10 LB Clippie's Meet Here!!

Good Job Honeymo!!! Welcome to the 10lb clippie club. Hopefully you will blow right through this one and on to the next!! (you can stick around for a while if you would like though..!)

No offense but I hope I'm outta here quickly too lol. But my goal is to lose 5lbs and be at the 15lb clippie by Labor day. Now I'd really be happy to that clippie before I go on vacation in 2 weeks but I'm not gonna be disappointed if I don't. I've lost 10lbs in a little less than 4 weeks but I don't think it will be as easy to keep that pace up for much longer.
C'mon Wishers...how did this get caught on the second page??? We MUST have more 10 clippers out there!!! Maybe they are movin' on up!!
Just wanted to say "goodbye" to Nancy and "welcome" to honeymo78! Great job to both of you!

Hey Joanne, we are not supposed to see you here....sending pixie dust to get rid of the BF for you.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Hi Everyone, I am in this club too! Even though I love you all, I must say that I am not planning on hanging out here too long, it is all about moving up in the world--LOL!

I started Atkins 7/2 and joined Curves several days later. I have actually lost 12 pounds since 7/2, but I am really looking forward to this Wednesday when I weigh in for my weekly.

Congratulations to all the 10 pound losers on this thread, I look forward to moving up with all of you!

Welcome...NOW GET OUT!!! :p :p !!

I am gonna help you get that PUSH!!! Drink LOTS of Water today...you have to weigh in tomorrow, and you don't want to be bloated.

I read where someone eats fish the day before they weigh in. Sounds like you should have a sushi night, girlfriend!!

Thanks for the welcome, I am hoping to Get out tomorrow, if not it will be next week for sure! Thanks for the advice on the water/fish...I managed the water (well, I am still working on it now) but I am not much for fish. Crossing my fingers for weigh in tomorrow....
Well, my stay here was short and sweet (Splenda sweet, of course! ;) ) But, it is official, I am a 15 pound loser, so I must join in there--please everyone, please follow me there!

See you soon!
I really don't remember when I got my 10 lb clippie-seems like ages ago. I've actually lost 18 lbs since I've started my low carb plan, but 4 of it was before I took the challenge, so here I am. I'm not in a hurry-my goal is another 12 lbs before I see a bunch of my DIS friends in Dec at WDW. I really didn't start any serious exercise until last week, so maybe that will help give me the boost I need to go join the 15 lb folks.
hi all!!! i am officially joining the 10lbs lost thread!!! i weighed myself this morning and i am now down exactly 10 pounds!! i'm not completely sure as to where my weight is coming off at, but it's coming off and that's all that's important!!

i have been on atkins now for a full 3 weeks. i had problems at first but i can happily say that i'm not craving the breads anymore! i do still have problems with craving potatoes, mainly fries, but i will survive. as i told my DH last night (who is also on atkins...he's lost about 12 pounds) anytime that i am tempted to cheat, even a little, i think about the fact that i have been so successful on this plan now for 3 weeks without a single cheat that i would disappoint myself. and i don't want to do that! and then i think about you guys here...you have all been such an inspiration and so encouraging that i'd be afraid of disappointing YOU!!! so i don't cheat!

i have found alternatives for my sweet tooth cravings though. we've discovered som SF ice cream bars from our local kroger that are fairly low in carbs. i use those as a reward for myself for when i am lower on my carb intake for the day. i also found some low carb peanut butter! i have had peanut butter cravings and finally gave in and bought a jar. maybe now that i have it, i won't want to eat it!! that will be reserved as a treat for me. we also found some low carb tortillas at our meijer store! we bought the garlic and herb kind. we made breakfast burritos yesterday and they were pretty good! not something that you want to eat everyday of course, since they are 3 carbs each for the tortilla alone, but a nice alternative when you crave a sandwich or tacos.

it's been pretty easy adapting to this lifestyle...we aren't sure if it's something that we will stick to for life, but we are certainly in it for the long haul of losing the weight that we each want to lose! after we meet our goals, then we will decide what to do from there...

thanks again for the encouragement and inspiration...i don't think i could have done it without you!!! here's to losing another 30 pounds before i reach my goal!!
Good Job Brandie!!! You have worked really hard, I am very proud of you!! I am sure if we all saw pictures of your before and after...we would be able to see the 10lb differnce!!!

It sounds like you have really worked out ALOT of "kinks". Good for you!!!
Just checking in the 10lb club again!! Glad to see so many people are leaving the 10lb club & congratulations to those who have just arrived!!

I must say I am hoping to leave this group soon - today was my weighing day - I have half a pound to loose to get to the 15lb group!

Down & UP to the next clippie we go,
I figure I'll check in too. I'm still in the 10lb club at least for this week. I still have 2-3lbs left. It's weird - the last 2 weeks I weighed less in the morning than i did at night. This week I weigh more in the morning than at night. Hmm I wonder what is going on? I'm hoping that on Sat I can join the 15lb club - my last weigh in before vacation. But if not it will be okay.
Hi all!
As of an hour ago I can join the 10 pound club! I've been doing WW online since about Feb., but lost interest in it and gained about half of my loss back. Well I recommited to WW and joind WISH early last month and things have been going great! I set a mini-goal for my self to loose 10 pound by the time I leave for WDW, and that's not until next week, so I'm ahead of schedule! I'm also a t the lowest weight I've been at in about two years. I look forward to getting to know all of you!

weight is such a fickle thing...sigh...i stepped on the scale this morning and i was up just a few pounds...but i suppose that could have been cuz i had just eaten too :teeth:
Just got on the scale and Im now officially out of the 10lb loosers club! Its upward and downward for me
Up to the 15lb loosers club and down to "goal"
Keep up the great work everyone - see ya soon
:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
I am checking out of the 10lb clippie group too!! Looking forward to seeing all of you in the 15lb group very soon!
Seems to be a mass exodus out of here! I'm joining ya'll on the journey over to the 15 pound club!
Thanks for the support here, you new 10 pounders are going to love it!!
See ya on the other side! ;)
I'm outta here too lol. Woohoo made it to the 15lb clippee right before vacation. I'm sure I'll see all of you soon with your 15lb losses.
YAY for me!!!!

no...i'm not leaving this group yet...

but DH and i went to the state fair last night. everything smelled soooooooooo good!!! but i was a good girl and didn't give in to the temptation even once!!! and believe me, i thought about it. the smell of a corn dog was awfully inviting...

so, as a reward to me...DH took me to hooters! (i know...i actually LOVE their chicken wings!) i had a plate of unbreaded mild chicken wings and a small part of a plain chicken breast.

i was quite proud of myself. wanna know what stopped me from cheating? knowing that i would have to post my confession here!!! :)


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