Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggity Dog! LINK TO TRIP REPORT!!!

I have consulted Touring Plans, as I think it is helpful to have a general guideline for planning, especially when you brave the world at one of the busiest times of the year. I used some of their more general tips last trip and I think we were quite sucessful; didn't wait in too many long lines, yet we still saw most of what we wanted.

I took away two VERY IMPORTANT points in my opinion:

1. Making Rope Drop is crucial. Those first couple hours a park is open are GOLDEN. We got right onto Soarin', TSM, Test Track, etc. that way. We also had a very special, beautiful stroll through World Showcase without a soul around, just after 11 a.m. on a beautiful morning.

2. Get out of the parks by 1, at the latest. We did most of our rides either early on, or in the evening. We won't have the second option as much this time out, but that's ok...need to try and keep in mind that this isn't MY trip, its my son's, and I need to come up with an intinerary that will keep him happy.

Onto Day Two...

Animal Kingdom is the park of the day.

We have two options:

1. We will wake up and have breakfast in our room. I'm looking into doing a delivery to our room, as we would love to take advantage of the kitchen, at least in the morning and for soda and coffee. My parents, husband, and I don't really eat big breakfasts (I usually have a protein bar), but Max needs his sustenance. Being a little kid, breakfast really is his most important meal of the day most of the time!


2. We wake up and do the Tusker House character breakfast, as early as possible. Max adores Donald Duck (who doesn't?) and would probably love this breakfast. This depends on whether or not we do the DxDDP. Or I may just decide to pay for this OOP. Don't know yet. :confused3 Also not sure how many character meals he needs this trip...although I have a feeling this might be the most fun part of the trip, as far as he's concerned.

We then begin touring at Animal Kingdom. My husband and I did not make the most of our time at Animal Kingdom last year. Our first experience was on an afternoon when we were tired and kinda grouchy. It as also one of the colder days that we were there, during what was an unusually chilly week.

We were there for EMH's and for some reason, I decided the first thing we should do is Expedition Everest. Where waited in line for so long that by the time we were done, the safari was closed! And I think my huband would have really enjoyed this. EE was super cool (more for me than for my roller coaster phobic husband :scared1:), but by the time we got through that whole experience and grabbed a quick (and delicious and cheap...can't believe you get two nice egg rolls for a snack credit!) snack from Yak and Yeti counter service, we had had it.

So we walked around a bit, tried on lots of hats, looked through nearly every single store available, and went to Its a Bug's Life, which was something to be experienced. Loved it!

We then left early for our ADR at Jiko...but that's another story...

Anyway, this year, my first priority will be the safari and nature walk. I might run over to EE and grab fastpasses for my husband and I (think I could get my mom on some of these rides? :laughing:), while everyone else waits in line at the safari.

My dad taught biology, botany, and animal behaivor, among other fields of science, for years, and I know this will really appeal to him. I'm looking forward to it, as well.

After that, we might head over to EE to use the fastpasses, or look through some shops.

I want to find the best time to get into to see Nemo. Max loves Nemo! :woohoo:

I think we'll do lunch at Flametree, as I have read so many good things about it on these boards.

When we are done with that, it will be time to head back to the BLT for some much needed r and r. And I desperately hope that I get a couple good pool days this year. PLEASE! Pretty please! :cool1: I'm from New England, I'll swim in the low seventies, but going to the pool when it was the sixties...well, not so pleasant.

For dinner that evening, I'd like to stay on the monorail. I am thinking of doing Ohana later in the week, so that takes care of the Poly. I would love to get in a meal at the GF, because I LOVE their lobby, even if the rooms themselves hold no appeal. The lobby lets me pretend for a second that I'm in Lady and the Tramp or Mary that hyper-idealized, quasi-Victorian thing that was going on in those movies.

We might also do the Wave...I will present both options to the concerned parties and we'll see where we end up, but after our day at the AK, I'd like to keep it relatively easy and not go into another park.

Any opinions? Haven't read much about GFC, but everything I read about the Wave is super positive.

