Lightspeed ahead to a healthier you! April 2016 WISH challenge... all are welcome!

Whew! It's been a whirlwind weekend and I am finally having time to sit down and introduce myself! My name is Angela and I am the mother of 5 girls! My problem is post-baby weight. And please ignore the fact that my oldest is 17 and my youngest is going to be 4 in a few weeks, I think it should still count! Haha...but seriously, if I take 15lbs per kid, that seems about right ;) I am highly motivated to lose some weight, as my 20 year wedding anniversary is the end of May and we are taking a 2nd Honeymoon trip to Aruba in June...yikes, nothing like the thought of getting into a bathing suit to really motivate me! I am one week down in my first ever Whole 30! So far, so good! My goal for the month would be to finish out my Whole 30 and go to the gym or exercise 6 days per week. I am using my fitbit and trying to get my 10,000 steps per day in as well. During the Whole 30, you are not supposed to be weighed/measured so I will have to celebrate all the non-scale victories I can find! I am happy to be here with all of you and look forward to the support!
I am highly motivated to lose some weight, as my 20 year wedding anniversary is the end of May and we are taking a 2nd Honeymoon trip to Aruba in June

Welcome and congratulations on 20 years of marriage and having 5 girls (wow!)!

I think many of us want to join you on a trip to Aruba (we'll fit in your carry-on, promise!). Please give us plenty of envy and show us where your'e thinking of stay and all of those gorgeous beaches.
Hi guys,

I have been MIA for a few days as I road tripped 21/2 hours away to visit my aunt in hospital - stayed over night and got back last night. Tuff dealing with ageing family. She is doing ok - she has improved - apparently Friday was a bad day for her but then the day I arrived was a good day and she has been sticking with the good so far. So I'm just going to take the credit from my presence right there lol (only joking). Needless to say I have no healthy food pictures from the weekend.

I haven't even gotten around to introducing myself this month! For any newcomers this month I am joining you from Australia :wave2:. I am a solo mum of 3 fantastic kiddos DS 15, DS 12 and DD 12. I work full time - to my friends on here working in Special Education - I am also in that field - I am an Occupational Therapist and work for the Education Department working with kids in school with disabilities both at special and mainstream schools. Some of you will remember I had a health issue that sent me off to the doctors for an overhaul last month - well the journey continues - I have started some vitamin B12 shots, I am starting on iron tablets and this morning they did a Diabetes screen (questionnaire) on me - my answer to that together with my last fasting blood test which had my blood glucose at 5.8 puts me in the high risk category (my Dad has Type 2). So lucky me off for my 3rd blood test in a month - to recheck the blood glucose level. They are also sending me to see a dietician and an exercise physiologist - so hopefully that will help set me up better with my eating and activity. I had already decided that 2016 was the year I needed to start reigning myself in - looks like I knew I really needed to.

So my goal for this month is going to be about increasing my activity - the Doctor said Australia's current guidelines are for at least 30 minutes a day 5 times a week. so I will set a timed activity goal. So with 4 weeks left of April I will say 20 days @ 30 minutes is 600 minutes of exercise this month.

Challenges will be:

Days getting shorter as we head further into Autumn/Fall here.
Time poor.
Stresses - My dad is starting radiation treatment for prostate cancer soon.

Well, here we are.... day #2! So beyond just a new DAY, it is a new MONTH.... a new chance to change! If you were still processing the fact that yesterday started a new month, perhaps you didn't get a chance to really think about all you want to accomplish n April and how you are going to do that. So take some time today to THINK about it... even if you don't want to share it.

My CHALLENGE to you today is to think of something that you want to do EVERY DAY in April (forget the fact that it is 4/2... it is NEVER to late to make a healthy change). Maybe you want to make sure you wear your Fitbit every day.... or you want to try to hit 100 ounces of water every day...... or maybe a 1 minute plank every day..... or... who knows! My ONLY rule is forgiveness if you miss a day (or two). Do not set yourself up for failure with an "all-or-nothing" mentality.

