And these are the {Resort} Changes of our Lives ~In Memory of JungleCruiser <3

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Jen nice move on the APs! :thumbsup2 I still have one unactivated sitting in my safe! :rotfl2: I'm thinking about ordering a couple of 10 day non expiring from UT before they are gone and just putting them back for a quick visit to WDW when I'm staying at Universal. :goodvibes

Holy Cracker!! I love it!:thumbsup2 Can you be my mother in law???:rotfl:

Candace: Not to worry, they were not from you either!! LOL!
Holy Cracker!! I love it!:thumbsup2 Can you be my mother in law???:rotfl:

Candace: Not to worry, they were not from you either!! LOL!

Sure but that would make your husband and Jeanette brother and sister! And then all your kids would be cousins! Sounds like a family compound in Florida is in order!!! Hey .... this just might work!!! :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
Hello Peeps!!

Thanks Kook! :hug:

Pas, hoping that Brian gets the position, more $$ and the time off! Maybe he can bring up the vacation days when he is accepting the new job?? (Seems he is in a commanding position right now…). And my friend, sure you will rock this interview as usual :thumbsup2 Maybe this will be THE year for new adventures for your both! :cheer2: :hug:

Jen, Linda and I had no problem with buses ….we were in a GV in the Mansions were fortunate to be close to a bus stop (and an easy walk to the main bldg as well).

Melissa, I too burst out laughing at Kook’s comment on your MIL! Thank goodness she is stashed and far away in NY! Regarding the whole Christmas card fiasco… did you ever consider sending MIL a Hanakkah Card? Maybe she would get the point….or I am giving her too much credit?

Linda, you would never be an “evil” MIL… you are just too good, king and generous! Sure your DS' girlfriend already loves you! :goodvibes

Kook, thanks for the Sequestration 101:goodvibes I understand it much better. Just hope this can all be avoided.

And…I agree with Pas, keep your Spring Break trip... life is short my friend … (and you do need your Cabin stay :goodvibes) (you know, for experience for the FAQ thread ::yes::)

MM, too funny about your friends remark about an Epcot food court in WS ...wonder what else she is envisioning about Disney?? And :yay: for APs!! :cheer2:

Wookie, sending along positive vibes for getting that tax return today... we haven't even done ours yet!!

I guess I realized I can deal with short but I can't deal with waiting. I'm Veruca Salt. I want it NOW! <stomps foot and crosses arms> :rotfl:

:rotfl2: Then I guess we all have a litle Veruca in us!!

I need to run a few errands this morning. Pick up a few things for my trip and I need some cash too! Can you imagine this many women trying to split the check for a meal? :scared1: DL HERE I COME!!! :banana::banana::banana:

:woohoo: Linda you are going to have an amazing time...remember we want pix!!

Miss M decided this morning that she would, in fact, go ahead and write a book for a Young Writer's contest she entered a month ago... stories are due tomorrow. :rolleyes: (Of course, I mentioned it multiple times in the last month but didn't want to push it because she showed little interest in this particular activity despite creating little books for fun every couple of days or so.) Now I'm busy sorting out templates so she can dictate the story to me when she gets home from school. :upsidedow :crazy2:

:rotfl2: Aren't kids wonderful? Good luck to Miss M on rocking out her story today :cheer2:..... good thing she has a mom like you! :flower3:


Had our first pilates class last night…at one point I was staring at the clock willing the hands to move faster … had looked over to Sam (after I just fell out of a position) and she was giggling at me and struggling herself. Well that did it … focus was lost and I got an attack of the silent giggles too…. knew it would be tough with my lower back issues and the fact that my abs are not my strong point…well there is next week to look forward to :rolleyes: and Yoga fitness tomorrow night… Miss, is this anything life the torture sessions with Ron Weasley?. :teeth:
Jen: :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: Wahooooooo!

