2015 Fit, Fun, and Fabulous February WISH Challenge! All are Welcome!

oh that's great to know the little blue arrow is at the top too! and way cool to tag people! I had an alert when I got on for it. and I agree the 'like' will catch on

a wine tasting sounds soooo devine! I'm proud of myself for staying clear of my open bottle, I had some over the weekend and making myself wait to fri evening for another glass. I sure hope it pays off on the scale.

I'm going to need to pull out my spring clothes here in a week or so and see if my progress will allow me to fit into the things I'm hoping for, for my trip down to visit my folks in about 3 weeks. little nervous about that, don't want to try them on too soon and be disappointed

been getting my steps in this week too, I increased by 500 this month so I'm up to 8500. this morning I jumped on the dreadmill and hoped to do 4 - 4.25...well after one mile I was struggling so, and really sluggish and then pow! it hit me that I had not remembered to take my pre-workout steroid 'bump' and I was amazed at how much I needed it. It amazes me how our bodies just adjust to any kind of stress, things that you and I would not even blink an eye at...but clearly would be considered 'stress' and your adrenal glands kick in and give your body the means to handle it. people...thank your adrenal glands for the precise work they do for you :teeth: so anyhow, I got off, took my dose and by the time it kicked in (20 mins) then my walk was over and I was mentally spent on this all. LOL so I only got in 3.5...I think i'll try again Thursday for a longer walk to build up that park walking endurance :love:

omg I absolutely love that the smileys are below our text box now...and not a pop-open page....look out folks I'm going be inserting lots of smileys! :yay:
pm'd you my starting weight for this month (sorry I'm a day late)
For try it Tuesday I'd like to try Ezekiel bread, I've been wanting to try it for a while but haven't yet.
Also if no one else has volunteered yet 'd like to run the May challenge.
I'd like you all to select a new (healthy) food to commit to trying. I understand that most of you cannot RUN to the market today and buy something new, but please think about it and make a commitment to buying and trying a new food SOON and let us know how you liked it! Let us know TODAY what you plan to try!

Here are some ideas for some healthy foods that are more "popular" today............... quinoa (super easy to cook), green tea, tumeric, chia seeds, goat cheese, almond milk, green smoothies (not really a single food), kale. Or how about grabbing something that you've seen in the store for a while but hesitated to try like..........star fruit, leeks, bok choy, Ezekiel bread, whole wheat pasta, lentils, greek yogurt, or purple potatoes???

Life on a weight-loss/weight-maintenance journey can get pretty boring if you limit yourself to just familiar foods.... oatmeal for breakfast, turkey sandwich for lunch, chicken breast with green beans for dinner.... okay for a day or two.... but dull if eaten continuously. There is a WHOLE WORLD of fun, tasty, exciting, HEALTHY foods out there... we just need to find them and try them.... and then share with out friends!

I'll BB in a bit to chat more!...................P

I'm going to "cheat" a little, and rather than try something new, I'm going to retry something I don't usually eat. For as long as I can remember I've hated avocados. But I know that they do have a lot of nutritional benefits, and I eat them in my sushi, so I'm going to try them again. Who knows, maybe now I'll like them!
Morning all and welcome to WOOHOO Wednesday!!


Today is a day to CELEBRATE a Non-Scale Victory (aka: NSV)! Take a minute to share a great choice you made recently or talk about a day when you fit a workout into an already busy schedule or even something as (seemingly) small as drinking ALL of your water! We want to WOOHOO with you !!! .........................P
Hey friends! Hope you are all well today! I don't have time to do any quotes, but I have seen that there was a bit more chatter after I signed off last night and even a new PM in my box!

