2015 Fit, Fun, and Fabulous February WISH Challenge! All are Welcome!

Morning all and welcome to your MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY!!


Do you DREAM of running a 5K, 10K or more? Do you DREAM of living life at your IDEAL WEIGHT? Do you DREAM of a day when you can walk without knee pain or climb a flight of stairs without losing your breath? Do you DREAM of living a life more INTENTIONAL? Do you dream of living a life of ACTION rather than reaction? Do you DREAM of inspiring your kids, spouse, parents, and/or friends to be the HEALTHIEST that they can be? Well here you go!! Start with today! ............................P
I was 20, my sister and I were visiting our aunt in California and she took us to Disneyland for two days. It really is difficult to pick a favorite memory, we just loved the place so much. I loved the "Sword in the Stone" ceremony where Merlin would come out and select the king of the Magic Kingdom for the day. For the first time ever, I really fell in love with coasters and we road BTMRR and the Matterhorn over and over. We had dinner at Goofy's Kitchen and Goofy started to flirt with my sister which embarrassed here totally. Those are just three highlights...

What wonderful memories!!

I think that you well deserve a break! I am amazed how you are running the whole month on your own without help from others! I love all the quotes and questions so far!

Awww... thanks. I think it is fun and keeps me motivated!!

Wow, thanks for this post! It really motivated me! I have still not done my meal planning for the week. And I like your ideas of using the Sunday to set up for a successful week. I have been cooking for the freezer quite a lot this weekend as I have figured out how helpful it is to have meals ready to go into the microwave. They are all in individual bags that are marked with what it is, date and points value. I also have tried making steel cut oats. I think the oats I got where cut finer, but I tried it anyway. I used a very basic recipe and loved the outcome! So, I think I will make a larger portion tonight and then put it into individual containers. With that I have breakfast ready to get when I get up. And even if I don't get too eat breakfast because I am in a hurry to go to work, I can at least grab it and eat it at my desk. This should prevent me from buying something at the bakery!

GREAT PLANS!!! I do some great freezer cooking at times.... and my future self is always so delighted to be able to pull out a yummy healthy meal that is ready in minutes! Oats sometimes take some experimenting to get just right, but I think they are SO worth it. A little sweet (assuming you add some sweetener or syrup or sugar or fruit), warm, creamy, so delicious!

Wow, so much snow!! We have another winter of very little snow, but I don't mind...

Well I am ready to be DONE, DONE, DONE with the snow. This storm is supposed to dump a total of 15-18 inches on us when all is said and done. I think the S.A.D. that I fight hard against wants to kick in! Time to boost my Vitamin D and maybe watch a comedy show!

So sorry about your dog!! :hug:
--I go away for a week and come home with a loss??? :faint:

Well, I guess I take it! :goodvibes


Very pleased with my weigh in! I chose an aggressive goal for the month, if I make it, it will take me into a new decade, out of being overweight and get rid of any vacation pounds... Which would mean that March could be about getting into pounds that I have been carrying around for quite some time! I hope I can keep up the momentum! But it seems to still hold true that eating more helps me to lose more!

Amazing what we learn about ourselves, our bodies, and our metabolism as time goes on!

Happy Monday everyone!

I hope you all will have a fabulous start into the week! I managed to get my meal plan done yesterday and now have another three portions of oatmeal stored in my fridge for breakfasts! Such a great way to get an easy breakfast.

Pam I see that you posted two recipes for steel cut oatmeal in the WISH recipe collection. Both are for use in a crock pot which I don't have. And considering that I am not a fan of stews and such, I can't really see myself getting a lot of use out of it, so I don't really want to buy another appliance. I searched for steel cut oat recipes and found one that brings the oats and water to boil for 1 minute and then let them just sit over night. This worked very well, but I would love to maybe have some more variation... Any idea whether your recipes would work with the method I am using?