Oh, from my poking around about the No Expire tickets... they're only "no longer available on the website" but will still be for sale via calling (of course :rolleyes2 always with the calling!) This makes me happy since the no-expires really worked well for us. What remains to be seen is, will authorized resellers like UT still be selling them once they run out of their current stock. :confused3 I looooove UT -- just not sure if we do wind up getting APs, if we'll do the upgrade at the gate trick. It'll depend on current savings on an upgrade-at-gate/future upgrade vs. doing it with the upcoming rumored ticket increase.
:rotfl2: Aren't kids wonderful? Good luck to Miss M on rocking out her story today :cheer2:..... good thing she has a mom like you! :flower3:

:hug: I originally told her no because it was too late... but once I dropped her off at school, the guilt set in. :rotfl2: Got all my templates set up to take dictation. :rolleyes2

Had our first pilates class last night…at one point I was staring at the clock willing the hands to move faster … had looked over to Sam (after I just fell out of a position) and she was giggling at me and struggling herself. Well that did it … focus was lost and I got an attack of the silent giggles too…. knew it would be tough with my lower back issues and the fact that my abs are not my strong point…well there is next week to look forward to :rolleyes: and Yoga fitness tomorrow night… Miss, is this anything life the torture sessions with Ron Weasley?. :teeth:

I applaud you! Way to go, both of ya. And I'm cheering you on for next week. :cheer2: I would've done a prompt face-plant. :rotfl2: Really.::yes:: I'd need serious moral support to try out a class like that ... especially having zero coordination. (And a laughing partner for all the inevitable screw-ups, you two would be perfect-o!) :thumbsup2 Ol' Weasley ... he just makes me lift heavy things -- and comes up with various new, embarrassing maneuvers every week which help me realize that my core is pathetically weak. :rolleyes2 I'm always accusatory that he has a book which he consults before each session entitled "Sight Gags for Trainers: Exercises for the Physically Inept."
I need to run a few errands this morning. Pick up a few things for my trip and I need some cash too! Can you imagine this many women trying to split the check for a meal? :scared1: DL HERE I COME!!! :banana::banana::banana:

Have a safe travels and a fun trip!!

Got a little delivery today!!!:cool1::cheer2::goodvibes


I caved and went ahead and ordered our AP's off the website, too jittery about possible price increase before our trip! Oh, and wanted to also order them before DH changed his mind!!:rotfl2:

Sound like something I would do.

WTH is wrong with the website?? I can't get it to price anything! This is ridiculous!

With the Disney website, I am more surprised when it works properly than when it doesn't.

Hello Peeps!!

Wookie, sending along positive vibes for getting that tax return today... we haven't even done ours yet!!

Thank you. Now I wonder how much this stuff with the politicians in DC is affecting other parts of the government, like the IRS getting tax returns out.

Had our first pilates class last night…at one point I was staring at the clock willing the hands to move faster … had looked over to Sam (after I just fell out of a position) and she was giggling at me and struggling herself. Well that did it … focus was lost and I got an attack of the silent giggles too…. knew it would be tough with my lower back issues and the fact that my abs are not my strong point…well there is next week to look forward to :rolleyes: and Yoga fitness tomorrow night… Miss, is this anything life the torture sessions with Ron Weasley?. :teeth:

Good for you. I need to start walking to get ready for the SA trip. The Riverwalk is a lot of walking and a ton of stairs (when you want to get to the other side of the river). We haven't been to SA since our 6th wedding anniversary, which was about 12 years ago.
Thank you. Now I wonder how much this stuff with the politicians in DC is affecting other parts of the government, like the IRS getting tax returns out.

Even if it doesn't, they'll use any ol' excuse they can conjure up! :crazy2:

Good for you. I need to start walking to get ready for the SA trip. The Riverwalk is a lot of walking and a ton of stairs (when you want to get to the other side of the river). We haven't been to SA since our 6th wedding anniversary, which was about 12 years ago.

:love: You're gonna have an excellent trip. Any dining destinations sussed out yet?

Oh, I'd been meaning to ask you... have you guys put in for the Elder Scrolls Online beta?
Quick pop in before I start homework with the kiddos.

