wait, what? it's another trip to disney! Sept 2014 FINAL UPDATE 1-28

this morning we got to sleep in a little, which we all needed after our long day and late night. but, we didn't lay around too long. for one, the girls were up early and, more importantly, we had a breakfast ADR to get to! first, the girls showed me a card mickey had left for us the day before and i hadn't noticed when we got back

i forgot to mention that we also had a voice mail when we got there of mickey and minnie wishing us a happy anniversary also. it's so fun to celebrate at disney!!

while we were waiting for daddy and maddie to brush teeth, hannah and i modeled princess hats....

finally we were ready to head out. if i could figure out how to crop the random stranger out of this picture, it would be so cute!

we were headed to the polynesian for our first ever time having breakfast at kona. we hopped a bus to epcot and were going to take the monorail, but it wasn't running yet that morning. they put us on a bus to TTC. when we got there, there wasn't anyone waiting for a bus, so our very nice driver ran us to the poly so we wouldn't have to walk so far. he was so nice and gave funny little speeches the whole drive. maddie was in a goofy mood and wanted to take silly pictures.

we got to kona with time to spare. i have to tell you, i didn't take many pictures at poly. they were doing major construction there and it was pretty much a mess. anyway, we found a place to wait and sat down. i ran to the bathroom and when i came back our buzzer was already going off. we were seated pretty quickly and ordered coffee

it was so good! but i had been having some stomach issues that morning, so i didn't have much. rich really enjoyed it though! we ordered our breakfast and some more silly pictures were taken

there were more, but i won't post them all. she was a total goofball this morning and had us all wearing her crown.

our breakfast finally came and we were starving! the girls both got the mickey pancakes

i also ordered them a side of scrambled eggs and some fruit. rich and i both got the tonga toast. it was good, but i sort of wished i would have gotten something else and split with rich. it was very sweet and i was wishing for a little more protein.

it seemed like it took us quite awhile to get our food and then get our meal paid for and drag ourselves out. we looked around poly a tiny bit and went out to get the monorail which was running now. it started to rain while we waited, but by the time we got on and over to MK, the rain had stopped.

while we rode, this was happening.....

maddie was having too much fun with that hat!

we walked over to wait for the POP bus and had some fun taking silly movies with the girls stuffies on the way. i haven't posted many videos before, so hopefully these work. and, hopefully you find them as funny as we did when we were all hopped up on sugar from breakfast!

first was peter pan...all excited about his first trip to disney

then peter and donald were imitating the girls complaining about.....well.....everything.

donald and peter enjoying the music while waiting for the bus

we didn't actually have to wait very long and a bus for POP showed up. we were back at the resort in a few minutes.
believe it or not, when we got back to POP, the girls and i were a little hungry. while i was looking for something not sweet, the girls wanted dessert. rich got them a cinnamon roll and a cookie and i found the best ever food you could ever want.....POP NACHOS! i don't know what makes these so delicious, i only know that both times we ate at POP, this is what i ordered. even waiting for the breakfast line to be over so i could get some....

this picture is making me SO hungry just looking at it!!!

after our snack, breakfast number 2, lunch, whatever, we headed back to our room. it was about 12:30 and i wanted everyone to take a nap. we had big plans for this night! our first ever Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party! the girls swore they weren't tired and didn't want to lay down, but eventually everyone fell asleep. we didn't get to nap as long as i would have liked but we did get about an hour and a half.

i woke everyone up and sent rich a text (he'd been out looking around the resort). i changed into my "costume" and got rich's out also. ours weren't as exciting as i had hoped they would be when i was planning, but i'm sort of glad they weren't too elaborate. it was so hot and humid, and it ended up raining on us. i think anything too fancy would have been miserable. so what were we going as anyway? frozen characters, of course! ;)

the girls were excited to get ready and do their hair!

thanks, raina, for maddie's clippies! she loved them! and they looked perfect!

we left our room about 3 and had to wait in a short line for an MK bus. it wasn't a long wait and it was fun to see all the other people dressed up. the bus was a little crowded. i sat with maddie on my lap and hannah next to me. rich stood in the back somewhere. it wasn't a bad ride though and soon enough we were there! i don't rememeber what time it was, but they were already passing out party bracelets and letting you in with it. we were so excited--OUR FIRST PARTY!

we had heard quite a bit of whining the day before about the girls NEEDING a stroller, so instead of fighting it, DH went to rent a stroller with madison, and hannah and i sat down to people watch. i took this picture of our party map. i'm glad i did. it rained later and all our maps got ruined.

it was fun to see all the people in their costumes! i didn't really take pictures, but we saw a really good russell and dug, and an awesome king candy and vanellope from wreck it ralph. some people were just SO amazingly creative with their outfits!

when DH and maddie got back with the stroller, we got in line for a picture.

after that, we headed over to adventureland.....
Wow! Great updates!

