Biggest Loser "No Excuses" 2012 Team Challenge for Losers and Maintainers!!!

Just in case...

Healthy Habits Spring 2012 Hint #1: Buy/Find, etc. yourself a notebook in a size that you find functional and ideally, that fits wherever you will have it at all times.

I bought myself a notebook today that fits in my VB mini hipster. My purse is always at my side so that was a perfect choice for me.

What all do you use the notebook for? I use apps on my phone/ipad for tracking foods and exercise.

I'm 99% sure I'm going to get myself a bodybugg too. That will probably wait a few more weeks. I've got to get through DD's birthday and buying my books for spring semester before I spend money on anything else. :rolleyes:
I am in for the first time!

I have 20 pounds to lose. I have had baby weight on for the last 18 years ... and he is about to graduate this spring ... so it is time to lose it! I just recently put on 5 pounds and I am starting to scare myself. :scared1:

In July we are also taking a family vacation and I would love to look better in my bathing suit along with having my clothes fit a little better. :rolleyes1

I look forward to working and learning on the thread ... thank you to all the people organizing it!
so excited to be joining this challenge! i need all the help i can get in my journey towards better health, and i LOVE making new friends. thanks for sharing the opportunity! :hug:
Good Morning. I'll have to actually read the thread later, but want to make sure that I get signed up. I'm excited to get going. I think DH (kitchensinkguy) will be joining us too :goodvibes We both have our goals and I think we've even found our motivation.!!

What all do you use the notebook for? I use apps on my phone/ipad for tracking foods and exercise.

I'm 99% sure I'm going to get myself a bodybugg too. That will probably wait a few more weeks. I've got to get through DD's birthday and buying my books for spring semester before I spend money on anything else. :rolleyes:

I upgraded to the Bodybugg SP and love it - but I have an Android phone and don't seem to have the issues that the iPhone people have. They have a facebook page - and very often post deals on that - so you may want to monitor it. I was able to extend my subscription for a 30% savings last year through facebook.

To put us in the "No Excuses" mood - just tweeted by Bob Harper -

"Excuses don't deliver results...Put in the time...Believe in Yourself. Trust the process. Change forever."
I upgraded to the Bodybugg SP and love it - but I have an Android phone and don't seem to have the issues that the iPhone people have. They have a facebook page - and very often post deals on that - so you may want to monitor it. I was able to extend my subscription for a 30% savings last year through facebook.


Thanks! I have an android phone too. I'll watch for deals before I buy. I'm such a numbers girl, that I think seeing how many calories I'm burning will help. It'll give me a better idea of calories to eat instead of guessing, and if I can see I need to burn X amount more for the day, it should help motivate me. And if not, I've wasted more money on sillier things.;)
To put us in the "No Excuses" mood - just tweeted by Bob Harper -

"Excuses don't deliver results...Put in the time...Believe in Yourself. Trust the process. Change forever."

I love this quote! I am going to add it to my list of quotes that I use to inspire me when the days are hard.

Thanks for sharing!
You know, it's a little worse than I anticipated. I figured I would be 100% by now but I am still in pain a decent amount. My stomach is still swollen and I'm dying to sleep on my stomach or at the very least my side! I'm super nervous about food right now! My sister flew down to help with DS and tonight we went to Magic Kingdom and I sat and watched her eat Casey's!

Thankfully I don't go back to school until Tuesday.

But on the bright side I have lost some weight in the last week just by eating low fat!

Have you had any digestive issues as a result of the surgery? That's the part that makes me nervous!

Yes the recovery is awful! :eek: I remember telling my husband that it worst than recovering from giving birth! How's your shoulder I had awful pain in my shoulder as well from not being able to sleep normally. It's good that you are eating low fat because I have found that is the biggest problem. Whenever I eat anything that is high in fat or greasy my body feels very sluggish. Ideally I should not be eating fatty, greasy foods but in reality sometimes I do :guilty:

Morning Everyone!

I woke up on the right side of the bed and have a little too much energy! ;)

What better time than now for another HH Hint!

WISH BL Spring 2012 Healthy Habits Hint #2: Find/Buy/Borrow, etc. measuring cups and spoons.

If you have a scale, a large bowl that has its measurements on it, or anything else that you know its measurements, dig those out too.