FUN weekend challenge: Post a picture (or two) here of a healthy meal that you eat over the weekend (don't we all LOVE food porn?). Whether it is a fast-food salad, a homemade sandwich, or a fancy meal in a restaurant.... shoot a picture and share it here! Breakfast, lunch, or dinner.... whatever you want!

This month I want to work on my soft drink addiction - so no soft drink before dinner time - starting tomorrow.

After these first three months, I'm down 46 and I am currently at 274 lbs. My goal this month will be to lose over 14 lbs and be in the 250's by May.

Great progress Dr Gunnie love the before and after pics - beautiful family. :thumbsup2

Hi, I'm back for April after going MIA mid March. These last few weeks have been a blur of appointments, research, and so many emotions, as my Dad was diagnosed with Stage III lung cancer. He quit smoking 20 years ago and has been in excellent health, but went to the doctor's with a persistent cough. After being treated with antibiotics, he was sent for an X-ray, then CT scan, bronch/ biopsy, PET scan, diagnosis, and treatment plan.

During the last few weeks, meals have been on the go, or not eaten, then snacking when I got hungry. I put on 2 pounds, basically back to where I was in Jan. I'm now 151lbs. My goal this month is ridiculously low, but I want it to be realistic as I will be working, taking my Dad to chemo, and radiation ( my sister will also be sharing in the rides, so I won't be doing it 5 days a week). My goal is lose 2 pounds. I won't be able to attend my WW meetings, so I appreciate this thread more than ever to keep me accountable.

Here is a pic of my husband and me just a few months ago on our December WDW trip.

So sorry to hear about your Dad - prayers for you.

Hi everyone I am in for another month! My name is Sam and I am 30 years old. I am a stay at home mom to 2 wonderful boys and have been married to my amazing husband for 10 years. Last month I lost just over 5 pounds of my 6 pound goal and actually hit my goal of 6 pounds the day after the last weigh in!! So this month I am excited to keep up the momentum and loose some more. I have never stayed this motivated this long so I am proud of myself for that. The last few weeks were rough last month with my oldest getting very sick and then hospitalized but he is doing so much better now. So hopefully we all stay healthy this month and we don't have to eat out as much as last month!

My current weight is 172 and my goal weight for this month is 166.

This month my goal is another 6 pounds!

Great job on achieving your goal :thumbsup2 So glad to hear your son is doing better.

Okay, back to lurking. Sorry for butting in.

Stop lurking and come join us @wenrob you seem to have some great insights :thumbsup2

@courtneybeth & @mamattorney & @dsnyfn1022 - fantastic before and after/current shots - truly inspirational - I hope you are very proud of yourselves :woohoo:

Wow I'm caught up :-)
I know last summer I was eating a lot of deli turkey, plain grilled chicken, cheese, and hardboiled eggs, plus protein shakes for breakfast. I pretty much cut out carbs all together. I wasn't as active as I've been this week, though, that's for sure. I was drinking more water, too. The no-carb thing wasn't sustainable for me, though. At. All. I can't live like that forever, so I'm trying to incorporate carbs in what seems like a healthy way now (fruits, veggies, carbs in the morning - but not going crazy - and as few as possible in the evenings)...

No need to apologize! I definitely appreciate your post. My dad is doing the same things I'm doing and actually got fewer steps than me this week (by about 20,000) and lost 8lbs. I put on 2. It's so frustrating. Is there any way to help that release along? Upping my water intake significantly or anything? I know I can't expect results overnight (I didn't re-gain 20lbs overnight... Thank goodness) but it's so frustrating to go from being SO PROUD of myself to feeling so discouraged because it didn't do any good.

First of all.... do NOT compare yourself to others.... but most especially to MEN! Some of them can THINK about dieting and lose 8 pounds! Second of all, you've gotten some great suggestions and recommendations here, so I won't say much more other than... HANG IN THERE!:hug:

So, here's today's lunch:
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I don't really eat fish a lot, but when we have leftover salmon, I'll usually have some. Generally I have rice with my salmon ... but today I decided to do cabbage instead! And I threw in a few tomatoes for good measure :)

Yum.... I do love cabbage so that sounds good to me!

Carlsbad 5000 went amazing today -- finished in... 39:49!

