Disboutiquers Part 22 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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I'm losing my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My DGD lives in OK and I'm in NJ. While she was here in April she started to outgrow her 2T clothes. She just woke up and the simply sweet she wore the week before wouldn't go over her head! So we started buying her 3T and she is still wearing them. Her shoe size has gone from a 7.5 in April and she just moved into a size 9. DIL says that the 3s fit well except for the length, she is very tall. I asked for a chest measurement and both my DS and DIL say her chest measures 21.5 which would make her smaller than when she was here so I am guessing they aren't measuring her correctly. :sad2:

Our trip is October 28th and I really am on the fence as to whether I should sew her 3s or 4s. I know she'll fit in the 3s right now but if she has a growth spurt in the next two months she'll need 4s. She has been in size 3s since April/May, she turned 2 on July 7th she is getting taller and her feet have grown all of these things make me think that it's time for her to pop up a size but at the same time I don't want to meet her in Disney with a bunch of clothes that are way to big , a little big I'm OK with.
Alright, I could really use your thoughts and opinions on this. What would you do?
I'm losing my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My DGD lives in OK and I'm in NJ. While she was here in April she started to outgrow her 2T clothes. She just woke up and the simply sweet she wore the week before wouldn't go over her head! So we started buying her 3T and she is still wearing them. Her shoe size has gone from a 7.5 in April and she just moved into a size 9. DIL says that the 3s fit well except for the length, she is very tall. I asked for a chest measurement and both my DS and DIL say her chest measures 21.5 which would make her smaller than when she was here so I am guessing they aren't measuring her correctly. :sad2:

Our trip is October 28th and I really am on the fence as to whether I should sew her 3s or 4s. I know she'll fit in the 3s right now but if she has a growth spurt in the next two months she'll need 4s. She has been in size 3s since April/May, she turned 2 on July 7th she is getting taller and her feet have grown all of these things make me think that it's time for her to pop up a size but at the same time I don't want to meet her in Disney with a bunch of clothes that are way to big , a little big I'm OK with.
Alright, I could really use your thoughts and opinions on this. What would you do?

Maybe you could just make a simply sweet with some cheap fabric as a practice & mail it to her for you DGD to try on & see how it fits if you can't get accurate measurements. Then get pictures of her in it so YOU see exactly how it fits & where it may not fit properly.
Maybe you could just make a simply sweet with some cheap fabric as a practice & mail it to her for you DGD to try on & see how it fits if you can't get accurate measurements. Then get pictures of her in it so YOU see exactly how it fits & where it may not fit properly.

Actually I sort of did that this morning. I made a bodice in size 3 and size 4 and was going to send it out to see which one fit better but when I put them together there is very little difference in the two sizes and so I thought I would come here for the opinions of those far more experienced than me. I am off this week and was really hoping to get most of my sewing done. Next week I'll be back to work so my time is limited which is why I didn't want to have to wait for a package to get to OK .

Here is the bodices I made from scrap.

It's a pic from my phone so I hope it's clear enough. I was surprised at how little difference in size there is. By the way, that bright pink duck fabric was in a box of fabric someone gave to me. I can only imagine what kind of giant puffy sleeved dress some little girl wore out of that fabric! :lmao:
I'm losing my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My DGD lives in OK and I'm in NJ. While she was here in April she started to outgrow her 2T clothes. She just woke up and the simply sweet she wore the week before wouldn't go over her head! So we started buying her 3T and she is still wearing them. Her shoe size has gone from a 7.5 in April and she just moved into a size 9. DIL says that the 3s fit well except for the length, she is very tall. I asked for a chest measurement and both my DS and DIL say her chest measures 21.5 which would make her smaller than when she was here so I am guessing they aren't measuring her correctly. :sad2:

Our trip is October 28th and I really am on the fence as to whether I should sew her 3s or 4s. I know she'll fit in the 3s right now but if she has a growth spurt in the next two months she'll need 4s. She has been in size 3s since April/May, she turned 2 on July 7th she is getting taller and her feet have grown all of these things make me think that it's time for her to pop up a size but at the same time I don't want to meet her in Disney with a bunch of clothes that are way to big , a little big I'm OK with.
Alright, I could really use your thoughts and opinions on this. What would you do?