I really liked seeing the dwarves with the mine train in the electrical parade. I guess especially since I enjoyed the ride so much.
I love those Mickey pancakes the girls got at Kona! Yummy!
And those pop nachos- on our last trip I ate nachos at pop a few times and they were so good. But this time I never saw them! Dang!
Your husband in that princess hat had me creaking up!
And I think your costumes turned out great!
I couldn't see the videos. I will have to check back on the computer (I'm on my phone) and see if they work for me on there.
Love Rich in the princess hat! That is a dad of two girls for sure!
I feel the same way about tonga toast. It's amazingly delicious, but they need a meal choice that has a smaller portion of it with something else. Some eggs or fruit along with the sausage. It's just not really a meal, just a lot of sweet!

Pop nachos look amazing! Love me some good nachos though! If you every try the poly QS you should try their version of nachos. They are different, but in a yummu way!

You all looked so cute for the party! Love the simplicity and comfort of all your costumes. That is really the way to go!

Can't wait for more! So happy you are back I've been missing you;)
sorry that you weren't used to the camera - for being the night parade I think they came out quite bright though so with a little practice I bet you would get some great pictures!

Oh, wasn't sure how much you wanted the picture cropped but got rid of that stranger at least:


I kinda want to make a Kona breakfast ADR just for the coffee - it looks so good :thumbsup2

I think splitting a tonga toast makes a ton of sense - though you know if you did that and wound up absolutely loving the tonga toast you would have wished you had your own!

I like your costumes! I think if we ever go to a MNSSHP I would debate like you did how elaborate to go. I think instead of standard costumes I would want to do something easy but creative - like everyone where a white t-shrit with a horizontal stripe on it and go as the monorail :lmao:
Yay for updates! Day two looks like it was a nice relaxed morning; a rare thing in WDW! I've never eaten at Kona, actually haven't been to Poly since I was about 11 :eek: Tonga toast looks GOO-OOD! I agree with you about the protein though, if I don't have eggs in the am I'm super hungry about an hour later. Looks like the same thing happens to you! But those POP nachos I'd eat if I were hungry or not!

The girl's hair clips are so cute! And I love the simple costumes; we're planning a similar type thing for our first MNSSHP next year. You guys are a cute Frozen foursome. Can't wait to see how your first MNSSHP turned out! :wizard:
What a great update!!!!

I love it all! love tonga toast.. I really do... I know it's sweet but i usually share it with the kids!

your nachos look yummy too!!!

Oh the halloween party!!! I am sorry it rained for you and ruin the maps! NOT ALLOWED! I LOVE the girls hair! How did you do that Elsa braid?!?! it's awesome!!!
I adore your family picture with the castle!!! There wasn't a PP at the spot when we went. :sad2: then again there was a HUGE lack of PP in the parks when we went. :sad1:

I cannot wait to hear all about your Halloween adventure!!! :cheer2:

ahh and now you have a cropped picture!!!
Waited for 3 buses? Yikes that sounds awful.

Long day I'm sure, but I'm glad it was a fun one!

Super nice of the driver to take you to the Poly!

DH looks great in that princess hat! :rotfl:

Omgosh those videos cracked me up!! Too cute!!

The girls look so cute in their costumes.
I'm sorry that the tonga toast was too rich- It looks appeasing to me but I have thought the same thing- as I dont' like too much sweet first thing in the morning.

Those nachos are looking mighty good right now!

I was the same way about the party- wanting everyone to nap beforehand. The party is so much fun and I hope to do it again someday!
What a bummer that you ended up not liking your breakfast at Kona.