Course had a little bit of inclines that were tough on the knee, but I powered through it to my best time to date. Words cannot express how much better I feel after having a great race weekend. Ready to hit Raleigh next weekend and conquer.

WOOHOO and congratulations!!:banana:

Whew! It's been a whirlwind weekend and I am finally having time to sit down and introduce myself! My name is Angela and I am the mother of 5 girls! My problem is post-baby weight. And please ignore the fact that my oldest is 17 and my youngest is going to be 4 in a few weeks, I think it should still count! Haha...but seriously, if I take 15lbs per kid, that seems about right ;) I am highly motivated to lose some weight, as my 20 year wedding anniversary is the end of May and we are taking a 2nd Honeymoon trip to Aruba in June...yikes, nothing like the thought of getting into a bathing suit to really motivate me! I am one week down in my first ever Whole 30! So far, so good! My goal for the month would be to finish out my Whole 30 and go to the gym or exercise 6 days per week. I am using my fitbit and trying to get my 10,000 steps per day in as well. During the Whole 30, you are not supposed to be weighed/measured so I will have to celebrate all the non-scale victories I can find! I am happy to be here with all of you and look forward to the support!
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Welcome and congratulations on reaching nearly 20 years of marriage! And wowza on the 5 girls!! I've got one girl who is an adult now but she still keeps me hopping! What a blessing you have there! Love the hat you have on in the picture... it is really cute!


Good morning friends! I'm up and showered and dressed and onto coffee while I do my WW chat job. May I just say I really like this job?! Even with the crazy hours I work, I enjoy it.

I hope you all had a great weekend and are PREPPED and ready for a wonderful week ahead! I'll be back in a few minutes with our QOTD for today!......P
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Just realizing that I never posted my food pictures over the weekend! I'll do it from my phone later this morning. Thank you to ALL of you who did share! It is fun to see "food porn" that is healthy!.................P

Wishes..... as Disney fans we sing about them, watch fireworks themed around them, and watch movies FULL of them! But we all have real wishes... deep in our hearts.... wishes for weight loss and health. But one of my favorite sayings that I like to share with my WW members is this....


As much as we love DISNEY WISHES, we know that weight loss and fitness takes more than just wishing! For the start of April I had you share your goals and HOPEFULLY your plans to reach those goals (but if you haven't done that yet, there is still time!). And then over the weekend we talked about PLANNING to commit to one positive change for every day in the month.

QOTD for Monday, April 4, 2016:

Have you planned or scheduled your healthy meals and exercise/workouts for this week? If so, share a bit about how you do this (i.e. prep meals ahead or make an appointment with your trainer or put your packed gym back in the car).... and if not, why not? Are you just WISHING that the healthy eating and exercise will happen??
Have you planned or scheduled your healthy meals and exercise/workouts for this week? If so, share a bit about how you do this (i.e. prep meals ahead or make an appointment with your trainer or put your packed gym back in the car).... and if not, why not? Are you just WISHING that the healthy eating and exercise will happen??

Not. Not yet - to be honest with my husband's scan results coming out tomorrow I am stressed and kept myself busy outside home yesterday

I am off work tomorrow (for the medical appointment)

I made some chicken yesterday but burned it and decided to cut my losses short and not attempt to eat it. It’s hard enough to stay on track – I won’t make it harder by trying to eat rubbery chicken!

But when you ask the questions why not make a plan now? I will send a message to my walking group for walk tonight.

Tonight - I will have salad with strawberries, feta, olives, lean burgers, lettuce, and tomatoes.

After the medical appointment tomorrow I hope all goes by plan we will have small celebration & shopping and meal and will return home to cook. I will have Greek yogurt for breakfast and try to make healthy choice for lunch

Wednesday and Thursday I will make turkey mince egg white, veggies scramble for breakfast x 2, chicken & veggies & rice for lunch x 2

Pre chop veggies for stir fries – to cook with chicken or prawns/salmon and noodles dinner for the week

Friday – I will take my slow cooked Bolognese out of the freezer

I am staying away for the gym for few weeks so my gym back is home. I keep my steps on good level - I am going with more gradual approach this time (that's why my gym back is home!)
I am feeling really anxious about tomorrow and drained from it. I am on my lunch break, and feel like sitting and feeling sorry for myself but I know my only hope to feel little better is to get out for walk and motivated by the quote - I won't wish I feel better. I will make a plan how to make it happen

great quote - off I go for my lunch time walk
QOTD for Monday, April 4, 2016:

Have you planned or scheduled your healthy meals and exercise/workouts for this week? If so, share a bit about how you do this (i.e. prep meals ahead or make an appointment with your trainer or put your packed gym back in the car).... and if not, why not? Are you just WISHING that the healthy eating and exercise will happen??