I think it is going to take some time to get used to the new format.... and I only just noticed the "like", but I think I"m going to LIKE it! ;) Off to work today then I must take my DS shopping for some dress clothes that he needs for the weekend.... so I'm not sure what my computer access is going to be like today. But hang in there! I'll be back to chat when I can!................P
not sure if it's my computer, or if the boards are running slow? not complaining I like the new boards absolutely and i'll be patient for those tweaking them!

anyhow, I'm trying to learn a little of the new LO and thought I'd share two things I've learned so far. at the very bottom of the page, lower right hand corner is a blue arrow for quick navigation! cool!

and if you are like me and the bright white was hurting your eyes, If you go to your Personal Details, under "Preferences", the first option is "Style". There's a "Dark Scheme" that's a little bit darker and easier to read

I think that the new boards are still working themselves out. But they look great to me and my OLD eyes are loving the bright white and contrast!

That little blue arrow should be in the bar that shows which forum you are in at the top as well - it is the same at the bottom as on the top. It is very helpful for easy navigation!

I think the boards still are busy being adjusted, this afternoon they seemed to be down for a little bit even.

One thing that I like is that you can tag people and they will see that you are talking about them and then hopefully join into the conversation like this: @ohMom

I love the idea of tagging folks! Nice way to let folks know you are talking about them without having to send a PM.

I still find the look weired, but having had the transition from vbulletin (old software) to xenforo (new software) on another forum I know that it does not take long to get used to the new look and feel. To me the new software is just so much more userfriendly. And I love the look that is less cluttered!

I think it is interesting, how little people use the like button so far. On the other boards, people like posts all the time, but here it is still so rare. I guess this will change over time!

I agree that this new format is really user friendly!!

Oh - and in WISH news... I am not doing very well here. We had a lovely wine tasting tonight as the evening programm. We are in one of Germany's major wine regions here and the wines were great. But I don't want to know how many points this was...

At least I made a point to go out twice today to walk a little bit. Did not make my 10.000 steps the last two days, but I climbed 35 stories every day as my room is on the 5th floor and I am not taking the elevator!

I think I will use my weight on Saturday as my February weight...

A wine tasting in a REAL wine region sounds like a wonderful excuse for going a little off track!!

oh that's great to know the little blue arrow is at the top too! and way cool to tag people! I had an alert when I got on for it. and I agree the 'like' will catch on

a wine tasting sounds soooo devine! I'm proud of myself for staying clear of my open bottle, I had some over the weekend and making myself wait to fri evening for another glass. I sure hope it pays off on the scale.

I'm going to need to pull out my spring clothes here in a week or so and see if my progress will allow me to fit into the things I'm hoping for, for my trip down to visit my folks in about 3 weeks. little nervous about that, don't want to try them on too soon and be disappointed

been getting my steps in this week too, I increased by 500 this month so I'm up to 8500. this morning I jumped on the dreadmill and hoped to do 4 - 4.25...well after one mile I was struggling so, and really sluggish and then pow! it hit me that I had not remembered to take my pre-workout steroid 'bump' and I was amazed at how much I needed it. It amazes me how our bodies just adjust to any kind of stress, things that you and I would not even blink an eye at...but clearly would be considered 'stress' and your adrenal glands kick in and give your body the means to handle it. people...thank your adrenal glands for the precise work they do for you :teeth: so anyhow, I got off, took my dose and by the time it kicked in (20 mins) then my walk was over and I was mentally spent on this all. LOL so I only got in 3.5...I think i'll try again Thursday for a longer walk to build up that park walking endurance :love:

omg I absolutely love that the smileys are below our text box now...and not a pop-open page....look out folks I'm going be inserting lots of smileys! :yay:

Maybe you need a note on the TM to remind you to take your pre-workout steroids.

pm'd you my starting weight for this month (sorry I'm a day late)
For try it Tuesday I'd like to try Ezekiel bread, I've been wanting to try it for a while but haven't yet.
Also if no one else has volunteered yet 'd like to run the May challenge.

No problem on sending the PM late. We'd LOVE to have you host us in May!! I'll add you to the schedule!! I do love Ezekiel bread, but it is wicked expensive and pretty high in PPV so I rarely buy it.

