Asia Disney Parks closed due to Coronavirus (SHDL, HKDL, TDL)

I used to think the WHO and CDC were trusted sources. Their too late reactions are bothersome. Call it a pandemic. Stop telling us that it's safe to travel because planes have should good HEPA systems. We all know more exposure=greater risk. WHO/CDC/US Govt are breaking people's trust right now because they are not being honest and forthright. Because of this many won't trust anything they have to say in the future. Multiple examples/studies from past epidemic situations have demonstrated once community trust is lost, all is lost.

On topic, I'm not sure how much longer Disney parks can remain open. IMO, and not a popular one here, Disney is being irresponsible by allowing guests to gather from all over the world to enjoy their parks. It has been shown how quickly this virus travels. How many cases of travel related exposure/community exposure do we need to illustrate this?
ETA: It seems alot of people don't really want to travel but because of the no refund policy they feel they must or forfeit the many months/years of saving for this trip. I say this as a family who chose not to travel and lost $4k.
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I used to think the WHO and CDC were trusted sources. Their too late reactions are bothersome. Call it a pandemic. Stop telling us that it's safe to travel because planes have should good HEPA systems. We all know more exposure=greater risk. WHO/CDC/US Govt are breaking people's trust right now because they are not being honest and forthright. Because of this many won't trust anything they have to say in the future. Multiple examples/studies from past epidemic situations have demonstrated once community trust is lost, all is lost.

They're making the same mistake Italy did - trying to keep business running as usual, and why? 💰💰💰
I think this is the reason for a lot of the "overreaction" and closing of so many events in places with very few to no cases. Liability issues. We are in a sue happy society. If someone goes to a sporting event and catches the virus I can see them trying to sue the venue or the organizers.
I agree, but I also think our litigiousness is going to help us fight this virus. I'm glad these corporations are over-reacting, and if it takes some ambulance-chasers to do it, well, so be it.
I’m in the “containment zone” as Cuomo called it, even though I don’t live in New Rochelle. And frankly, he did a crap job and just terrified people.

All he’s doing is shutting down a handful of schools, and closing the churches and synagogues. And getting the information of what’s actually going to be required to close is next to impossible.

So he went out, made a blanket statement about a “containment zone”, “life and death”, “national guard” but didn’t actually say what he was doing. He created major panic, but not actually a solution. Because of how he did his “radius”, there are families who have kids in multiple schools, one is shut down, and a siblings isn't. Shutting down the entire district would have been more responsible. I’ve heard rumors that all of the schools south of i287 will be closed by Monday, but I can’t fathom what the point was of shutting down some but not others in the same district right now. New rochelle is a CITY. Closing down Schools and churches/synagogues in a 1 mile radius doesn’t even come close to what they need to do.

His handling was poor. I don’t dislike the idea of shutting things down to clean, but the way he announced it was fear mongering, and frankly what they’re doing isn’t enough.

I’ve been trying to stay out of this whole thing, as someone who is immunosuppressed with underlying health issues, but I think everyone needs to take a breath, wash their hands, and be responsible. And live your lives as best as you can within the recommendations of the CDC.
Thank you for posting, I think it really helps to hear it from someone who's there.
And I agree with you, after I went through and really looked at what he did, it really is nothing. It's grandstanding, and very disappointing. They do need to do more, but there's no political will to do it.

But I have a very bad feeling about this. I don't think asking people to adhere to CDC guidelines is going to be enough. Handswashing and social distancing will not be enough. I hope I'm wrong, but it's like standing in the middle of the tracks seeing the train is coming and there's no way off the bridge.
But I have a very bad feeling about this. I don't think asking people to adhere to CDC guidelines is going to be enough. Handswashing and social distancing will not be enough. I hope I'm wrong, but it's like standing in the middle of the tracks seeing the train is coming and there's no way off the bridge.

