Biggest Loser--SUMMER 2011 Challenge for Losers & Maintainers!

Thanks :goodvibes That's so nice of you. I dug out my CDs and I realized that I have 2 different Official Disney CDs and they are exactly the same except for one or two songs. Whoops :rotfl:

Do you have Spectromagic? If I can't find it, I'll pm you.

I do have's from the official Spectro soundtrack, but not exactly the same as the parade. :confused3

The farmer's market was a let down. There weren't a lot of booths, and we got there an hour into it so a lot of the good food was gone. I did get a bag of mixed fruit with apples, plums, and peaches. I asked for pears but not nectarines but they gave me the nectarines and no pears.

The bad thing about only having internet in the living room is that I just keep running to the kitchen and eating. We also got chinese for dinner before the farmer's market.

Congrats to all the losers!
Summer Challenge Biggest Loser Final Results
Here we celebrate our progress and recognize our superstars.

-if anybody knows they will miss weighing in, just PM and let me know and you’ll be marked excused

First some stats

(staying within 2 lbs of their maintain weight is successfully maintaining!)
# of Maintainers Reporting In & Successfully Maintaining:1
Congrats Rose & Mike

We started with 80 members. Our last weigh in had 17 members

weigh ins----------------------- 17
losses-------------------------- 12

Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Final Result
For the challenge this week's group has lost 77.6 pounds

Before the weekly superstar list comes the disclaimer. I am human and I make mistakes. If you have any questions please contact me. For your reference this is the magic percentage of weight lost formula - weight loss for the week divided by weight for last week times 100, that gives us the percentage. Now let me test that with my numbers for week 1, click, click, click goes the calculator. Yes, that agrees with the percentage on the magic spreadsheet. (btw if its been more than 1 week between weigh-ins, then the % loss is divided by the number of weeks, to keep everybody on the same basis)

Now let's get to the good stuff. Who were our superstars of the week? This time I’ve done a TOP 10 LIST ! That criteria may change from week to week. Hey I'm in charge here and I get paid nothin' to do this so you better take what you can get! (and if there’s something you want to know, just ask me!)

The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Final Result

#10- mackeysmom 1.69%
#9-liesel 1,75%
#8- jaelless 1.86%
#7- aamomma 2.25%
#6 -wickey'sfriend 3.91%
#5- glss1/2fll 4.65%
#4- pjstevens 5.19%
#3- bellebookworm9 5.72%
#2- JacksLilWench 5.87%

and now

Summer Challenge Biggest Loser is:
#1-satorifound 11.22 % (18 pounds)

Quote from Dare2Dream: How is your week going? Are you OP (on program)? Are you exercising? Drinking that water? You know what to do to make the magic happen. Get on the wagon. We are all here to help you on the journey. We can do this one day at a time. One bite at a time.

Have a happy and healthy day!

Congratulations satorifound

Wow!!!!! My week has been up and down I ate a little too much two nights in a row. Does ovulation make you hungry? It sure made my belly hurt. ;) I am not exercising enough, but do run around a lot at work. I work in a very large power plant with lots of floors and elevators that are known for breaking down. LOL Still trying to push down enough water. It is all I drink except for the occassional Skinny Vanilla Latte and a Fuse now and again.

I really appreciate the support here. This site rocks! I also met my goal of getting into my Tigger Jeans and Shirt and my Alice in Wonderland pants in time for Disney. 10 days left!!!!
I didn't participate in any of the "Clean up the Clutter" posts during this challenge, but better late than never, right?

I'm thinking ahead to the fall/winter and suspect that most of my clothes from last year will be too big and I'll be making some bags up for Goodwill. (I'm down over 20 pounds and about 10 inches since last Winter.)

Here's the problem - I always tend to buy too many clothes. I am guilty of finding something I like and buying it in EVERY color. I also buy too many things that are very similar to other things I own.

Since I am going to be almost "starting from scratch", I'm curious as to what your opinions are in terms of what makes an adequate wardrobe. (How many pairs of jeans, sweaters, etc.) :confused3

(Keep in mind that right now I am out of work, so I'm not factoring any work clothes into the mix. Once I am working again, I'll deal with that based on dress code, etc. )

I also hope to continue to lose weight, so I don't want to buy a lot of things - just the basics and/or things that I can still wear while losing.

Curious as to what you guys think. :)

- Laura
Good morning LOSERS and welcome to FRIDAY:yay::yay::yay:

Quick QOTD and then I'll be back on later.....

QOTD Friday Sept 2, 2011:
With the Fall TV shows starting up in a few weeks, do you have a new show you are interested in checking out? An old favorite you can't wait to start back up? Or, are you not a TV watcher?