I'm going to "cheat" a little, and rather than try something new, I'm going to retry something I don't usually eat. For as long as I can remember I've hated avocados. But I know that they do have a lot of nutritional benefits, and I eat them in my sushi, so I'm going to try them again. Who knows, maybe now I'll like them!

I took a while to warm up to avocados too.... loved them in sushi and guacamole.....but I had to LEARN to like them by themselves. That being said, if you want to eat them but don't love them, peel them and quarter them and freeze them..... and they make a great addition to a smoothie! Lots of healthy fats, gives the smoothie a nice creamy texture without adding any real "flavor" component.


Hey all! My day is going along fairly well here. I haven't heard any big "woohoo" celebrations yet though!! There must be SOMETHING worth celebrating!!

My student had a discipline issue, so he is with his Inclusion Facilitator and hence I got a few extra minutes for lunch. Dinner plan got changed at the last minute because of having to run DS out to shop for dress clothes tonight, so it looks like Subway for dinner tonight. Not a terrible choice. I'd prefer a salad from my favorite place (Boloco) but I'm not sure I'll have time to make the stop. We'll have to see.

I may have time to pop on tonight during Robotics...... if not, I'll see you in the a.m. !..........................P
Hey--still around although I got lost...I thought this thread was the fitness thread and kept waiting for this thread to go up, then back tracked to last month and found the link. I've got a bit of a cold today but I'm still going to work out. I'll do a long sauna session to try to kick the bug. I was so mad I forgot to pm my weight to our host last month! My avatar survived but looks kind of squished...
Today is a day to CELEBRATE a Non-Scale Victory (aka: NSV)! Take a minute to share a great choice you made recently or talk about a day when you fit a workout into an already busy schedule or even something as (seemingly) small as drinking ALL of your water! We want to WOOHOO with you !!! .........................P

For me, today's NSV is an obvious one ... I went out for a walk/run in the park for the first time in over a week. I've been running on the treadmill lately because of the weather, but I decided to try the park today. There was a lot of snow and ice out there, but I survived.

Not much else going on here ... today is a slow day for me after a few very busy days, so I'm trying to take advantage of the downtime.
New food: I tried Brussels sprouts today. Yep, still hate them... But I think I will use the challenge and commit to trying steel cut oats!

NSV: I think I can count it as a victory that I managed to eat an OP breakfast here every morning despite there being a lovely large breakfast buffet!
Pamela -- a note on the TM is actually brilliant! I have a label maker, i'll just type out a word and stick it on that will remind me!

MissDisney -- :thanks: for volunteering to host in May!!

woo hooo Wed -- ugh, well I don't know that I have a NSV today ;( I woke up and just really struggled and decided that since I wasn't physically able to get going and hit my Wed class then I needed to take a recovery day. so maybe that's my NSV, to recognize and respect my body when it tells me I'm pushing my limits and remembering that overdoing it and the consequences it brings of being set back for a couple days, just aren't worth it. that if I consistently exercised 90% of my days, taking this day off to recover will not truly hinder my weight loss. in fact, letting those muscle recover might actually help?!
Hey all! I'm in! I did the January challenge but was MIA towards the end (two rounds of sickness will do that to ya!). But I lost 2 of my 5 pound goal so I'm back on track for this month (planning to try to get to the full 5 this time!).
Good morning to everyone!~ Another snowy morning here, so we have a two hour delay (which I am delighted about!).




Welcome to THINK ABOUT IT Thursday!!

Today I'd like you to think about and share what spurred you on to lose weight and get healthy/healthier. Is that reason still applicable? If not, what is your new reason to be on this journey? We all KNOW it isn't easy, so it MUST be important!! Feel free to write a long rambling response using a "stream of consciousness" type thinking, or just short and to the point.... but give it some thought! REFLECT on your own mindset about weight loss, both today and in the past.........................P
Hey--still around although I got lost...I thought this thread was the fitness thread and kept waiting for this thread to go up, then back tracked to last month and found the link. I've got a bit of a cold today but I'm still going to work out. I'll do a long sauna session to try to kick the bug. I was so mad I forgot to pm my weight to our host last month! My avatar survived but looks kind of squished...

