2005 WISHWalker Alumni - Prayers Needed - UPDATE - page 2

God Bless You Susan! Here's more hugs and PD for you on your road to recovery!

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

:grouphug: Just wanted to share a little smile with you. I was out to the house Saturday-the first time since Susan's been home. Art has a comfy bed in the living room, the 'puter close by (although it's her DS that is always on it-keeps him close by), cards and good wishes are close for the reading by the rocking chair, and on the entertainment centre that Susan looks at while in bed....her Donald medal and....her WISH scarf! I'm certain that every time she looks at them she can feel your hugs and prayers :wizard: and WISHes! :goodvibes

HUGS, sweetie! Hope you're feeling a little better today! :love:

...or Limey as mom says :rotfl2:
How exciting to think that you are actually reading our posts and "feeling" the :grouphug: :wizard: :cheer2: for you every single day!!

Keep that chin up - and we will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers - yes - all of your family and those involved with your treatment!

Thanks for the progress reports too, it just helps to "feel" a bit more in touch :love:
Susan- did you sisters tell you about my DD Alissa's wedding?? She's getting married at the end of July! I'm beginning to become one busy, POOR mom!!!
Susan, glad to hear you are all 'settled' in at home. I think about you every day.

Hugs, kisses and pixie dust!
Just wondering how the fam is doing??? Are you guys ok? Any new news?
... and we'll take that gladly!

Wednesday I took Susan in for a PICC line so they won't have to fish around every time she gets her chemo. I never realized how much of that line goes up inside your veins :earseek: ! It will get its first use next Tuesday as that is her next chemo day.

Generally Susan continues to have a good day followed by a bad day. Often times the feeling changes hour to hour. It has been 4 weeks past surgery so by now we were hoping to see more good days... at least her referral appointment has finally been booked - two weeks from now. That should tell us what else may be ahead in her treatment.

I can't say it enough, thanks so much for all your thoughts, prayers and PD. It really means a lot!

Thanks for the update Art. How long will Susan be doing Chemo?? Does she have a treatment every 2 weeks? Does she have to do radiation as well? Sorry about all the questions- I just am thinking about her all the time. You sound like you're doing a little better. That's good. It's amazing how a nice quiet day/days can make us feel so much better. Things are calming down- I'm so glad to hear that!
Good Saturday morning, everyone. Our "quiet week" turned a little hectic yesterday ... but not Susan this time. Our Mom had to have emergency surgery through the night last night due to an incarcerated hernia. They also had to untwist and remove some deadened bowel and do a re-section. Debbie, Nancy and I got home around 4:30 this morning. Poor Susan ... she was so upset and frustrated that she couldn't be there, and all my Mom could say was "I don't have time to be sick ... Susan needs me".

All is well though. Surgery went great ... she's 70 and it was her first surgery!

And, Susan's DH (GoofyArt) turns the big 4-0 tomorrow -- so we'll be getting together to celebrate. Supposed to be a beautiful day. :)

Have a great weekend everyone!

Oh my goodness!! Hectic is an understatement! I hope your mom has a quick recovery. I'm going to be wishing for sunny, uneventful, boring days for your family. You're all due for some peaceful sunny days soon. You're in our thoughts.

Dawn and family
Yikes, MaryLiz! I am glad to hear your mother is doing okay but I can just imagine the additional stress your family is feeling. Hugs to you all! Sending an extra load of PD to Canada - make sure Susan shares with your Mom. :teeth: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:
Oh No! Sorry to hear about your Mom! Prayers & PD on their way to her! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: Glad to hear the surgery went well though.

Hopefully Susan will have more good days than bad ones. Prayers & PD on their way for that, too! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

And last but certainly not least.....

I was sadden to hear of the emergency surgery - happy to hear that it went well and maybe the break is Art's birthday party!!! mmm cake that sounds yummy, too :goodvibes

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ART - 40 doesn't seem too bad to me at all :rotfl:

I do hope that the "sun" is shining on you guys this week and there will be smiles all around!

Continuing to think postive thoughts and sending mucho :wizard: :wizard: and prayers your way for EVERYONE !!!!
Happy 40th Art!
Prayers continue for all the family. OH NO! Poor Mom! Glad that they got this fixed for her. Now Susan and Mom should have side-by-side beds so they can enjoy taking care of each other! Mom sounds like a lucky woman if this is her first surgery. Recovery will be fine. Hugs to all and keep on keepin' on.
WISHing you :sunny:
Greetings Team Canada and Art

Just wondering if you have any news from the referral doctor's appointment. How is Susan doing? How's your Mom? I hope both are feeling well!

still sending prayers and pixie dust from St Louis!
All of you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I've been hoping that no news is good news. Please let us know how it's going when you get a chance.
Hi Maryliz,

I'm sorry to hear about your mom's surgery, but glad the surgery went well.

Happy Birthday ART!!!

My prayers and continued pixie dust :wizard: for Susan and your mom. May they both get well soon.

I hope the good days outnumber the bad ones in the days ahead!!!
Good Tuesday morning, everyone ! Susan continues to be pretty tired, but she looks absolutely fabulous! :banana: She even attended a fundraising dinner on Saturday for her DS's school. I think it was good for her to see people who are all praying for her, and it was really good for the rest of us to see her out and enjoying herself. ::yes::

Her appt last week determined that they will be changing her chemo, effective with her next treatment (May 3rd). She will still be going in to the Cancer Clinic to have some drugs run in, but they are also talking about a pump/fanny pack thingy that will administer chemo 24/7. We're hoping that this will not knock her out quite so much since it's smaller doses administered constantly. The Dr. will do some more scans after a couple of more rounds of chemo to check the progress of her treatments.

Our Mom is recovering nicely. I take her tomorrow for a follow-up appt with a new surgeon. Hopefully we'll get some idea as to whether or not they have to do more surgery, as this is a possibility.

So yes, quiet is nice this past week. The week after Mom's surgery, she was still in hospital, Susan had chemo (and an asthma attack DURING chemo), I had her kids and her DD was very sick. It was crazy because everyone just wanted to look after everyone else, but they couldn't. But all is much better now. :flower:

Now if only we could get rid of this cold, rainy, snowy weather we're getting here in Ontario the past few days ... :rolleyes:

Take care everyone!

Bump. Any update from our Canadian friends? You are still in our thoughts and hope no news is good news. :grouphug:


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