I can't wait to see BL:banana: and I think the Pan Am stewardess show looks interesting......

Make it a great day and I hope to get a chance to come back on later today
oops..............forgot to say CONGRATS to all our biggest losers and to Santori for winning the Summer challenge:woohoo:

Laura, for a basic wardrobe that did not require work clothes I would start with

-2 pr jeans
-1 pr khakis
-1 pr dress slacks
-5 blouses or tops
-2 sweaters
-1 versatile jacket
-1 nice dress or skirt (This could come from thrift store as needed)
-workout clothes!!

This would be about the minimum I could get by with. However, I'm like you and tend to overbuy. It would be hard for me to only buy just these pieces.
It seems like clothing is so cheap now compared to what I grew up with and there are always sales and coupons. Hard to resist. I buy in multiple colors too when I find something I like.

But since you are still losing, you are smart to just buy what you can get by with for now.

Be back later taters:wizard:
A big, BL congratulations to Satorifound and all our Biggest Losers this summer! :cool1: Great job and way to meet your goals before your big Disney trip!

A big, BL congratulations, too, to Jenni and and all the other superstars for the final week! :banana:

It takes real determination and effort to stick with your healthy lifestyle all summer long so everyone should give themselves a pat on the back! :thumbsup2

Sue, do you ever listen to d-cot radio? It's internet streaming so you can't burn a disc but you can listen to anything on demand. They have music from many of the parks, like DL Paris has some great music. I'll listen to Epcot music one day, then Disneyland music, today is Pirate Friday. pirate:

When DS had his speech therapy he had two teachers, one at school and a private one. They worked together and it worked just fine as they were working on the same skills -- probably helped because it was reinforced differently. Incredibly there will be a time later in your life when you will say "oh, yeah, I guess we did do speech for awhile." :flower3:

Gretchen, bummer about the Farmer's Market but it sounds like you found some good stuff. :thumbsup2

I really appreciate the support here. This site rocks! I also met my goal of getting into my Tigger Jeans and Shirt and my Alice in Wonderland pants in time for Disney. 10 days left!!!!

Nice job on the NSV with the Disney clothes! :thumbsup2

Since I am going to be almost "starting from scratch", I'm curious as to what your opinions are in terms of what makes an adequate wardrobe. (How many pairs of jeans, sweaters, etc.) :confused3

(Keep in mind that right now I am out of work, so I'm not factoring any work clothes into the mix. Once I am working again, I'll deal with that based on dress code, etc. )

I also hope to continue to lose weight, so I don't want to buy a lot of things - just the basics and/or things that I can still wear while losing.

Laura, I liked Shawn's list and I'll make a couple of comments below. Do get rid of your larger sizes when you are able so you have nothing to go back to. That was one of my problems this summer. :sad2: I have nothing but smaller sizes now.

Also, sign up for promotional emails and/or on Facebook from stores that you like. You'll get emails all the time for sales and free shipping. I just bought 3 long sleeve tshirts, 3 short sleeve tshirts, a running bra and a running skirt for $90 and free shipping from JC Penney. I am so excited because they were regular sized clothes, not plus sized! :woohoo:

Congratulations satorifound!!! 18 lbs is awesome!!! :cool1:

And congratulations to you our final weekly winner! Don't forget that clippie!

QOTD Friday Sept 2, 2011:
With the Fall TV shows starting up in a few weeks, do you have a new show you are interested in checking out? An old favorite you can't wait to start back up? Or, are you not a TV watcher?

I'm not a TV watcher except for BL which I will DVR. I will DVR the Pan Am thing a time or two to check it out.

Laura, for a basic wardrobe that did not require work clothes I would start with

-2 pr jeans
-1 pr khakis
-1 pr dress slacks
-5 blouses or tops
-2 sweaters
-1 versatile jacket
-1 nice dress or skirt (This could come from thrift store as needed)
-workout clothes!!

I like your list here, Shawn. :thumbsup2 I would add a couple of pairs of black jeans. Also, a few long sleeve tshirts and turtlenecks. Ribbed turtlenecks can be dressed up or down as needed. I find the workout clothes are taking up a larger part of my wardrobe these days. :rolleyes1

Have a great day all! :flower3:
I'm off for the long weekend. I swear this felt like the longest week ever.

I am planning a food and clothing drive at the elementary school to benefit the local homeless shelter. So many people lost everything and those of us that didn't can certainly spare some of what we have. I feel better being proactive in the solution. Tomorrow Nick and I will volunteer in one of the hardest hit parts of town. It is less than a mile from my family's camp. My Dad and SIL went today and they said that there is so much more that needs to be done. This weekend we will most likely volunteer as a family. I guess I will get plenty of exercise.

