Round 2 Adventures of the 2013 Disney Moms Panel Search

I've got a WDW question for you guys!! :thumbsup2 Maybe you can help me decide what to do. DH and I (no kids this time) arrive next Friday morning early, our plane lands at 8:30 AM. We plan to hit Epcot first for the F&W. I'm guessing we'll probably get over there around 10:30 or 11:00. Park closes at 10:00 PM. There is also a MNSSHP that night! It's the last one of the year!! pirate: So if you were in my shoes would you go? Or just stick with Epcot? We've been to MNSSHP many times but never without our kids. I'm thinking it might be a fun new experience as a couple!! :goodvibes Plus it lasts until midnight so we'd get more park time. On the other hand, I know we plan to be at MK the whole next day, we've got tickets to the passholder preview of the new FL, so maybe that is cutting our time at the F&W too short?? I'd love to know what you all think! :grouphug: THANKS!!!

I love MNSSHP, but my hubs was really nonchalant about it...personally, I'd stick with Epcot ;)

Yay! This will be on my reading list this PM. Thanks!!

Unless you two are HUGE lovers of Halloween, I think I would skip MNSSHP and spend the time at FW&WF instead.

Definitely agree :)
I've got a WDW question for you guys!! :thumbsup2 Maybe you can help me decide what to do. DH and I (no kids this time) arrive next Friday morning early, our plane lands at 8:30 AM. We plan to hit Epcot first for the F&W. I'm guessing we'll probably get over there around 10:30 or 11:00. Park closes at 10:00 PM. There is also a MNSSHP that night! It's the last one of the year!! pirate: So if you were in my shoes would you go? Or just stick with Epcot? We've been to MNSSHP many times but never without our kids. I'm thinking it might be a fun new experience as a couple!! :goodvibes Plus it lasts until midnight so we'd get more park time. On the other hand, I know we plan to be at MK the whole next day, we've got tickets to the passholder preview of the new FL, so maybe that is cutting our time at the F&W too short?? I'd love to know what you all think! :grouphug: THANKS!!!

I would stay at Epcot and enjoy some "adult" time there. Since it's the last MNSSHP and a Friday night, I'm guessing it will be really crowded. Especially since you've been before and most likely will go again! ;)
Anna, in your opinion, do you feel it's best during the phone interviews to keep our replies "short and sweet", or is it better to really explain our responses? Or, is there a "happy medium"?
Unless you two are HUGE lovers of Halloween, I think I would skip MNSSHP and spend the time at FW&WF instead.

I love MNSSHP, but my hubs was really nonchalant about it...personally, I'd stick with Epcot ;)

I would stay at Epcot and enjoy some "adult" time there. Since it's the last MNSSHP and a Friday night, I'm guessing it will be really crowded. Especially since you've been before and most likely will go again! ;)

You've all made my DH a very happy man! :thumbsup2 His ideal Friday night at Epcot involves La Cava, Grey Goose Slushies, and the German Challenge! :lmao:
TigrLvsPooh said:
I've got a WDW question for you guys!! :thumbsup2 Maybe you can help me decide what to do. DH and I (no kids this time) arrive next Friday morning early, our plane lands at 8:30 AM. We plan to hit Epcot first for the F&W. I'm guessing we'll probably get over there around 10:30 or 11:00. Park closes at 10:00 PM. There is also a MNSSHP that night! It's the last one of the year!! pirate: So if you were in my shoes would you go? Or just stick with Epcot? We've been to MNSSHP many times but never without our kids. I'm thinking it might be a fun new experience as a couple!! :goodvibes Plus it lasts until midnight so we'd get more park time. On the other hand, I know we plan to be at MK the whole next day, we've got tickets to the passholder preview of the new FL, so maybe that is cutting our time at the F&W too short?? I'd love to know what you all think! :grouphug: THANKS!!!

Me and DH have done MNSSHP without the kiddos a few times, while it was fun we had just as much fun at the F&W. Unless you just are dying to see the villains and Hallowishes, I would stick to F&W. This way you can enjoy the festival on adult time and get a good nights sleep ready to hit the park bright and early!
I've got a WDW question for you guys!! :thumbsup2 Maybe you can help me decide what to do. DH and I (no kids this time) arrive next Friday morning early, our plane lands at 8:30 AM. We plan to hit Epcot first for the F&W. I'm guessing we'll probably get over there around 10:30 or 11:00. Park closes at 10:00 PM. There is also a MNSSHP that night! It's the last one of the year!! pirate: So if you were in my shoes would you go? Or just stick with Epcot? We've been to MNSSHP many times but never without our kids. I'm thinking it might be a fun new experience as a couple!! :goodvibes Plus it lasts until midnight so we'd get more park time. On the other hand, I know we plan to be at MK the whole next day, we've got tickets to the passholder preview of the new FL, so maybe that is cutting our time at the F&W too short?? I'd love to know what you all think! :grouphug: THANKS!!!

DH and I did MNSSHP the first night we arrived for our honeymoon. While we enjoyed it, looking back I don't think we had nearly as much fun as when we would go with children on future trips. We definitely enjoyed F&W more. If it were me, I'd stick F&W out until close, then rest for the night. You'll need the energy for MK the next day anyway :thumbsup2
Me and DH have done MNSSHP without the kiddos a few times, while it was fun we had just as much fun at the F&W. Unless you just are dying to see the villains and Hallowishes, I would stick to F&W. This way you can enjoy the festival on adult time and get a good nights sleep ready to hit the park bright and early!