I so feel your pain! My GD just turned 3 a couple weeks ago. The dresses I made her for our trip in 3 months were a size 3. When I tried them on her in Feb (ish) they were too long, but we needed her to grow a couple inches to be able to ride some more rides...In that time she has only grown 2 inches taller...but has gotten too big for the size 3!

I have no excuse...since I keep her every day! LOL

I doubt I will have time to redo all her dresses now...but I would vote for a little bigger...that way she can at least get another wearing out of them. (my GD is begging to wear the dresses now as dress up play... sheesh!

I have been away for the past week and a half as my Mom had major surgery and I went down to Florida to be with her. She is doing well now and was able to go home from the hospital yesterday, so now I am back home and getting back in to my sewing.

I have been reading along, but haven't had time to comment, but I love everyone's creations, and welcome to all the new disbou's!

Prayers for Heather's and Teresa's sister in law Barbara, I hope surgery went well today.

I completed these outfits for Jame's Big Give, I could use an address Stacey if you happen to see this here. I posted on the big give board too.

For James:

For Katelynn:

and the back of the Audrey skirt minus the butt ruffles:

Very cute. I like the Audrey without the ruffles too.

I made the stepsister dresses this weekend for 1900 park fare! I am not 100% in love with them, but I am more critical of my own work, of course. I just think the waist is laying funny for some reason. Oh well, my girls will be ecstatic no matter what they look like and hopefully they will get some attention from Anastasia and Drizella!

They are a portrait peasant bodice, and then I attached the skirt and peplum with Carla's "princessified" instructions. Here they are:


they look good to me. Maybe you will find that the waist lies different when it is on the girls.


I just wanted to share this pic of Olivia's 1st day of kindergarten. I bought this dress from you last year. She also wore it on her 1st day of preschool.


Precious. She looks so little and nervous. Hope she had a good day.

Teresa and Heather- prayers being said for Barbara. Hope things went well today.

Whoever was asking about the Feliz time-
Figure the average time it takes to trace out pattern onto patternease (or whatever you use and add seamallowances) and cut out pieces. I'm slow- 1-2hrs
Pin and cut out all fabric pieces except ruffles (about 1 and half hours)
Sew ties and overskirt- about 1 hour (be sure to use ribbon tip when turning the ties- just sort of push the end down a bit before you pull and it will just slip right out)
Make ruffles (cutting fabric, hemming, ruffling, attaching to back overdress) I would guess 2 hours -thats whats up for tomorrow.
shoulder straps, assembling overdress and underdress about 1 hour.

Now, some might be faster, I seem to be A. Slow these days and B. Interupted constantly.

Tutorial for Felix- google Trillium Feliz Tutorial- it's the BEST

This is my second one, I don't know that anything is hard- but you just have to follow the directions. This time I am do a few things different than the one I did 2 years ago- like finishing all my seams, and doing the facing pieces on the back of the overdress.
I really goofed today- trying to do too much, I thought I would add a nice wide embriodered leaf pattern to the bottom of the overdress hem, but first I messed up and used white bobbin thread- which comes thru when using the machine (but not if in embroidery mode) so I had to switch, then when I started it didn't line up properly, then the leaves were crowding, then I spent a good 40 minutes ripping out stitches- I could have been half way thru the ruffle prep instead. Grrrrrrr

Okay- new topic- Snubie and I got together earlier this summer and photographed our kids together in the new Maddie top/dress by Scientific Seamstress/CarlaC
We both agreed, this pattern would be sweet as a nightgown in flannel. It is more versatile that I originally thought. Megan loves her top.
Too many pictures...

The girls all look awesome.

