August 2022 W.I.S.H. - Accountable August

Woohoo... the trip has gone well so far. It's good to be working side-by-side with folks - live. The official weather forecast this morning was "hot and sweaty" and yes, it is. We've been walking around the facilities but also having office/meeting time and it is a good mix.
WOO HOO! DD is off work today and tomorrow, and we will have some time together before I have to go back to school.

WOO HOO! The exceptionally long heatwave has finally broken, so DD and I can go outside and enjoy the pool!

WOO HOO! Doctor/dentist appointments are done for August, and my only other appointments are for hair and nails.
Thankful to be heading home. Departure is delayed by an hour but thankful the flight wasn’t flat out canceled.

Thankful for the trip and being around live humans.

On the flip side, thankful that our on-site conference next week has gone virtual and I no longer have to commute in to the office each day.
I'm thankful that I have one more day at home with DD before chaos ensues next week.

I'm thankful that DD has an opportunity at her job to move into a more artistic role...praying it all works out for her.

I'm thankful that I have a few days left before I will get into the classroom to set up for the year.

I'm thankful that even though the renovation was very disruptive and basically kept me from enjoying 3 weeks of my summer, the end product is better than expected and will be enjoyed for many many years.

I'm thankful that even though the pool heater debacle took 3 months to complete and went way over budget, we now have a warm, soothing pool to swim in long after summer is over and will be ready for us to enjoy swimming again when winter is over.
Thankful for the kindergarten orientation we had tonight and the families that came. I wound up showing two little boys where the restroom was. First one: walked with me, did his business, flushed, got soap, scrubbed and rinsed his hands, dried his hands, and walked back with me. Second one: talking all the way, ran, did his business and ran out--go back and flush please, wash your hands please--get some soap, scrub your hands please, press the water please, rinse your hands please, go back and get a paper towel please, press it two times please, tear it off please, the garbage is right here, we walk in school, no talking we're back in the meeting. Oh my gosh but kids just crack me up! They are so stinking cute!
Yesterday was a very long day. Had to get up at 4am eastern time to get to the airport, which was 1am western time. I forced myself to stay up until 10pm western/1am eastern so I could get back in sync. Fortunately I did sleep really well and feel fairly human today.

No big plans for the weekend except for a pedicure tomorrow afternoon - halleluiah for that. I've decided to make Saturday a work-free zone with no chores, just fun stuff, then Sunday I'll work on the yard/garden and other things around the house.

And I need to get back on track with my exercise minutes, since I'm no longer getting steps in walking around the facilities.


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