Sorry that we weren't easier to find. :( Hope the sauna kicks the cold to the curb!!

For me, today's NSV is an obvious one ... I went out for a walk/run in the park for the first time in over a week. I've been running on the treadmill lately because of the weather, but I decided to try the park today. There was a lot of snow and ice out there, but I survived.

Not much else going on here ... today is a slow day for me after a few very busy days, so I'm trying to take advantage of the downtime.

I'm very impressed that you went out! It is BEYOND snowy here.... I can't imagine going out other than to snowblow and do recess duty!

New food: I tried Brussels sprouts today. Yep, still hate them... But I think I will use the challenge and commit to trying steel cut oats!

NSV: I think I can count it as a victory that I managed to eat an OP breakfast here every morning despite there being a lovely large breakfast buffet!

Passing up a lovely breakfast buffet is a huge NSV.... I LOOOOOVVVEE breakfast foods! Good job!

Pamela -- a note on the TM is actually brilliant! I have a label maker, i'll just type out a word and stick it on that will remind me!

MissDisney -- :thanks: for volunteering to host in May!!

woo hooo Wed -- ugh, well I don't know that I have a NSV today ;( I woke up and just really struggled and decided that since I wasn't physically able to get going and hit my Wed class then I needed to take a recovery day. so maybe that's my NSV, to recognize and respect my body when it tells me I'm pushing my limits and remembering that overdoing it and the consequences it brings of being set back for a couple days, just aren't worth it. that if I consistently exercised 90% of my days, taking this day off to recover will not truly hinder my weight loss. in fact, letting those muscle recover might actually help?!

Knowing what is truly BEST for your body on any given day is a great NSV! So many of us sit around with the excuse that we are "too tired" when it is really that we lack motivation to get up and move.... but knowing when your body TRULY needs a day of rest is great. Remember, we build muscle on the REST days, not on the exercise days!

Hey all! I'm in! I did the January challenge but was MIA towards the end (two rounds of sickness will do that to ya!). But I lost 2 of my 5 pound goal so I'm back on track for this month (planning to try to get to the full 5 this time!).

So glad to see you back!! I didn't notice whether or not you sent a starting PM for February, but if you haven't, please do so and I'll update the participants list accordingly!


Hey friends.... as I mentioned earlier, we have a two hour delay here.... which is a great thing! Full day's pay for part day's work! I have some sort of eye infection brewing too, but I'm wearing my glasses instead of my contacts and I will power through. If it doesn't seem better by lunch I will call my doctor.

Well.... time to move along on my day here.... dinner needs to get dropped into the crockpot and breakfast started and lunches packed..... somehow those extra two hours disappear extraordinarily quickly!....................P
New food: I tried Brussels sprouts today. Yep, still hate them... But I think I will use the challenge and commit to trying steel cut oats!
I've never tried brussels sprouts ... I'm a little afraid to because of how much everyone seems to hate them!
I love steel cut oats ... my favorite coffee place makes them really well. I find that the texture is a bit different so it's an adjustment, but I really love them, and I hope you do too! I usually get them with bananas and brown sugar (I like the way the brown sugar caramelizes), but if I'm feeling like getting something a bit healthier, I get bananas and almonds instead. Steel cuts oats (like regular oats) are a bit of a "blank slate" that you can add whatever you like to make it taste great!

NSV: I think I can count it as a victory that I managed to eat an OP breakfast here every morning despite there being a lovely large breakfast buffet!

