4 and 5 day passes now must show ID and use separate entrance

Airlines, like Disney, are private companies. Airlines, like Diaey, are not allowed to ask a minor or ID

Reading constant threads about people freaking out about their minors by having ID here is hysterical.

Your repeated assertion that it is illegal to ask minors for ID is patently ridiculous.

There are many, many places and circumstances where minors are required to produce ID. They need it to get a driver's license, and then if they are pulled over or in an incident while driving. They need it to get a job. They need it to enter lots of clubs and to play in lots of sports leagues (especially select leagues). They need it to enter some military bases. And although we've personally never been asked, airlines are allowed to ask for it.

That said, it would be strange, in my opinion, for Disneyland to require minors to provide ID. It seems like overkill and could be a big public relations nightmare.


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