Actually I sort of did that this morning. I made a bodice in size 3 and size 4 and was going to send it out to see which one fit better but when I put them together there is very little difference in the two sizes and so I thought I would come here for the opinions of those far more experienced than me. I am off this week and was really hoping to get most of my sewing done. Next week I'll be back to work so my time is limited which is why I didn't want to have to wait for a package to get to OK .

Here is the bodices I made from scrap.

It's a pic from my phone so I hope it's clear enough. I was surprised at how little difference in size there is. By the way, that bright pink duck fabric was in a box of fabric someone gave to me. I can only imagine what kind of giant puffy sleeved dress some little girl wore out of that fabric! :lmao:

Can you just make the size 4 and put some elastic under the arms like in the Vida?
Actually I sort of did that this morning. I made a bodice in size 3 and size 4 and was going to send it out to see which one fit better but when I put them together there is very little difference in the two sizes and so I thought I would come here for the opinions of those far more experienced than me. I am off this week and was really hoping to get most of my sewing done. Next week I'll be back to work so my time is limited which is why I didn't want to have to wait for a package to get to OK .

Here is the bodices I made from scrap.

I was going to suggest the same thing. Make the 4 and put elastic under the arm like you do on the Vida. I had to do that in order for DGD6 to get it over her big head.:rotfl2: She is very skinny, 21.5" chest but when I make that size we have a terrible time getting it on her.
Teresa and Heather- prayers being said for Barbara. Hope things went well today.

Whoever was asking about the Feliz time-
Figure the average time it takes to trace out pattern onto patternease (or whatever you use and add seamallowances) and cut out pieces. I'm slow- 1-2hrs
Pin and cut out all fabric pieces except ruffles (about 1 and half hours)
Sew ties and overskirt- about 1 hour (be sure to use ribbon tip when turning the ties- just sort of push the end down a bit before you pull and it will just slip right out)
Make ruffles (cutting fabric, hemming, ruffling, attaching to back overdress) I would guess 2 hours -thats whats up for tomorrow.
shoulder straps, assembling overdress and underdress about 1 hour.

Now, some might be faster, I seem to be A. Slow these days and B. Interupted constantly.

Tutorial for Felix- google Trillium Feliz Tutorial- it's the BEST

This is my second one, I don't know that anything is hard- but you just have to follow the directions. This time I am do a few things different than the one I did 2 years ago- like finishing all my seams, and doing the facing pieces on the back of the overdress.
I really goofed today- trying to do too much, I thought I would add a nice wide embriodered leaf pattern to the bottom of the overdress hem, but first I messed up and used white bobbin thread- which comes thru when using the machine (but not if in embroidery mode) so I had to switch, then when I started it didn't line up properly, then the leaves were crowding, then I spent a good 40 minutes ripping out stitches- I could have been half way thru the ruffle prep instead. Grrrrrrr

Okay- new topic- Snubie and I got together earlier this summer and photographed our kids together in the new Maddie top/dress by Scientific Seamstress/CarlaC
We both agreed, this pattern would be sweet as a nightgown in flannel. It is more versatile that I originally thought. Megan loves her top.
Too many pictures...
(Hannah has a facination with hair and made poor baby Megan cry.
Big Sisters loving on Little Sisters

Showing off the long version of the Maddie

2 peas in a pod

and the 2 big girls

It was so much fun to meet another Disnboutiqer and we hope to get together again. The girls all got along great (except for baby Hannah being a little too rough with baby Megan) Big Megan and Big Lauren had fun playing together.

Hey, I know those girls. :):):) It was so much fun meeting you. I really hope we can do it again soon.
Actually I sort of did that this morning. I made a bodice in size 3 and size 4 and was going to send it out to see which one fit better but when I put them together there is very little difference in the two sizes and so I thought I would come here for the opinions of those far more experienced than me. I am off this week and was really hoping to get most of my sewing done. Next week I'll be back to work so my time is limited which is why I didn't want to have to wait for a package to get to OK .

Here is the bodices I made from scrap.

