August 2022 W.I.S.H. - Accountable August

August has just begun and I have been exercising for 3 days in a row! That's great, I think I'll make even more progress this month. And I also read on about an interesting diet. I decided to try and see if I could endure 40 days without being tempted by sweets and various fatty foods. This month will be very exciting as it is the last month of summer and we have to have a lot of fun.
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I am woohooing a great vacation. We had 2 busy days. One at Mount Vernon. We did 3 tours. The slavery tour, the mansion and the National Treasure one (based off of the 2nd movie). These 3 tours gave us a tour of everything. The only thing that we did not see was the new tomb but that is because we cut out of the slavery at that point. It was really hot and humid and we had to walk own a pretty big hill. It would have been rough getting back up. We also got to go in the basement of the house and walk the river bed down to where you can wee the house from the river. These 2 things you typically cannot do but were part of the National Treasure tour. We took a bus back to the top.

On Saturday we went to the Spy Museum. That is a cool place. Very interactive. If you look at everything there and do the interactive game, you will be there all day. We were there for about 2 to 2.5 hours and pretty much only did the game. The kids loved it. After we walked to the Washington Monument and then to the Lincoln Memorial. That afternoon we went on the ferris wheel in National Harbor (this is where we stayed) and saw the circus. The circus was right out our hotel room and DD watched the back stage stuff for 3 days an really wanted to see it so we went. It was cool. The rest of the time the kids went swimming.

We all had a lot of fun and my dad invited us to go on a trip next summer with him and my step mom. Next year we will be going to Gatlinburg. They live in Kentucky so we will drive to them and stay a full day there before drive the 2 hours to Gatlinburg. I have never been to their house since they moved there so this will be nice. They have a house boat that I am guess the kids and Jeff will stay. I will stay in the actual house. I get sea sick now. So that day while they are boating, fishing and swimming in the lake I will get to just chill.
On my second day of vacation, I got ocean water in my eyes when I wiped out on a wave. I thought nothing of it because I have always gone swimming in the ocean and never had a problem. I assumed I was having an allergic reaction to the high pollen count on the Cape. I bought Pataday eye drops because I didn't have my prescription with me which helped me get through the week. Well, when I got home and my eyes still bothered me even using my prescription, I started to worry so I moved up my allergist appointment to last night. It turns out that I got a bacterial infection from the ocean.

WOO HOO! I was able to see my doctor sooner to get the proper treatment before I did real damage to my eyes.

WOO HOO! The renovation is almost done, and I may actually be able to use the upstairs bathroom
and sleep in my own bed soon for the first time since July 10th.

WOO HOO! I have 19 more days of summer, and rather than looking at it as if I only have 19 days left, I'm choosing to look at it as: WOW! I still have 19 days left!
Woohoo… after the nearly 3hour wait for the ferry we made it across safely. I had a lovely lunch with my Niece, walked thru town, then had my soak and sauna which is conveniently located right next to the hotel. After that I spent the rest of the evening on the deck reading, which was perfection. There’s an American Legion right across the street and they were having a band concert, which gave the evening kind of a retro vibe, which was interesting because the book I’m reading involves time travel.

I’m off to breakfast then a nice walk at the beach. After that I meet my Niece at the museum for a quick look at the new exhibit. After that I’m taking the long scenic route home, along Hood Canal.

The only thing about this trip that isn’t a total woohoo is that I’m only here one night, I debated about doing two and really wish I had.
A day late on whoooo hoooo Wednesday but I will say-whoooo hooo I made it through Wednesday!!!

Yesterday was, by far, one of the worst work days for me in recent memory and I won’t bore you with the details but I was about in tears when the day was over!!

Thankful Thursday-I am truly so thankful today is the last day in my work week. Next week I am covering down for my supervisor and while I am not looking forward to it, I am not going to focus on that this weekend I am going to enjoy my weekend!
Love today's saying!

Today I'm thankful for having this week off. Today I slept in till 8am and since then have been putzing around the house doing a deep clean. The kitchen is almost done except for the floors.