Love the costumes for the Halloween Party. While it sure is fun to people watch the people in the elaborate costumes I think the understated ones are more practical for the parks. The girls looked lovely! Love the touches with the hair.
So glad Rich made it there and you guys had a great evening! Stinks he had to take the Maddie back to the room! Glad you enjoyed the parade... we love MSEP! And I had the exact same experience with the bus back to Pop after our MVMCP night! The line was the longest line I've ever seen!! They snaked it through the bus line next to us... it was crazy. I too got on the 3rd double bus!
Hey I'm catching up! :goodvibes

Oh man, those Disney buses... I find that they're either REALLY good or REALLY terrible!! And they never seem to be able to predict end-of-the-night crowds.. When you want to get on the bus so bad after a long day, they take forever!

Those little celebrations are so sweet! I remember getting a Happy Birthday voicemail when I was a kid. It's the little things, Disney!

Aww bless your girls in their hats! And Maddie clutching her Peter Pan toy! CUTE :goodvibes

It's a shame that the construction at the Poly is so overwhelming. It was always such a nice place to take photos, now you can't get a photo of all the nice plants and things without seeing construction walls and high-vis vests! But hopefully it'll all be worth it :thumbsup2

Aw those videos are funny! You guys are such a cute family.

I love the details of the girls costumes for the Halloween party! I really like Hannah's strand of blonde 'frozen hair', and Maddie's snowflake hair clips are awesome!! And of course the dresses and Elsa gloves are perfect. Great job!
don't anybody panic--i'm here to reply to comments and update this trip report. it's crazy business, I know! :thumbsup2

Wow! Great updates!

I really liked seeing the dwarves with the mine train in the electrical parade. I guess especially since I enjoyed the ride so much.
I love those Mickey pancakes the girls got at Kona! Yummy!
And those pop nachos- on our last trip I ate nachos at pop a few times and they were so good. But this time I never saw them! Dang!
Your husband in that princess hat had me creaking up!
And I think your costumes turned out great!
I couldn't see the videos. I will have to check back on the computer (I'm on my phone) and see if they work for me on there.

the dwarves ride is so fun, isn't it? we loved it!

those pop nachos.....nothing is as good here at home. you just can't recreate them....gotta go back, I guess!

poor DH--even our dog is a girl, so he gets ganged up on a lot. :rotfl: thank goodness he's a good sport!

Love Rich in the princess hat! That is a dad of two girls for sure!
I feel the same way about tonga toast. It's amazingly delicious, but they need a meal choice that has a smaller portion of it with something else. Some eggs or fruit along with the sausage. It's just not really a meal, just a lot of sweet!

Pop nachos look amazing! Love me some good nachos though! If you every try the poly QS you should try their version of nachos. They are different, but in a yummu way!

You all looked so cute for the party! Love the simplicity and comfort of all your costumes. That is really the way to go!

Can't wait for more! So happy you are back I've been missing you;)

dads of daughters.....they'll do anything for their little girls, won't they? they totally have rich wrapped around their little fingers!

I agree--the tonga toast was so good, but it needs to come with some eggs or something. just needs some protein to counteract all that sugar!

love nachos so much! now I want to go to poly for some! Hannah just told me the other day that she wanted something from tony's for lunch. I wish we could just run to MK for lunch!

stick around--more updates to come!

Nice relaxing morning! Can't wait to hear all about the party!

can't wait to relive the party--I loved it so much!

sorry that you weren't used to the camera - for being the night parade I think they came out quite bright though so with a little practice I bet you would get some great pictures!

Oh, wasn't sure how much you wanted the picture cropped but got rid of that stranger at least:


I kinda want to make a Kona breakfast ADR just for the coffee - it looks so good :thumbsup2

I think splitting a tonga toast makes a ton of sense - though you know if you did that and wound up absolutely loving the tonga toast you would have wished you had your own!

I like your costumes! I think if we ever go to a MNSSHP I would debate like you did how elaborate to go. I think instead of standard costumes I would want to do something easy but creative - like everyone where a white t-shrit with a horizontal stripe on it and go as the monorail :lmao:

thanks for cropping that picture! darn strangers trying to enjoy their own vacation and ruining my pictures.....:lmao:

oh, that coffee at kona.....it was so good!

i am loving the monorail costume idea! i can never think of things like that, but love them when i see them! you should do a MNSSHP just to use that idea!