Deb, have a relaxing, recharging week-end. :hug: What a rough week you have had. I was wondering how your trees fared in the hurricane? Will this affect your syrup production?
QOTD Friday Sept 2, 2011:
With the Fall TV shows starting up in a few weeks, do you have a new show you are interested in checking out? An old favorite you can't wait to start back up? Or, are you not a TV watcher?

I'm excited for Glee to start on September 20th, and it's followed by "The New Girl" with Zooey Deschanel, so that looks good. Bones (with Zooey's sister, Emily) doesn't come back on until November.

Other new shows I want to see are the Pan Am one and Happily Ever After (I think) with Ginnifer Goodwin-storybook characters lose their identities or something like that.
Good morning, Losers!!

And sorry I'm late, Sarge! I know i should get right down and give you 20, but I don't feel like it right now. Ah, it's tough to be an internet sargeant. Thanks for coaching this week, Shawn. And congratulations to you for maintaining this summer. I think that is a huge accomplishment with all you have had going on. :thumbsup2

So, for today’s QOTD: Thursday September 1, 2011:
What are your plans for the Labor Day Weekend? Have you made special preparations to keep on track? Do you have plans to workout? Do you have healthy foods ready to travel with you as needed? Do you know what is being served at the barbecue you’re attending? Do you have any tips for the rest of us? Come on people, look alive! You know what they say……If you fail to plan, YOU plan to fail! :scared1:

We have no big plans. I'm home from the cape, and will just take it easy for the weekend, have some yard work to do, a little back to school shopping. No parties or cookouts.

I'm downn 2 pounds this morning from the gain of last week in Maine. I think no alcohol this week made a big difference. We biked a lot on the cape, and I did not pack any snacks to bring with us, except for lunch for our first day, so we didn't snack in the hotel at night.
I'm going to make some smoothies for breakfast and then go grocery shopping. I'm feeling motivated to start the school year off on the right foot.

[The WISH Biggest Loser Summer Challenge Final Result

#10- mackeysmom 1.69%
#9-liesel 1,75%
#8- jaelless 1.86%
#7- aamomma 2.25%
#6 -wickey'sfriend 3.91%
#5- glss1/2fll 4.65%
#4- pjstevens 5.19%
#3- bellebookworm9 5.72%
#2- JacksLilWench 5.87%

and now

Summer Challenge Biggest Loser is:
#1-satorifound 11.22 % (18 pounds)
Congratulations Satorifound!! :thumbsup2 And all the top losers! Summer is a tough time to stick with the healthy eating and exercise, and it's so inspiring ot see so many stick this challenge out. :cool1:

QOTD Friday Sept 2, 2011:
With the Fall TV shows starting up in a few weeks, do you have a new show you are interested in checking out? An old favorite you can't wait to start back up? Or, are you not a TV watcher?
Greys Anatomy and Criminal Minds. I sporadically watched BL last year, and don't know if I'll get into it this year or not. I hope to watch the first episode and see the new trainer.

Lisa- Congrats on the great jc penney deal. And the regular sizes!:thumbsup2 I don't think to go there for exercise clothes.

Sue- Where did you work in Falmouth? We stayed in falmouth and biked the trails there, and took the ferry to the vineyard one day and biked all around Oak bluffs. Falmouth is just beautiful. We ate at The Nimrod, and he played on the school's playground, and we stayed at the Inn on the Square. It was such a great location for biking.

Got to get moving. We're going to meet some friends at a park in a little bit.

Have a great day!!
Evening friends!:goodvibes

How has your day gone?

Yesterday went well... thanks for asking.

Have you been successful today?

I ate on plan and did a full 60 minutes on the TM complete with sprint intervals and 5 pound hand weight work during the slower walking portions. I got two loads of laundry done, beds made, some picking up done, plus a few pages completed for a scrapbook. Overall I would call Thursday a successful day!

Have you been kind to yourself?

I guess that hour on the TM while watching Survivor was kind enough!

It's not too late! You've got a few hours left until bedtime to make good choices and get in a little exercise if you missed it earlier. Heck, if you even take a few minutes to plan your food & exercise for tomorrow you are ahead of 98% of people!

I didn't write it down, but I did mentally plan my foods for today. I usually allow myself a few carbohydrate splurges on Friday and/or Saturday. This morning's splurge was a half a light wheat cinnamon raisin english with 1 tsp. of Simply Fruit blackberry spread, in addition to my cottage cheese and fruit. MMMMM!

Pamela, your daughter sounds so polished and cute!!! Hope you enjoyed the day to yourself and got alot accomplished.

She did look polished and cute!

