & of itself is worth history is priceless!!!! Especially because it looked or read as if the McKeknie (sorry can't remember the exact spelling at this moment) family were immigrants...and their children may have been first generation born in the US if not for sure the children's children were!!! I think it's a wonderful find.. I know if I were related to this family, I'd be thanking you alot!!

Oh, if you are going to keep those letters, please put them in a plastic sheet protector to protect them... :)

Thanks to your DH and yourself for allowing us all on this adventure!!! :)
Ok, but you ruined a piece of History...there was a better way to Get into the safe, but you refused to do it. Oh, well.:confused3 YOU could have sold the safe to someone who was interested in it, IF you hadn't... A.Cut the hinges off and B. Cut a Big Gaping hole in, you have something you can throw away in a dump.:confused3 :sad2:
Somebody call the wahmbulance.

Geez Louise. She tore the safe up. You don't like it. We get it. When you find a safe, you can do whatever the hell you like with it.

OP, this is one of my favorite threads ever. Sorry you didn't find a ton of cash, but I think what you did find was pretty cool in its own way. And I think it's extremely cool that in our little DIS family there was someone who got us background on these folks. The whole thing was awesome.

Thanks for sharing. And thank your husband for doing the work.

Very Cool, indeed. :thumbsup2


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