Yay for updates! Day two looks like it was a nice relaxed morning; a rare thing in WDW! I've never eaten at Kona, actually haven't been to Poly since I was about 11 :eek: Tonga toast looks GOO-OOD! I agree with you about the protein though, if I don't have eggs in the am I'm super hungry about an hour later. Looks like the same thing happens to you! But those POP nachos I'd eat if I were hungry or not!

The girl's hair clips are so cute! And I love the simple costumes; we're planning a similar type thing for our first MNSSHP next year. You guys are a cute Frozen foursome. Can't wait to see how your first MNSSHP turned out! :wizard:

yes, i was in need of some protein that morning. the tonga toast is delicious and i'm glad i tried it, but maybe next time we'll just split it. and the nachos....heaven! ;)

thanks! we had help from a friend on the snowflake ones--they were so cute! we had fun dressing up, but people kept asking rich if he was a mime. it was so funny! but i got looks from him all night! :lmao:

What a great update!!!!

I love it all! love tonga toast.. I really do... I know it's sweet but i usually share it with the kids!

your nachos look yummy too!!!

Oh the halloween party!!! I am sorry it rained for you and ruin the maps! NOT ALLOWED! I LOVE the girls hair! How did you do that Elsa braid?!?! it's awesome!!!
I adore your family picture with the castle!!! There wasn't a PP at the spot when we went. :sad2: then again there was a HUGE lack of PP in the parks when we went. :sad1:

I cannot wait to hear all about your Halloween adventure!!! :cheer2:

ahh and now you have a cropped picture!!!

yes, cropped picture! aren't dis people awesome?

that would be smart to share the tonga toast with the kids, but then who will i blame when they are jacked up on a sugar high? :rotfl:

i honestly don't know how i did that braid--and it even stayed in! i am horrible at French braiding, but i just started on the side and did the best i could adding hair to the sections as i went, and just started on the side and worked across instead of at the top and going down. it was Disney magic that it worked at all!

we did pretty good with PP this trip. in January, i was pretty bummed at the lack of photographers.

Waited for 3 buses? Yikes that sounds awful.

Long day I'm sure, but I'm glad it was a fun one!

Super nice of the driver to take you to the Poly!

DH looks great in that princess hat! :rotfl:

Omgosh those videos cracked me up!! Too cute!!

The girls look so cute in their costumes.

we had such good luck with buses except when we were exhausted. if they had taxis waiting right there, i think someone would be making a lot of money!

thanks! they liked their costumes a lot and got a lot of attention from them which they thought was pretty cool!

I'm sorry that the tonga toast was too rich- It looks appeasing to me but I have thought the same thing- as I dont' like too much sweet first thing in the morning.

Those nachos are looking mighty good right now!

I was the same way about the party- wanting everyone to nap beforehand. The party is so much fun and I hope to do it again someday!

i loved the party! i want to do it again!

What a bummer that you ended up not liking your breakfast at Kona.

Love the costumes for the Halloween Party. While it sure is fun to people watch the people in the elaborate costumes I think the understated ones are more practical for the parks. The girls looked lovely! Love the touches with the hair.

thanks! we really enjoyed the Halloween party. i'd like to try the Christmas party sometime, but i hear the Halloween one is better.

So glad Rich made it there and you guys had a great evening! Stinks he had to take the Maddie back to the room! Glad you enjoyed the parade... we love MSEP! And I had the exact same experience with the bus back to Pop after our MVMCP night! The line was the longest line I've ever seen!! They snaked it through the bus line next to us... it was crazy. I too got on the 3rd double bus!

i'm sorry to hear you had a horrible bus experience too! wasn't it crazy? we've never been in a line that long before. i'm telling you, someone could make a fortune if they could put taxis right there by the buses!

are you doing a TR about your latest trip?

Hey I'm catching up! :goodvibes

Oh man, those Disney buses... I find that they're either REALLY good or REALLY terrible!! And they never seem to be able to predict end-of-the-night crowds.. When you want to get on the bus so bad after a long day, they take forever!

Those little celebrations are so sweet! I remember getting a Happy Birthday voicemail when I was a kid. It's the little things, Disney!