Me too. I just saw a reddit post by a guy who was like "I'm 22. I'm unlikely to be affected. I shouldn't have to stop my social life because of something that affects people 60 and over." THAT is the attitude that is going to cause issues.
Me too. I just saw a reddit post by a guy who was like "I'm 22. I'm unlikely to be affected. I shouldn't have to stop my social life because of something that affects people 60 and over." THAT is the attitude that is going to cause issues.

That attitude ticks me off so badly. You're 22 - do you not have parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles? Do you not care about them? I am 37, my husband 42. We are statistically likely to be fine, but we have a huge list of immediate family members, not to mention extended family and friends who are at a high risk, and we have 0 interest in exposing them or being part of the problem by just brushing this off and potentially spreading it along further.
And to add to this, something that is NOT getting talked about - take other health-boosting measures:

1. Eat clean - cut out the sweets, the fried foods, the fast foods, the processed foods.
2. Drink lots of water
3. Boost your intake of Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc.
4. Take elderberry supplements
5. Exercise and get fresh air, daily.
6. Get enough sleep.
7. If you smoke, now is a GREAT time to quit.

An unhealthy body has an unhealthy immune system.

Taking supplements will provide nothing more than a placebo effect for the majority of people and, in the case of Vitamin D, can be harmful if too much is taken, as it's a fat soluble vitamin. People who are truly Vit D deficient could benefit from a supplement but those people are likely already supplementing. If you have normal vitamin D levels, a supplement won't do anything to help you here.

Zinc and Vitamin C are water soluble so you can't really overdose, but there is no scientific proof that these supplements do anything for this or any other virus when taken orally. Zinc has some proven therapeutic efficacy WHEN COMBINED WITH ANTIVIRAL meds, but not as a standalone therapy.

Elderberry has some proven efficacy against INFLUENZA, but not coronaviruses.

The rest of your advice is good, and would be great if people followed it.

However, the supplementing isn't going to do anything other than make your urine more valuable and your wallet lighter.
I am going to play devils advocate on this one.

I really wonder if the CDC government isnt really trying to stop the virus but more of a controlled contained spread. It would make sense if that was the case it would also make since if they werent telling us that because for one its a election year two most people are sheeple three it would not just crash the stock markets but cause a global free fall. A slow controlled release allows for these type of mitigation and "protects" society from itself. If a virus is contagious enough and humans are social in nature you would have to completely isolate the epicenter of a outbreak in such a short time and track down all social interactions patient zero had within such a short time that it would all be down to luck to really stop the spread of a disease or virus. I know the CDC is aware of that as well as the WHO. Stopping the spread of a easily transmittable Virus in such a global market that we have now is more down to luck then down to government intervention. Maybe the science shows that we are past the point of containment and have been since earlier this year, now its less about stamping out the virus but more of a controlled spread. It can be scary no doubt and this will change society in some ways, hopefully for the better but who knows. In either case If we are all going to be exposed to it at some point, then I guess I can understand the lack of transparency of the powers that be.
Taking supplements will provide nothing more than a placebo effect for the majority of people and, in the case of Vitamin D, can be harmful if too much is taken, as it's a fat soluble vitamin. People who are truly Vit D deficient could benefit from a supplement but those people are likely already supplementing. If you have normal vitamin D levels, a supplement won't do anything to help you here.

Zinc and Vitamin C are water soluble so you can't really overdose, but there is no scientific proof that these supplements do anything for this or any other virus when taken orally. Zinc has some proven therapeutic efficacy WHEN COMBINED WITH ANTIVIRAL meds, but not as a standalone therapy.

Elderberry has some proven efficacy against INFLUENZA, but not coronavirus.

The rest of your advice is good, and would be great if people followed it.

However, the supplementing isn't going to do anything other than make your urine more valuable and your wallet lighter.
Agreed 100%; I am an RD ;).
Taking supplements can give people a false sense of security and then they don’t do the things that have been proven to prevent illness such as proper hand hygiene.
As the CDC is a government agency, and as the WHO is represented by governments from around the world (i.e. neither is an unbiased, independent agency made up of scientists and doctors who answer to no one but the public) neither is truly looking out for the people above everything else. They are being issued "talking points" and are not truly free to make claims or statements without the input of their respective government leaders/representatives.