I always meal plan on Fridays for the next week (that's when we go to the grocery store) and then I meal prep on Sundays. This week I'm eating an apple with PB for breakfast, chicken with carrots and hummus for lunch, and I've packed some fruit for snacks throughout the day. I cannot fly by the seat of my pants when it comes to my weight loss. I need to have everything tracked before I start eating so that I at least have an idea of what kind of points I'm eating and what I'll have left. As for planning exercise, I have specific gym days. Some are with my DH so he holds me accountable. On the days when I'm going by myself I pack my gym bag the night before so it's ready to go.
QOTD for Monday, April 4, 2016:

Have you planned or scheduled your healthy meals and exercise/workouts for this week? If so, share a bit about how you do this (i.e. prep meals ahead or make an appointment with your trainer or put your packed gym back in the car).... and if not, why not? Are you just WISHING that the healthy eating and exercise will happen??

Uhhhh yes and no. I did throw some chicken in the crockpot last night but I haven't scheduled much more apart from that. But now I'm thinking I need to get on it!
Stop lurking and come join us @wenrob you seem to have some great insights :thumbsup2
Heh,heh, I'm a bit of a Lone Wolf when it comes to weight loss and fitness. I've found *for me* in the past groups or a buddy tends to lead to enabling. This group seems to shoot straight though which is why I religiously follow.

I am Wen(dy), 48 and have been married 24 (together 27) years come the 18th. I am a SAHM, Disney nerd, hobbyist photographer and digital scrapbooker. I have an 19 year old DD who is a professional baker and culinary college student and 10 year old boy/girl twins. My kids are IVF babies which is why they are so far apart in age and the main source of my weight gain. All those hormones pack on the pounds!

Over the years I've managed to keep a rather steady weight range within 20 lbs depending on my fitness level. I've lost major weight twice in my life. About 35lbs after oldest DD that I kept off more or less until I decided to have another. With my littles I developed gestational diabetes. Being high risk and an older mom I adhered to the diet I was given, lost 5lbs and never gained another ounce during the rest of the pregnancy. I was well on my way to taking the rest off when a series of events threw me into a two and half year long depression. My highest weight (that I know of, could have been more at one point) was 221lbs. DH and I made some decisions that seemed devastating at the time but seemed to remove the weight of the world off my shoulders and some switch was thrown in my head. Things just started clicking and I started losing. I learned it was okay to put myself first and to put my kids on "pause" for 30mins while I got in a workout. I lost 69lbs (my littles combined weight at the time) and maintained that for over four and a half years. Then about two years ago my Dad got extremely ill. His health has always been poor but this was a year in and out of ICU and me sleeping with my phone on my pillow waiting for "the call." Between long days at the hospital, helping my stepmother out and being a mom I begin eating my feelings. I knew I was doing it but kept doing it anyway. Even after he stabilized and is doing okay now, I continued and put on about 27lbs over the course of two years.

Which brings us to now. I'd finally had enough about mid January and got my crap together. My grandma passed towards the end of the month and when I went for a walk instead of eating, ate before the get together at my cousin's house and refused all the crap food I knew I was firmly back on track. I am down 14.8 lbs and well on my way. The pic on the left was beginning of January and the one on the right was yesterday. I will be back with goals and plan later, have to get my kids up for school!
Have you planned or scheduled your healthy meals and exercise/workouts for this week? If so, share a bit about how you do this (i.e. prep meals ahead or make an appointment with your trainer or put your packed gym back in the car).... and if not, why not? Are you just WISHING that the healthy eating and exercise will happen??

