It's Back.....BB Season 21(Spoilers Welcome)

Doesn’t Julie usually announce things like that on Thursday’s live show the week before they happen?
that doesn’t matter because now it seems things have done down and they may be deals being made to blindside and backdoor Jessica

That would be a joke. He needs to get Christie out if he wants to have any chance to get to the end.
Yep, if Jess goes this week then Jackson can go in Cliff category for wasted HoHs. And we can just go ahead and name Tommy and Christie as F2 now. Or one of those 2 the winner. ANd I can't say, even though I hate those 2, that I'd be too upset with one of them winning because they are playing the game with some smartness.
I don't think he's using the veto. I think his target is still Christie. Though Nick was trying to talk him and Holly into backdooring Jess. But I think everyone realizes that is best for Nick's game and only Nick's game. Even Tommy. I think Tommy wants Christie to and not when he has to do it. Tommy is playing this game well. Ugghhh, he is so over the top annoying but I got to give it to him, he is probably the smartest gamer in there (amongst a bunch O'dummies as noted above). Jackson not so bad either....ugghhh, hate saying that too. (though if Jackson does use veto and put up anyone other than Tommy or Nick, he is a dummy too).
I agree I think Tommy wants Christie gone. He won't say it in the DR's either since they have an outside relationship, but I think it's pretty obvious he wants her out of there. I thought it was so funny how Christie is talking about how close they live to each other and she is describing the drive and Tommy is freaking out lol. I honestly think Christie will spill the beans in the jury house, which will kill Tommy's chance of winning if she does. I don't think she'll do it intentionally but the Jury house is a more relaxed climate, I could just see her say it in just simple conversation without even thinking about it.

I think Tommy may win this thing, he is annoying but like the poster above said he is playing, so I'll give him that.
I'm pretty sure Jackson is going to keep the noms the same:

Holly and Jackson laughing about the plan that people wanted them to do, backdoor Nicole. They said people were saying it was Jackson's big chance to backdoor Nicole. Holly said she could barely keep a straight face as it was pitched.
Hmmm, now some convo with Cliff about Jess putting a target on herself. Hmmmm...Jackson said something about if he says he is going to do something, he will do a renom. Hope he's faking Cliff out.


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