2015 Fit, Fun, and Fabulous February WISH Challenge! All are Welcome!

Today I'd like you to think about and share what spurred you on to lose weight and get healthy/healthier. Is that reason still applicable? If not, what is your new reason to be on this journey? We all KNOW it isn't easy, so it MUST be important!! Feel free to write a long rambling response using a "stream of consciousness" type thinking, or just short and to the point.... but give it some thought! REFLECT on your own mindset about weight loss, both today and in the past.........................P
I have been trying to lose weight since I was in high school. When I first started trying to lose weight I think I it was just because I felt like it was something I was supposed to do to be like everyone else. I didn't care about my health or the future I just wanted to look better and maybe that is why it never stuck. Now I know I need to do it for my health (I have PCOS as well as a family history of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc), I also know that it is holding me back in my personal and professional life, plus I want to look good. I think have more reasons that are important to me is what is going to make it stick this time.
Morning all and welcome to WOOHOO Wednesday!!


Today is a day to CELEBRATE a Non-Scale Victory (aka: NSV)! Take a minute to share a great choice you made recently or talk about a day when you fit a workout into an already busy schedule or even something as (seemingly) small as drinking ALL of your water! We want to WOOHOO with you !!! .........................P

Well, I haven't downloaded any new music to my mp3 player in a while because my old site was hacked but I finally learned how to turn you tube videos into mp3's and put them on my sandisk.
Good morning to everyone!~ Another snowy morning here, so we have a two hour delay (which I am delighted about!).




Welcome to THINK ABOUT IT Thursday!!

Today I'd like you to think about and share what spurred you on to lose weight and get healthy/healthier. Is that reason still applicable? If not, what is your new reason to be on this journey? We all KNOW it isn't easy, so it MUST be important!! Feel free to write a long rambling response using a "stream of consciousness" type thinking, or just short and to the point.... but give it some thought! REFLECT on your own mindset about weight loss, both today and in the past.........................P
I thought I responded to the non scale vic but it was still there when I replied to this..be awhile still before I'm used to this new format.

Nothing earth shattering, just the same old reasons, I'm tired of none of my clothes fitting, I know if I dont' check the climb I'll be right where I started or higher...
Yeehaw! Another 1.4 lb gone forever!

Funny how that glass of wine I crave all week doesn't seem near as important after seeing a loss on the scale :teeth:
Good morning............I thought that this graphic was a PERFECT way to welcome Friday for most of us who have been absolutely HAMMERED with snow lately!!


Welcome to your FUN FRIDAY QOTD!! Today is a chance to share something that will make you SMILE!!

How old were you on your first trip to a Disney park? Do you have a favorite memory from that trip?

Don't forget to PM your weight plus percentage down to PJLLA today! Thanks!! .......................P
I've got a two hour delay due to the cold temps, but of course, I have no time left to chat because I got busy with a bit of this and a bit of that plus a bit of extra sleep! Subbing in 1st grade again today. I'll pop on during lunch or when I get home tonight! Have a wonderful Friday all of my friends! Stay warm!........................P
my first trip, believe it or not was Dec 1999. I never went as a kid, and wanted to go so badly. Dh and I took our two DD, then 9 and almost 3, and stayed at Dixie Landings. what a great trip that was! DH and I were hooked! He had been as a kid once, but we both caught the Disney bug that trip! Too many favorites as the whole trip was new and exciting..but my youngest got pulled out to dance in the AK parade which was so cute :flower1:
Not only made it to the gym last night, but got ensnared by something on one of the TVs, so I ended up working out for 1 hr and 20 min! Mostly walking on the treadmill, but considering that I was reluctant to even GO yesterday... :yay:

Awesome!! It's always nice to get that extra time in!

Hi everyone! I am so looking forward to get home and MOVE again!! This whole course is in one building where we sleep, eat and study. Yesterday we had some free time and I walked into town, but today there was more or less no free time and it is now dark outside and freezing and there is really no place to go for a walk! I need to move, I hate sitting and sitting and sitting all day... I think I am really going to put on my coat and just walk around the house for a few minutes in order to get at least a few steps in. Still climbing lots of stairs at least as my room is on the fifth floor.

I went to a conference once like that ... it's so hard to be stuck in one building the whole time with no where to walk and no way to get exercise in!

