Last Trip? It was until we met Food & Wine -- Recap 2/12

I am so sorry about your mom. :hug:

I have been following Joe's story from your Facebook posts, and my heart is breaking for them. How colossally unfair. I will continue to keep his wife, daughter and family in my prayers.
Kathy, so very sorry to hear of all you and your family/friends are going through right now. So much cancer in this world right now. Just awful. Please know they will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please also pass along condolences to Nikki on the passing of her grandmother.

Great first updates! :woohoo: So excited you are there and can't wait to read what's next (even though I kept up with you on FB, it is still so much fun to read the days as a whole).

And never mind the Debbie Downers out there. Learning to stay out of the drama in life for my own peace of mind. Also learning to tell people when I don't think they are being very nice. Puts out :goodvibes feeling. Maybe even makes them stop and think a bit.

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry to hear about everything you are going through.

Cancer really does SUCK. My grandma had stage 4 lung cancer in both her lungs when I was in HS. She's a fighter and had 2 surgeries that were very intense and she's been in remission for years. Just need to keep praying :lovestruc

Lots of prayers and positive thoughts your way.
Hi Kathy. Wanted to let yo know that I am here. Just started reading so have some catching up to do. Love the T-shirt Mark was wearing..... Just Keep Swimming. Awesome :thumbsup2
This is the first time I've been on the boards in FOREVER! But I'm joining in - need to start way back at the beginning!
I was going to do one "general" response to all of you for the prayers, good thoughts, etc. But as I have said in the past, my DIS friends are the BEST and you have made my day with your posts and you all deserve an individual response. I will do those and then I hope to be able to do an update tonight and for sure over the weekend if I don't get to it tonight.

Kathy, I'm so sorry about all the cancer in your life, especially your mom. My heart is breaking for you. Cancer sucks. My parents are both survivors of different types, but it just sucks all around. I will keep your mom and you in my thoughts.

I hear you Clare. I am a breast cancer survivor and although my cancer was very small and I had surgery, I only had radiation and no chemo. But the whole process is scary and those that have it worse than me, my heart just breaks for them.

And the friend of Andy's, that's awful. I will also keep his family in my thoughts.

I literally cry every time I read his wife Amanda's latest blog post. And I'm so afraid every time I do that it is going to tell us he is gone. :(

Please keep us updated on Alisha. I hope you can find something out soon.

I will. I've had a few texts from her today and know she has to go back next week, but don't have details yet.

But congratulations on becoming a Great Aunt! New babies are so wonderful.

Thank you! It's so fun to have a baby in the family again.

Take all the time you need. We aren't going anywhere.

I appreciate that Clare.

:welcome::welcome: Laura; thank you for joining.

Dear Kathy-

Just want to know that I am thinking of you and all of the people who are dear to you who are going through so much.

Thanks, Dee.

Sending blessings to all, and positive wishes for Alisha that she gets answers and relief for the pain she is going through.

I am hopeful for her; she is so young.

Please keep us posted.


I will as soon as I hear something definite.

Oh, Kathy! I'm very sorry you are going through so much right now. Your mother and daughter-in-law are in my thoughts and prayers. I certainly hope Alisha gets the answers and help needed.

Thank you so much; I truly appreciate it.

Congrats on the new great neice!

Thank you; she's such a doll. I can't wait to meet her.

Oh Kathy I'm so sorry. In fact I'd like to use much stronger language than the DIS allows.

Thinking of you.:goodvibes

Thank you, Shannon. Trust me, those words have been spitting out of my mouth left and right.

I'm really sorry, Kathy. Cancer sucks.

Yes it does, Sarah.

Congrats on being a great-Aunt! Hopefully the baby can bring some joy during this otherwise difficult time.

I'm so looking forward to meeting Mia Rose. And she shares a birthday with my brother's daughter who turned 19 the day Mia was born.

Sorry for all the bad news. I'll be thinking about you and your family.

Thank you very much Andy.

I'm glad to hear that there is some minor mending of fences between you and your brother though. A new baby in the family will be a nice distraction from some of the bad.

