Avengers: Infinity War - Discussion (*** CONTAINS SPOILERS***)

Last thoughts, Thor was the MVP and Peter Dinklage and Rabbit. And the Scarlet Witch/Vision scenes were incredibly effective. Besides the lack of Steve Rogers I thought Bruce Banners scenes were great to disappointing. Was really hoping to see Hulk destroy through the hulk buster suit. Also the lack of Clint was annoying.

Can't wait to see it again!

That is definitely an interesting subplot though as to why the Hulk refused to come out - something to be addressed in the future
They showed her broken body on the ground - but at the same time easy to say that wasn’t “real” and her soul can be retrieved from the stone
Thanos did connect with her soul too when they did that scene with young gamora and him alone in the water.
That is definitely an interesting subplot though as to why the Hulk refused to come out - something to be addressed in the future

He didn’t come out because he got whooped earlier and as seen in ragnarok he is developing more knowledge and is smart enough to know these people were there and if I come out then I will get beat up again. For some reason everyone I talked to had a hard time picking up on this when it was pretty obvious to me
He didn’t come out because he got whooped earlier and as seen in ragnarok he is developing more knowledge and is smart enough to know these people were there and if I come out then I will get beat up again. For some reason everyone I talked to had a hard time picking up on this when it was pretty obvious to me

I didn’t get that - I mean it is plausible but if that is the case then he, as a character, needs to evolve further into what a hero is
I didn’t get that - I mean it is plausible but if that is the case then he, as a character, needs to evolve further into what a hero is

You have to take Hulk for what he is at his core, he’s the embodiment of Bruce Banner’s rage. At some point in a previous movie he said that while he’s the Hulk, he feels very raw emotionally, like an exposed nerve. And as Ragnarok showed us, he has the mental capacity of a young child. One who’s been allowed to grow a bit as a result of being out and about for two solid years, but still inexperienced. After he got ***-whooped in the initial skirmish with Thanos, he’s turtling. He can’t get hurt if he doesn’t show up.
Just got back from seeing it... just wow. Non-stop, even the “slow parts” had purpose for exposition and all of the bouncing around kept things moving. I expected there to be casualties and part of me wondered if Thanos would succeed.

Like I told my wife, the movie is a very Empire Strikes Back moment for the MCU. It’s always darkest before dawn. And there has to be loss and personal growth in order for there to be true success and emotional payoff. Very much looking forward to next summer. And debating whether or not I can find time to get back to the theater again for this one...
You have to take Hulk for what he is at his core, he’s the embodiment of Bruce Banner’s rage. At some point in a previous movie he said that while he’s the Hulk, he feels very raw emotionally, like an exposed nerve. And as Ragnarok showed us, he has the mental capacity of a young child. One who’s been allowed to grow a bit as a result of being out and about for two solid years, but still inexperienced. After he got ***-whooped in the initial skirmish with Thanos, he’s turtling. He can’t get hurt if he doesn’t show up.

I get that, and certainly makes sense - just wasn't "obvious" to me as there wasn't any foreshadowing or hinting at it or anything

Does also create an interesting juxtaposition as until recently it was more about Banner trying to keep the Hulk at bay and now he wants/needs the Hulk and the Hulk won't answer the call
That is definitely an interesting subplot though as to why the Hulk refused to come out - something to be addressed in the future

Yeah I think hulk was afraid to come out. He had the mental age of about a five year old at that fight. He got best pretty bad.

Also thought there might have been an off chance of some sort of chi blocker thing when thanos did an odd punch to the shoulder.
Taking a reply from the main rumors thread over here since it's spoilers...
In response to box office discussion, good thing it's making a ton of money, all those big names oi one movie wasn't cheap.

When the avengers were starting to fade and asking what was happening the only thing I could think of was 'cost cutting'.
Taking a reply from the main rumors thread over here since it's spoilers...
In response to box office discussion, good thing it's making a ton of money, all those big names oi one movie wasn't cheap.

