Anyone fall out of watermice or tip over?

...combination of being up high, in motion, and being behind tinted windows mean that any photos would be fairly rubbish when taken from on the monorail.
Oh, you don't know me very well!!! ;) Use my 80-200 f2.8, set the D1 at 1000 ISO, place the lens shade near the window with your hand cupped at the front of the lens to cut the glare off the inside of the glass, and you're all set! (But I understand the thinking behind their false sense of security!)
Actually, I have a regular Canon Rebel with a Zoom lense-I just turn off the flash and have gotten some wonderful monorail view photos-Just make sure you're not shooting into the sun!
*Makes mutley noises about you having a D1*

My humble D70 will have to see what it can do next time we go to the World... I hate taking photos from inside trains etc. because of the strange colouring the glass gives everything.... Will have to see what happens!
I also have a D70 as a backup for the D1. I wouldn't call the D70 lowly... for starters it has a lot less noise at higher ISOs than the D1. I took it down with me last month (along with my CoolPix 950) and took over almost 3 CDs worth of photos.

The tinted glass isn't a problem... Photoshop can handle that.
ooook...and now yall have lost me with the high tech camera just leave me with my digital and i am off to ride a water mouse...:bounce:
Originally posted by Geoff_M
I also have a D70 as a backup for the D1. I wouldn't call the D70 lowly... for starters it has a lot less noise at higher ISOs than the D1. I took it down with me last month (along with my CoolPix 950) and took over almost 3 CDs worth of photos.

The tinted glass isn't a problem... Photoshop can handle that.

Ah well, best of both worlds! :teeth:

I used a Coolpix 885 as my standard camera until I got my D70, I just love Nikon cameras, seem better built than their Canon counterparts.

I'm mostly a sports photographer, so the faster shutter speed of the D70 over the EOS 300D gave it the edge when I chose the camera.

Got any snap shots from your cameras? Always interested to see what other people have done with the same camera...

(my main photos are on if you fancy a look)
WhispyPixie-don't worry-my camera is a fully automatic-point and shoot-idiot proof variety (Canon Rebel) 35mm - It takes great photos.
Very nice indeed, will definately be taking my camera when I go out in October.

Indycar stuff is also very good, really vibrant photos.
great it when people share.....can never have too many pics...although this week I had someone share that.....700 is too i dont think it is...
Are there certain times a day when its less crowded on the waterways? Like if you go in the morning when the marina first opens rather than the afternoon, do you think that makes any difference?

So no AP discounts anymore? I know they used to because the first time we rented the boats about 2-3 yrs. ago we had AP's and got a discount.

I don't remember reading anything about no photographs while in the boats. (Not saying it wasn't there, I just don't remember.) Because I took pictures of my DS in another boat while I rode with DD (she was driving). I also took video of him, taking care to do it when we were in no danger of getting splashed by other boats so the camera wouldn't get ruined. I would think the rule would be mainly for safety, not so drivers wouldn't photograph things they shouldn't. I can see why they wouldn't want someone driving the boats to be taking pictures.
Sorry no AP discounts when we were there the first part of June. But it never hurts to ask!!

The morning are always the slowest as many of the people go to parks in the morning times, the afternoon seriously picks up in the traffic.

We were told no photographs when we signed the paper work and when we took the little driving briefing. The jest of their concern was..." you need hands to drive your boat"

Hope you have a great trip!


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