We will never be best friends, but we are civil and even laugh. So it's a good thing.
I'm so sorry Kat :hug:

Thanks, Julie.

Enjoy being a great aunt, what a cutie!:flower3:

Isn't she precious?

:grouphug: to you Kathy. I'm so sorry there is so much sickness and sadness but your new grand-niece is a welcome spot of sunshine.

Hang in there.

Jill in CO

Thank you, Jill. A new baby does let you know life does go on no matter the situation.

Kathy, my heart breaks with hearing about the news of your mother as well as a couple others you are very close to. I can't think of something more I'd like to see than a cure for cancer. My mother has been battling cancer for four years now; like you, I know how tough it is. :hug:

Bob, I know you've been dealing with this with your mother for awhile. It is very difficult to see our parents age and go through these things.

What an adorable baby! I hope that brought a little sunshine to your day.

Thank you; she is just as sweet as can be from her photos. Here is a new picture my brother posted last night:

I am so sorry to hear about all the cancer. I lost my mom to what was technically ovarian cancer, but by the time it was in her lungs and diaphragm and stomach and everywhere else, probably her brain too but by that point they weren't even bothering to scan. I was 13, and it was 1998.

Amanda, I am so sorry about your mom. :hug:

Luckily, I've heard of similar cases to my mother's since then that doctors hardly bat an eye at. Treatments have been improving by leaps and bounds every year.

I am pretty sure they won't do surgery because of her age. We will see what happens; they are waiting to do a test until Monday because of her pneumonia.

I know I'm totally an internet stranger, and one about the same age as your sons no less, but if you ever want to talk to somebody, feel free to PM me. <3 Hug your mom for me. (Gently of course; I'm sure you know her shoulders may hurt.)

Thank you so very much!

Eeep! The boards aren't letting me quick reply or edit my last comment, but I just saw Mia Rose! What a lovely name, and such a beautiful wee one! Congratulations, family!

Thank you. I am in love with her name and her face.

Kathy, first of all I'm so sorry about your Mom. :hug: I hope that at the very least they can find a way for her to be comfortable and pain free.

Thanks, Steph.

My thoughts are still with Alisha and hoping that Mayo can figure out what's wrong and get her better!

We have some answers, but waiting for more. I'll update when I can.

That's so very sad about Andy's friend. I just had someone I went to high school with pass from brain cancer and leave behind her daughter who turned one 2 weeks before her death. Cancer is so cruel.

As my dad would say, he was an old man (82 when he died) and old people have lived their lives. Joe is just so young; it breaks my heart.

Congratulations on becoming a great aunt! It's good that you and your brother can at least be civil and you can have new additions to your family! :goodvibes Mia Rose is a beautiful name and an adorable baby!

It is nice talking to Chuck again. And I can't wait to meet Mia.

Kathy, I am so very sorry to hear about your mother. I pray that the doctors will give you answers sooner rather than later so that a plan can be made. I know that you are worried about her and Alisha too. You know, it's tough when you hear of someone who is sick but it seems even worse when it's a young person such as your son's friend. On a brighter note, your sweet littel grand niece is adorable!

We probably won't know a lot until next week when they can do the biopsy. Yes she is adorable, isn't she?

Keeping you in my prayers my friend! If you need a shoulder to cry on, you know that there are many of us here who will be there for you.

Thanks, Lisa.

Thanks, Cynthia.

I hate cancer

I do too!

I am so sorry for all your loved ones and what they are going through and Alisha has been in my thoughts and prayers that they can figure out what is going on.

I truly appreciate it. I still haven't talked to her, but she will be going back next week.

I'm so sorry Kathy. I hope it isn't as bad as they initially thought. I will keep your family in our prayers.

Thanks, Tim.

Hopefully they can figure out whats going on.

I sure hope so.

I've read some of the blog and it is heartbreaking.

It truly is. Joe's wife has more strength than anyone I have ever known.

Congratulations! Now you are a great aunt! :thumbsup2

Yes instead of "just" an aunt. :rotfl2:

No worries.. take your time. We aren't going anywhere. :grouphug:

Well, we know you aren't going anywhere by your attendance record here.

