Round 2 Adventures of the 2013 Disney Moms Panel Search

Hey guys! Trying to keep my mind off of the latest Mom's Panel round by booking our next WDW trip :) Looks like we'll get 7 nights at POR, so I'm really excited.

It feels like a million years until we'll have a response about round 3! I'm just so anxious!

Exciting! I just stayed in one of the Royal Rooms for the first time a few weeks ago. They are BEAUTIFUL!!!
Amy18 said:
the tee would be very cool! :cool1: I am sure if you are dubbed a "Mom" then you can put that logo on anything you want! I plan to tattoo it on my forehead. :thumbsup2

Omg, that made me laugh! That sure shows your dedication!
I can't even remember all I've read as I've tried to keep up the last few days. I've never found anything at WDW, but I did lose my wallet for about 30 mins on Main Street a few years ago, and God bless the lovely person that turned it in to City Hall with everything intact!

I can't remember ever finding anything either. However, I have lost one of my children -- several times.

My middle child loves to walk off and then blame me because he is lost. Once we walked into Magic Kingdom, with a group, down Main Street. We needed to check for something in City Hall so we all turned to go there -- except B.J. (about six at the time). He kept walking. I was frantic. I quickly found a cast member for help. I said, "My lost child looks just like this child except he has blonde hair." I had dressed all my children alike. After about 45 anxious minutes we found B.J. wandering up and down Main Street waiting for Mom to find him. I, of course, was in trouble for wandering off. :lmao:

After that I always dressed my children alike. It makes it so much easier to find them in a crowd -- and it makes for great pictures.

We have lots of "lost" stories with B.J. He is a sweetheart and just gets lost in the wonder of Disney!
Amy18 said:
I GOT AN EMAIL pixiedust:

From Disney Destinations. About the free dining promo. pirate:

I saw those first 4 words and almost had a heart attack! I'm just lurking this year, trying not to get too worked up about it....who am I kidding? I've been a complete spaz!

My guess is for next Thursday, I'm kind of basing it on last year. I think my dream job would be doing the behind the scenes tours, but I would be happy working at a ticket booth. As long as it's Disney I don't care where they would stick me:)

Good luck everyone hopefully this wait isn't too much longer!! Although, at this point I know I still have a shot!
Oh, Amy, that wad not nice! :rotfl2:

I received an email from DVC today and about jumped out of my chair when I saw the Disney part.
I can't remember ever finding anything either. However, I have lost one of my children -- several times.

My middle child loves to walk off and then blame me because he is lost. Once we walked into Magic Kingdom, with a group, down Main Street. We needed to check for something in City Hall so we all turned to go there -- except B.J. (about six at the time). He kept walking. I was frantic. I quickly found a cast member for help. I said, "My lost child looks just like this child except he has blonde hair." I had dressed all my children alike. After about 45 anxious minutes we found B.J. wandering up and down Main Street waiting for Mom to find him. I, of course, was in trouble for wandering off. :lmao:

After that I always dressed my children alike. It makes it so much easier to find them in a crowd -- and it makes for great pictures.

We have lots of "lost" stories with B.J. He is a sweetheart and just gets lost in the wonder of Disney!

I got lost once when I was about 2 yrs. old!!!! My parents had me in a rental stroller and were shopping at one of the stores on Main Street. Well they left the store and were strolling along window watching when a lady tells my mom: "You know you have no baby there!!" They go crazy, looking all over the place. The had no idea where they'd lost me, when they decide to go back to the store... They found me!! I had surrounded myself with about 15-20 Stuffed Pooh Bears and was having a conversation with them!!!!
Oh, and last time we were at WDW we found 2 snakes!!!!!

One- We were leaving EPCOT after it was closed. We had late dinning reservations and when we left the park there was almost nobody there. When we were walking right between the World Showcase and Future World there was a snake crossing from one side of the walkway to the other.

Two- At the AKL Pool Area. There were Cast Members looking for it everywhere because it was hiding in the plants near the pool. It came out and was still and they were going to catch it when a lady decided she had to touch it and scared it away!!!!
How can I post a picture from my album in my computer on to this forum??? I try but it will only let me insert a URL.
The snake story reminded me! On our trip in May, we found a snapping turtle by the fence around the little pond at Epcot! It was so mad because it was stuck between the metal fence and a bush.

The poor thing just wanted to get away.
Amy18 said:
Sure, I will teleport right now! pixiedust:

I have had friends ask me to come over and help them pack! My bff has 3 kids, and she takes TEN :eek:suitcases for a 1 week trip! She is nuts! And they have a DVC, so they have laundry in their room! :laundy: So, I had to nip that in the bud! I took all her suitcases apart, consolidated, took out the stuff she really didn't need to bring, AND reminded her that if she is (oops!) short an outfit, or two or ten...she can always SHOP. :thumbsup2I got her down to 4 suitcases and two carry ons. :dance3:

Next, I plan to sneak in to her kitchen while she is at WDW :tiptoe: and clean it OUT. She is a total packrat and a slob (sorry Amy) and I get twitchy every time I am there. :scared:

Great friend!!!

Can you come to my house please??? I will be gone in nov....sort and organize as needed lol!!!

We leave in 3 weeks I already started my piles.