Today was a bit less polished (slept an extra few minutes, so no make-up or hair straightening), but still cute!

I did my 45 minutes of cardio at the Y after work and unpacked a few more boxes. Tomorrow our storage items come and I have to take the day off work to receive them. I hope we get alot done this weekend. I don't like living amongst all this mess. I'm tempted to just rush through putting things anywhere I can find a space in the house and then going back through rooms later to fine tune them. DH is not giving my much help - he keeps saying none of these things are MINE! Yea, you don't use dishes, towels, sheets, pictures, rugs, have a son, etc. ARRRGGGHHpirate:

Sounds like most of us are just chillin this weekend. I'll be back on in the morning for the QOTD. Have a great evening!

Unpacking sounds like plenty of cardio work to me! Plus 45 minutes at the Y!!

DO NOT give in to the temptation to just put things anywhere to have them out of the way! FIND A GOOD HOME for everything the first time around. Sure, there may be a few things that you end up moving, but TRUST ME, start out right!! I swear.... there are STILL things in stupid places around this house and we have lived here for 17 years! It seems like once something gets into a spot, it doesn't leave!! I GET the stress from the mess! Messes make me NUTTY!! But do it right the first time to save yourself grief in the long run!!

I'm off for the long weekend. I swear this felt like the longest week ever.

I am planning a food and clothing drive at the elementary school to benefit the local homeless shelter. So many people lost everything and those of us that didn't can certainly spare some of what we have. I feel better being proactive in the solution. Tomorrow Nick and I will volunteer in one of the hardest hit parts of town. It is less than a mile from my family's camp. My Dad and SIL went today and they said that there is so much more that needs to be done. This weekend we will most likely volunteer as a family. I guess I will get plenty of exercise.

DANG IT! I literally took ALL of DS's school clothes from last year to the Goodwill on Wednesday!!! :headache: I would have been happy to bring them up to you!!

I will definitely look around and see if there is any more I can dig up around here. Let me know when the drive will be and if there is ANY WAY I can bring stuff, I will!!

Walked 1.5 miles at the track with Brian tonight while Izzie practiced soccer. Met up with a mom of one of our former players and I may tutor her child in math. Took her to a tutoring company that charges $50 an hour and they want to see her 4 days a week! I offered to tutor for half of that! Looking forward to checking out the new math series the schools are using!

Gotta get back to helping Ash refresh her memory on the flute!

TTFN :tigger:

Tutoring money would be great.... it would be nice to have the extra$$ and you would be doing the family a big favor, I'm sure!

The farmer's market was a let down. There weren't a lot of booths, and we got there an hour into it so a lot of the good food was gone. I did get a bag of mixed fruit with apples, plums, and peaches. I asked for pears but not nectarines but they gave me the nectarines and no pears.

Sorry the market didnt work out for you. I'm planning to hit our little local farmers market when I pick up DD today. Hopefully I can find some squash and cukes (stem borers got our plants :sad2: ) and some local peaches and pears.

The bad thing about only having internet in the living room is that I just keep running to the kitchen and eating. We also got chinese for dinner before the farmer's market.

Congrats to all the losers!

Move away from the kitchen!!!

Wow!!!!! My week has been up and down I ate a little too much two nights in a row. Does ovulation make you hungry? It sure made my belly hurt. ;) I am not exercising enough, but do run around a lot at work. I work in a very large power plant with lots of floors and elevators that are known for breaking down. LOL Still trying to push down enough water. It is all I drink except for the occassional Skinny Vanilla Latte and a Fuse now and again.

I really appreciate the support here. This site rocks! I also met my goal of getting into my Tigger Jeans and Shirt and my Alice in Wonderland pants in time for Disney. 10 days left!!!!

Not sure if ovulation makes me hungry, but it makes me pretty miserable, so I can sympathize.

YEAH on meeting your goal!!

I didn't participate in any of the "Clean up the Clutter" posts during this challenge, but better late than never, right?

I'm thinking ahead to the fall/winter and suspect that most of my clothes from last year will be too big and I'll be making some bags up for Goodwill. (I'm down over 20 pounds and about 10 inches since last Winter.)

Here's the problem - I always tend to buy too many clothes. I am guilty of finding something I like and buying it in EVERY color. I also buy too many things that are very similar to other things I own.

Since I am going to be almost "starting from scratch", I'm curious as to what your opinions are in terms of what makes an adequate wardrobe. (How many pairs of jeans, sweaters, etc.) :confused3

(Keep in mind that right now I am out of work, so I'm not factoring any work clothes into the mix. Once I am working again, I'll deal with that based on dress code, etc. )

I also hope to continue to lose weight, so I don't want to buy a lot of things - just the basics and/or things that I can still wear while losing.