What a cutie!!! And look she's already a Disney fan!!! (Looks like a hidden Mickey on her forehead) :rotfl2:

I noticed that too! :rotfl:

I'm sure that was just a mark from birthing and will go away quickly. :goodvibes

Yes, I think in the most recent picture you don't see it as much, if at all.


I'm with you Sheresa.

Sweethart, you do whatever you need to do in your life, we will be here when you can come back. I will keep you in my thoughts for everyone in your life. :grouphug:

Thank you so very much.

Kathy I am so sorry for all the heartache you are going through now. I hope that your mom can at least be as pain free as possible!

Thanks, Phil. We saw her last night and it was very sad.

Definitely will continue to pray for Alisha, especially with the visit to the Mayo Clinic tomorrow.

Thanks; she went through the ringer today and has more tests next week.

And I am really so sorry about Andy's friend - that just, well, it sucks. To have a life like that cut short and with such a young child, it is hard to understand "why" at times. I try to always think that there is a reason and a plan behind everything, but sometime is it hard. Definitely will pray for them as well - miracles to happen ... and, even if it isn't always obvious how (heck, you may never even know) positives can come from negatives

I always find it hard when someone that young (or even younger) gets sick. It just makes no sense to me.

An Happy Birthday to Mia! She's a cutie and enjoy being a Great Aunt!

Thank you; I think she's a cutie too.

I'm so glad you guys went on this trip! It looks like a lovely first day and it's so great that Disney extended your annual passes.

Thanks, Maddie. I am telling you it is just what the doctor ordered.

I'm so so sorry to hear about all the cancer in your life right now. My thoughts are with you and all of your family. I'm glad you have a great nephew or niece to look forward to though! :hug:

I appreciate it. My new Grand niece is a blessing for sure.
I've got to get something typed up for one of my assignments in the next 20 minutes before I leave so I can't finish responses. But I will get them done tonight and will be talking to Alisha tonight.

And good news...Mark got a part time job today. I'll fill you all in later.
I've got to get something typed up for one of my assignments in the next 20 minutes before I leave so I can't finish responses. But I will get them done tonight and will be talking to Alisha tonight.

And good news...Mark got a job today. I'll fill you all in later.


Congrats to Mark. I can't wait to hear all about it. :thumbsup2
I've got to get something typed up for one of my assignments in the next 20 minutes before I leave so I can't finish responses. But I will get them done tonight and will be talking to Alisha tonight.

And good news...Mark got a part time job today. I'll fill you all in later.

Oh how wonderful! I hope it's good news for Alisha as well! *fingers crossed*
Kathy, can't wait to hear more about your trip!

Sometimes life throws us curveballs. But it is never more than we can handle! In July we found out my uncle had stage 4 lung cancer as well. Similar to your mother, he had a cold but wasn't sick otherwise. It's a really tough thing to deal with, my thoughts and prayers will be with your family. Cancer is awful, but please know we are all thinking of you.
Kathy, your family will continue to be in my prayers. :grouphug:

Thank you so much Michelle.

Kathy, I have been a long time "lurker" on the boards and finally have decided to post. :coffee: I have enjoyed reading about all of your adventures.

:welcome::welcome: Thank you so much for joining AND for posting. I am delighted to have you here.

Looking forward to reading about your trip. I hope to got to Food and Wine next year!

You will love F&W.

My thoughts and prayers go with you and your family as you go through some difficult stuff.:flower3:

Thank you very, very much.

Oh Kathy. That's an awful lot on one plate. I am so sorry to hear about the health issues your family is dealing with right now and will keep you in my thoughts.

Thanks, Wendy. It always seems to be something. And to be totally honest I'm really getting tired of it all. But we continue to plug along.

I did see the Cocktails and Chemo links you've been posting but I didn't realize it was someone so close. Absolutely tragic. I'll keep them in my thoughts as well.

Yes, Andy played two years with him in high school. They actually now live in Orlando.