Jen - YAY on the AP's :cool1:

Lacey - sorry the Swan and Dolphin weekend is not working out for you, I am sure you will still make it a fabulous trip ::yes::

Linda - I love that you stockpile WDW tickets :p I would love a FL compound, then I would have a place to go when my family is driving me crazy :upsidedow

Miss[/B - good luck with Miss M's story :crazy2:...a little procrastination never hurt anyone :rotfl2:

Wookie - hope you got to rest this morning and you hear something on the taxes soon! As for MIL, not being able to hold the cigarette wont stop her, she will have someone else hold it for her. She cant breathe, but she can smoke :rolleyes2

i_heart - you know I am always here for you :hug:

Jeanette - OMG about your mother and the stover burner :faint: It sounds like you have a lot potentially happening....hopefully it all works out and for the best. It would be nice if you could have a schedule that allows you to sleep once in a while :p Oh my blog is here:
It is a work in progress and a rough start at that, I keep finding words and sentences that I change, but Ill get the hang of it eventually.

KOOK - I am glad I could give you a laugh today :rotfl: I swear I don't make this up, I don't even think I could dream it up! Thank you for the kind words about the blog :goodvibes

To KOOK, Ginny, Miss, Candace and anyone else that may be affected by the sequestration, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that somehow our government gets their rears moving and does something.

Hello :wave2: to everyone else I am missing. I did some cooking this morning then worked on the blog a bit before I had to pick up the kiddos. I did send the link to my mom and good friends, so I am starting to share it a little more. I wonder if DH will sit down and read it :confused3

Melissa - Nice job on your blog! :thumbsup2

I tend to look at the sequestration as a potential blessing in disguise...DH works so hard and so much, and never has time for himself. This would force him to take time for himself. Yes, it would mean a 20% paycut we need to absorb but we are lucky that we both have great jobs and a good amount of disposable income every month, so the paycut will really only affect still stinks though!

And, like I said, DH will probably just end up taking the 22 days in July when he deploys so he won't really miss out on the money....he is just frustrated because no one has any solid answers and the clock is ticking...:confused3
Even if it doesn't, they'll use any ol' excuse they can conjure up! :crazy2:

Very true. When it's us given them money, they want it ASAP. When it's them giving us money, it's like watching grass grow.

:love: You're gonna have an excellent trip. Any dining destinations sussed out yet?

We have talked about it some. This is a totally surprise trip for the DSs. We are just going to leave when they get home from school. Since JM doesn't get home until 4:45 PM, we are going to eat at some local fast food place before leaving out. Hopefully missing most of 5 o'clock traffic since we'll have to go through Fort Worth. While we're in SA, the only one we are dead set on is Casa Rio. It's been open since 1946 and is the oldest restaurant on the Riverwalk. I need to look at some Sea World menus for our Sea World day. Then as we drive home on Sunday, we were thinking about stopping in New Braunfels for German food.

The plan is to drive down on Thursday night. From home (not including traffic) it's like a 4 1/2 hour drive. We'll check into the Hyatt Regency on the Riverwalk (the river actually goes through the lobby) and will hopefully get a room with an Alamo view. Friday, we'll walk the Riverwalk, eat at Casa Rio, tour the Alamo, and see a movie at the amazing theater at the Riverwalk Mall (I think it's called the Rivercenter Mall :confused3). Saturday will be our Sea World day. The DH thinks it'll be warm enough to do the Sea World water park. When I reminded him about how freezing we were at TL the year we were in WDW for Spring Break and he told me that "San Antonio is warmer than FL. FL is surrounded by water, and the wind coming off the water makes it colder than SA." I wanted to smack him. I still think it'll be too chilly. We may or may not do the penguin tour. Sunday we'll sleep in a little and check out as late as possible. On the drive home, we'll stop at New Braunfels for some German food.

Oh, I'd been meaning to ask you... have you guys put in for the Elder Scrolls Online beta?

We haven't. My DH is as OCD about games as I am about WDW trip planning. He can really only play one at a time, with the amount of research in gear and rotation he puts into his characters. We still haven't beaten Diablo III on all the difficulty levels because he's so obsessed with SW:tOR.