THe method you are using sounds good, but how about adding some "extras" like diced apple or pumpkin puree or raisins or banana? The apple or pumpkin I'd add right at the beginning before cooking, but the banana could be added to the plain oats right before eating. How about blueberries or raspberries or strawberries (fresh or defrosted frozen) or even a swirl of jam (low sugar if possible)? I find lots of ways to change up my oats.... but my favorite is definitely apples and cinnamon. One thing I've been doing and I'm not sure I posted it on the recipe thread is that I've been cooking my old fashioned oats in almond milk and water instead of just water and I'm using MORE liquid than the recipe actually calls for and letting it cook longer. IT really BULKS UP the portion size nicely. I got the idea from Hungry Girl and I can post the recipe later if I haven't already. Not sure how it would work with steel cut oats though.

Okay.... all this talk of breakfast has me super hungry! Another snow day here, so I'm moving slower than usual and haven't eaten yet! Time to remedy that with a bowl of yogurt and berries! TTYL...........................P
How old were you on your first trip to a Disney park? Do you have a favorite memory from that trip?

Yeah, I was 2 when we first went. I have no memories from that trip. The earliest one I can remember was when I was about 12 maybe? We stayed at Port Orleans Riverside (then Dixie Landings). I distinctly remember being OBSESSED with swimming in the hotel pool. The lifeguard (who was very cute in my 12 year old brain) thought I was crazy, since it was December and only 60 something degrees. When I told him he was a wimp, he challenged me that I was in a heated pool, and he was sitting in the wind. I got out of the pool, dripping wet, and stood there until I was dry, just to prove my point. He asked where I was from. "Minnesota." Ah, that explains it... lol.

Yeah, that's my most vivid memory from that trip. Not a ride, not a meet and greet, but the hotel pool. It's funny the things we remember! :p
Do you DREAM of running a 5K, 10K or more? Do you DREAM of living life at your IDEAL WEIGHT? Do you DREAM of a day when you can walk without knee pain or climb a flight of stairs without losing your breath? Do you dream of living a life of ACTION rather than reaction?

All of these, lol. I have been challenged to do a 5k in June, so there's a start!
hi everyone, checking in after a very very busy weekend! on top of that a fitbit friend challenged me through the app for a 'weekend warrrior' (?) and so I had to make sure my steps were not wimpy! :rolleyes1

I have to report slight overeating over the weekend, and though it was managed better than six months ago, I'm still dreading that it will affect my WI on Friday. this weekend I'm registered for a three day crop, so as you scrapbookers know means heavy meals, lots of snacks and goodies distributed. I keep telling myself to keep my eye on the goal...so I really like our motivational Monday! I have two weeks to drop my feb weight before I head off for FL :flower1:

what I'm dreaming off is to feel good each and every day in the clothes that I'm in, and feeling smaller again. I remember, faintly, how good it feels to carry myself around in a size that I'm proud of. I'm getting close and I don't want to lose my momentum and not take off that last stubborn 15 lbs. they aren't any more stubborn, I just tend to get comfortable and then lax on my healthy habits

hugs to the fur-mommies that had a tough weekend

more snow Pamela! o_O

Magdalene -- we are going to enter that next new decade of untouched fluff before spring! let's do it together!
One of my big goals is to do the princess 1/2 marathon. I have walked 5k's before but never ran one so that would be the first goal and then ultimately to run that princess 1/2.
Behind as always. lol Work has been wearing me out pretty good. I maybe finally get a day off maybe both this weekend. Shifts are fairly short and sometimes split shifts in one day. Back and forth can be exhausting but make it easier to facilitate dd's drop offs and pick ups at school(she's in a charter aprox. 4 miles from home and they have no bus, nobody nearby to do the pick up either). Sadly I am still looking at jobs because if something better paying and full time in a central location came up(close within a few miles, no more than 10 or so) I may take it up instead even if I have to have to get my mom in mornings and have her take my car so she can pick dd up and then be back to pick me up later. I want to see about maybe doing some crocheting etsy business but I doubt that would bring in much consistently. Plus work at building up photography portfolio again. Income will help if I can work at getting another lens or two, get my camera cleaned and upgrade my photoshop. Next pay I will get a scale so I can watch this weight a bit more. Mon and Wednesday have been snacky type lunches but we were doing a lot of frozen burritos and hot pockets just because its been easier while I get the routines going. I need to make up a chicken salad to take with me Wednesday so I can stop getting the convenience store lunches. HEHE
Morning all! Welcome to (and I imagine a drum roll here :rotfl: )..............