On the happier side of things, congratulations on the new grand-neice!

Thank you; Mia was a bit of brightness this week.

Take your time! You have much more going on than most could handle. Sending good vibes your way!

Thank you, Katie. Best of luck as you start your new job on Monday.

:hug: Ms. Kat, I won't say much because this sort of thing is still so fresh for me, but just know I'm lifting you up and I'm thinking of you and your family, a lot.

I know how hard this is and know how much support you need right now. We're all here for you, sweet lady. We're all here. :hug:

Thank you so much Camille. I know it is still fresh in your memory.

Oh Kathy I am so sorry for all the sickness surrounding you. CANCER SUCKS! Just know you have all of us here on the DIS to come to for support if your feeling down. :grouphug:

Thank you, Casey. I know that my wonderful DIS friends are always here if I need them.

Your niece is adorable! Congrats Aunt!

Thank you. :goodvibes

Sending you and your family my thoughts and prayers.:goodvibes

We appreciate it very much.

Kathy, :hug: CANCER SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes it does Jeanette.

I am so very sorry to hear about your Mom and that she is short of breath, I pray she is breathing easier in the hospital. Joe's story breaks my heart. Best wishes to Alisha that she is able to get some answers and direction tomorrow. And what a blessing a new beautiful baby in the family and you reunited with your brother :hug:

She seemed a little better last night. She is still on antibiotics for the pneumonia and they do have her on oxygen. I am sitting here waiting for Alisha to call me. Mia is a true blessing...even if she did join our dysfunctional family.

To repeat everyone, we are here...take your time, vent, hugs....whatever you need

That's what friends are for

For good times and bad times

I'll be on your side forever more:flower3:

You are just too sweet.
Oh Kathy, this is truly heart breaking. I can't imagine what you're going through and obviously wouldn't want to. Please know you and family are in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:

Rob, I truly appreciate it...thank you so much.

Kathy, All I can say is sending lots of prayers your way. Elaine

Elaine, you are always here...thank you.

Kathy, I'm truly so sorry for everything that has been going on for you. I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers through this difficulty. :hug: I wish that could be a real hug.

Danielle, I accept the means the world to me. I'll take the real hug the next time our paths cross.

Late but I am he , Will go back and fully catch up!!! I have been in the hospital with acute bronchitis and am just getting back into feeling myself again, I thin it was building for about a month as I have had no energy to do anything but work and sleep in a month!! It's good to be back

Rosie, I am so sorry to hear you were in the hospital. A lot of nasty stuff going around this year; take care of yourself.

I am so sorry for all the sadness in your life right now. Please take care.

Thank you ever so much.
I'm so sorry to hear this Kathy. I hope she is able to recover quickly from the pneumonia, but I understand how serious her diagnosis is and what her prognosis is. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

They are hoping to do biopsy on Sunday or Monday; the pneumonia is improving and they will have done the last test for TB.

I hope she gets some answers. She is far too young and vibrant to be suffering so.

Yes she is and I will not stop until we find her answers.

I am so sorry to hear this. He is so young and he has fought so hard. It just doesn't seem fair.

I read his own post on FB the next day and he said something to the effect...."hey, dead man...walking the halls." He is such a fighter. But I'm also told that can happen...a burst of energy and then it goes quickly. I'm so afraid to read Amanda's post these days as I'm so afraid it could be the news we don't want to hear.

Congrats on your beautiful new grand niece. She is precious.

Thank you...we are all so excited.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.
You are shouldering a heavy burden :hug:

Thanks, Pat; I appreciate it.

I hope Alisha gets the some answers soon. My heart goes out to Joe and his family at this terrible time. I hope your mom is comfortable and and any pain and discomfort can be managed.

I do too; and I really wish she'd call me as I sit here on pins and needles. I'm assuming she, Mark and her parents are at dinner.

Congrats on the Grand niece !!!! She is a cutie and if that brings you closer to your brother then great.

It will be nice to have a relationship with him...even if NOT bosom buddies.

Oh, heart just aches for you. Jeanette said just about exactly what I was about to write but she has such a sweet way with words.