Here is some "food for thought." :rotfl2:
- We have a Corelle set from the '70s. It came with coffee cups. I did an experiment and it holds exactly 1 cup at the rim. It is perfect for my morning cup of milk.
- We have large plastic "glasses" that hold just over 16 fl. oz. They are perfect for meals. I use them as an easy way to drink 16 oz during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- Look around your kitchen. Things have measurements on them more than I ever realized. Do you have any Ziploc type storage containers? All of mine have their respective measurements on the bottom of the container.

Good luck! Happy searching! :goodvibes

ETA: I stated that the Corelle set is from the '70s because designs change. I am not trying to imply anything.

Mary•Poppins;43567699 said:
I am in for the first time!

I have 20 pounds to lose. I have had baby weight on for the last 18 years ... and he is about to graduate this spring ... so it is time to lose it! I just recently put on 5 pounds and I am starting to scare myself. :scared1:

In July we are also taking a family vacation and I would love to look better in my bathing suit along with having my clothes fit a little better. :rolleyes1

I look forward to working and learning on the thread ... thank you to all the people organizing it!

Another tip: If you have little ones at home, sippy cups sometimes come with measurements as well.
Hi I've sent a pm and I'd like to join in if thats ok?:) I have about 35lbs to lose and I'd like to adopt a healthier lifestyle too. Looking forward to getting to know you all:)
I have tried to send pm twice and It seems to say its sent but then when it takes me to my pm folders there arent any sent messages there? Dont know if pm has been sent or if not what I'm doing wrong? Any ideas?
I have tried to send pm twice and It seems to say its sent but then when it takes me to my pm folders there arent any sent messages there? Dont know if pm has been sent or if not what I'm doing wrong? Any ideas?

:welcome: luvpoohandcompany! The PM system defaults to the inbox folder. Can you see your sent folder? There is a drop down menu. If you want to send me a test PM you can -- I'll be on the computer for another 45 minutes or so before I head off to the gym. It's a process! :goodvibes
Yes the recovery is awful! :eek: I remember telling my husband that it worst than recovering from giving birth! How's your shoulder I had awful pain in my shoulder as well from not being able to sleep normally. It's good that you are eating low fat because I have found that is the biggest problem. Whenever I eat anything that is high in fat or greasy my body feels very sluggish. Ideally I should not be eating fatty, greasy foods but in reality sometimes I do :guilty:

You know I just told DH that I think it is worse than my c-section. Now my c-section hurt worse in the beginning and required more help, but I think the difference was that the incision was so low. I could sit up, with this I feel better standing! When I sit it is uncomfortable because it is still swollen under my ribs and that area still hurts. A week and a day after my c-section I was still sleeping on my back, but I feel like I could at least sit up! Now New Year's plans so as long as I'm feeling good by next Tuesday when school starts that's all that matters!
Hello everyone! I'm joining this challenge as well. I am in need of a good kick in the pants to get going. I've needed to lose some weight (between 40 and 60 pounds-- its 60 now) for the last 6 years or so. It seems so much longer than that though. I feel like I've been this way forever. It makes it very difficult to shop for clothes (when I don't like how something looks on me, I don't like to clothes shop, and I LOVE clothes!). Vain reason, I know, but hey--its what motivates me. Of course I want to be as healthy as I can be. I am a Weight Watchers girl. I have used that a long time ago to lose a little weight here and there and it worked. But that was in my 20's, when I could just think the word "diet" and the weight would literally fall off. Now, I'm 37 and it seems a lot harder to lose weight. Anyone else see this switch in their 30's? I am a run/walker and go to the gym twice a week. I started about a year and a half ago with the running and have been seeing a personal trainer twice a week for almost a year. The Tinker Bell Inaugural Half Marathon on January 29, 2012 will be my 7th Half Marathon. I've also done the 2011 WDW Half, and the 2011 DL Half. I've done several 5k's and other distances here locally. My husband and I will be doing the Never Land 5K in DL before the Tink Half as well (walking it). He's into all things Disney, but fitness not so much. He walked the 5K that was associated with the DL Half this past September. I hope I can inspire him to become more healthy, and my whole family actually. We have six children, so its a constant GO-GO-GO around here. Meal planning is a big challenge for me. Thank you to everyone's hard work on this board, putting it all together and organizing it. I can't wait to see what team I'm on.