Awesome! I'm terrible at buffets (it's unlimited food - why can't I eat it all?), so I'm definitely impressed!

woo hooo Wed -- ugh, well I don't know that I have a NSV today ;( I woke up and just really struggled and decided that since I wasn't physically able to get going and hit my Wed class then I needed to take a recovery day. so maybe that's my NSV, to recognize and respect my body when it tells me I'm pushing my limits and remembering that overdoing it and the consequences it brings of being set back for a couple days, just aren't worth it. that if I consistently exercised 90% of my days, taking this day off to recover will not truly hinder my weight loss. in fact, letting those muscle recover might actually help?!

That's definitely an NSV. Sometimes it's really hard to recognize when our bodies need a rest, so knowing that you can take days off is an amazing thing!

Hey all! I'm in! I did the January challenge but was MIA towards the end (two rounds of sickness will do that to ya!). But I lost 2 of my 5 pound goal so I'm back on track for this month (planning to try to get to the full 5 this time!).

Hi! Great job on the 2 pounds, and I hope that this month you can stay healthy and lose the full 5!

Today I'd like you to think about and share what spurred you on to lose weight and get healthy/healthier. Is that reason still applicable? If not, what is your new reason to be on this journey? We all KNOW it isn't easy, so it MUST be important!! Feel free to write a long rambling response using a "stream of consciousness" type thinking, or just short and to the point.... but give it some thought! REFLECT on your own mindset about weight loss, both today and in the past.........................P

In high school I had a lot of friends who wore a size 0-2 ... I happened to have a lot of very skinny friends, and sometimes it made me feel bad about myself (although, really, I don't think any of my "skinny" friends ever noticed or mentioned that difference between us). I started trying to lose weight in high school, but it didn't really work. In college I did manage to lose 15-20 lbs, but I gained it all back a few years ago. I started trying to lose the weight again, but this time I'm focusing more on being healthy than losing weight - I'd like to lose the weight, but I want to do it by eating healthy & exercising, and not by going on a diet that will just lead to me regaining the weight in a few years. This time around I'm trying to change my lifestyle, not just how I look.

I'm very impressed that you went out! It is BEYOND snowy here.... I can't imagine going out other than to snowblow and do recess duty!
It was probably one of my stupider moments ... but I survived and didn't even fall at all! We did get less snow here in NYC than many other places got (last week we got about a foot by me, and we've probably gotten about 6 inches since), so it wasn't too bad, but ... I don't think I'm going running in the park again until some of the snow melts.

Hey friends.... as I mentioned earlier, we have a two hour delay here.... which is a great thing! Full day's pay for part day's work! I have some sort of eye infection brewing too, but I'm wearing my glasses instead of my contacts and I will power through. If it doesn't seem better by lunch I will call my doctor.

I'm wearing my glasses today too (although that's more because I'm just not in the mood for my contacts). I hope your eye gets better, but if not, definitely call the doctor!

Well.... time to move along on my day here.... dinner needs to get dropped into the crockpot and breakfast started and lunches packed..... somehow those extra two hours disappear extraordinarily quickly!....................P
2 hours seems like a lot ... until you get started on your to-do list. There really aren't enough hours in the day!

As for me ... I'm already a drop behind schedule, but I wanted to check in here before I go out. I'm heading out (in the snow) to the mall to get some shopping done. After that it's back to my regular schedule, but I am hoping to get a little Pilates in later (I tried it out a few months ago and now I try to do a pilates video once a week or so ... but it's not always easy to fit into my schedule). Either way, walking around the mall will be plenty of exercise ... especially because I'm an indecisive shopper and will look at the same thing, walk away, and then come back 3 times before deciding to try it on.

Have a great day, everyone!
Not only made it to the gym last night, but got ensnared by something on one of the TVs, so I ended up working out for 1 hr and 20 min! Mostly walking on the treadmill, but considering that I was reluctant to even GO yesterday... :yay:
Hi everyone! I am so looking forward to get home and MOVE again!! This whole course is in one building where we sleep, eat and study. Yesterday we had some free time and I walked into town, but today there was more or less no free time and it is now dark outside and freezing and there is really no place to go for a walk! I need to move, I hate sitting and sitting and sitting all day... I think I am really going to put on my coat and just walk around the house for a few minutes in order to get at least a few steps in. Still climbing lots of stairs at least as my room is on the fifth floor.