Aww bless your girls in their hats! And Maddie clutching her Peter Pan toy! CUTE :goodvibes

It's a shame that the construction at the Poly is so overwhelming. It was always such a nice place to take photos, now you can't get a photo of all the nice plants and things without seeing construction walls and high-vis vests! But hopefully it'll all be worth it :thumbsup2

Aw those videos are funny! You guys are such a cute family.

I love the details of the girls costumes for the Halloween party! I really like Hannah's strand of blonde 'frozen hair', and Maddie's snowflake hair clips are awesome!! And of course the dresses and Elsa gloves are perfect. Great job!

you're not missing too much--i think i'm the world's slowest updater!

maddie is in LOVE with peter pan! i don't know what started it, but i love that she loves him so much!

i just saw a picture somewhere this morning of the poly's lobby all finished and looking pretty. i'm glad to hear some of the construction there is finished up!

i'm glad you liked the videos too. we were really cracking ourselves up, but we were also all jacked up on tonga toast sugar, so anything would have probably seemed funny to us. :rotfl2:

thanks! i had a lot of fun putting costumes together! next time, i really want us, at least rich and i, to be a CDA agent and the orange monster with the sock on his back from monsters inc. i think that would be funny!
once we got to adventureland, the girls wanted to go in the swiss family robinson tree house. rich took them in and i found a place to sit with the stroller. i'm glad i did, because as soon as i sat down, it started to rain. i got the ponchos out and while i was trying to cover the stroller, it started to downpour. i put my poncho on, but it was pretty pointless. i was already soaked. i moved over under a tree and when i sat down on the bench, i sat in a huge puddle. now my tush was soaked too. oh well, what's a wet butt when you're in disney, right?

rich and the girls came running back and we threw ponchos on everyone. we decided to use our fastpass and headed over to PoTC. the fastpass line was pretty quick and i didn't even get any pictures! it was fun though. i always love this ride!

after pirates, we had another fastpass for BTMRR--another favorite! we hurried over, stopped to get madison measured, and then hurried on. the fastpass line was speedy and soon enough we were on our ride. i didn't even attempt to take any pictures because i knew i just wanted to enjoy this one!

when we got off, we found a lonely photopass photographer just hanging out and stopped for a quick picture. i should have asked for some magic shots, but i didn't. :( why don't they just ask you if they can do a special picture for you. it would be so much easier for frazzled moms who forget stuff.....just sayin'

anyway, after that, we headed back out and went to splash mountain. the wait said 20 minutes, but we basically just slowly walked the whole way and never actually waited. i guess we didn't think this through very well, but we had maddie ride with rich and hannah got in with me. i didn't pay any attention to the fact that rich was in the line for the front row. probably, maddie should have sat with me since she'd never ridden before, but like i said, we weren't thinking.

the ride was great, as always, and then came our trip to our laughin' place.....let's see who's laughing?

random strangers behind us? yep. me? sure. hannah? of course, she adores this ride! rich? i guess, even though he has his eyes closed. maddie? hhmmmm.....maybe a close up

nope.....no....nuh-uh, i don't think she was enjoying anything about this. feel free to laugh....this picture cracks me up! i posted it on facebook and admitted to my bad mom status for laughing. when we got off, we asked her if she wanted to ride again. i think you can guess what she said!

i believe we made a bathroom break at this time and then played on that little playground hidden under the bridge. here's where the title of this update comes from. hannah and maddie were playing and running around with other kids, i was chatting with another mom and rich had gone to get our stroller. all of a sudden i heard some crying that i recognized and here came hannah, holding her chin and with tears streaming down her face.

apparently she had tried to climb up the plastic slide with wet slippery shoes on and.....surprise.....she slipped and smacked her chin on the slide. she had hit it hard enough that she cut her gum with one of her teeth and was bleeding which freaked her out. of course, this is why i always yell at them not to climb the slide, but i'd save the i told you so's for later.

rich got back right after, so we loaded the girls into the stroller to try to decide what we should do. we stopped at a cart to get some cold water and popcorn to see if she could eat or drink. she took a little sip of water, but wouldn't try to eat anything. she said her jaw was really hurting, so we headed over to a place i've never taken any notice of, first aid! luckily, i had found it on the map on my phone and we got there quickly. the nurses there were super nice and gave us an ice pack and some children's tylenol. she drank it down and put the ice on her jaw and got back into the stroller. she said she didn't want to leave, but didn't want to walk around either. we decided to walk around towards tomorrowland since the party would start soon. it took us a bit to get through the hub, i think a parade was about to start?

