Girls Only Trip (old thread, link to new thread in first post)

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OK, I thought I'd throw this out there. I am on a MISSION to pay down debt and save money this year. I HAVE to get back east to my family.

I used the envelope system of budgeting back in college. It got me through the poorest time of my life. It works, but life is not that cash friendly anymore.

I found the coolest thing online. It's Pear Budget. It's soooo simple and easy. It's exactly what I wanted. Now I can still use paypal, online banking, and such with the envelope method of budgeting. It's so simple...I might actually stick with it. :laughing: Anyway, check it out if you want. The first month is free then it's $3 a month if you like it. No credit card info required to start.

I love it! :lovestruc

This trip with you all will probably be my one and only time at DLR unless we decide to do a west coast trip sometime in years to come. I'm that serious about paying off debt.

I can't wait to get there and experience it! :banana:

Oh my gosh.....I have snow sickness.....and now you get sun sickness!:crazy:

You need help! :eek:

Don't panic and put this on A.S.A.P!!!


You know Beth will never wear that jacket without the appropriate shoes. She's all about accessorizing.

And if I had the time and patience, I'd go look for the picture of just the right shoes. I know she's posted them before.
Ok, I just ordered my shirt. I did the ladies casual scoop neck in the XL due to the hip measurements. It is so hard to believe the sizing differences. The measurements listed in one shirt for a 2XL are way smaller than another shirt in an XL - weird! Glad I checked the measurements. I don't really care for the style, but I want it to fit so I can show that I am with the "cool chicks"! One more thing off my list of to do's!

We are getting snow here again today. I was supposed to go to a tamale making party at a friend's house but she lives way up in the mountains and there is just no way in this weather! Especially with the kids!

Hope everyone is having a productive day! I still need to get the rest of my christmas letters addressed and out!


Thanks Callie, but Oh gosh--I am such a tech idiot--when I did it before I think someone had posted it on a service where you could have it sent to your phone. Does anyone remember that service?

Edited to add: I found it! (Search actually worked for me this time!) It's on and all is right with the world (or, err, at least my ringtone-- now!)
I'm all about spending less on this trip.....cause I'm poor.:goodvibes

For the tees: I ordered the tranfer paper from HP at 50% off w/free next day shipping. Cost around $6.00. For the actual tees themselves, I ordered 2 of the Seed Supply Co. Women's Organic Cotton Cap Sleeve Crew Tees from Walmart for $6 each plus $.97 for shipping. Cost for 2 tees w/shipping, around $14.

So Ill be able to make myself and Cathy a t-shirt for a total of $20.:thumbsup2

What day are we supposed to wear our t-shirts? Is there a group photo planned?
Brussell sprouts story! Dan and I swore before we got married that a neither a brussell sprout nor lima bean would ever enter our house. Ewwww! My neighbor heard that we didn't eat brussell sprouts and she told us that if we made them the way she does, we would be converts! Sure enough, we tried them her way and LOVED them. I could eat them every day if prepared this way.

I too have made that vow.:rotfl:

Oh and you all have to hear this, it's SOOO cute
Hi Hi Girlie Girls..

I'm Just Checking because we are making up the participant packs for the Scavenger Hunt....

Is everyone that wants to play signed up?

Speak now or forever hold your peas:rotfl:

Sorry i've been hanging out with twin 4 year olds all afternoon:goodvibes

I just want to make sure as we don't leave anyone out.

Those of you playing.. We will have 3.. first place winners.. 3 ..second place winners.. and 3 ...third place winners..

Why 3.. cuz the teams are teams of three.:teacher:

I'll check back later.. we are going to watch Peter Pan now.:banana:
Disney Super Mom.. i wanted to thank you for posting what kind of shirt you got and where you got it..

That's great that you can make 2 for 20... i hope i can do my moms and mine.. :rotfl: i'm going to try..if they are crooked.. everybody just tilt your head.:lmao:
Hi all. Well I am back from the party and I think it was a great success! We got there a bit early and out of the 9 kids that were invited 6 showed up. So there was 8 total with Katy and Shelby. I was not surprised. I can't remember if I told you guys, but I think I did, about the party I took Katy too and there was the people smoking pot, but one of the girls we invited was the pot smoking family and her mom said she would come but I should have KNOWN they wouldn't show up.

I mean a family like that has the word FLAKE written all over it and I gave her the invite weeks ago and she stuck it on top of her fridge. She probably forgot all about it but frankly I am glad she didn't come. I feel bad for the little girl because she was a nice little girl but I am glad because I really didn't want that mom there anyway. And the other two little girls we didn't know well and they were girls that Katy knows from school but I kind of figured they wouldn't come. I never heard from them so I wasn't surprised. But we always invited some friends that we know from scouting, swim team and some that are just old friends and they are always sure bets and it made it SO much nicer. Plus the other few that came from school are people that I have known for years from volunteering and such. There are always the "good" people that you know from seeing them at all the school functions and other birthday parties etc and you know you can count on them but when your child invites someone you don't know you can pretty much figure on them no showing.