Commit to tracking your food and exercise for AT LEAST one full day this week (and obviously more if you are a regular tracker). Use paper and pen, the computer, MFP, WW online, whatever you want.... but track your food. Even if all you track is what you ate and how much.... but calories, PPV, carbs.... that infomation helps too. Track minutes/miles/reps. How do you know what a successful week looks like (in hindsight) other than your number on the scale if you have NOTHING to refer to??


I'll apologize here for not getting our losses updated. We bought a new computer over the weekend and the men decided to install it last night and it took forever (I'm not sure we still have email).I promise it will get done... eventually!

Off to work for me now!.............P

Pamela, no stress on the weight updates! You have a very valid reason here:badpc:

Well track it tues, I had just committed to four day tracking and staying OP with my texting group, so I'm a day ahead. My plan is to the have my crop weekend, then commit to another round of 10 days OP next Monday if anyone wants to join me then ?
Just a fly by post, this week is crazy at work!! And I got a new phone line installed yesterday...
Will do proper replies soon, I promise!

Tracking really has become my new friend! I had a really bad evening yesterday, got home too late, was stressed with setting up my routher for the new phone line and had dinner far too late. So I ended up snacking the whole evening. I hated myself for not being able to stop. This morning I was so annoyed with myself that I sat down and tracked all my snacks. It is scary that I ended up eating 42 points yesterday. But I have still weekly extras and activity points. So all in all not that horrible. But this morning the scale found some mystery pounds again...

This morning I had the ready made oatmeal which was great. And because I was so happy with me having prepared my breakfast, I had the energy to quickly throw together the lunch that I had planned to bring with me (just a sandwich on dark rye bread and some veggies).
Morning all and welcome to your MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY!!


Do you DREAM of running a 5K, 10K or more? Do you DREAM of living life at your IDEAL WEIGHT? Do you DREAM of a day when you can walk without knee pain or climb a flight of stairs without losing your breath? Do you DREAM of living a life more INTENTIONAL? Do you dream of living a life of ACTION rather than reaction? Do you DREAM of inspiring your kids, spouse, parents, and/or friends to be the HEALTHIEST that they can be? Well here you go!! Start with today! ............................P

I know, I said I don't have the time to do replies. But I just had to comment on this as this morning I finally realised what a huge difference it makes to have a plan. See my post above. I also realised that when I have a plan what to eat during the week and it is committed and printed out and put with a magnet on my fridge door, it makes eating soooo much easier! I am no longer thinking what I want to eat. And even if I had a plan in my head, it was so easy to just deviate from it. But when it is written down, I stick to it so much more. It also helps when I am stressed that I don't have to worry about coming up with a healthy dinner. I just go home, pick up the stuff I need from dinner from the fridge and make my dinner. The hard part is still to actually sit down every weekend to come up with a plan. But I am getting better at it! Without this group here, I would have never started meal planning! Thank you all for the motivation!!
I do ww so I track what I eat and do everyday. I find that it really helps me to know what is going to happen on the scale so there are no surprises.
This is my Friday and I should have more time to catch up the next few days. I hope the start a conversation thing is the new pm because that's how I sent my weight...I don't know how to do the percentage thing but maybe I'll look that up too and it's already been posted or pm'd I just haven't seen it yet.

Welcome to SUPER SUNDAY!!!

Today is the day you prepare yourself for a SUCCESSFUL week ahead.... plan your meals (ALL OF THEM if possible) and prep them, lay out your clothes for work (ironed and ready to put on), check your calendar for any appointments and conflicts that might need attention, clean out your purse/wallet, schedule your WORKOUTS, make sure the laundry is caught up and all of the trash cans are empty. (And if you have young kids, double check THEIR schedules.... Girl Scout uniform clean?? Permission slips for school signed?? Goodies for class Valentine's party ready to go??) NOW DOESN'T THAT FEEL GREAT??!