Curious as to what you guys think. :)

Well.... know you got a few good responses, but I'll chime in here.

First of all.... if you are still a few sizes away from your goal weight, I would consider thrift stores and consignment stores for a wardrobe. I've had to "start over" with my wardrobe a few times in the past few years and I've found the Goodwill to be a great resource. But you really need the time to pick through and time to try EVERYTHING on. But there is plenty of good quality stuff out there if you look (Gap, Coldwater Creek, Ann Taylor, Talbots, etc).

If the nearest Goodwill/thrift store isn't great, move on to another one. Check the yellow pages for thrift stores and consignment stores near you.

Don't bring home stuff that is stained or needs repair.... chances are the stain will NEVER come out and, unless you are very handy, the repair will never be quite right (the exceptions to this rule are missing buttons and hemming). If it IS missing a button or the hem is coming down and you still want it, point out the defect and ask for a discount. Usually they will discount it 50%, but it is considered a final sale.

Check EVERY zipper/button/snap/hook to be sure they work properly. Look everything over carefully for stains, rips, etc.

If you are starting from scratch, try to buy basics (as others pointed out) and make OUTFITS right from the start. It is okay to buy just a piece here or there if you are trying to fill out an existing wardrobe, but if you are starting fresh, you need outfits.

I consider bottoms BASICS.... I can get through an entire season with one pair of black pants, one pair of tan or khaki pants, one pair of brown pants, one pair of navy or grey pants, and two pairs of jeans. If you want/need to wear skirts, then one black, one brown, one grey/navy/green whatever, and maybe one denim??

I also use LOTS of plain t-shirts/jerseys (long and short sleeve.... Old Navy is a great resource for these) and I layer them with vests, jackets, blazers, cardigans, button-down shirts, scarves, etc.

One good basic plain dress in a dark color is handy too. I have one that is sleeveless in black and a 3/4 length sleeve in a deep plum. I can wear them literally ALL YEAR ROUND (by adding a jacket or cardigan in the winter). They've come in handy for funerals, meetings, parties... you name it! And I probably paid about $30 each for them at Target last year. I can dress them up or down, depending on the jewelry, shoes, etc. But a basic black knee length skirt could do the same I suppose.

Round out this wardrobe with a few basic jackets (I prefer the "denim jacket" type style) in some basic colors and a few fun colorful scarves, necklaces, pins, etc.

If you add just a few real "statement" pieces to this (printed tops, bold necklaces, funky shoes), you should have enough to really get started.

It is a LOT LESS painful to get rid of stuff that you paid $5 a piece for when you get too small for it. Have fun!!!

- Laura

Good morning LOSERS and welcome to FRIDAY:yay::yay::yay:

Quick QOTD and then I'll be back on later.....

QOTD Friday Sept 2, 2011:
With the Fall TV shows starting up in a few weeks, do you have a new show you are interested in checking out? An old favorite you can't wait to start back up? Or, are you not a TV watcher?

I can't wait to see BL:banana: and I think the Pan Am stewardess show looks interesting......

Make it a great day and I hope to get a chance to come back on later today

I don't watch a ton of TV, but I do love reality TV. I cannot wait for the new Survivor.... been a fan of that show since day #1!

Also looking forward to this next Biggest Loser and Amazing Race. And, once I finish watching season 2 on DVD, I am looking forward to Glee. DD got me hooked on that through Netflix this past spring. We watched The GLee Project, this summer, so we are excited to see Samuel and Damian on the show this year! THat's it!

oops..............forgot to say CONGRATS to all our biggest losers and to Santori for winning the Summer challenge:woohoo:

Laura, for a basic wardrobe that did not require work clothes I would start with

-2 pr jeans
-1 pr khakis
-1 pr dress slacks
-5 blouses or tops
-2 sweaters
-1 versatile jacket
-1 nice dress or skirt (This could come from thrift store as needed)
-workout clothes!!

This would be about the minimum I could get by with. However, I'm like you and tend to overbuy. It would be hard for me to only buy just these pieces.
It seems like clothing is so cheap now compared to what I grew up with and there are always sales and coupons. Hard to resist. I buy in multiple colors too when I find something I like.

But since you are still losing, you are smart to just buy what you can get by with for now.

Be back later taters:wizard:

Your list is a great place to start. I too tend to buy multiples if I find something I like (usually something like t-shirts at Old Navy). In fact, I just bought the same shirt in two colors at ON this week.... and wouldn't you know.... Kate Gosselin wore these same shirts on her show (Kate plus 8) this past Monday!!! Who knew she was an ON shopper? (But I bet I paid less!)