Then we'll find someplace to watch Wishes (possibly our balcony) before we put Max to bed. What my husband and I decide to do after that is another story....I have a feeling we'll be good with going to bed pretty early, ourselves during this trip. :rotfl:
Hello? Is anyone out there? :wave2: Just much as I tell myself that this PTR is for me, it would be nice to hear from some people. :goodvibes
Hey, Tina. I'm still here. Personally, I NEVER listen to the touring plans because they are often wrong. :rotfl2: People came back in the last two weeks where they read crowds would be low and they were packed.

Chef Mickey's is our least favorite character meals of the ones we've done (we definitely prefer breakfast over dinner, but I'm sure Max will love it).
Okay, I am here too!

I have FINALLY caught up on nearly all the school work (HOW I hate to have to check a weeks home-exercises - yuck!) and I NEED to be in on your trip planning - esp. since we might be there the same time too!

Your plans sound great so far! Even though I think the food at CM is not the very best it is one of the most fun character dining spots! I am sure, Max will love it!
Like Kathy, I don't really listen to Touring Plans even though I have a subscribtion, :lmao

Okay, looking forward to hearing more about your plans! popcorn::
Hey, Tina. I'm still here. Personally, I NEVER listen to the touring plans because they are often wrong. :rotfl2: People came back in the last two weeks where they read crowds would be low and they were packed. Thanks, Kathy! Its President's Week, so the parks are pretty packed no matter what. :rotfl:

Chef Mickey's is our least favorite character meals of the ones we've done (we definitely prefer breakfast over dinner, but I'm sure Max will love it).

Yeah, I'm not expecting much from Chef Mickey's in the way of food, but if we do end up at BLT with everyone it will be the easiest to do that first night. I'd MUCH rather stick with my first plan, which was to head to EPCOT and the Garden Grill. Oh well. We will def. do that if it ends up just being Mark, Max, and I and we stay at CSR, though!
Okay, I am here too!

I have FINALLY caught up on nearly all the school work (HOW I hate to have to check a weeks home-exercises - yuck!) and I NEED to be in on your trip planning - esp. since we might be there the same time too!

Your plans sound great so far! Even though I think the food at CM is not the very best it is one of the most fun character dining spots! I am sure, Max will love it!
Like Kathy, I don't really listen to Touring Plans even though I have a subscribtion, :lmao

Okay, looking forward to hearing more about your plans! popcorn::

Hi, Karin! Glad you enjoyed your trip to DLRP! I am so enjoying hearing about it over on your PTR.

And if we do happen to be there at the same time again this year, WE ARE ABSOLUTELY GOING TO PLAN A MEET!

Maybe I'll do another update later on is super busy this time of year. Just three more weeks and I'm off for awhile. :yay:
Just got back from Target and bought Max the Mickey's Clubhouse CD, which he is loving right now! :goodvibes
Hi, Karin! Glad you enjoyed your trip to DLRP! I am so enjoying hearing about it over on your PTR.

And if we do happen to be there at the same time again this year, WE ARE ABSOLUTELY GOING TO PLAN A MEET!

Maybe I'll do another update later on is super busy this time of year. Just three more weeks and I'm off for awhile. :yay:

Hi Tina!
Yes, DLRP was fun and such a fun break before the mad time before school ends! ;)

I hope that we can go back in February next year and I agree with you - we HAVE TO meet!!

Like you I am struggleing with updating my trip report! Those last few weeks before school ends are always so stressful. We have 5 more weeks and I cannot wait for my 9 week break!
But at least I can say that we are under 10 weeks for our summer vacation - only 69 more days! :goodvibes
Hi Tina!
Yes, DLRP was fun and such a fun break before the mad time before school ends! ;)

I hope that we can go back in February next year and I agree with you - we HAVE TO meet!!

Like you I am struggleing with updating my trip report! Those last few weeks before school ends are always so stressful. We have 5 more weeks and I cannot wait for my 9 week break!
But at least I can say that we are under 10 weeks for our summer vacation - only 69 more days! :goodvibes

I'm curious about your school you're in for another five weeks...when does the year start back up for you? I assume that means you also get a break in February, at some point?
I'm curious about your school you're in for another five weeks...when does the year start back up for you? I assume that means you also get a break in February, at some point?