Do we all do ALL of this every week?? Probably not. I will go so far as to say I am a pretty organized person and I'm good at planning ahead, but I cannot claim that I do all of this every Sunday! But why not aim high?? If you are new to any/all of this, take it one step at a time... and I would suggest that you start with some meal planning... even just planning your dinners or brown-bag lunches ahead of time is a great place to start!

Want to share what you did today (or this weekend) to make sure that your upcoming week rocks? We'd love to hear about it!!

Now go out there and make it a SUPER SUNDAY!! .......................P

I do my planning for the week on Saturday nights ... I try to plan out my breakfast, lunch, and at least 1 snack per day. I also organize my to-do list and create a "schedule" for what I want to get done each day. I rarely actually stick to my schedule, but having it all written out helps me get a good handle on what I need to get done each week.

Hey friends! I'm going to give you another 24 hours to get in your weigh-in numbers before I update the chart! I'm sitting here watching it snow yet again and I am about ready to scream. I went out for about 75 minutes yesterday with a shovel to knock back the snowbanks because they were getting too high for the snowblower to toss the snow over the top of them! It was a great workout, but I'd gladly trade it for a walk on a sunny warm beach!

Seriously, the snow this winter is insane! In NY we've been okay (although it has snowed 3 Mondays in a row ...), but a lot of the Northeast has gotten so much. I definitely don't blame you for wanting to be somewhere warm and sunny!

Very pleased with my weigh in! I chose an aggressive goal for the month, if I make it, it will take me into a new decade, out of being overweight and get rid of any vacation pounds... Which would mean that March could be about getting into pounds that I have been carrying around for quite some time! I hope I can keep up the momentum! But it seems to still hold true that eating more helps me to lose more!

Reaching a new decade this month will be so awesome ... I hope you can make it!

Do you DREAM of running a 5K, 10K or more? Do you DREAM of living life at your IDEAL WEIGHT? Do you DREAM of a day when you can walk without knee pain or climb a flight of stairs without losing your breath? Do you DREAM of living a life more INTENTIONAL? Do you dream of living a life of ACTION rather than reaction? Do you DREAM of inspiring your kids, spouse, parents, and/or friends to be the HEALTHIEST that they can be? Well here you go!! Start with today! ............................P

Right now, my "dream" is just to get through my 5K next week. I don't want to think beyond that because lately long-term dreams and plans have backfired on me.

One of my big goals is to do the princess 1/2 marathon. I have walked 5k's before but never ran one so that would be the first goal and then ultimately to run that princess 1/2.

That's an awesome goal!

Behind as always. lol Work has been wearing me out pretty good. I maybe finally get a day off maybe both this weekend. Shifts are fairly short and sometimes split shifts in one day. Back and forth can be exhausting but make it easier to facilitate dd's drop offs and pick ups at school(she's in a charter aprox. 4 miles from home and they have no bus, nobody nearby to do the pick up either). Sadly I am still looking at jobs because if something better paying and full time in a central location came up(close within a few miles, no more than 10 or so) I may take it up instead even if I have to have to get my mom in mornings and have her take my car so she can pick dd up and then be back to pick me up later. I want to see about maybe doing some crocheting etsy business but I doubt that would bring in much consistently. Plus work at building up photography portfolio again. Income will help if I can work at getting another lens or two, get my camera cleaned and upgrade my photoshop. Next pay I will get a scale so I can watch this weight a bit more. Mon and Wednesday have been snacky type lunches but we were doing a lot of frozen burritos and hot pockets just because its been easier while I get the routines going. I need to make up a chicken salad to take with me Wednesday so I can stop getting the convenience store lunches. HEHE

Work can be insane sometimes ... I totally understand still looking for something better paying and more convenient.
Getting more photography equipment can be expensive ... I hope you can find a job that allows you to do it!
I've also been delaying updating my Photoshop until I have a little more cash ... (although for me it's not too bad because I'm on CS6, which is only a few years old).