My weight loss has often been motivated by wanting to be prettier. Yes, looks were what got me moving in the first place. Now it is more about feeling comfortable. I know that my body just generally feels better when I weigh less. And I really like that feeling. I am lucky in a way that I have over the years learned to accept myself as I am. I don't have a lot of negative feelings towards my body. I see that there are things that are not great, but they don't worry me. So, I am not losing weight to get rid of an image that I dislike - I am just trying to move to a better state in many different ways. I think sometimes that is the reason why I often are not that motivated to work hard for my weight loss as I am not desperate about the status quo.

It's great that you've realized that feeling comfortable is more important than how you look - the important thing really is to take care of yourself and make sure your body is in good shape!

I'm trying to lose the last of the baby weight! I had baby last March (can't believe it's been almost a year!) and I had some complications that caused me to really swell up and gain about 70 pounds. I'm trying to get in shape and fit again. Yesterday I signed up for a half marathon at the end of April, so now it's time to get in shape!

A half marathon will be a great motivator for you! Losing the baby weight can definitely be hard, and it's great that you're trying to get back to a healthy weight.

We are planning a Disney trip in November of 2015, and as I was caught up in the excitement of planning, I got to thinking... This will be my daughter's first trip to Disney, and my first since I was about 17. We plan on doing a lot of meet and greets and character meals for DD, which means lots of photos. I want to be able to look at those photos and not be hiding from the camera or saddened by my size; I want to enjoy them. Also, I don't want to be the reason my family has to slow down in the parks and rest, I want to be able to enjoy the parks without getting too exhausted. Honestly, for me, I need to find the right motivation to accomplish things, and for me, this trip was it. Now I just need to stay focused. :magnify:

Disney trips are always a great motivation. It is definitely easier to do the parks when you can keep up with your family, so hopefully you'll be doing great by November and will have a great time in the parks!

Dinner was delicious tonight. For those of you who have never tried "cauliflower rice" I suggest you give it a try! Usually we have it as our main meal in the form of "fried rice" but tonight I made cilantro "fried rice" to serve with the creamy southwest crockpot stew and it was very yummy. It didn't have quite the same "rice" texture that it has when I make it into fried rice, but still a delicious addition to the meal.

Sounds yummy!

I have been trying to lose weight since I was in high school. When I first started trying to lose weight I think I it was just because I felt like it was something I was supposed to do to be like everyone else. I didn't care about my health or the future I just wanted to look better and maybe that is why it never stuck. Now I know I need to do it for my health (I have PCOS as well as a family history of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc), I also know that it is holding me back in my personal and professional life, plus I want to look good. I think have more reasons that are important to me is what is going to make it stick this time.

I think it's great to have multiple reasons!

I thought I responded to the non scale vic but it was still there when I replied to this..be awhile still before I'm used to this new format.

The new format definitely takes some adjusting, but I think it'll be great once everyone figures it out!

Nothing earth shattering, just the same old reasons, I'm tired of none of my clothes fitting, I know if I dont' check the climb I'll be right where I started or higher...

The "same old reasons" are still great reasons.

Yeehaw! Another 1.4 lb gone forever!


Definitely very appropriate for those of us buried under the snow.

How old were you on your first trip to a Disney park? Do you have a favorite memory from that trip?

I was 13 (this was in 2000) ... we did Disney and Universal, and I honestly don't remember so much from the Disney part, other than Millenium Village in Epcot and taking a picture of my dad and brother on the tea cups. And I remember that my brother liked Spaceship Earth.
Oh, and a bird pooped on my sister at Epcot, so she had to borrow my jacket.
I really don't remember the rides much (other than going backwards on Spaceship Earth).
Ok--I definitely have some new board issues--is there anywhere on the board to see what exactly the new changes were and how to use it? Has anyone had luck with highlighting text for multi quoting and how to do it? Every time I try to reply it has a bunch of quotes I haven't even selected and or an old thing I typed. I looked a bit at the tech board last night but will look more later, so far I haven't sen my issues.