anyway, we got over and sat down to check in with hannah again. she was doing alright but was still a little pouty. i noticed that there was no wait for the speedway which they always want to do. when i mentioned it, she was instantly better and ready to race! amazing, isn't it? so we parked the stroller and got in line. about now, the party offically started and we saw a crowd appear from nowhere at the candy station by the speedway. it was CRAZY!

i did not have my phone out because i thought "how exciting could this ride be?" well, that turned out to be a huge mistake. a video of madison driving would have been HILARIOUS! i am so glad she won't be driving anytime soon and that the car is on a rail for this ride. she was the worst driver ever, spinning the wheel from side to side and jerking around from hitting the rail. i was just laughing so hard the whole time, i had a stitch in my side by the time we got to the end. it was too funny! i looked back at rich at one point and he wasn't fareing any better with hannah as a driver. it was the best ride ever. we will so be doing it again!

rich snapped some pictures when we got off and were getting out our glowsticks. this is what you look like after getting rained on, splashed on PoTC, drenched on Splash and then riding in a car with maddie driving.

much better!

rich took the girls over to get some candy and then we went to.....THE TEA CUPS! did you think we'd skip it when we're that close? they let us ride twice since it was our anniversary and we asked so nicely. plus....there weren't even people in all the teacups, so i don't think they really cared.

i swear that if i ever get a NOT blurry picture of hannah on this ride, i may faint!
after our tea cup ride, i realized that i had totally forgotten my "to do" list for the party and wasn't keeping track of the time AT ALL. i panicked a little, but decided to just roll with it. i checked wait times on my phone and asked the girls what they wanted to do. the wait time for anna and elsa had gone down from 90 minutes to about 75, and i told them that this would be our only chance to see them if they wanted to go. we were dressed as sven, olaf, anna and elsa, so of course they said they did. we went and got in line.

somehow, rich got lost trying to find a place to leave the stroller and couldn't find us after we had gone in, so he missed out on the picture. i was a little bummed since he was our olaf and i had wanted to get a picture of us with anna and else in our costumes. oh well, it was still a fun meet! and, even better, the wait was no where near 75 minutes! we waited about 30 minutes. a long time, but not as bad as over an hour would have been!

when it was finally our turn to go in, the girls were awestruck! when it was our turn, anna was VERY excited to see the girls in their dresses! and gave me lots of compliments when the girls told her that i had made them.

we actually spent quite a bit of time with anna. she was very fun and bubbly and talkative. exactly right for anna! i didn't think elsa was as fun, but the girls really liked her! when we walked up, she put her hand on madison's head. her hair had gotten wet and now was cold. elsa pulled her hand back and said "oh, your hair is so cold! you must have ice powers too!" of course, madison was in love! she showed elsa her dress and anna called over to tell her that i had made them. she was very impressed!

when we were done, we went out through the gift shop and i let the girls pick a toy out. i also picked up an anna and elsa animator doll for jackiemarie. there was no shortage of frozen merchandise in the parks when we were there!

we left and found rich. the girls wanted to go on the carousel again. what is it with that carousel?!? rich was a good sport and took them on and i went over to pinocchio village to sit down and rest my feet. it was a long wait for anna and elsa and my feet weren't too happy about all the standing. when they were done, we headed towards liberty square. we stopped at haunted mansion for some pictures. it was so neat around there!

magic shots!!

we headed off after photos and rich took the girls to the next candy station. the line was ridicuously long! after this line, we decided we just weren't that worried about getting candy anymore. it was too much of a time waste to us. when they finally got through the line, i realized it was almost time for the fireworks and there was no way we'd get a place on main street now. i was a little sad, but we found a place to sit and the fireworks were really just awesome where we were (right across from the liberty bell). i loved the music and the fireworks! it was great!

when we got home, i found these bonus pictures from MNSSHP. here is a firework picture from them.

not our actual view, but pretty, huh?

as soon as the fireworks were over, we hustled over to the corner and staked out a place for the parade where we could sit and watch. this was the scene in the stroller...