We normally plan out our week on Saturday mornings - specifically dinner. For the last few weeks we have been doing the Blue Apron meals, so that knocks out three of our dinners right there. Sometimes we (by we, I mean my wife) goes shopping on Sat, sometimes on Sun, and sometimes we just order our groceries and they are delivered.

Lunch I always make the night before and take to work. I eat the same thing for breakfast (on the weekdays), so that's pretty easy to prepare.

I don't plan my workouts as much as I should - that's something I need to work on.
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Wishes..... as Disney fans we sing about them, watch fireworks themed around them, and watch movies FULL of them! But we all have real wishes... deep in our hearts.... wishes for weight loss and health. But one of my favorite sayings that I like to share with my WW members is this....

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As much as we love DISNEY WISHES, we know that weight loss and fitness takes more than just wishing! For the start of April I had you share your goals and HOPEFULLY your plans to reach those goals (but if you haven't done that yet, there is still time!). And then over the weekend we talked about PLANNING to commit to one positive change for every day in the month.

QOTD for Monday, April 4, 2016:

Have you planned or scheduled your healthy meals and exercise/workouts for this week? If so, share a bit about how you do this (i.e. prep meals ahead or make an appointment with your trainer or put your packed gym back in the car).... and if not, why not? Are you just WISHING that the healthy eating and exercise will happen??

So I have not been on. My son's birthday party was Saturday and then Sunday we were watching movies all day. It was too cold and snowy so we just stayed in. I have not planned any workouts yet this week. I try to have them planned ahead of time but this week is a mess. Tonight my daughter has gymnastics and I the 4th grade Farewell meeting, Tomorrow I have a PTA meeting, Wednesday my kids have PSR (I should be able to get a work out in but not a great one), Thursday is my son's 10th birthday and we always let the kids pick where they want to eat for their birthday and Friday is gymnastics again but should be able to get something in that day. I am ready for the school year to over so i have some more time.

I am not in charge of dinner during the week at our house. My husband gets off a lot earlier then I do so he does dinner. We try to plan meals for the week but if he has issues at work (he is in IT) then sometimes it is just a quick not so healthy dinner.

I am really wishing for things to work out this week and get to workout or at least get 10,000 steps a day. I am also really trying to pack a lunch everyday so I do not buy junk food for lunch. I have 3 meals already prepped with a back up as well.
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Wishes..... as Disney fans we sing about them, watch fireworks themed around them, and watch movies FULL of them! But we all have real wishes... deep in our hearts.... wishes for weight loss and health. But one of my favorite sayings that I like to share with my WW members is this....

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As much as we love DISNEY WISHES, we know that weight loss and fitness takes more than just wishing! For the start of April I had you share your goals and HOPEFULLY your plans to reach those goals (but if you haven't done that yet, there is still time!). And then over the weekend we talked about PLANNING to commit to one positive change for every day in the month.

QOTD for Monday, April 4, 2016:

Have you planned or scheduled your healthy meals and exercise/workouts for this week? If so, share a bit about how you do this (i.e. prep meals ahead or make an appointment with your trainer or put your packed gym back in the car).... and if not, why not? Are you just WISHING that the healthy eating and exercise will happen??

Like some other people, I plan meals for the week when I grocery shop. This week we are having burgers (lettuce wrap/bun for me; reg buns for all who want them), turkey chili, salmon, and pasta (have this once a week for the kids - I eat something else). Thursday, the boys in the family are headed to the hockey game (Blackhawks vs Blues, so should be fun!), so it will likely be Panera (You Choose Two - here I come!) for my daughter and I.

We have a regular rotation of foods that I can cook in my sleep that everyone in the family eats, so I generally pick things that I can prepare/fit around the various after school activities of the kids.

Exercise I don't plan as often or well. Should definitely work on that!
So I'm in the midst of trying to order some new summer clothes for my trip at the end of the month and I have to admit, I've never tried on a skort. Are they really better than shorts? I sort of struggle with shorts and getting then to fit right and stay in place but I'm so tired of Capri pants.