Anyway Friday question. I guess I went to Disneyland when I was about 4 but don't remember it at all. I do remember going when I was about 5 with my step--uncle and remember thinking I really did go to the moon (there was that rocket ride thing).
I forgot to weigh in today so will tomorrow. I know it won't be good because having a cold but...I've almost kicked the thing--yesterday was about 80% better--so far today just a little stuffy. According to my fit bit I slept 11 hours--guess I needed it! It's pouring rain here today which means all the cats are stuck inside without even the backyard for overcrowding relief...there's 2 piles of poo in the kitchen and the bathroom had pee all over the floor....ahh the joys of cat rescue. I'm going to escape to the gym...was looking through my pictures though last night--trying to clean out my laptop and found a few good ones--they're worth it right?[URL=http://s5.photobucket.com/user/ElysiumPeace/media/094_zpsg2cc7syf.jpg.html][/URL]
Every time I try to reply it has a bunch of quotes I haven't even selected and or an old thing I typed. I looked a bit at the tech board last night but will look more later, so far I haven't sen my issues.

Does the text appear in the reply window automatically? It might be that you have a saved draft. in the line above the reply window there is a little floppy disk. It is the the second to last groupings and has just the disk. If you click on that you get the option of "save draft" and "delete draft". Obviously if you choose "save draft", it does just that. Great feature for longer posts as it will keep the poof fairy at bay! Another board I use saves the drafts automatically, so maybe that is what happened to you. So, go all the way down to the page to the reply box and before you type anything try to delete the draft. Maybe that will help.

Otherwise there is a technical support forum with a subforum just for the new boards: http://www.disboards.com/forums/new-board-issues.195/
My first trip is actually my first memory ever. It was to Disneyland when I was 3. I remember the adjoining rooms we shared with my grandparents and I remember the main street electrical parade. I don't remember a whole lot more from that trip but it was what started my love of Disney parks, a love that has been going strong now for 23 years.
my first trip, believe it or not was Dec 1999. I never went as a kid, and wanted to go so badly. Dh and I took our two DD, then 9 and almost 3, and stayed at Dixie Landings. what a great trip that was! DH and I were hooked! He had been as a kid once, but we both caught the Disney bug that trip! Too many favorites as the whole trip was new and exciting..but my youngest got pulled out to dance in the AK parade which was so cute :flower1:

First trip as a family is SO memorable! And how exciting to dance in the parade!

I was 13 (this was in 2000) ... we did Disney and Universal, and I honestly don't remember so much from the Disney part, other than Millenium Village in Epcot and taking a picture of my dad and brother on the tea cups. And I remember that my brother liked Spaceship Earth.
Oh, and a bird pooped on my sister at Epcot, so she had to borrow my jacket.
I really don't remember the rides much (other than going backwards on Spaceship Earth).

Bird poop is DEFINITELY memorable!!:rotfl2: I got pooped on while at Niagara Falls this past May.... definitely made the day more memorable!

Ok--I definitely have some new board issues--is there anywhere on the board to see what exactly the new changes were and how to use it? Has anyone had luck with highlighting text for multi quoting and how to do it? Every time I try to reply it has a bunch of quotes I haven't even selected and or an old thing I typed. I looked a bit at the tech board last night but will look more later, so far I haven't sen my issues.

Check out the Tech Boards.... lots of questions and answers there.

Anyway Friday question. I guess I went to Disneyland when I was about 4 but don't remember it at all. I do remember going when I was about 5 with my step--uncle and remember thinking I really did go to the moon (there was that rocket ride thing).

That is pretty young to have memories, so you are lucky to remember that!

I forgot to weigh in today so will tomorrow. I know it won't be good because having a cold but...I've almost kicked the thing--yesterday was about 80% better--so far today just a little stuffy. According to my fit bit I slept 11 hours--guess I needed it!

Send it when you can.... no worries!

It's pouring rain here today which means all the cats are stuck inside without even the backyard for overcrowding relief...there's 2 piles of poo in the kitchen and the bathroom had pee all over the floor....ahh the joys of cat rescue. I'm going to escape to the gym...was looking through my pictures though last night--trying to clean out my laptop and found a few good ones--they're worth it right?

DEFINITELY worth it! Of course, I'm a kitty lover too!

My first trip is actually my first memory ever. It was to Disneyland when I was 3. I remember the adjoining rooms we shared with my grandparents and I remember the main street electrical parade. I don't remember a whole lot more from that trip but it was what started my love of Disney parks, a love that has been going strong now for 23 years.

Wowza.... that is a young memory!! But the Main Street Electrical Parade is definitely memory-worthy!!


Morning all! Happy Saturday! Sorry to be getting on here so late! I'm doing well and am sort of "nesting" today, getting ready for yet ANOTHER winter storm that is due to hit later tonight and last into Monday night!!:( I'd be okay with it if I weren't concerned about DS and his group getting home from Boston tomorrow. Perhaps they will end the conference early??