I am a little crazy about packing. Each person has a pile. I put all coordinating shirts in order from bottom to top. I count each pile multiple times and go through them to make sure they all have what they need. Each day has a basic color or theme. Crazy I know. Can't believe I just admitted that here.
I got lost once when I was about 2 yrs. old!!!! My parents had me in a rental stroller and were shopping at one of the stores on Main Street. Well they left the store and were strolling along window watching when a lady tells my mom: "You know you have no baby there!!" They go crazy, looking all over the place. The had no idea where they'd lost me, when they decide to go back to the store... They found me!! I had surrounded myself with about 15-20 Stuffed Pooh Bears and was having a conversation with them!!!!


I can relate. :flower3:
My bags are packed, I'm showered, got what we can in the car, alarm is set, DS went to bed in comfy clothes so we don't have to dress him (he also thinks we are going Thursday so that he would sleep tonight and the beauty of a 3 yr old I hid all his pj's said they were dirty and to wear sweats to bed and fell for it!). Good night all!
I've enjoyed all the speculations posted on when we'll hear something, too. Personally, I'll be surprised if we hear prior to next week sometime. I was actually thinking yesterday that I imagine this process has a lot of similarities to the recruiting process I ran for a number of years at my law firm. (Among other things, I managed the process of hiring a class of 20-30 summer associates each year, and then coordinated their internship experience each summer.)

I used to do the same thing!!! I really loved that job... then I moved, got married, and decided to cross over to the billable side of the aisle and become a legal assistant specializing in employment law defense. But like you, I've analyzed this MP process in conjunction with my past recruiting experience. There was no way I was expecting to hear anything only a week into submissions! I'm thinking middle of next week...
My bags are packed, I'm showered, got what we can in the car, alarm is set, DS went to bed in comfy clothes so we don't have to dress him (he also thinks we are going Thursday so that he would sleep tonight and the beauty of a 3 yr old I hid all his pj's said they were dirty and to wear sweats to bed and fell for it!). Good night all!
I hope you get some rest! Have a Magical Trip! It would be amazing to find out that you are going to R3, while in WDW!
My bags are packed, I'm showered, got what we can in the car, alarm is set, DS went to bed in comfy clothes so we don't have to dress him (he also thinks we are going Thursday so that he would sleep tonight and the beauty of a 3 yr old I hid all his pj's said they were dirty and to wear sweats to bed and fell for it!). Good night all!

Have an awesome trip!

I have a DS3, too, and our trip in Sept. to DL (just shy of his birthday) was the first time he really "got it" that we were going. Of course, I had to make a countdown chain about 10 days out because he was asking me every 5 mins. if it was time to go see Mickey yet. :goodvibes

I used to do the same thing!!! I really loved that job... then I moved, got married, and decided to cross over to the billable side of the aisle and become a legal assistant specializing in employment law defense. But like you, I've analyzed this MP process in conjunction with my past recruiting experience. There was no way I was expecting to hear anything only a week into submissions! I'm thinking middle of next week...

I thought with your legal background that you probably were at least familiar with that process. :thumbsup2 Small world that you used to do the same thing! Yes, it's not a very conducive career to having a family (at least it wasn't in my firm), so I'm left coordinating preschool, playdates, and errands these days. Of course, I used to also call it "20-year-old babysitting", so there are some similarities. ;)

Good night to the waiting room! May we all have Disney dreams (or just get some sleep in general...)! :tink:
I GOT AN EMAIL pixiedust:
From Disney Destinations. About the free dining promo. pirate:
Not very nice, lol!:confused3 SHAME, SHAME I know your name.....

I had an e-mail earlier today that started out with "Congratulations!"...
from Toys R Us. :headache:
So did I! I wanted to kill Toys R Us for that one.......:scared:

WOW! I go away for a few days and I had 20 pages of posts to read!! This board is very chatty! That's great!
I love watching everyone's videos and reading your posts.
My dream job would be to plan Disney vacations full time and live at Golden Oak. But if this is my "dream job," I'd want to work for Disney is some super secret capacity where I would get to see the WDW changes before the public. I'm not creative enough to be an Imagineer, but if there was a job in lurking, I would be the best! :rotfl:

Funny, job for lurkers!:rotfl:

Exciting! I just stayed in one of the Royal Rooms for the first time a few weeks ago. They are BEAUTIFUL!!!

I did also, Sept 27-Oct 1. LOVE our beds....:wave2:

My bags are packed, I'm showered, got what we can in the car, alarm is set, DS went to bed in comfy clothes so we don't have to dress him (he also thinks we are going Thursday so that he would sleep tonight and the beauty of a 3 yr old I hid all his pj's said they were dirty and to wear sweats to bed and fell for it!). Good night all!

Have a safe trip, hope you make many wonderful memories.:flower3:
Good morning friends! :wave2::wave2::wave2: I am SUPER excited this morning because my WDW countdown switched to single digits! :cool1: WOOHOO single digit dancin' ----> :dance3::dance3::dance3:

Yesterday I got a pedicure with HOT PINK polish in honor of the Pink Princess for good luck! princess:

@shinysparklybubbles I hope you have a MAGICAL trip!!! pixiedust:
I've been lurking here for a while and finally had to chime in. Y'all are so funny, and I love reading all your posts. I also made it to round 2 but I feel I totally bombed my answers and my video by concentrating too much on the running aspect of RunDisney. I have been so irritated with myself about it. I am just ready to get the e-mail and have it over with!! I am amazed and impressed by your videos and essay answers and hopefully if I am lucky enough to make it to round 2 again, I will have some great ideas on how to do better! Good luck everyone!! :)


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