Laura, I liked Shawn's list and I'll make a couple of comments below. Do get rid of your larger sizes when you are able so you have nothing to go back to. That was one of my problems this summer. :sad2: I have nothing but smaller sizes now.

I agree with this! As you outgrow it, get rid of it!

Also, sign up for promotional emails and/or on Facebook from stores that you like. You'll get emails all the time for sales and free shipping. I just bought 3 long sleeve tshirts, 3 short sleeve tshirts, a running bra and a running skirt for $90 and free shipping from JC Penney. I am so excited because they were regular sized clothes, not plus sized! :woohoo:

WOOHOO for regular sizes!! I get coupons all the time from Victoria's Secret (yeah for free panties) and Coldwater Creek.... and now I've signed up for Kohl's email alerts, so I've been getting coupons from them. And I don't use my ON card much, but I got a $5 reward from them this month as well.

I like your list here, Shawn. :thumbsup2 I would add a couple of pairs of black jeans. Also, a few long sleeve tshirts and turtlenecks. Ribbed turtlenecks can be dressed up or down as needed. I find the workout clothes are taking up a larger part of my wardrobe these days. :rolleyes1

Have a great day all! :flower3:

OOooh. I agree with the black jeans. THey are comfy, like jeans, but look much dressier.

I must disagree with the turtlenecks though. I think when I was heavier, the t-necks always made me look like I had no neck and was just a big pumpkin head on my chubby torso. I think v-necks elongate your neck area and really slim you down (ooohh.. do I sound like Stacey and Clinton???) Just MHO though.

Morning friends! The scale was NOT my friend this morning, but since I KNOW in my heart I had a great week, I"m trying not to dwell on it. Other than my dinner on Saturday (burger, pasta salad, dessert) I had a GREAT week! And I hit the TM really hard three or four times. And TOM is nearly gone, so all together, the scale should have been GREAT this morning. But I'm moving forward from here.

I've had a nice productive morning. One load of laundry folded, both kids fed and out the door, trip to the dump with all of the trash and recycling (plus a few boxes that have been lingering in the basement). Nice healthy breakfast made for DH and myself. And I've read all my emails and caught up here. So far so good!

Robotics team meeting here today. FLL is releasing the rules/regulations/points for this year's competition, so today will be exciting as the kids find out this information and can REALLY start programming the robot and planning for the missions!

Just found out that DS's first soccer game is next weekend, out of town, at exactly the same time as DD's tri-athalon. Not sure what we will do yet. I did tell DS he will have OTHER games, but the tri is only one day and not to be sad if we miss his game (he could get a ride there and back with another family). But of course, we will be so torn. Plus my parents were coming up to watch the tri and THEY will feel bad too if they have to miss his game. Dang it.... I hate it when this stuff happens.

Well.... the sun is coming out, so I will get my load on the line....:laundy: I wasn't sure about it cause the day was so cloudy to start.

Gotta get the kitchen floor mopped and the downstairs vacuumed before robotics today too.

Morning Losers!

Today is my last training session with my trainer. It's bittersweet. He's been my trainer since Jan 2009. I joined 24 Hour Fitness a few days before the 2 year anniversary of my family's death.

Plans for the day consist of going to the gym, coming home and take a couple hour nap (didn't sleep all that great), call DVC, call water company in FL, and finish cleaning out freezers & refridgerators. I also need to finish our bathroom.
Movers are gone and 171 more boxes are in the house:scared1:

It turns out we had slightly MORE stuff in storage than the stuff we took with us to Germany - what in the world!

My china cabinet was slightly damaged somewhere along the way, box #92 is missing and I don't see any floor lamps anywhere. I feel totally overwhelmed.
I would like to sit and DIS all day:guilty:

LISA Good tips for Laura! :goodvibes Esp getting rid of old bigger sizes. And:cool1:for being in regular sizes and not plus!!! Funny how sizes affect women so much and men not so much:rotfl2: I recently got some size 14W pants when the store was out of size 16. I think I prefer the regular sizes even if it is a 16. The "W" sizes have a little extra fabric that looks poufy if you know what I mean. One day I hope to be in a 12 and no more "W" :thumbsup2 What greal deals you got at Penny's!
I'll have to check out D-cot radio. I'm sure there's a Disney station on my sirius but I'm stuck on Oprah radio.

Gretchen (and Pamela) We also love Glee here too! I don't like to see the HS boys deep kissing though! (sorry no offense to anyone) I like Ginnifer Goodwin too. I guess Big Love is over now?