:welcome: luvpoohandcompany! The PM system defaults to the inbox folder. Can you see your sent folder? There is a drop down menu. If you want to send me a test PM you can -- I'll be on the computer for another 45 minutes or so before I head off to the gym. It's a process! :goodvibes

sent you a test pm but sent folder still showing no msg:confused3
Ugh, I really want to to the Tower of Terror run in Sept. Problem is I really haven't done much running since the summer. :sad2: I head out today, and it was terrible. I only ended up doing 1.2 miles. I was hoping for 2. I kept the BL saying in my head, "Unless you puke, faint, or die, keep going." Well puke, I did, and I seriously thought I was going to pass out too. I've been sick with a head cold, and I thought I was over it. *Gross TMI warning* About 3/4 mile in the congestion I didn't realize was as bad as it was started draining. It gave me a choking sensation, so I stopped for a drink and took a 3-4 min break. I felt fine again, so I started back. About another 1/2 mile later, I had to stop and puke. I think it was just all the drainage. :confused3 Either way, I feel like quite the failure today. :sad1:
sent you a test pm but sent folder still showing no msg:confused3

Got it and sent a reply. :thumbsup2 There is a bar called folder controls at the top of the PM folders. Can you see that? There is probably some option that needs to be changed -- maybe some more computer savvy person or one of the mods will pipe in with some suggestions. If you don't get assigned to a team by tomorrow morning let me know and I will PM Janis for you.
Ugh, I really want to to the Tower of Terror run in Sept. Problem is I really haven't done much running since the summer. :sad2: I head out today, and it was terrible. I only ended up doing 1.2 miles. I was hoping for 2. I kept the BL saying in my head, "Unless you puke, faint, or die, keep going."

I'm no expert but I did go to Jeff Galloway running school this summer and I'll share with you what he has to say: Rule number 1 No puking. Your race isn't until September. You would be much better off resting, recovering and then starting again, probably at a slower pace because otherwise you will injure yourself or burn yourself out. Just my 2 cents worth.

Be kind to yourself! :flower3:
Healthy Habits Information

Hello Everyone,

I understand that there is some confusion as to why I hinted as to the need for a notebook. I often ask you to write things down other than what you ate. Also, many people find that it is best to have everything together. One of my intentions for this challenge is to record some information about each day in my notebook. I will use myfitnesspal to journal my food, but my notebook will have other valuable information in it. Some of these include:
- # glasses of water I drank
- exercise for the day
- info on emotional health
- if I ate out that day

Hope that helps!
I'm no expert but I did go to Jeff Galloway running school this summer and I'll share with you what he has to say: Rule number 1 No puking. Your race isn't until September. You would be much better off resting, recovering and then starting again, probably at a slower pace because otherwise you will injure yourself or burn yourself out. Just my 2 cents worth.

Be kind to yourself! :flower3:

I really had no intention of actually puking. I just have a nasty habit of giving up as soon as things get a little hard, and I was trying to not wimp once for once. Thanks to 2 pregnancies with 9+ months of puking, I am very aware of my body's signs that I need to find a bathroom. I just didn't have those today. It's not that I was trying to go to fast or anything. There was no muscle pain or anything. Just the blasted sinus drainage and subsequent exorcist audition. Now, I don't even feel like I went and ran today, so I don't think it was a pace issue. I didn't even work up a sweat, and it's not very cold, upper 50s.

I am gonna take a couple of days off though. I'm just glad that I stopped to tell my DH something. (He and the kids were at the park playing basketball.) It came so out of nowhere that I imagine I would have face-planted on the pavement if I hadn't stopped. :headache: I didn't feel too bad when I was running, but as soon as I stopped, it hit me. :confused3
Ugh, I really want to to the Tower of Terror run in Sept. Problem is I really haven't done much running since the summer. :sad2: I head out today, and it was terrible. I only ended up doing 1.2 miles. I was hoping for 2. I kept the BL saying in my head, "Unless you puke, faint, or die, keep going." Well puke, I did, and I seriously thought I was going to pass out too. I've been sick with a head cold, and I thought I was over it. *Gross TMI warning* About 3/4 mile in the congestion I didn't realize was as bad as it was started draining. It gave me a choking sensation, so I stopped for a drink and took a 3-4 min break. I felt fine again, so I started back. About another 1/2 mile later, I had to stop and puke. I think it was just all the drainage. :confused3 Either way, I feel like quite the failure today. :sad1:

DON'T feel like a failure! You are a rock star for getting out this time of year at all! That is awesome! Keep it up! Maybe a walk tomorrow and then try for another run Sunday? I'm no expert but I am a fledgling runner and that sounds like a plan to me. I'm proud of you for getting going again. That's the hardest part, and I've been there myself!!


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