We usually start school the second Monday in September, which is Sept 13 this year. The last school day of the summer will be July 9.
As for days off - we have Oct 26 (one of our national holidays) and Nov 2 (all souls day) off, then Dec 8 is a holiday. Schools are closed from Dec 24 to Jan 7 and we get a week off in February (usually the 3rd week), then we get ten days off for Easter and there are six more holidays in May and June. The good thing is that IF those holidays fall on either a Tuesday or Thursday we get Monday/Friday off as well (these are called window days) - so we have quite a lot of days off!
I was quite shocked when I counted the days in May! There were only 15 !! school days in May and my class was away for a week, so they were actually only IN the school building for 10 days!! :scared1:
Well...talked to my mother tonight and it is looking like our trip in February will be just Mark, Max, and I. While I'm sad that my parents won't be able to go, it will make planning a lot easier.

It also means that I have to re-think some things. For one, since it will be the three of us, I think we'll stay at CSR! :cool1: My husband and I really loved it when we were there last February. Not only are the rooms wonderful and beautiful, but the transportation can't be beat. Doing my homework this time around has been interesting. Lots of people talk about how great being at a monorail resort great is it if it takes twenty to twenty-five minutes to get to EPCOT on it? I really don't think it took us longer than fifteen minutes to get to any park, ever, from CSR.

And there is such a HUGE price difference between CSR and the Contemporary. I can't justify that at all, especially since CSR is so beautiful.

I am also considering doing the DxDDP, as well, because it gives us such a huge amount of flexibility and well...we don't like counter service much and I think Max will LOVE a lot of the character meals.

Onward with the planning....
Oh, Tina. I'm so sorry; I know you were looking forward to your mom and dad being with you. Nothing against the Contemporary (although we like the Poly a lot more), but I really find the monorail overrated; you can wait just as long for a monorail, have to stand, etc. I know you and hubby really liked CSR. I think you should go back there and then do the Deluxe plan and you can do lots of character meals for darling Max.
Oh, Tina. I'm so sorry; I know you were looking forward to your mom and dad being with you. Nothing against the Contemporary (although we like the Poly a lot more), but I really find the monorail overrated; you can wait just as long for a monorail, have to stand, etc. I know you and hubby really liked CSR. I think you should go back there and then do the Deluxe plan and you can do lots of character meals for darling Max.

Thanks, Kathy. It will probably be for the best. I don't want my mother to be stressed out and not enjoy it. In addition to not being the most mobile, my dad also has issues with crowds and waiting in lines :scared1:, so Disney's probably not the best place for him, despite how much he'd like to be there with Max. I really do have such a great memories of being there with them when I was a kid.

But now I have my own kid...and we'll be making a lot of new memories. :goodvibes

And, yes, we LOVED CSR and I don't feel any dissapointment about not staying at the Contemporary. I know that Max will love the character meals! I can't wait and I just can't believe that we are going to get to go again so soon! :cool1:
I have pretty much had a come hell or high water attitude about this trip. Well, at least about this trip including my husband and my son.

And its funny I should mention high water... :lmao:

Right before we left for our trip this past February, my husband and I found out that we were being ordered by the town (via a neighbor who hates us...long story..super stressful...can't believe how mean some people can be) to fix three missing shingles (not kidding...three) from our roof. We knew that our roof was old (as is the rest of our house) and that we needed a new one. We just hadn't been planning on doing that this year! That was supposed to be next year (2011).

Oh well. Things happen. We panicked and signed a contract with a roofer who assured us that despite zero cooperation from our neighbors (we only have a driveway...their driveway...separating our two houses), he'd be able to get the job done. Five thousand dollars later...its now June...and we have no roof and he has said that he can't do it without the neighbors allowing access to their driveway, which they refuse.

In the meantime, we explored some options and decided to sell the house, even if it means taking a loss. We have since gotten several financial matters squared away and are moving forward out of a VERY stressful time.
For awhile I just shrugged and said, hey, we made the mistake...let him keep the money, even though he wasn't going to do the job. My husband didn't like that idea and tried calling him and being nice. Lucky for us, DH's best friend is a lawyer. He called and wouldn't you know that it looks like we'll be getting our money back?

Hello, trip to Disney! While I knew we would be able to save up for it between now and the no matter what, this makes things a whole lot easier.

