Airmiles Armchair Chatter

@Donald - my hero I think I may have been in your Rexall just after you today!

I had to go to Guelph this week so I did a work around being able to go today.

There was a nice young guy at the cash who was great with the coupon. He said there was a nice lady earlier who earned over 1000AMs

Then he said "I think I am going to start" so I told him about the LCBO part of AMs and he was ready to sign up LOL

I went to the one at Speedvale and Woolwich because they had the M&M stuff to help me get to $50

Oh and thanks so much for the coupon links, I got 396 when my Load n Go were included!
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@Donald - my hero I think I may have been in your Rexall just after you today!

I had to go to Guelph this week so I did a work around being able to go today.

There was a nice young guy at the cash who was great with the coupon. He said there was a nice lady earlier who earned over 1000AMs

Then he said "I think I am going to start" so I told him about the LCBO part of AMs and he was ready to sign up LOL

I went to the one at Speedvale and Woolwich because they had the M&M stuff to help me get to $50

Oh and thanks so much for the coupon links, I got 396 when my Load n Go were included!
YUP! That was me, that's our favourite store, love all the staff there. The cashier who we both dealt with is new, haven't seen him before and when i wheeled my cart over with my stuff separated into 3 sections he got really quiet. I told him I'd be gentle 🤣 He was really impressed with how close each of my transactions came to the $50 mark and couldn't believe that the 3 coupons would stack. As i was leaving I heard him telling one of the other cashiers that I should teach a class and she yelled at me "you've got another convert i think"

That's the store that actually had their grand reopening that the one coupon came from BTW. Can't wait for them to finish that stupid intersection though, made the bus trip interesting to say the least!!
I actually picked my favourite cashier up at her house (It was her day off). I texted her yesterday to tell her not to buy anything until I got to the store on Wednesday. Two other cashiers and the pharmacist were all waiting for us to appear at the store. Rexall will have a real bump in sales today.

I think AM must have someone reading these threads. Just when we were all becoming very disillusioned with the program. Wham! a pop up promo for the die hard collectors to take advantage of. I am grateful.
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YUP! That was me, that's our favourite store, love all the staff there. The cashier who we both dealt with is new, haven't seen him before and when i wheeled my cart over with my stuff separated into 3 sections he got really quiet. I told him I'd be gentle 🤣 He was really impressed with how close each of my transactions came to the $50 mark and couldn't believe that the 3 coupons would stack. As i was leaving I heard him telling one of the other cashiers that I should teach a class and she yelled at me "you've got another convert i think"

That's the store that actually had their grand reopening that the one coupon came from BTW. Can't wait for them to finish that stupid intersection though, made the bus trip interesting to say the least!!

HAHAHA I thought it might be you!

Yes, that intersection was horrible to turn at.
Uggggg… guys are killing me with these shopping stories. I sat down to have a cup of tea and to print off all my reservations. I figured I'd scan this thread while the printer was chugging away. For a split second I thought that if I get everything packed and ready by 8pm I'd go to Rexall. Reality is I have to get up at 5am and I'm a real night owl so it's best for me to be in my jammies in bed watching some TV by 8 or 9pm.

I got out of work early because my mom came in to help. Thanks to her, I completely cleaned off my calendar and walked out like this...…
Image result for cat strut
I've done two Rexall shops today, spent $74 plus taxes, earned 763 airmiles with another 18 airmiles from an $18 shop at Metro.

I am out this evening so might do one more transaction but it's 15 minutes driving out of my way round trip so likely not. Plus I only know of about $30 worth that I didn't buy without overspending.

I'm not going near stores tomorrow, with Blue Friday, Metro 4 day promo and Shoppers 20x+5k with pc credit card on Saturday, it's a lot of money going out the door so I'm taking the day off.
I have reviewed the Metro flyer and plan on picking up things we will use that don't go more than $2 over the 95AM cash redemption. I'll do it as many times as I can find things we need and will use. (Oh and some potted mums for the garden.)
Yep I find it hard to do Rexall much anymore . I’m pretty much stocked on everything and ours has minimal groceries .
Looking forward to Friday but with one hand I’ll have to get the big kid up to help me shop . I feel bad because he’s working 60hours plus this week isn’t off until Sunday has a 14 hour plus day Monday then school Tuesday he’s completely burnt out already..
I need to clean out my freezer tomorrow to stock up on chicken Friday . I’ve already made them aware chicken wings fri for dinner and chicken burgers for lunch Monday then leftover chicken burger as lunch Tuesday ha.
Getting frustrated atill haven’t heard back from onyx personal shopper Friday I told them to go ahead and nothing yet ..
sigh .. I just need a vacation again already it’s been what 2 weeks
Uggggg… guys are killing me with these shopping stories. I sat down to have a cup of tea and to print off all my reservations. I figured I'd scan this thread while the printer was chugging away. For a split second I thought that if I get everything packed and ready by 8pm I'd go to Rexall. Reality is I have to get up at 5am and I'm a real night owl so it's best for me to be in my jammies in bed watching some TV by 8 or 9pm.

I got out of work early because my mom came in to help. Thanks to her, I completely cleaned off my calendar and walked out like this...…
Image result for cat strut

Have a wonderful time!
My usual Rexall only allowed me to scan one coupon! I left.

I was waiting for this to happen to me as well. I know if the manager had to be called I would have been out of luck. Today I considered myself lucky, the first cashier decided to just go with it, the second Rexall she was very new and willing to trust the customer.

I hope you didn't go too much out of your way. The next deal is just around the corner.


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