Morning all! Welcome to (and I imagine a drum roll here :rotfl: )..............


Commit to tracking your food and exercise for AT LEAST one full day this week (and obviously more if you are a regular tracker). Use paper and pen, the computer, MFP, WW online, whatever you want.... but track your food. Even if all you track is what you ate and how much.... but calories, PPV, carbs.... that infomation helps too. Track minutes/miles/reps. How do you know what a successful week looks like (in hindsight) other than your number on the scale if you have NOTHING to refer to??


I try to track almost every day (I know I can't track some days so I've given up trying rather than stress out about it). Sometimes I don't track all of my snacks or I give up at the end of the day, but I know that if I don't hold myself accountable, I will end up eating too much.

Tracking really has become my new friend! I had a really bad evening yesterday, got home too late, was stressed with setting up my routher for the new phone line and had dinner far too late. So I ended up snacking the whole evening. I hated myself for not being able to stop. This morning I was so annoyed with myself that I sat down and tracked all my snacks. It is scary that I ended up eating 42 points yesterday. But I have still weekly extras and activity points. So all in all not that horrible. But this morning the scale found some mystery pounds again...

Kudos on tracking even though it wasn't pretty! Hopefully you'll be able to make up for the extra points over the course of the rest of the week.


As for me ... I'm trying to find a balance between eating too much and not eating enough. I have been getting in a decent amount of exercise, but I still think I'm eating too much and will end up gaining. I'm getting really frustrated and I really wish I could figure this out.
Work can be insane sometimes ... I totally understand still looking for something better paying and more convenient.
Getting more photography equipment can be expensive ... I hope you can find a job that allows you to do it!
I've also been delaying updating my Photoshop until I have a little more cash ... (although for me it's not too bad because I'm on CS6, which is only a few years old).


I take it now you can get the annual fee and you can always keep the most current.

Welcome to your WOOHOO Wednesday for February 11, 2015!!

Please share a recent accomplishment from your personal or work life! It is important to focus on our WHOLE LIVES and not just the "weight loss journey" portion of them! Got a new job? A new degree? Maybe you finally got your toddler potty-trained or your kitty to use the litter box! It doesn't matter how big or how small.... if it made you said WOOHOO, then it is worth sharing!!
All of these, lol. I have been challenged to do a 5k in June, so there's a start!

How wonderful! Something to look forward to and to train for should really help keep you motivated and on track!

hi everyone, checking in after a very very busy weekend! on top of that a fitbit friend challenged me through the app for a 'weekend warrrior' (?) and so I had to make sure my steps were not wimpy! :rolleyes1

That sounds terrific!!

I have to report slight overeating over the weekend, and though it was managed better than six months ago, I'm still dreading that it will affect my WI on Friday. this weekend I'm registered for a three day crop, so as you scrapbookers know means heavy meals, lots of snacks and goodies distributed. I keep telling myself to keep my eye on the goal...so I really like our motivational Monday! I have two weeks to drop my feb weight before I head off for FL :flower1:

Enjoy your scrapping weekend..... and remember how jealous I am as I sit here and scrap all alone! Maybe bring some of your own healthier snacks to share??

what I'm dreaming off is to feel good each and every day in the clothes that I'm in, and feeling smaller again. I remember, faintly, how good it feels to carry myself around in a size that I'm proud of. I'm getting close and I don't want to lose my momentum and not take off that last stubborn 15 lbs. they aren't any more stubborn, I just tend to get comfortable and then lax on my healthy habits

I'm above my goal as well and am trying HARD to remember how great it feels when my clothes fit just a bit better!!

hugs to the fur-mommies that had a tough weekend

more snow Pamela! o_O

Yup..... we had more over the weekend and into Monday and they are predicting MORE on Thursday/Friday. I am SO DONE with this stuff!