When the avengers were starting to fade and asking what was happening the only thing I could think of was 'cost cutting'.

I saw someone say the combined budget for Avengers 3 and 4 was $1bn - so yeah, it needs to make back a good chunk ... but of course there is merchandizing and the impact/presence in the parks to consider as well
Like I told my wife, the movie is a very Empire Strikes Back moment for the MCU. It’s always darkest before dawn. And there has to be loss and personal growth in order for there to be true success and emotional payoff.

I never noticed it in previous films but did anyone else notice in the credits all the stars having their personal chefs and security listed?

I noticed Mr Hemsworth's speech coach:) I guess it's hard to know the Aussie out of people.

Poor Thor has nothing. Ragnarok was kind of a waste all his people are dead. What happened to Valkyrie?
I could have used just a few more quiet minutes. Little talk between black widow and hulk. Some more reaction from starlord. Any sort of depth to cap.

So I'm assuming the only victory doctor strange saw involved keeping iron Man alive, since he had a very quick change of heart from his 'I'll let everyone die to keep this stone safe' to 'here you go take it'.

I think the Valkyrie died, but they didn't show it. I loved her character.

I would have liked to have seen more with Black Widow and Banner/Hulk, but I think we will see that in the next one.

I think Dr Strange saw that he needed to give up the stone and needed to die. I think he also saw the Tony needed to live.
I noticed Mr Hemsworth's speech coach:) I guess it's hard to know the Aussie out of people.

I think the Valkyrie died, but they didn't show it. I loved her character.

I would have liked to have seen more with Black Widow and Banner/Hulk, but I think we will see that in the next one.

I think Dr Strange saw that he needed to give up the stone and needed to die. I think he also saw the Tony needed to live.

I need to go see it again, but I swear Thor said something about half his people died. Thanos is all for the 50/50, now I'm wondering if Valkyrie wasn't meant to take half the people away but maybe the actress wasn't available or it got cut for time.

I was trying to research it more. I guess Tessa Thompson has been filming Annihilation, Creed II and West World, so maybe she just couldn't fit it in.

I'm hoping she is still alive, but I guess if Thor is out we wouldn't really see her again anyway.
Okay have to admit, I have not read everything up to this, as I just got back from the movie and wanted it to be fresh in my mind.

First - incredible movie. Just incredible. I NEVER go to movies in first week, nor even first month. I prefer to wait and let crowds thin down. But as I saw more and more posted here, I had to see it before I learned too much. So we went early this morning with my youngest son 16.

Second - some things I noticed....

1) Hulk has performance issues - he has never lost, go back and look, at least in the movies he has NOT lost a battle. Even though he was about to in Ragnarok.
Hulk is forcing no change, not Banner, and I think its because he can't face the fact he was defeated.
2) The REAL power in this Avengers team is Scarlet Witch - and they are playing that up. Per Vision - "You are the only one strong enough to destroy the infinity Stone." - During the battle she turned the tide twice. They are pushing her and it is nice to see.
3) Avengers 4 - will be time travel. The ONLY Avengers still alive - are the originals from the first movie - Thor, Cap, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hulk and Hawk eye.
4) Pictures of studio shots for Avengers 4 show most of the stars in original costuming - again Time travel.
5) Tony Stark is one of the keys. We know this cause Dr. Strange told Tony he saw only ONE scenario where they win over Thanos, Dr. Strange purposely saved Tony, and made sure Thanos got the Time stone. - for sure now that tells me time travel of some kind back.
6) Star Lord is human, after the last movie where he was part eternal - he showed his total humanity in this movie, the struggle to kill and fail on Gamora, and his rage of loss when he heard she was dead. - this too will be key I think.
7) I firmly believe any one that faded into ash will be back after next movie, but I wonder if those who were killed to get there will come back.

As called out by some others at WDWMagic.com - not sure here - I loved the interaction between Tony Snark(not a typo ;) ) and Dr. Strange. As much as I loved the Dr. Strange character so far, he was really at ease and even MORE enjoyable in this.