Oops, I didn't see this post and said almost the same thing. Great minds... :rotfl:
I had an e-mail earlier today that started out with "Congratulations!"...

from Toys R Us. :headache:

I got that email too. I am about to unsubscribe to TRU and BRU because of their emails. Sorry to vent but can you believe they would have Congratulations in their heading now? ;)

Oh well maybe the real ones will come out soon. :goodvibes
So, I had a really scary MP dream last night.

Someone on here posted that she'd received her R3 email :cool1: (it was a particular poster, but I won't say whom for fear she might be creeped out by me having dreams about her :rolleyes1)

No one else got anything. In our search for more info we uncovered a different Disney message board none of us had ever seen before, with a long MP Hopeful thread similar to ours here on the DIS. I clicked into the thread and they were all reporting R3 acceptances coming into their inboxes. I looked back in the thread where they had been posting their videos. ALL the videos were professional, with choreographed dancing, singing and theatrics. They all casually mentioned their favorite memories, but their videos were more or less over-the-top displays of Disney-like entertainment. Think costumes, props, pyrotechnics, etc.

It was so weird...they were all like Stepford MP Hopefuls. I woke up completely freaked out thinking it really happened for a while. My first thought was "how on earth am I going to find the time and resources to make a video like THAT next year!" :lmao:
So, I had a really scary MP dream last night.

Someone on here posted that she'd received her R3 email :cool1: (it was a particular poster, but I won't say whom for fear they might be creeped out by me having dreams about them :rolleyes1)

No one else got anything. In our search for more info we uncovered a different Disney message board none of us had ever seen before, with a long MP Hopeful thread similar to ours here on the DIS. I clicked into the thread and they were all reporting R3 acceptances coming into their inboxes. I looked back in the thread where they had been posting their videos. ALL the videos were professional, with choreographed dancing, singing and theatrics. They all casually mentioned their favorite memories, but their videos were more or less over-the-top displays of Disney-like entertainment. Think costumes, props, pyrotechnics, etc.

It was so weird...they were all like Stepford MP Hopefuls. I woke up completely freaked out thinking it really happened for a while. My first thought was "how on earth am I going to find the time and resources to make a video like THAT next year!" :lmao:

This will be the next reality show!!! :lmao: Instead of Dance Moms (of which I'm ALL too familiar with thanks to my daughter), it will be DISNEY MOMS!
So, I had a really scary MP dream last night.

Someone on here posted that she'd received her R3 email :cool1: (it was a particular poster, but I won't say whom for fear they might be creeped out by me having dreams about them :rolleyes1)

No one else got anything. In our search for more info we uncovered a different Disney message board none of us had ever seen before, with a long MP Hopeful thread similar to ours here on the DIS. I clicked into the thread and they were all reporting R3 acceptances coming into their inboxes. I looked back in the thread where they had been posting their videos. ALL the videos were professional, with choreographed dancing, singing and theatrics. They all casually mentioned their favorite memories, but their videos were more or less over-the-top displays of Disney-like entertainment. Think costumes, props, pyrotechnics, etc.

It was so weird...they were all like Stepford MP Hopefuls. I woke up completely freaked out thinking it really happened for a while. My first thought was "how on earth am I going to find the time and resources to make a video like THAT next year!" :lmao:

OMG!!! That is hilarious!!! I guess I should get my DD (aka Director, Cinematographer, Script Editor) into some film classes. :rotfl2:
So, I had a really scary MP dream last night.

Someone on here posted that she'd received her R3 email :cool1: (it was a particular poster, but I won't say whom for fear they might be creeped out by me having dreams about them :rolleyes1)

No one else got anything. In our search for more info we uncovered a different Disney message board none of us had ever seen before, with a long MP Hopeful thread similar to ours here on the DIS. I clicked into the thread and they were all reporting R3 acceptances coming into their inboxes. I looked back in the thread where they had been posting their videos. ALL the videos were professional, with choreographed dancing, singing and theatrics. They all casually mentioned their favorite memories, but their videos were more or less over-the-top displays of Disney-like entertainment. Think costumes, props, pyrotechnics, etc.

It was so weird...they were all like Stepford MP Hopefuls. I woke up completely freaked out thinking it really happened for a while. My first thought was "how on earth am I going to find the time and resources to make a video like THAT next year!" :lmao:

Too funny! I had a similar dream last year and was freaked out by it for several days after! Luckily I haven't had anything quite so weird as that in my dreams this year :)

As for MP gifts, I'm still trying to decide between a couple options, but it will definitely be something to do with the Rocky Mountains since I live just a few minutes outside of them!
uh oh...I may just be a stepford hopeful! :rolleyes1
Although there was no singing or dancing in my video


Suzanne033 said:
QUESTION OF THE DAY: After seeing some of the current DMP blogs about their training trip, I appears the new panel members bring a thank you gift to Laura and her team for all their hardwork.

Therefore, my question is this: If you were so honored to be named to the DMP what would you bring as your thank you gift from your region of the country (or world)?

I would probably bring a combination of the following: salt water taffy, dulse, maple syrup, smarties.... I am sure I would think of more :)


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