Magdalene -- we are going to enter that next new decade of untouched fluff before spring! let's do it together!

Great way to spur each other on from a distance!!

One of my big goals is to do the princess 1/2 marathon. I have walked 5k's before but never ran one so that would be the first goal and then ultimately to run that princess 1/2.

What a WONDERFUL goal! I know my DD and I would love to walk/run a Princess Half.... but between school schedule and tuition payments.... that is a dream for now!

Behind as always. lol Work has been wearing me out pretty good. I maybe finally get a day off maybe both this weekend. Shifts are fairly short and sometimes split shifts in one day. Back and forth can be exhausting but make it easier to facilitate dd's drop offs and pick ups at school(she's in a charter aprox. 4 miles from home and they have no bus, nobody nearby to do the pick up either). Sadly I am still looking at jobs because if something better paying and full time in a central location came up(close within a few miles, no more than 10 or so) I may take it up instead even if I have to have to get my mom in mornings and have her take my car so she can pick dd up and then be back to pick me up later. I want to see about maybe doing some crocheting etsy business but I doubt that would bring in much consistently. Plus work at building up photography portfolio again. Income will help if I can work at getting another lens or two, get my camera cleaned and upgrade my photoshop. Next pay I will get a scale so I can watch this weight a bit more. Mon and Wednesday have been snacky type lunches but we were doing a lot of frozen burritos and hot pockets just because its been easier while I get the routines going. I need to make up a chicken salad to take with me Wednesday so I can stop getting the convenience store lunches. HEHE

Sounds like you've made some GREAT PLANS in LIFE and in your weight loss journey! It is so easy to fall back on convenience foods when you get busy..... but when you have some time, try finding some HEALTHIER convenience foods to have on hand. Hummus and carrot sticks are both super easy, delicious, and convenient. And I found a brand of frozen vegetarian burritos that are actually pretty delicious. The brand is Cedarlane. They are low fat burritos with beans, rice and cheese. They are organic, 260 calories and just one gram of fat with 13 grams of protein. I have seen them sold individually in the supermarket, but I buy them by the box at Costco. I don't eat them very often so a box lasts me a few months.... but for a quick last minute lunch, dinner, or something to throw in my lunch sack for work, they are terrific.... especially if you have a minute to top them with some salsa! The biggest drawback is the carbs (48), which are tough if you are watching your carbs, but remember a lot of those carbs are the beans. Mmmmm... maybe I'll have one for lunch today!

I also made my own "hot pocket" type wraps the other night for dinner..... low carb cheeseburger wraps. I browned organic ground beef and drained and rinsed it, threw it back in the skillet with about half a can of fat-free refried beans and some sauteed onions and garlic and a squirt of ketchup (I'm not a fan, but I really wanted to get a cheeseburger taste). Then I wrapped a scoop of the meat mixture in a low carb tortilla along with some shredded cheese (lowfat for me....and fresh greens for the ones we were eating immediately). I also added some sauteed peppers for those who wished. I rolled them up like a burrito and then I tossed them into my sprayed grill pan until they were toasty on both sides. I made two for each of my men for dinner, one for me, and had enough meat mixture to make three more (without the greens) which I put in the freezer for the men to have some time when I am not home. They were so delicious and successful that I plan to make these again in the future to add to my "freezer meals" collection! This is something you could do on a weekend and have enough in the freezer for lunch during the week! I plan to make more like this using leftover chicken.... then they will be in the freezer for DH to grab for lunch at home during the week when I am gone!

Pamela, no stress on the weight updates! You have a very valid reason here:badpc:

Well track it tues, I had just committed to four day tracking and staying OP with my texting group, so I'm a day ahead. My plan is to the have my crop weekend, then commit to another round of 10 days OP next Monday if anyone wants to join me then ?

WONDERFUL! I am tossing my hat into the ring for an OP 10 days starting Monday! And I will admit up front that Monday will probably be a challenge, since I will be on the road that day bringing DD back to school after a long weekend.... but I am COMMITTING TO THIS! And I absolutely will go out on a limb and commit to a MINIMUM of 15 minutes of INTENTIONAL exercise 7 of those 10 days!!