I've been thinking about how to incorporate different types of exercise and a couple ideas came up. First doing yoga via YouTube, instead of going to the studio when covid is still so prevalent. I also remembered how much I liked step aerobics when it was all the rage, and so I've ordered a step and will also find some routines on YouTube. If I do each of those at least twice a week, plus a couple evenings doing my under-desk cycle while watching TV, that should be a nice mix that will hopefully keep me engaged.

I've frittered away the past two months without taking any weight off, so now if I want to reach my pre-vacation goal I'm going to have to get serious and really work at it to drop 6 pounds per month. Ugh, that's pretty aggressive but bottom line I just want to feel better while I'm at WDW, so really any weight I can get off will help with that.
I am thankful that my bathroom is almost done, and since the toilet is finally in, I get to sleep in my own bed for the first time since July 9th!

I am thankful that my DH was proactive and ordered the glass wall for the shower before vacation so that it could be made and we could get it installed Monday after our contractor dropped the ball.

I am thankful that I got a lot accomplished this morning before it got too hot.
Thankful that it's almost the weekend and tomorrow is the last day of ESY

Thankful for takeout when it's too hot to cook and for area markets that do to-go catering for parties. Mmmm garlic parm meatballs

Thankful for silicone wedding bands for when that heat and takeout combines to expand your fingers
Good morning!

Catch-up thankful (because I forgot to post yesterday) is that flea market weekend is finally here! I had a lot of help with pricing and sorting and feel very organized, so I'm thankful for that. Now it's just getting through a couple of super busy, extremely hot days!

I probably won't have much time to pop in on the DIS, so have a great weekend everyone!
DH rigged a temporary shower curtain in the new bathroom and my shower was glorious! We have a rain shower head plus the hand held. We had a temporary hand held attachment that people use to bathe their dogs on our downstairs bathtub faucet that we've been using to shower during renovations. Between that and the low pressure shower in Cape Cod, I haven't had a "proper" shower in too long. So showering in my new shower was absolute heaven.

I slept like a baby in my own bed last night which put me in a good mood.

Today I'm going to continue doing things inside because the heatwave and unhealthy air quality is bad for my asthma. I would love to go in the pool, but it's not safe for me.
I am thankful I made it through the week. Work got super crazy after getting back from vacation. Partially because my boss I were only working 3 days together before he left for vacation and I won't see him again until the 23rd. He is off today through the 15th and I am off again from the 15th through the 22nd. So basically in a month time we are both working only 4 days together. So we were fitting everything into those couple of days.

Last night was DS's first soccer scrimmage. DD has one tonight and then a tournament tomorrow. Sunday we have my sister in laws graduation party. It will be a busy weekend here. On top of this DH has the pager for work for the first time. So I am basically on my own with the kids. He can do some stuff but he needs to answer a page in 15 minutes so he needs to stay close to home.

I will be driving DH's grandmother to the grad party as well. She has been unhappy with all of us lately. She fell a few weeks ago and is afraid to be in her house. She is afraid of the stairs. She has decided to move to an apartment for 55 and older that is about 1.5 miles from us. We are trying to help her but we are either pushing to help to much or not helping enough. This is a really hard move for her. She has lived in her house for over 50 years. Her and DH got into right before we left for vacation because DH was driving her around our town just to show her that things are not far for her to get to. This seemed to be enough to make her mad at DH. So Sunday should be a fun 1.5 hour drive to get to the party and another 1.5 home. I seem to be the only one that she hasn't gotten mad at yet. So I have that going for me.
Got on the scale this morning and was up a pound which came as a surprise since I’ve actually been eating a little less this week. Starting today I’m back to logging food and maintaining the 500 calorie deficits between intake and output, so that the weight starts to come off.

I rearranged the living room yesterday so that I have room for yoga and step aerobics and I’m really glad I did. The sofa is back to where I look out the front window while sitting on it and I really do enjoy that more.

I’ve already been to the beach for a morning walk, next is a trip to the hardware store to looks for a trimmer and then a stop at the nursery. The planters on the porch really look sad and need to be refreshed.


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