Wookie - hope you got to rest this morning and you hear something on the taxes soon! As for MIL, not being able to hold the cigarette wont stop her, she will have someone else hold it for her. She cant breathe, but she can smoke :rolleyes2

I did. I slept from 9 AM until almost noon. The DH and I didn't go to bed until 2 AM because we were watching a movie. It was called Fragile and Calista Flockhart was the main character. The DH's grandmother was on oxygen and still smoking as well. When she stopped, I think it was a combination of not physically being able to do it and mentally not being aware enough. Sometimes, even when she could physically hold it, she would kind of go out of it mentally and not realize she had a cigarette in her hand, so they had to watch her like a hawk. They just kept her cigarettes and lighter by her, just in case she wanted one. It's just sad to be so addicted to something, especially something that has given you cancer, that you can't give it up, even while on oxygen. I know my grandmother stopped smoking when my grandfather died (my mom's parent's, which were awesome) and he didn't die of something related to smoking.

Oh my blog is here:
It is a work in progress and a rough start at that, I keep finding words and sentences that I change, but Ill get the hang of it eventually.


I haven't checked it all out, but that roast recipe looks amazing!! I have question though. How many carrots and potatoes do you normally put in with it? Also, I was thinking about adding mushrooms (quartered) into it. I know how long to roast them when making the Le Cellier risotto (which is 30 minutes, but they are diced up and not quartered). Do you think I should put them in when I add the rest of the veggies or at 30 minutes?

I haven't checked it all out, but that roast recipe looks amazing!! I have question though. How many carrots and potatoes do you normally put in with it? Also, I was thinking about adding mushrooms (quartered) into it. I know how long to roast them when making the Le Cellier risotto (which is 30 minutes, but they are diced up and not quartered). Do you think I should put them in when I add the rest of the veggies or at 30 minutes?

Oh I guess that would be helpful :rotfl: See, still so much to learn, LOL! I write the way I cook, a little here and a little there ::yes::

For the carrots, I add a small bag of peeled baby carrots, just easier than peeling and chopping my own and they are usually pretty cheap at the grocery store. When I did peel carrots, probably about 6-8. For the potatoes, I use about 4-6 depending on their size.

Yeah I would only do 30 minutes for the mushrooms, they cook down A LOT faster than the potatoes and carrots.
Oh I guess that would be helpful :rotfl: See, still so much to learn, LOL! I write the way I cook, a little here and a little there ::yes::

For the carrots, I add a small bag of peeled baby carrots, just easier than peeling and chopping my own and they are usually pretty cheap at the grocery store. When I did peel carrots, probably about 6-8. For the potatoes, I use about 4-6 depending on their size.

Yeah I would only do 30 minutes for the mushrooms, they cook down A LOT faster than the potatoes and carrots.

Thank you. Another one I just thought of. So chuck means beef right? Do you think it would taste as good with a pork roast? Beef is so hard on the DH.

That's how I cook the spaghetti sauce for my homemade lasagna, but it the way the recipe was taught to me. I learned it from a lady, who grew up in Italy, that I used to work with.
[/Originally Posted by sjs314

??? Do the boats at that dock carry ECV?

I missed it if Dani already answered this, but I *think* you can have an ECV but you have to get off and lift it down into the boat. I don't think they have ramps like the larger boats. Or if they do, I never saw one in use. I hope someone else can give you a more definitive answer to this. - See more at:]

. Thanks I think with as fast as this thread moves my ? Just was missed. I was just curious would be nice but no biggie ya know ;)

GG Have a Fantastic Trip!
It's good to be back!!!

Hugs to you both! I hope you are able to enjoy your trips. Holding out hope that this gets resolved. 20% paycut is crazy!
Welcome back and thank you for your kind words:). Just to clarify, the 20% cut is for the 22 week furlough only (April - September), and for 9 years:rotfl2::hourglass

Hello Peeps!!

Thanks Kook! :hug:

Kook, thanks for the Sequestration 101:goodvibes I understand it much better. Just hope this can all be avoided.