Its also part of the reason why my husband and I are so eager to go back. Dealing with the stress of our housing situation while we were in Florida was pretty awful. My joke is that I cried in every country in World Showcase. :lmao: Only it isn't really a joke. It was sort of I know how great this place really is, yet I cannot fully enjoy it.

Don't get me wrong...we had our moments, but it wasn't everything it should have been. (That and the unusually cold weather.)

So this trip has come to mean a lot of things to me and even if I find out we have to move the week we come back from Florida...:confused3 so be it.

We are going. Come hell or high water.
One of my major disspointments last year during our February trip was just how COLD it was. I know that Florida experienced an usually cold winter last year, but it meant a LOT of dead plants (oh....the poor, poor plants) and very little time at the pool.

That said, it was still a nice break from our dreary New England winter. It was almost rather pleasant not to have to deal with heat while we were out at the parks during the day. I did not, however, enjoy FREEZING while watching Illuminations. Of course, that could have been avoided had I packed more sensibly... but I was going to FLORIDA!

Granted, with my three year old, we'll be lucky if we make Illuminations once and so far, he hasn't proven to be a big swimmer! :lmao:

For the first time in a long time, my husband and I have the same April vacations. This could prove to be a better time for us to go this year from a personal perspective (less going on), not to mention that much more itme to save! Plus, its during the Flower and Garden Festival, so there will be plenty of flowers at EPCOT.

Just wondering about crowds, heat, etc...what would you do? Will I miss my February break too much?
We went in April once (if memory serves me correctly, it was early the 7th through 14th or something close to that). The first day it was absolutely freezing...I had to buy a sweatshirt; after that, it warmed up and it was in the mid 80's the entire time we were there. That was back in 2003 for Mark's 50th birthday. Ever since then, we've gone in September (except the year we took our oldest for his high school graduation and went the end of June through 4th of July (never doing that again!).
Perhaps one of the most fun things about doing a PTR, or reading someone's, is watching a dream, a wish, a desire become a reality as all the little pieces finally start falling into place and time marches on.

Got great news today...we are getting our money back from the not-so-good roofer and moving on with our lives! That's our trip money! party:

And while I have been flirting with the idea of going in April, I really don't want to. That break in February is just too perfect; breaks up the winter and gives everyone something to look forward to at the most dreary, depressing point in the year.

Onward with the planning!
Perhaps one of the most fun things about doing a PTR, or reading someone's, is watching a dream, a wish, a desire become a reality as all the little pieces finally start falling into place and time marches on.

Got great news today...we are getting our money back from the not-so-good roofer and moving on with our lives! That's our trip money! party:

And while I have been flirting with the idea of going in April, I really don't want to. That break in February is just too perfect; breaks up the winter and gives everyone something to look forward to at the most dreary, depressing point in the year.

Onward with the planning!


Great news, Tina.
Perhaps one of the most fun things about doing a PTR, or reading someone's, is watching a dream, a wish, a desire become a reality as all the little pieces finally start falling into place and time marches on.

Got great news today...we are getting our money back from the not-so-good roofer and moving on with our lives! That's our trip money! party:

And while I have been flirting with the idea of going in April, I really don't want to. That break in February is just too perfect; breaks up the winter and gives everyone something to look forward to at the most dreary, depressing point in the year.

Onward with the planning!

:woohoo: Good news!!! Money back for Mickey!!! :woohoo:

I am SO happy you are still sticking with your February travel date - I would really LOVE to meet you and your family!
And so far it looks real good for both of us! :yay: Even though I just found out that it is not only President's Day the first weekend but also Princess Half Marathon weekend the other weekend! ;) :laughing:
:woohoo: Good news!!! Money back for Mickey!!! :woohoo:

I am SO happy you are still sticking with your February travel date - I would really LOVE to meet you and your family!
And so far it looks real good for both of us! :yay: Even though I just found out that it is not only President's Day the first weekend but also Princess Half Marathon weekend the other weekend! ;) :laughing:

Thanks, Karin. :thumbsup2 Hopefully our luck will continue. I absolutely want to meet you and Tom if we're all there together in February.

Luckily, we'll be gone before the marathon, but that's some tough timing. That's why you just gotta have a plan! :rotfl:


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