For this month I am taking (and giving you) Saturday's off from QOTD and all that.... but I will be back tomorrow with an official POST! .......................P
Well I managed to stay the same this week which is fine as I was more concerned about healing my cold than working out. Did a little reading on older cats this morning and my inappropriate eliminator right now is a senior citizen--I figure she's about 15 now although I don't know her actual age just what the vet guessed when I got her. I rescued her from a high kill shelter that was in the process of euthanizing most of her buddies--27 cats seized from a van where a man lived with his 2 dogs and some ferrets. they were all piled in the van in carriers a lot had inbreeding deformities and other health issues. She was fine except for being pregnant which they terminated-- just really shy.The saddest thing was she didn't know how to walk when we first got her--she would bump into things...she learned proudly though. She's always been the sweetest tempered little lady and has never had issues before now. I'm going to try an open litter box in her area that's lower to the ground as she might be arthritic, plus we have some bullies that may be bothering her when she goes so open will be better.
As for the rest of the hoodlums, I'm going to try to keep the tv's turned on OPB for them when we're all gone during this crappy rain. Maybe whip out the laser light.
So I lost a bit this week which is good since I had such a terrible week last week (my dog passed away on the 29th which made me just eat everything in sight). I tried harder this week and got in a lot of activity (mainly due to snow shoveling) and I ended up losing what I had gained back plus another pound.

Welcome to SUPER SUNDAY!!!

Today is the day you prepare yourself for a SUCCESSFUL week ahead.... plan your meals (ALL OF THEM if possible) and prep them, lay out your clothes for work (ironed and ready to put on), check your calendar for any appointments and conflicts that might need attention, clean out your purse/wallet, schedule your WORKOUTS, make sure the laundry is caught up and all of the trash cans are empty. (And if you have young kids, double check THEIR schedules.... Girl Scout uniform clean?? Permission slips for school signed?? Goodies for class Valentine's party ready to go??) NOW DOESN'T THAT FEEL GREAT??!

Do we all do ALL of this every week?? Probably not. I will go so far as to say I am a pretty organized person and I'm good at planning ahead, but I cannot claim that I do all of this every Sunday! But why not aim high?? If you are new to any/all of this, take it one step at a time... and I would suggest that you start with some meal planning... even just planning your dinners or brown-bag lunches ahead of time is a great place to start!

Want to share what you did today (or this weekend) to make sure that your upcoming week rocks? We'd love to hear about it!!

Now go out there and make it a SUPER SUNDAY!! .......................P
So I lost a bit this week which is good since I had such a terrible week last week (my dog passed away on the 29th which made me just eat everything in sight). I tried harder this week and got in a lot of activity (mainly due to snow shoveling) and I ended up losing what I had gained back plus another pound.

I am SO VERY sorry to hear about your fur baby. That is just heartbreaking. But I am super impressed that you managed to turn up the activity and put your mind in the right place and have a great loss!!


Hey friends! I'm going to give you another 24 hours to get in your weigh-in numbers before I update the chart! I'm sitting here watching it snow yet again and I am about ready to scream. I went out for about 75 minutes yesterday with a shovel to knock back the snowbanks because they were getting too high for the snowblower to toss the snow over the top of them! It was a great workout, but I'd gladly trade it for a walk on a sunny warm beach!

DH is out there snowblowing the 4-5 inches we've had so far so that he can go get DS at school. Then we will hunker down (YET AGAIN) and wait for the rest of the storm to bury us. Not official yet, but I am ASSUMING that we will have another snow day tomorrow. At this rate the kids won't be out of school until nearly July 4th!

Off to make today's "Soup of the day"..... ham and white bean!...................P
I am SO VERY sorry to hear about your fur baby. That is just heartbreaking. But I am super impressed that you managed to turn up the activity and put your mind in the right place and have a great loss!!
Thanks so much. It was really hard since she was my first dog and I was there when we put her down. But I'm doing better now. Thanks
Trying to catch up!!

How old were you on your first trip to a Disney park? Do you have a favorite memory from that trip?

I was 20, my sister and I were visiting our aunt in California and she took us to Disneyland for two days. It really is difficult to pick a favorite memory, we just loved the place so much. I loved the "Sword in the Stone" ceremony where Merlin would come out and select the king of the Magic Kingdom for the day. For the first time ever, I really fell in love with coasters and we road BTMRR and the Matterhorn over and over. We had dinner at Goofy's Kitchen and Goofy started to flirt with my sister which embarrassed here totally. Those are just three highlights...