And that is all I will say about that.
Taking supplements will provide nothing more than a placebo effect for the majority of people and, in the case of Vitamin D, can be harmful if too much is taken, as it's a fat soluble vitamin. People who are truly Vit D deficient could benefit from a supplement but those people are likely already supplementing. If you have normal vitamin D levels, a supplement won't do anything to help you here.

Zinc and Vitamin C are water soluble so you can't really overdose, but there is no scientific proof that these supplements do anything for this or any other virus when taken orally. Zinc has some proven therapeutic efficacy WHEN COMBINED WITH ANTIVIRAL meds, but not as a standalone therapy.

Elderberry has some proven efficacy against INFLUENZA, but not coronaviruses.

The rest of your advice is good, and would be great if people followed it.

However, the supplementing isn't going to do anything other than make your urine more valuable and your wallet lighter.

I didn't say these were cures, I said they were general healthy measures to take to boost your immune system, which all of these measures have actually been scientifically proven to do. Also, for the record, the majority of North America's (US/Canada at least) population are Vitamin D deficient.
I didn't say these were cures, I said they were general healthy measures to take to boost your immune system, which all of these measures have actually been scientifically proven to do. Also, for the record, the majority of North America's (US/Canada at least) population are Vitamin D deficient.
"Boosting your immune system" with supplements is basically a myth.

Eat fruits and vegetables, and do all those other things you suggested like lower stress, stop smoking, exercise, get enough sleep.

Also, the majority of North Americans are certainly NOT Vitamin D deficient. That is also a myth. (while this acknowledges that for the common cold, the jury is still out on Vitamin C treatment, you'll notice that they concur that the evidence is well supported that Vitamin C is crucial for immune system health) (notice this and the next one show effectiveness against Coronaviruses)
I prefer to trust actual medical journals, the contents of which have been confirmed by the many medical professionals we have worked with over the last 10 years. These are of course, just a few of the available studies. Again, none of the suggestions I made, are curative, and I wasn't suggesting them as such. However, they are shown in medical journals and peer reviewed studies, to be beneficial in supporting a healthy immune system. Further - not once did I use the word supplement, merely to increase your intake. This is always best done through food, supplements should be a last resource.
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Lots of what if, lots of maybe, and even more assertions without fact (unsubstantiated opinions) on the topic. From the role of the CDC, the WHO, the inference of irresponsibility on the part of companies and individuals. Best to just handle it personally as you see fit based on Information at hand and let others do the same. Particularly in light of so few actual facts regarding any of it.
Me too. I just saw a reddit post by a guy who was like "I'm 22. I'm unlikely to be affected. I shouldn't have to stop my social life because of something that affects people 60 and over." THAT is the attitude that is going to cause issues.

Let him know that when he gets in a car accident or breaks an arm playing sports and the hospitals are overflowing with corona patients, there won't BE anyone to help him...and then send him to the Lombardy's doc's page if he doesn't believe you...
Yup. That’s what this is all about. So foolish.
Money makes the world go 'round. Not everyone is an office worker that can just work from home while the rest of the world sits at home for weeks. Small businesses just can't "shut down" for weeks .. most of them survive week to week.

I feel it is an overreaction on a lot of parts. Cancelling school or events pre-emptively. It feels more like a PR move to show you are "taking action" during this panic time.

Besides Draconian travel restrictions (which wouldn't fly in this country), this will still spread just like the cold or flu does, I don't think a few events cancelling and some places closing is going to stop this. People are still going to travel for Spring Break (my sister-in-law's family is heading to Disney this weekend).
For some people it’s as simple as if they don’t work they don’t eat or have a place to live. Some employers are not going to pay you if you aren’t there and lots of people don’t have two weeks of sick time sitting around waiting for them to use.

That alone is going to cause issues with people with symptoms still going out and about.

It’s a crappy situation all around.


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