Kathy DROP & GIVE ME TWENTY:rotfl2: I think I'm getting into this a little too much:laughing: Welcome back from vacation. Have a nice relaxing weekend:goodvibes Sounds like you are setting the groundwork for a successful start to the (school) year:goodvibes

Pamela It DOES sound like you got a lot done yesterday:goodvibes
Of course you are correct that we need to find a home for everything right off the bat and keep it that way but since we know we're moving again sometime this year I'm not sure we will exactly go by that principle. There will probably be lots just staying in boxes in the attic too. I do know we need to throw a lot away! The reality of moving twice this year is really hitting me hard today. But, we'll get through it. I just need to plow through and make this home liveable and cozy and "home" for a year and then do it all over again next summer (sigh).

Good advice for Laura and what exactly is On? I'll have to google it. I watched Kate plus 8 and can't wait to see it next week. That woman is a nut case. I feel very sorry for her kids to have to be around her and her attitude all the time. She needs to take a chill pill and take it down a notch!
With that said, I love to watch the show:laughing:
Too bad about the first soccer game and the tri at the same time but I'm sure you are used to that with 2 active children. :hug:for the scale this morning but you have the right attitude:goodvibes

DisWed Sounds like you had a good relationship with your trainer. I know you'll miss him/her.

Ugh, they just showed Hoarders on the View and that is just disgusting! I don't need to see that while I'm surrounded by all these boxes. Need to turn off the TV and get moving. Have a great Friday!
QOTD: I never have control of the remote and our TV seems to be stuck on ESPN so have no idea what shows are out there! ;) It's tough being the only girl!princess:

We can finally use our bathroom! Nice. Today I'm going to have DH put up the towel holders on the wall and then it's just wait for the contractor to do 1 or 2 other things when they come in. But a shower in my own home is definitely on the agenda today!! I got the construction dust mopped off the floor, so am feeling better.

I've been booked to start subbing the first day of school! I'll be filling a vacant position 1130-230 officially through the 23rd, but the principal said he thought it'd go longer than that. Nice to have the work, but kinda bad to be limited to just 3 hours. It prevents me from getting any longer hours. Maybe I can pick up some mornings. Our school has a new office manager this year and I know I already like her because I was called into a training and as we left she said, "So, I'll put you in for 30 minutes." I got paid without even having to ask! :banana:

Better go get my shower and start running my quick errands before traffic becomes too terrible!
Hi all,

Got some running in this morning during my solo walk! Probably ran close to 1/4 of the time. Happy with what I accomplished. I'm hoping to walk the next 2 mornings as well, maybe even Monday as well. Had eggplant rollups for lunch with pesto and mozzarella cheese. Tasted so good!

Got our errands done and stopped at the spa and got the website up and running again. That's a relief!

Came home and got a ton of printing stuff done for my Herbalife display for work. Going to go to Bed, Bath and Beyond next week to get a blender to use at the spa along with some pitchers for some other drinks that I want people to be able to try. I also need to pick up cups for samples though I may still have some in my room. I hope to get all that stuff up and going next week or the following.

Home for the rest of the day and night. May take a walk to the grocery store later if I get some other stuff done.

Gotta get my before and after photos together for the wellness center...I keep forgetting to email it to my supervisor.

TTFN :tigger:
Pamela we were going to head home earlier this week but 100 miles of I-90 were closed between Syracuse and Schenectady, so we had to go South to go East. Since the Poconos were kind of along the way and the kids don't report to school until Tuesday (delay due to power outages) we opted to extend the trip plans.
We will be back on Sunday or Monday and then I have to put the house back together and get stuff back in the basement, purging first though!!!

Laura in packing up all our clothes to take with us in case the worst happened during the hurricane I have come to the conclusion that we have to many clothes too. I have 10 bags and 4 hampers filled with clothes in the RV. And I put at least 8 hampers in the trailer that we had stored in a warehouse.

Now granted there are 6 of us and 2 wear uniforms for school, but I try to keep clothes for 2 weeks for each person. It's not easy though. But I have decided to do a major purge when we get back!!

I also tend to buy the same thing in multiple colors if I like it, but I'm ok with that. At least I know I will wear it and it won't just sit there in the drawer.
QOTD Friday Sept 2, 2011:
With the Fall TV shows starting up in a few weeks, do you have a new show you are interested in checking out? An old favorite you can't wait to start back up? Or, are you not a TV watcher?

My go to shows are:
Drop Dead Diva
Army Wives
Biggest Loser
So You Think You Can Dance

That's kinda it. Oh and I TIVO everything and watch it when I can.

Typically I do not watch TV during the day. I either listen to music or the kids have TV on and I use it as background noise.