My vain self thinks so-- Haha! I love wearing them or tennis/golf skorts to the parks because they are so cute in pictures, but comfy and don't chafe! I have one athletic pair that are super comfy and stays mainly in place that I got at TJ Maxx-- sad and happy to report it's getting a little too loose.

QOTD for Monday, April 4, 2016:

Have you planned or scheduled your healthy meals and exercise/workouts for this week? If so, share a bit about how you do this (i.e. prep meals ahead or make an appointment with your trainer or put your packed gym back in the car).... and if not, why not? Are you just WISHING that the healthy eating and exercise will happen??

Luckily Blue Apron has planned out 3 dinners per week for us that I don't worry about (*sidenote: they just gave DH some free weeks to give out to people to try-- if anybody wants to try, PM me your email and I can send you the free week. There is no perk to this for me -- just offering it out there!). As for the other dinner throughout the week, I have been making something big that we can eat on through out the week so I don't have to cook every night. Breakfasts are all planned out (oatmeal or smoothies that are grab and go). But lunch is the downfall. I should plan out lunches better-- otherwise, we just magically end up in the Chick-fil-a drive through..... Thank goodness for their new superfood side!
Goal: I'm firmly in the calories in/calories out camp and have been at this so long that I've got a good feel with how my body loses. Some months I'll lost 8lbs and some only 2lbs so I don't like to put a number on it. My goal is to get an average of 15,000 a day (some days I do 10,000, some days 20,000) and be 3/4 of the way through phase 1 of Jillian Michael's Body Shred. She says to only take one day off but my knees and hips need two, haha.

Plan: Getting myself fed and dressed to work out as the kids get ready for school is key for me. It would be ridiculous for me to get all ready and not do it. So far it's been working. Stick to the routine and don't freak out if it gets a little derailed.
Hi, I'm back for April after going MIA mid March. These last few weeks have been a blur of appointments, research, and so many emotions, as my Dad was diagnosed with Stage III lung cancer. He quit smoking 20 years ago and has been in excellent health, but went to the doctor's with a persistent cough. After being treated with antibiotics, he was sent for an X-ray, then CT scan, bronch/ biopsy, PET scan, diagnosis, and treatment plan.

During the last few weeks, meals have been on the go, or not eaten, then snacking when I got hungry. I put on 2 pounds, basically back to where I was in Jan. I'm now 151lbs. My goal this month is ridiculously low, but I want it to be realistic as I will be working, taking my Dad to chemo, and radiation ( my sister will also be sharing in the rides, so I won't be doing it 5 days a week). My goal is lose 2 pounds. I won't be able to attend my WW meetings, so I appreciate this thread more than ever to keep me accountable.

Here is a pic of my husband and me just a few months ago on our December WDW trip.View attachment 159871

I just wanted to say I will keep you and your family in my thoughts. My dad was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer 6 years ago. He has had it return twice in other locations (brain and adrenal gland) but has been cancer free for 4 years now. Stage 3 was a scary diagnosis, but there is so much more they are able to do these days it is far more treatable than 10 years ago. Taking some time for yourself is important, but I think adjusting your goals so they still feel attainable despite your increased demands this month is a smart choice. Focus on making healthy choices and go easy on yourself if you falter! I hope everything goes well for him!

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Wishes..... as Disney fans we sing about them, watch fireworks themed around them, and watch movies FULL of them! But we all have real wishes... deep in our hearts.... wishes for weight loss and health. But one of my favorite sayings that I like to share with my WW members is this....

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As much as we love DISNEY WISHES, we know that weight loss and fitness takes more than just wishing! For the start of April I had you share your goals and HOPEFULLY your plans to reach those goals (but if you haven't done that yet, there is still time!). And then over the weekend we talked about PLANNING to commit to one positive change for every day in the month.

QOTD for Monday, April 4, 2016:

Have you planned or scheduled your healthy meals and exercise/workouts for this week? If so, share a bit about how you do this (i.e. prep meals ahead or make an appointment with your trainer or put your packed gym back in the car).... and if not, why not? Are you just WISHING that the healthy eating and exercise will happen??