i didn't really want anyone falling asleep, so i asked rich if he'd stay with the stroller to hold our spot and i'd run into the villain's dance party with the girls to pass the time. he said that was fine and we were off.....
the villain's dance party was amazing! we had to wait in a little line when we got there. i think they were emptying out and changing characters. when they let us in, the evil witch was dancing all alone. i tried to get the girls to get a picture and dance with her. maddie wasn't having anything to do with her.

then lady tremaine came out.

i couldn't hear what all they were talking about, but she wasn't impressed with their love of anna and elsa. she kept flipping maddie's cape over her head and trying to convince her to wear it that way.

for awhile, no new characters came out so the girls and i danced around near the stage. a couple of CMs came up and complimented the girls on their dresses and danced with them. they were so sweet to us! the girls felt pretty special after all that attention. we were having a lot of fun!

our favorite of the night though, was cruella de vil. she was awesome! and spent so much time with us! madison was a little nervous and i have a video that isn't very good, but you can hear her saying "come darling, it's a party. you MUST dance at a party!"

she spent a ton of time teaching hannah how to do a dance

they started an easier version of the thriller dance about now. hannah was having a blast trying to do it, and maddie was dancing near me off to the side. they called cruella up onto the stage and i wish i'd had taken a video. she got up there and busted out all the moves to the thriller dance. it was so great and everyone was clapping and cheering. i'm telling you--the villain's dance party is so much fun! you totally have to go if you do a halloween party. it's not to be missed!

about now, i started getting texts from rich that a crowd was forming for the parade and he was starting to feel guilty about holding our spots. even though we so did not want to leave the dance party, we headed out and went back to our seats.

now here is the only other non-magical, not pixie dusted moment we had. all together, rich had probably been holding our spots for 40ish minutes. we were sitting on a rock ledge with the girls in the stroller. there were people sitting in front of us on the ground up to the rope. a couple of grown women with a stroller stop right in front of me and stand there for several minutes and start taking out snacks, etc. it looked like they were going to stay there for the parade. i was hoping they weren't going to stand for the parade when everyone else around us was clearly sitting so everyone could see. finally, enough time has passed that i think it's clear they don't intend to sit down. now, i'm not really a confrontational person, but i was annoyed that they weren't sitting. so, NICELY, i asked "excuse me, are you planning to sit down when the parade starts?" the mom looks at me like i'm asking her to cut off a limb and says "we've been looking for a spot to watch the parade for awhile and all the good spots are taken!" i said "yeah....we've been sitting here about about 30 minutes" to which she replies "well, the ground is wet and we don't have anything to sit on" so i offered this solution "if i let you use our ponchos, would you sit so that we can see?" she just rolled her eyes and turned around. what the what?!? i didn't really think i was being unreasonable. no one else around us was standing and it was obvious that my kids couldn't see with them standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF US. they stood there for a few more minutes and then moved down and left their stroller with someone they obviously knew. i heard them saying "well, she wants us to sit down because they can't see...." like it was such an unreasonable request. then they come back with something to sit on and sit down. really? why did they have to make such a big deal about it if they had planned on sitting the whole time? they could have just said "yep, we're going to sit down in a minute." i would have been fine with that. don't make me be a b*tch at disney, ladies! this is my happy place, for crying out loud!

anyway, i didn't let it bother me for long. the parade was about it start!
Maddie's face on Splash is PRICELESS!!

Sorry to hear Hannah hurt herself but I'm glad it wasn't too serious and didn't ruin the night.

30 minute wait for A&E? AWESOME! Great pics!

Love the Haunted Mansion shots.

I'm glad you were still able to see and enjoy the fireworks- they really are spectacular!

The villains dance party sounds like it was a blast! Great pics with the characters!

Ugh what an annoying incident before the parade :/
:lmao: Poor Maddie stuck on the front row! :rotfl2::rotfl:

Yup little miss would definitely get a big fat I told you so along with the ice pack for hurting herself doing something I warned against. Glad Hannah was okay though.

Yay for short waits for Anna and Elsa!

How rude that family was! I don't think you were unreasonable at all. Glad that they at least sat down.
Hahahaha I couldn't stop laughing at Maddies face!! Bahahahaha

Dance party looks awesome. So cool that they spent so much time with the girls :)


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