90 Day Fiancé!

Yet another episode of Angela and Michael fighting, Angela being "done" for the 900th time, so boring.

EricE giving Larissa $25000 for boobs and a nose is something he is going to regret, she will not pay him back with or without interest.

I would love someone to explain to me why ColtE is a chick magnet? :crazy2:
He is a a lair too, he should tell Jess about Vanessa and save the airline flight money, if he doesn't there will be another domestic at his house with the police involved.
OMG you are spot on!!! Has Angela beat down this poor dude so much that he couldn't get away if he tried? Is he THAT hell bent on getting that green card?

EricE is a SUCKAAA!

And last but not least, yes yes and yes!!! I keep wondering the same thing about ColtE! Who on God's green earth would actually find him attractive with his man boobs and uber shmarmy eyebrows and the way he constantly skews his glasses. Yep, I body shamed him. I was so surprised that those chicks from Double Diva's and Pillow Talk didn't comment on how they could make a bra for him. I guess people aren't allowed to talk about people like that anymore but I'm a Slytherin so hey...Imma say my peace. lol
Wasn't Deavon's mom standing next to Drascilla when she darted toward the street?
She blasted him and she was with her, he wasn't even in the scene.
She is an embarrassment to American women.
Yep, how this souly fell on Jihoon who was the fastest one to the kid just showed that those people are only happy when they can berate him for something.
Drascilla reminds me of that character Mike Myers played on SNL, Phillip the Hyper-Hypo. Remember the time Phillip got jacked up on candy and ran away, pulling the swing set behind him that he was tethered to? Drascilla must drink Red Bull 10 times a day.
I just peed myself!!! lololol I totally remember that! Yeah I don't know why they were mad at Jihoon for letting her run off, it seems both the mom and grandma have let her run wild her whole life so to expect a non english speaking stranger to wrangle her in is a bit of a stretch lol.
What about Elizabeth’s sister, Jenn? She is a piece of work. I know she doesn’t like Andrei, but she should check herself. She is NOT nice. Ever.

She‘s not nice at all. All she and the rest of the family did was make fun of the food and called it peasant food. Funniest was when she said she was going to lose weight while being there since she hated the food and yet she was sitting in front of a spread of fruit and croissants.
I’m sure you’re right, but I have no doubt that Kalani can “drop” Tammy any day of the week. 👍
I'm sure she can too. Although I would pay money to watch Kalani's father deal with those miscreants. Watching Aseulo's sister resort to violence so easily just shows how low-class they are. Kalani can certainly drop Tammy, but violence isn't her automatic "go-to" reaction.

Kalani should cut her losses and move on without Asuelo. Her father will be the male role model her children need.
What about Elizabeth’s sister, Jenn? She is a piece of work. I know she doesn’t like Andrei, but she should check herself. She is NOT nice. Ever.
Elizabeth's whole family are a bunch of Basic B's! For them to sit there like deer in the headlights and act like they had no idea why Andrei would act like that just peeved me off to no end! My God, they are already married and have a baby and you're STILL going to try to ruin their relationship? And does Elizabeth EVER defend her husband? Her Dad and brother knew exactly what they were doing at that dinner and it was not the time nor place....there isn't ever a time or place in my book at this stage in the game. How is any of it any of their business? Her dad is a chump. If he really wanted to hit Andrei where it hurts he would not ever give them a dime for anything. Her family refuses to be civil or kind and they come off as extremely classless constantly. I didn't like Andrei at first but now I side with him because if I had to deal with them every day I'd be a jerk too. I would have loved to watch Andrei kick her brothers butt all up in the parking lot lol.

What's with all of these foreigners thinking that the sole job of an American partner is to give all of their money to people back in their country? It's not their friggin' culture! You're saying you've always had the culture where you marry American's and exploit them?

I wonder just what Asuelu would be doing back in Samoa to take care of his family? How does it work when you still live there? I'm sure you DO help out when you still LIVE under one roof. Now I'm all bent out of shape y'all. lol


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