Loved his snark shot at DC when he asked Tony if Peter was his ward :D

Those are the keys to me. As I said we went early so theater was not full, but you could feel all the emotion as folks died, or as jokes were cracked.
Okay have to admit, I have not read everything up to this, as I just got back from the movie and wanted it to be fresh in my mind.

First - incredible movie. Just incredible. I NEVER go to movies in first week, nor even first month. I prefer to wait and let crowds thin down. But as I saw more and more posted here, I had to see it before I learned too much. So we went early this morning with my youngest son 16.

Second - some things I noticed....

1) Hulk has performance issues - he has never lost, go back and look, at least in the movies he has NOT lost a battle. Even though he was about to in Ragnarok.
Hulk is forcing no change, not Banner, and I think its because he can't face the fact he was defeated.
2) The REAL power in this Avengers team is Scarlet Witch - and they are playing that up. Per Vision - "You are the only one strong enough to destroy the infinity Stone." - During the battle she turned the tide twice. They are pushing her and it is nice to see.
3) Avengers 4 - will be time travel. The ONLY Avengers still alive - are the originals from the first movie - Thor, Cap, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hulk and Hawk eye.
4) Pictures of studio shots for Avengers 4 show most of the stars in original costuming - again Time travel.
5) Tony Stark is one of the keys. We know this cause Dr. Strange told Tony he saw only ONE scenario where they win over Thanos, Dr. Strange purposely saved Tony, and made sure Thanos got the Time stone. - for sure now that tells me time travel of some kind back.
6) Star Lord is human, after the last movie where he was part eternal - he showed his total humanity in this movie, the struggle to kill and fail on Gamora, and his rage of loss when he heard she was dead. - this too will be key I think.
7) I firmly believe any one that faded into ash will be back after next movie, but I wonder if those who were killed to get there will come back.

As called out by some others at WDWMagic.com - not sure here - I loved the interaction between Tony Snark(not a typo ;) ) and Dr. Strange. As much as I loved the Dr. Strange character so far, he was really at ease and even MORE enjoyable in this.

Loved his snark shot at DC when he asked Tony if Peter was his ward :D

Those are the keys to me. As I said we went early so theater was not full, but you could feel all the emotion as folks died, or as jokes were cracked.

I especially liked the three was banter with Stark, Strange, and Quill

as to those that died earlier on, I think Loki is dead. Not sure about vision as if there is a back up he could take on a new body, and Gamora I think can come back as her would Ian in the soul stone
Gamora had to come back. Guardians doesn't work without her and we know there is a guardians 3. I liked the idea previously mentioned about guardians 3 being the search for her.
I have a LOT of thoughts and feelings about this movie.


  • Why does Tony always get so much screen time? Did we really need more Pepper and Tony? Why can't we let Cap get some time with his pal Bucky, but nooo. I'm forever bitter that Captain America 3 was partially the Tony Stark show.
  • I think Loki is really dead this time, and it didn't affect me at all. He's had way better deaths
  • I thought Wanda and Vision were goners and I was so tense, but then Cap's shadow showed up and I involuntarily said "oh thank god"
  • Pirate angel.
  • Why did Peter Quill have to ruin it all with his stupid emotions? Get the gauntlet off THEN pound on Thanos to your heart's content.
  • "I am Groot" "I am Steve Rogers" - the delivery of that line ended me
  • Scarlet Witch killing Vision was such a powerful scene and I thought the acting was outstanding
  • Bucky's "Steve.." and then dusting was such a gut punch
  • Can't even talk about Peter Parker's dusting scene

My predictions and thoughts:

  • I think the people who dusted are somehow the ones that are really alive. I don't know how exactly - maybe a trick of the reality stone. But it makes much more sense for those people to be alive.
  • And I think Dr. Strange was really sacrificing Tony (and the others) by giving up the time stone.
  • Did Shuri make a backup of Vision? She's pretty clever.


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