On today's question:

My weight loss has often been motivated by wanting to be prettier. Yes, looks were what got me moving in the first place. Now it is more about feeling comfortable. I know that my body just generally feels better when I weigh less. And I really like that feeling. I am lucky in a way that I have over the years learned to accept myself as I am. I don't have a lot of negative feelings towards my body. I see that there are things that are not great, but they don't worry me. So, I am not losing weight to get rid of an image that I dislike - I am just trying to move to a better state in many different ways. I think sometimes that is the reason why I often are not that motivated to work hard for my weight loss as I am not desperate about the status quo.
Good morning to everyone!~ Another snowy morning here, so we have a two hour delay (which I am delighted about!).

Welcome to THINK ABOUT IT Thursday!!

Today I'd like you to think about and share what spurred you on to lose weight and get healthy/healthier. Is that reason still applicable? If not, what is your new reason to be on this journey? We all KNOW it isn't easy, so it MUST be important!! Feel free to write a long rambling response using a "stream of consciousness" type thinking, or just short and to the point.... but give it some thought! REFLECT on your own mindset about weight loss, both today and in the past.........................P

I'm trying to lose the last of the baby weight! I had baby last March (can't believe it's been almost a year!) and I had some complications that caused me to really swell up and gain about 70 pounds. I'm trying to get in shape and fit again. Yesterday I signed up for a half marathon at the end of April, so now it's time to get in shape!
Welcome to THINK ABOUT IT Thursday!!

Today I'd like you to think about and share what spurred you on to lose weight and get healthy/healthier. Is that reason still applicable? If not, what is your new reason to be on this journey? We all KNOW it isn't easy, so it MUST be important!! Feel free to write a long rambling response using a "stream of consciousness" type thinking, or just short and to the point.... but give it some thought! REFLECT on your own mindset about weight loss, both today and in the past.........................P

We are planning a Disney trip in November of 2015, and as I was caught up in the excitement of planning, I got to thinking... This will be my daughter's first trip to Disney, and my first since I was about 17. We plan on doing a lot of meet and greets and character meals for DD, which means lots of photos. I want to be able to look at those photos and not be hiding from the camera or saddened by my size; I want to enjoy them. Also, I don't want to be the reason my family has to slow down in the parks and rest, I want to be able to enjoy the parks without getting too exhausted. Honestly, for me, I need to find the right motivation to accomplish things, and for me, this trip was it. Now I just need to stay focused. :magnify:
Good evening everyone! I was delighted to see so many responses to today's QOTD and so much reflecting. I promise, every day won't be so "deep".... but I think it is important to think about WHY we are doing this!!

Dinner was delicious tonight. For those of you who have never tried "cauliflower rice" I suggest you give it a try! Usually we have it as our main meal in the form of "fried rice" but tonight I made cilantro "fried rice" to serve with the creamy southwest crockpot stew and it was very yummy. It didn't have quite the same "rice" texture that it has when I make it into fried rice, but still a delicious addition to the meal.

I had a good day at work in a VERY nice 1st grade class. I am in there tomorrow, so that is something to look forward to!

DS is away at Model UN this weekend and they leave during the school day tomorrow, so I MUST go pack for him tonight. Yes, I know he is old enough to do it, but he is at Robotics until later tonight, so I told him I'd help him out.

See you in the morning for a FUN FRIDAY!...........................P
No problem on sending the PM late. We'd LOVE to have you host us in May!! I'll add you to the schedule!! I do love Ezekiel bread, but it is wicked expensive and pretty high in PPV so I rarely buy it.
Thanks. I didn't know it was high in ppv so maybe I'll try something different.


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