And…I agree with Pas, keep your Spring Break trip... life is short my friend … (and you do need your Cabin stay :goodvibes) (you know, for experience for the FAQ thread ::yes::)

Had our first pilates class last night…at one point I was staring at the clock willing the hands to move faster … had looked over to Sam (after I just fell out of a position) and she was giggling at me and struggling herself. Well that did it … focus was lost and I got an attack of the silent giggles too…. knew it would be tough with my lower back issues and the fact that my abs are not my strong point…well there is next week to look forward to :rolleyes: and Yoga fitness tomorrow night… Miss, is this anything life the torture sessions with Ron Weasley?. :teeth:
You ALWAYS say just the right thing, Janet. Thank you for putting it all in perspective and making me smile.

You and Sam are making great memories and a stronger core::yes::

Got all my templates set up to take
How go the templates? When do we get a copy of the manuscript and what is her nom de plume?
Welcome back and thank you for your kind words:). Just to clarify, the 20% cut is for the 22 week furlough only (April - September), and for 9 years:rotfl2::hourglass

You ALWAYS say just the right thing, Janet. Thank you for putting it all in perspective and making me smile.

You and Sam are making great memories and a stronger core::yes::

How go the templates? When do we get a copy of the manuscript and what is her nom de plume?

Ok, that's a bit better but still! And the thing is, do you really do less work or do you do the same work for less pay? Regardless thinking of you and Ginny and MM, all of you! I hope you get to take your trips!
My friends ... A quick stop in to let you know my world came to a halt today. My husband is a Sheriff, and today the unthinkable happened when he was transporting prisoners to court. He was shot -- thank goodness it was in his hand, and while serious, he is alive. Here is an article on the incident --
His fourth finger, right hand had to be amputated tonight. On Thursday he has to have surgery to fix his shattered pinky... He may have more surgery needed in the future. I thank God I still have him by my side, loss of a finger we can get over -- loss of him, never!
Please pray for my family. Thank you my dear friends. Hopefully I can post and update you when I know more.
My friends ... A quick stop in to let you know my world came to a halt today. My husband is a Sheriff, and today the unthinkable happened when he was transporting prisoners to court. He was shot -- thank goodness it was in his hand, and while serious, he is alive. Here is an article on the incident --
His fourth finger, right hand had to be amputated tonight. On Thursday he has to have surgery to fix his shattered pinky... He may have more surgery needed in the future. I thank God I still have him by my side, loss of a finger we can get over -- loss of him, never!
Please pray for my family. Thank you my dear friends. Hopefully I can post and update you when I know more.

:hug: I am so sorry. I can't even imagine getting that news. Take care of him first, but when you think you can spare a few minutes, do let us know how he is. Your right, the loss of a finger can be gotten over, but the loss of the love of your life can't. Your family will be in our prayers. Don't forget to take care of yourself as well. Make sure you are eating and sleeping. :hug:
My friends ... A quick stop in to let you know my world came to a halt today. My husband is a Sheriff, and today the unthinkable happened when he was transporting prisoners to court. He was shot -- thank goodness it was in his hand, and while serious, he is alive. Here is an article on the incident --
His fourth finger, right hand had to be amputated tonight. On Thursday he has to have surgery to fix his shattered pinky... He may have more surgery needed in the future. I thank God I still have him by my side, loss of a finger we can get over -- loss of him, never!
Please pray for my family. Thank you my dear friends. Hopefully I can post and update you when I know more.

Much love to you and your family. Please remember to take care of yourself.
Hello everyone! I haven't been here since our last WDW trip in September, but the beginnings of trip planning are happening as we speak and considering I've changed my mind about where to stay like 10 times already, I figured I'd better get back on this thread for support! Looking at the first week of August mot likely. Hoping for room discounts to come out soon for late summer? Planning on a moderate this time around (after Poly and BC stays). DH, DS(6) and DD(2). I've looked at POR, then CBR, and currently CSR. Obviously I can't decide.
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