Just a fly by post, this week is crazy at work!! And I got a new phone line installed yesterday...
Will do proper replies soon, I promise!

Tracking really has become my new friend! I had a really bad evening yesterday, got home too late, was stressed with setting up my routher for the new phone line and had dinner far too late. So I ended up snacking the whole evening. I hated myself for not being able to stop. This morning I was so annoyed with myself that I sat down and tracked all my snacks. It is scary that I ended up eating 42 points yesterday. But I have still weekly extras and activity points. So all in all not that horrible. But this morning the scale found some mystery pounds again...

This morning I had the ready made oatmeal which was great. And because I was so happy with me having prepared my breakfast, I had the energy to quickly throw together the lunch that I had planned to bring with me (just a sandwich on dark rye bread and some veggies).


I know, I said I don't have the time to do replies. But I just had to comment on this as this morning I finally realised what a huge difference it makes to have a plan. See my post above. I also realised that when I have a plan what to eat during the week and it is committed and printed out and put with a magnet on my fridge door, it makes eating soooo much easier! I am no longer thinking what I want to eat. And even if I had a plan in my head, it was so easy to just deviate from it. But when it is written down, I stick to it so much more. It also helps when I am stressed that I don't have to worry about coming up with a healthy dinner. I just go home, pick up the stuff I need from dinner from the fridge and make my dinner. The hard part is still to actually sit down every weekend to come up with a plan. But I am getting better at it! Without this group here, I would have never started meal planning! Thank you all for the motivation!!

Thanks for sharing that!~ I try so hard to tell my WW members what a LIFESAVER meal planning can be, but still so many of them poo-poo the idea and think that it is too hard or too restrictive. But I find it just the opposite.... liberating and freeing!!!!

I do ww so I track what I eat and do everyday. I find that it really helps me to know what is going to happen on the scale so there are no surprises.

Good for you!!

This is my Friday and I should have more time to catch up the next few days. I hope the start a conversation thing is the new pm because that's how I sent my weight...I don't know how to do the percentage thing but maybe I'll look that up too and it's already been posted or pm'd I just haven't seen it yet.

I got your PM!!

I do my planning for the week on Saturday nights ... I try to plan out my breakfast, lunch, and at least 1 snack per day. I also organize my to-do list and create a "schedule" for what I want to get done each day. I rarely actually stick to my schedule, but having it all written out helps me get a good handle on what I need to get done each week.

That is great!

Right now, my "dream" is just to get through my 5K next week. I don't want to think beyond that because lately long-term dreams and plans have backfired on me.

Good to know what works best for YOU!

I try to track almost every day (I know I can't track some days so I've given up trying rather than stress out about it). Sometimes I don't track all of my snacks or I give up at the end of the day, but I know that if I don't hold myself accountable, I will end up eating too much.

That sounds like a good plan!

Kudos on tracking even though it wasn't pretty! Hopefully you'll be able to make up for the extra points over the course of the rest of the week.


As for me ... I'm trying to find a balance between eating too much and not eating enough. I have been getting in a decent amount of exercise, but I still think I'm eating too much and will end up gaining. I'm getting really frustrated and I really wish I could figure this out.

You WILL figure it out... don't give up! I STILL have weeks where I struggle to understand the scale results. But one thing I will say is KEEP TRACK.... of food, exercise, stress, etc..... so that you can look back and see a pattern eventually! That is how you will come to figure out what works best for you. If you have nothing to look back at, there is no way to reflect on what weeks were more successful other than just the number on the scale.... and if you don't know how you got to that number, you haven't really learned how to live this as a LIFESTYLE!


Morning all! Kinda nutty here today. FULL school day (first one since last Wednesday) and clear sunny skies for a change! Got home from dropping off DS to a call that they decided that they DID need me at work.... but by the time I called back they changed their mind again and said they could live without me! So I am home today! I have some driving to do later to take DS from school to robotics and then from robotics back to school to represent the Math-letes AND the Robotics team at 8th grade parents' night.