One thing I do miss immensely is my Sirius radio. I listen to Wake Up with Taylor every day. I need to resubscribe when I get home.
QOTD Friday Sept 2, 2011:
With the Fall TV shows starting up in a few weeks, do you have a new show you are interested in checking out? An old favorite you can't wait to start back up? Or, are you not a TV watcher?

Deadliest Catch
Biggest Loser (may not watch the whole thing this season now that Jillian is gone)
NCIS!!! (I'm most excited)
Billy the Exterminator (its already started its new season.. I love it)
I didn't participate in any of the "Clean up the Clutter" posts during this challenge, but better late than never, right?

I'm thinking ahead to the fall/winter and suspect that most of my clothes from last year will be too big and I'll be making some bags up for Goodwill. (I'm down over 20 pounds and about 10 inches since last Winter.)

Here's the problem - I always tend to buy too many clothes. I am guilty of finding something I like and buying it in EVERY color. I also buy too many things that are very similar to other things I own.

Since I am going to be almost "starting from scratch", I'm curious as to what your opinions are in terms of what makes an adequate wardrobe. (How many pairs of jeans, sweaters, etc.) :confused3

(Keep in mind that right now I am out of work, so I'm not factoring any work clothes into the mix. Once I am working again, I'll deal with that based on dress code, etc. )

I also hope to continue to lose weight, so I don't want to buy a lot of things - just the basics and/or things that I can still wear while losing.

Curious as to what you guys think. :)

- Laura

Since you are still losing I would not buy a lot, but I guess it depends on how often you do laundry. A couple pairs of jeans and a pair of yoga pants go a long way. Pick up some long sleeve plain t-shirts that you can wear causual or wear under a sweater or jacket. Layers give you outfit options. Scarfs can be worn to dress up an outfit and you size changes will not effect them. Wrap shirts are generally flattering and adjust with size changes.

Good morning LOSERS and welcome to FRIDAY:yay::yay::yay:

Quick QOTD and then I'll be back on later.....

QOTD Friday Sept 2, 2011:
With the Fall TV shows starting up in a few weeks, do you have a new show you are interested in checking out? An old favorite you can't wait to start back up? Or, are you not a TV watcher?

I can't wait to see BL:banana: and I think the Pan Am stewardess show looks interesting......

Make it a great day and I hope to get a chance to come back on later today

We never miss the Amazing Race. Sunday night is date night for hubby and I. We always stop everything and sit down and watch it :goodvibes

Deb, have a relaxing, recharging week-end. :hug: What a rough week you have had. I was wondering how your trees fared in the hurricane? Will this affect your syrup production?

There will be no relaxing as we are helping with the clean up efforts. I will be leading a team tomorrow, not sure where or what yet, but there is so much to do. Our Maple Orchard is fine, no damage. It is on a steep hill and not close to the river so we faired well. I don't think it will effect our production at all.

I got the clothing/food drive organized and the school will be accepting donations starting next week. I can deliver to the organization on Friday's since I'm off. They said they will have need for months to come.

P when is the next swim meet in this area?
Good morning LOSERS and welcome to FRIDAY:yay::yay::yay:

Quick QOTD and then I'll be back on later.....

QOTD Friday Sept 2, 2011:
With the Fall TV shows starting up in a few weeks, do you have a new show you are interested in checking out? An old favorite you can't wait to start back up? Or, are you not a TV watcher?

I can't wait to see BL:banana: and I think the Pan Am stewardess show looks interesting......

Make it a great day and I hope to get a chance to come back on later today

Did you see that the BL will have three teams this year?? By age?? I believe it will be 30 and under, 30 - 50, and 50 plus. Should be interesting.

I think the Pan Am show looks interesting too. When I travelled a lot back in the late 80's I stayed at a hotel that the pilots and stewardesses stayed at. All I can say is wild times!!! I miss the old days!!!!

Fall shows returning that I love - Son's of Anarchy, Boardwalk Empire, Survivor, Dexter. I'm sure there are more - I don't watch live TV, all recorded.

QOTD Friday Sept 2, 2011:
With the Fall TV shows starting up in a few weeks, do you have a new show you are interested in checking out? An old favorite you can't wait to start back up? Or, are you not a TV watcher?

My go to shows are:
Drop Dead Diva
Army Wives
Biggest Loser
So You Think You Can Dance

That's kinda it. Oh and I TIVO everything and watch it when I can.

Typically I do not watch TV during the day. I either listen to music or the kids have TV on and I use it as background noise.

One thing I do miss immensely is my Sirius radio. I listen to Wake Up with Taylor every day. I need to resubscribe when I get home.

My new office has a window - so I brought my Stiletto set up in, works perfect. I'm a Howard fan.

Congratulations to all the losers. I gave up on vacation, and I am paying for it now. Looking forward to the Fall challenge.



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