For this month I am taking (and giving you) Saturday's off from QOTD and all that.... but I will be back tomorrow with an official POST!

I think that you well deserve a break! I am amazed how you are running the whole month on your own without help from others! I love all the quotes and questions so far!

Such a pretty cat! I hope the easier litter box will help her. She certainly deserves aging with dignity after all the rough times she has been through!

Welcome to SUPER SUNDAY!!!

Today is the day you prepare yourself for a SUCCESSFUL week ahead.... plan your meals (ALL OF THEM if possible) and prep them, lay out your clothes for work (ironed and ready to put on), check your calendar for any appointments and conflicts that might need attention, clean out your purse/wallet, schedule your WORKOUTS, make sure the laundry is caught up and all of the trash cans are empty. (And if you have young kids, double check THEIR schedules.... Girl Scout uniform clean?? Permission slips for school signed?? Goodies for class Valentine's party ready to go??) NOW DOESN'T THAT FEEL GREAT??!

Do we all do ALL of this every week?? Probably not. I will go so far as to say I am a pretty organized person and I'm good at planning ahead, but I cannot claim that I do all of this every Sunday! But why not aim high?? If you are new to any/all of this, take it one step at a time... and I would suggest that you start with some meal planning... even just planning your dinners or brown-bag lunches ahead of time is a great place to start!

Want to share what you did today (or this weekend) to make sure that your upcoming week rocks? We'd love to hear about it!!

Wow, thanks for this post! It really motivated me! I have still not done my meal planning for the week. And I like your ideas of using the Sunday to set up for a successful week. I have been cooking for the freezer quite a lot this weekend as I have figured out how helpful it is to have meals ready to go into the microwave. They are all in individual bags that are marked with what it is, date and points value. I also have tried making steel cut oats. I think the oats I got where cut finer, but I tried it anyway. I used a very basic recipe and loved the outcome! So, I think I will make a larger portion tonight and then put it into individual containers. With that I have breakfast ready to get when I get up. And even if I don't get too eat breakfast because I am in a hurry to go to work, I can at least grab it and eat it at my desk. This should prevent me from buying something at the bakery!

Hey friends! I'm going to give you another 24 hours to get in your weigh-in numbers before I update the chart! I'm sitting here watching it snow yet again and I am about ready to scream. I went out for about 75 minutes yesterday with a shovel to knock back the snowbanks because they were getting too high for the snowblower to toss the snow over the top of them! It was a great workout, but I'd gladly trade it for a walk on a sunny warm beach!

DH is out there snowblowing the 4-5 inches we've had so far so that he can go get DS at school. Then we will hunker down (YET AGAIN) and wait for the rest of the storm to bury us. Not official yet, but I am ASSUMING that we will have another snow day tomorrow. At this rate the kids won't be out of school until nearly July 4th!

Off to make today's "Soup of the day"..... ham and white bean!...................P

Wow, so much snow!! We have another winter of very little snow, but I don't mind...

Thanks so much. It was really hard since she was my first dog and I was there when we put her down. But I'm doing better now. Thanks

So sorry about your dog!! :hug:


I go away for a week and come home with a loss??? :faint:

Well, I guess I take it! :goodvibes

Very pleased with my weigh in! I chose an aggressive goal for the month, if I make it, it will take me into a new decade, out of being overweight and get rid of any vacation pounds... Which would mean that March could be about getting into pounds that I have been carrying around for quite some time! I hope I can keep up the momentum! But it seems to still hold true that eating more helps me to lose more!
Happy Monday everyone!

I hope you all will have a fabulous start into the week! I managed to get my meal plan done yesterday and now have another three portions of oatmeal stored in my fridge for breakfasts! Such a great way to get an easy breakfast.

Pam I see that you posted two recipes for steel cut oatmeal in the WISH recipe collection. Both are for use in a crock pot which I don't have. And considering that I am not a fan of stews and such, I can't really see myself getting a lot of use out of it, so I don't really want to buy another appliance. I searched for steel cut oat recipes and found one that brings the oats and water to boil for 1 minute and then let them just sit over night. This worked very well, but I would love to maybe have some more variation... Any idea whether your recipes would work with the method I am using?


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