DAS registration wait time

Absolutely. There were a few times I typed something like "am I still in line?" hoping a chat bot would at least tell me yes lol It was silent the whole time which made me nervous. Even a "you are now #74 in que" kind of update would have been awesome.
the cast member told me "you don't have to keep typing something to be in the queue". I apologized. I didn't know!
Requested the chat at 7:27am this Saturday and “waited” just under 4 hours before being connected to the cast member who would do the video. I say “waited” but really we just monitored and went about our Saturday morning. We had the chat up on two devices (laptop and phone). The CM connected to the chat while I was at the grocery store and when I saw it I texted home to let my family know the video was coming soon. It took less attention than for boiling corned beef and cabbage for St. Patty’s day!


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