Any NFL fans not watching this year due to the protests?

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I'm boycotting those team that are allowing there teams to take a knee. I'm about about to boycott about the whole NFL for allowing the players to disgrace veterans and the flag in this manner.

So you’re outraged, but only if it doesn’t affect the team you like? Are you outraged that a giant flag is unfurled on the field, breaking the flag code? Do you stand at home when the anthem is played? Do you boycott the papers that employ the cameramen that are kneeling during the anthem to take pictures of the players?
That's like saying that giving someone the finger is disrespecful only if that's a person's intention...

Being respectful is the players' intention. They've stated so publicly.

Kneeling is inherently respectful. That's why they're kneeling instead of just sitting down, which would be disrespectful.

There's nothing respectful about it. It's deliberate disrespect - if it were anything else, it wouldn't be a protest. The whole point of standing is to show respect. Refusing to stand is saying, "I'm not showing respect", which is in fact the definition of disrespect.

It's peaceful, but it's not respectful. It's not supposed to be.
I'm with a previous poster, tired of politics in everything. When someone in the public eye turns their performance (whether it be football or singers/actors) political, they take the risk of offending some or just turning some off. I am one that finds it disrepectful to kneel. Have they ever said what they want with specifics on how to get it done? Have those kneeling offered their time or money to start programs for youth or anything in some of the cities having the problems? Or, are they kneeling telling someone else to do it with taxpayers money?
I don't know, but I hope history gets it right if he is. Rosa Parks was NOT the first African American to refuse to move from their seat,.just sayin.....

Yes, Claudette Colvin. Very interesting story. Nine months before Rosa Parks.
I'm with a previous poster, tired of politics in everything. When someone in the public eye turns their performance (whether it be football or singers/actors) political, they take the risk of offending some or just turning some off. I am one that finds it disrepectful to kneel. Have they ever said what they want with specifics on how to get it done? Have those kneeling offered their time or money to start programs for youth or anything in some of the cities having the problems? Or, are they kneeling telling someone else to do it with taxpayers money?

Actually no, they don't say what they particularly want. All they say is that there is systemic racism and can't prove that there is. Kaepernick was almost signed, but wasn't because of his girlfriend.
Nope, I'm proud they chose to "stand up" for what's right and I'm as patriotic as they come. I love my country and am proud to see those that give a flip take initiative to stand up in the face of adversity. That's what America is about. The people who are misunderstanding the protest are the ones getting offended over it, IMO.
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What are they expecting to happen that will indicate the end of the protest? Or is this gonna be a perpetual protest against "white racism" in general? Has their goal been stated which upon reaching they will respect the country again? Is it no shooting by police for say, a year? I'm confused...
It is my understanding that this is not true. There was a post being circulated on FB that purported to quote an NFL rulebook rule that required specific behavior during the anthem but it was debunked as being false. I also downloaded the NFL rulebook when I saw that and read through for ANY rule pertaining to the anthem. There is none.
Right - it's not in the NFL rulebook but the Game Operations Manual does contain instructions on what players should do during the anthem:
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For all those who say the protests are disrespectful, I would love to hear what you think would be a respectful protest. I'm all ears (no pun intended).
Those that are protesting are making more than an average wage. If they believe things need fixing, go out and start helping. Use your voice. Use your money. Use your supposed influence. You know, actually enact change.

And no, I am not for "forced patriotism." I am for respect. If another country's flag is risen, I stand. I've done it in various countries. I do not feel patriotic toward Canada or Japan, for example. But I do show respect for their people.
It is my understanding that this is not true. There was a post being circulated on FB that purported to quote an NFL rulebook rule that required specific behavior during the anthem but it was debunked as being false. I also downloaded the NFL rulebook when I saw that and read through for ANY rule pertaining to the anthem. There is none.
You are correct, Its in the Operations Manual as "may", not "must".
Those that are protesting are making more than an average wage. If they believe things need fixing, go out and start helping. Use your voice. Use your money. Use your supposed influence. You know, actually enact change.

And no, I am not for "forced patriotism." I am for respect. If another country's flag is risen, I stand. I've done it in various countries. I do not feel patriotic toward Canada or Japan, for example. But I do show respect for their people.

So how you protest should be tied to how much money you make?
We're paying them to play football by watching and/or attending games. We're not paying them for something they should be doing on their own time. How many workplaces are okay with politics being brought into the workday? We haven't watched this season and honestly as big of a Dallas fan that I have always been and DH a Redskins' one, we honestly don't miss it. It gives us time to do more important things. We watched Navy-AF yesterday which was a really good game with zero politics and lots of patriotism and good manners. I told DH, you don't see the anger and fighting with these military academy games which is very refreshing. DH served 30 years in the US Navy so this topic is very important to us.

As a pp asked, what will end the protest? Sorry, but I've always felt Kapernick did this to keep his name out there since his career was really going nowhere.
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