Our list of participants is updated with the new results (FINALLY). If you haven't sent in a weigh-in for last week it isn't too late! I will update later today if I get more numbers.

BBL to check on you all!.....................P
I take it now you can get the annual fee and you can always keep the most current.

From what I've heard, that's the biggest advantage of the new cloud-based system - you always have the latest version. But since I need the full suite, the $50 a month is a bit much for me right now (it's especially frustrating because there is a discount for upgrading from an older version, but because my current version is from my old work, I don't want to upgrade using their account, I need to buy it on my own).

Welcome to your WOOHOO Wednesday for February 11, 2015!!

Please share a recent accomplishment from your personal or work life! It is important to focus on our WHOLE LIVES and not just the "weight loss journey" portion of them! Got a new job? A new degree? Maybe you finally got your toddler potty-trained or your kitty to use the litter box! It doesn't matter how big or how small.... if it made you said WOOHOO, then it is worth sharing!!

I had a good shopping trip last week ... after going to 3 different H&M stores, I finally found one that had the shirt I wanted in my size! (I really like their long-sleeve organic cotton shirts, but I somehow got a hole in my black one, so I needed a new one and was having the hardest time finding one!)

I started my morning today with potato/veggie hash browns ... which, like the last time I tried this, did not come together very well. I think my problem is that I need to do a better job drying out the potatoes and veggies ... I think there's too much water and that's stopping everything from coming together.
Lunch is supposed to be PB&J, and I'll probably have some sort of fruit (banana or apple, depending on what I'm in the mood for) in an hour or two when I get a little hungry.
I'm supposed to go to Starbucks later, but I'm not really in the mood, so I may hold off until tomorrow, we'll see how I feel in the afternoon. Other than that, nothing special planned. I leave for Disney in 8 days(!!) so I have to finish my packing list so that I can start packing.

Well ... that's all for me today. I hope everyone has/is having a great day!

It is already a little while since this WooHoo, but I think it still counts: I finally got around to order a large (gigantic!) wardrobe for my guest bedroom.

Ever since I moved to my new appartment in November 2013 I have been lacking storage space. Closets are very unusual here in Germany and especially in old buildings they do not exist. People have what we call "wardrobe walls" as part of their bedroom furniture. However, my bedroom is tiny and there is really no space for a large wardrobe. Currently I have an old tiny one (that is ugly as well) and a chest of drawers. And in the guest bedroom which has one very long wall I have a clothes rack and some shelves. It makes the room very cluttered and chaotic. So, the long wall will get a long wardrobe with sliding doors (3.6 meters, that's 12 feet). With that I will be able to combine the clothes rack, the tiny wardrobe from my bedrom and the stuff on the shelves into it, close the doors and not see the clutter! The wardrobe will be delivered middle of March and I can't wait for it! I feel that getting order in my storage area will help me to feel less chaotic myself! Am already thinking about the next home improvement project!!
Woo Hoo moment. Got through being sick without gaining weight. This is a First for me.

Had a whirlwind of a conversation with daughter and then her boyfriend night before last and the next day I looked up pathological liar definitions and found both of them there. I didn't know he had this issue as well--it must be really hard for them... I am convinced they are trying though and that's good enough for me. What issues we have I'm sure will be worked out in time. This all happened really fast for both of them. I know they do therapy--I just hope it's a good therapist--I guess psychotherapy is the best. It's just something that's been hard for me to digest being so painfully honest all my given life. Went over last night and spent time with the baby--it's just so hard to find the time really but I think I'll try to get over there more often, maybe swing by after work some nights.
This rain has finally broken up some, we also had some powerful wind that knocked down power lines. Feeling completely drained of all energy, physically and emotionally. Think I'll skip they gym today and just go later--it's busier at night but I kind of know how to hop and skip around the kids (swim lessons) and am not afraid to squeeze myself in the tiny sauna...Think I'll watch a movie since I'm doing so good with my weight. Have a great day!


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