Thank you, Christine.

We are here for, or FB, email or phone...any time 24/7.

Thanks, friend.

My parents had a very similar experience as your mom - I pray she is comfortable now.

She says she aches...but I think that is the pneumonia and coughing.

Holding Alisha in my thoughts and prayer....

Thanks again.

Mia Rose is precious....and what a beautiful name!

Isn't it though? I just love the name.

My heart is heavy for Joe's very sad.


Our love to you all, dear friend. xoxo

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Kathy, I wish I could just hug the stuffing out of you right now!! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with so much at the moment. You and your family will be in my prayers! :hug:

Billie, you are so very sweet...thank you.

Kathy i am so sorry to hear all this.

Thanks, Mo.

Thankfully in all the sadness you had a spark of light with Mia Rose, who is beautiful! and i do love the name.

Yes we did and she is precious and my brother is a very proud grandpa.

you will forever be in my thoughts and prayers

Thanks, sweetie.

I am so sorry about your mom. :hug:

Thanks, Katie.

I have been following Joe's story from your Facebook posts, and my heart is breaking for them. How colossally unfair. I will continue to keep his wife, daughter and family in my prayers.

A great way to put it...colossally UNFAIR! He should be looking forward to his daughter's first day of school, first dance, her wedding. It breaks my heart.
Kathy, so very sorry to hear of all you and your family/friends are going through right now. So much cancer in this world right now. Just awful. Please know they will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please also pass along condolences to Nikki on the passing of her grandmother.

It really needs to end. They need to find something that helps this horrid disease. I will pass your condolences on Nicki.

Great first updates! :woohoo: So excited you are there and can't wait to read what's next (even though I kept up with you on FB, it is still so much fun to read the days as a whole).

Thanks; glad you enjoyed them. And thanks for following on FB.

And never mind the Debbie Downers out there. Learning to stay out of the drama in life for my own peace of mind. Also learning to tell people when I don't think they are being very nice. Puts out :goodvibes feeling. Maybe even makes them stop and think a bit.

Yeah, I basically do these days.


You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry to hear about everything you are going through.

Lauren, thank you so much.

Cancer really does SUCK. My grandma had stage 4 lung cancer in both her lungs when I was in HS. She's a fighter and had 2 surgeries that were very intense and she's been in remission for years. Just need to keep praying :lovestruc

GOOD FOR YOUR GRANDMA! That is awesome. :)

Lots of prayers and positive thoughts your way.

Appreciated more than you know.

Hi Kathy. Wanted to let yo know that I am here. Just started reading so have some catching up to do. Love the T-shirt Mark was wearing..... Just Keep Swimming. Awesome :thumbsup2

Momma V is here. :welcome: I am so very happy to have you here. Isn't that a great shirt? We had that made up for Mark and two of his former co-workers at the t-shirt place at DTD.

Just got to the part you mentioned Nicki and Todd. Please pass on my condolences.

I sure will. I'll be talking to her this weekend.

This is the first time I've been on the boards in FOREVER! But I'm joining in - need to start way back at the beginning!

Sheree, thank you for joining. It's always good to have you here with us.

thoughts and prayers are with you.

Thanks, my far away friend, Emma. I appreciate it.

Yes it is.

Congrats to Mark. I can't wait to hear all about it. :thumbsup2

Thanks, Bob.

Yay for Mark!! Can't wait to hear about it. :goodvibes

Thanks, Steph! He's excited.

Oh how wonderful! I hope it's good news for Alisha as well! *fingers crossed*

Thanks, Amanda. I do too.

Kathy, can't wait to hear more about your trip!

:welcome: Ashley. I'm so glad you are here.

Sometimes life throws us curveballs. But it is never more than we can handle! In July we found out my uncle had stage 4 lung cancer as well. Similar to your mother, he had a cold but wasn't sick otherwise. It's a really tough thing to deal with, my thoughts and prayers will be with your family. Cancer is awful, but please know we are all thinking of you.

Thank you for your words...they mean a lot.


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