Anyway it was a great time and I think everyone had a blast and Katy did as well.

It was really a fun day! Lynn is off work tomorrow so I get a break and Shane has to work but that means I get one last day of peace before the pandamonium of the back to school and work craziness begins again on Monday.

All this talk of the shirts and all is getting exciting. In a few weeks hopefully we will be back on track financially and I will be in a position to buy my plane ticket and then it will REALLY start coming together!

Then I will be getting excited!

This is going to be so fun! Can't wait!
Don't panic and put this on A.S.A.P!!!

Oh nice! But ummmm, does it come in black leather?

You know Beth will never wear that jacket without the appropriate shoes. She's all about accessorizing.
Definitely need the right shoes. If she has the outfit in black, then these would work nicely:

What day are we supposed to wear our t-shirts? Is there a group photo planned?
I was thinking Saturday. It's the day of the character meal and the hunt. And the day I think most people will be there. But nothing has been set officially so if anyone has a different idea that's fine.

I'll check back later.. we are going to watch Peter Pan now.:banana:
Enjoy your movie! And thanks to y'all for the hard work on the hunt. :goodvibes
LOL you caught me before I edited it. And yes I can't spell. I mean SHIRTS!! I went back to re-read it and I was like what the heck did I say that got edited! Then I figured it out that I mean to say shirts and left out the R! OOPS!! ;)
Who are the Twilight fans in our group again? I think it was Wendy, Cristabel, and Callie.
Anyway, I just finished reading Eclipse. It took me a week which is forever compared to New Moon which I finished in about 24 hours. I'm not sure about reading Breaking Dawn. I read about it online and it seems weird. Is it any good?
Hi Hi Girlie Girls..

I'm Just Checking because we are making up the participant packs for the Scavenger Hunt....

Is everyone that wants to play signed up?

Speak now or forever hold your peas:rotfl:

Sorry i've been hanging out with twin 4 year olds all afternoon:goodvibes

I just want to make sure as we don't leave anyone out.

Those of you playing.. We will have 3.. first place winners.. 3 ..second place winners.. and 3 ...third place winners..

Why 3.. cuz the teams are teams of three.:teacher:

I'll check back later.. we are going to watch Peter Pan now.:banana:

Hi Dawn,
The scavenger hunt will be so fun! Is my BFF signed up too. Her name is Terri. She is so not the online friends, group sort of gal. But, she is a good sport and will go along with it, even if she is cursing me under her breath.
Quick drive by to ask Tracey if she got the check I sent her a few weeks ago for the VIP tour. I just balanced my checkbook, and it's the only thing outstanding. If you didn't get it, let me know and I'm sorry! If you did get it....when ya goin to cash it? Thanks!

Oh, and those shoes look fab Beth! :laughing: I think you should wear them on Friday so you look 'real special' when you get your photo with the Princesses! :thumbsup2
Who are the Twilight fans in our group again? I think it was Wendy, Cristabel, and Callie.
Anyway, I just finished reading Eclipse. It took me a week which is forever compared to New Moon which I finished in about 24 hours. I'm not sure about reading Breaking Dawn. I read about it online and it seems weird. Is it any good?

Beth, I really REALLY liked Breaking Dawn. Much better than New Moon and Eclipse.

What I can't understand is how you could NOT read the last book. I mean, don't you want to know how it ends??? After investing so much time in the other books, I don't think I could just leave it at book 3.
Hi Girls!
I just got back from a great week in the mountains! We went to Yosemite twice, and played in the snow at a spot just outside the park on another day. I'm nice and relaxed and ready to get back to work again.--Now let's see if I'm still saying that on Wednesday!:rotfl:
Anyway, I'm going to start reading backwards to try to catch up on all the gossip;) I hope you all had a great holiday!
But, she is a good sport and will go along with it, even if she is cursing me under her breath.
Cursing? I like her already. :rotfl2:

Oh, and those shoes look fab Beth! :laughing: I think you should wear them on Friday so you look 'real special' when you get your photo with the Princesses! :thumbsup2
Oh no! :eek:

If I was meeting the Princesses I'd need something much more lady-like then those.

These would be much more appropriate. princess:


Beth, I really REALLY liked Breaking Dawn. Much better than New Moon and Eclipse.

What I can't understand is how you could NOT read the last book. I mean, don't you want to know how it ends??? After investing so much time in the other books, I don't think I could just leave it at book 3.
I've been reading the reviews on Amazon and there are so many readers who have said how bad it was. And some of the things I've been reading.....

Warning - Spoilers for anyone who hasn't read it!!!

Things like Edward not biting Bella but instead injecting her with a needle?? What's up with that? And something about having to eat the baby out of her?????? :scared: And the whole thing with Jacob imprinting on a baby? I LOVE Jacob and it sounds like she turned him into a creepy pedophile! :mad:

I'm sure I'll still read it. I just wondered if it was as bad or as much of a let down as everyone says. I think my favorite so far was New Moon.
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