I do a meal plan every Sunday night, so my dinners get planned then. Lunches and breakfast are almost always the same, unless I have leftovers to make use of. Breakfast is always one egg and one egg white, a piece of ezekiel bread and half a grapefruit. Lunch is usually salad with 3-4 servings of veggies, beans, lean protein and homemade vinaigrettes. Or I have a half a sandwich or whole wheat wrap and fruit. I like that these two meals are sort of automatic, and I can count on the consistency of them. As bored as I get with dinners, for some reason I do not get bored with lunches and breakfasts. Snacks are greek yogurt (plain) with fruit on the side, a few cheese slices with triscuits, cheese sticks, or hummus and veggies.

Mondays, I start the new week strong by doing a strength class where I go to physical therapy, then I immediately (yes sweaty and gross) do my food shopping. After that I prep fruits and veggies to make sure they are easy to use the rest of the week. My workouts are based on my training plan for whatever races are on my calendar. Right now I am only sure of one race, and it is not until October, so I am just following a basic base building plan. I run 3-4 days a week and cross train 2-3. I strength train with heavy weights at least twice a week. And I have some PT exercises I am supposed to do daily, but I'll be honest and say I do them only some of the time. At the end of this month, I will begin a new training cycle which will be different in that I am going to have a local running coach construct a specific training plan for me, as I will be training for a new distance. I am going to be doing my first full marathon in the fall. :eek: Super excited, but also terrified!

When I was most successful with weight loss in the past, it was always about an automaticity to my plan. So, I am trying to return to that mode.

As for a daily challenge, I am going to focus on water. It used to be something easy and automatic for me. Now I realize I no longer drink enough water. I don't drink soda, only water and a few cups of coffee each day (+ wine on weekends) but I have not been drinking enough water lately. So I am going to focus on getting back to 64 ounces a day. I've had about 20 ounces so far today:)

I was super busy and did not get on here this weekend, so I missed the food challenge. It is a bummer too because I made my favorite weekend breakfast of a healthy frittata. Its heavy on veggies, light on cheese and I use a mix of whole eggs and egg white to keep it lighter. I'll try and post it next weekend. Never enough time during the week.

As an aside, venting, I really hate my city's administration and mother nature right now. We are getting our second snowstorm in 48 hours, and it is a mess. Kids are in school, which was a horrible call in my opinion. I transport my kids myself, so I know I can keep them safe, were have an easy and short (under a mile) ride. But my city is crazy hilly and the city has done NOTHING to clean it up. Dismissal time is going to be a nightmare for the buses. Going to keep snowing through the afternoon. UGH! Vent over;)
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Wishes..... as Disney fans we sing about them, watch fireworks themed around them, and watch movies FULL of them! But we all have real wishes... deep in our hearts.... wishes for weight loss and health. But one of my favorite sayings that I like to share with my WW members is this....

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As much as we love DISNEY WISHES, we know that weight loss and fitness takes more than just wishing! For the start of April I had you share your goals and HOPEFULLY your plans to reach those goals (but if you haven't done that yet, there is still time!). And then over the weekend we talked about PLANNING to commit to one positive change for every day in the month.

QOTD for Monday, April 4, 2016:

Have you planned or scheduled your healthy meals and exercise/workouts for this week? If so, share a bit about how you do this (i.e. prep meals ahead or make an appointment with your trainer or put your packed gym back in the car).... and if not, why not? Are you just WISHING that the healthy eating and exercise will happen??

It's a no for me. I'm still in Texas, although travel plans changed yesterday. I had planned two days in Waco, but when talking with my Bro/SIL thought I'd rather do one night then head back up to their place. After about a hour trying to get thru to the booking service decided to call the hotel direct and found out that location was "permanently closed". So I ended up driving all the way back to my Bro/SIL with them, and we just stopped in Waco for lunch. Stopped by the Fixer Upper Silos and toured the Dr Pepper museum then back on the road. It was a long day/drive. Last night I was thinking about heading home early but it was too costly so I'm just hanging out the next two days. Clothes are in the dryer right now, when they are done I'll head out to the next town over for some lunch.

I'm looking forward to being home and getting reorganized and back on track... I'm ready to hit the ground running and see what I can accomplish before WDW!


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