It's a pic from my phone so I hope it's clear enough. I was surprised at how little difference in size there is. By the way, that bright pink duck fabric was in a box of fabric someone gave to me. I can only imagine what kind of giant puffy sleeved dress some little girl wore out of that fabric! :lmao:

I am in no way an expert, but I know that when I buy clothes at the store, and there is very little difference between the two sizes I always buy the size bigger. It seems that with as little difference as there is in the two sizes I would go with the bigger just to be safe. But as I said before I am not an expert when it comes to sewing.
For those of us wondering about Teresa and Heather's sil. Teresa just posted this on facebook

Teresa Hoffman Johnson About ready to head on up to the hospital. I hear Barbara is doing really well today, so hopefully she will be out of recovery soon.
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Okay I am doing the happy dance because I finally have some stuff done that I can post. Sorry if you already saw it on facebook.
Halloween Vida Front

I love these buttons.


A Carla C reversible Aline.

I put the bows on snaps so they can come off for washing and when it is reversed.

Reversed. I loved doing the two different buttons.
For those of us wondering about Teresa and Heather's sil. Teresa just posted this on facebook

Teresa Hoffman Johnson About ready to head on up to the hospital. I hear Barbara is doing really well today, so hopefully she will be out of recovery soon.

Thanks for the update, and keeping us posted. You rock :thumbsup2
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Okay I am doing the happy dance because I finally have some stuff done that I can post. Sorry if you already saw it on facebook.
Halloween Vida Front

I love these buttons.


A Carla C reversible Aline.

I put the bows on snaps so they can come off for washing and when it is reversed.

Reversed. I loved doing the two different buttons.

They are both very cute. I really like the Halloween vida. Is it pieces (applique) or is that a panel you got from somewhere? Very cool!
Actually I sort of did that this morning. I made a bodice in size 3 and size 4 and was going to send it out to see which one fit better but when I put them together there is very little difference in the two sizes and so I thought I would come here for the opinions of those far more experienced than me. I am off this week and was really hoping to get most of my sewing done. Next week I'll be back to work so my time is limited which is why I didn't want to have to wait for a package to get to OK .

Here is the bodices I made from scrap.

It's a pic from my phone so I hope it's clear enough. I was surprised at how little difference in size there is. By the way, that bright pink duck fabric was in a box of fabric someone gave to me. I can only imagine what kind of giant puffy sleeved dress some little girl wore out of that fabric! :lmao:

I don't pull on the Simply Sweet over my DDs' head...I have them pull it up over their bottom. I love the way it fits without being too loose, but they are such skinny minnies that it is hard to get over their shoulders. They go on so much easier from the bottom. Have your DD try them on her that way...maybe they will still fit.

I love these buttons.


A Carla C reversible Aline.

I put the bows on snaps so they can come off for washing and when it is reversed.

Reversed. I loved doing the two different buttons.

So cute! I really :lovestruc the Vida!
I don't pull on the Simply Sweet over my DDs' head...I have them pull it up over their bottom. I love the way it fits without being too loose, but they are such skinny minnies that it is hard to get over their shoulders. They go on so much easier from the bottom. Have your DD try them on her that way...maybe they will still fit.

I have my DD do this too now. I made her simply sweets larger than they needed to be a couple of years ago and she is still wearing some of them now. They fit, but have now become harder to put on over her head (they are also shorter now, but since they were midcalf length when I made them . . .
I'm finally posting what I have been up to lately:)
Here is the Snow White Vida that I made for our dinner in Germany...that is where she is from right???



I'm thinking I should add some more lace or something.

Here is the Halloween Vida

And the Fall Victorian Vida...Love this pattern so easy and versatile.

Mermaid Dress...DD just Loves this one.

More in the next post:banana:
Today my DD started kindergarten:

I love that you can be your child's Hero by sewing two pieces of fabric together:

She found a cape in Chasing-Firelies and asked if she could have one-Yep I can do that!

Then I made her teachers from last year some little bags...I thought they came out super cute and are pretty quick and easy to put together:lovestruc



Now on to finishing her Animal Kindgom dress and the many others in my to do pile:rotfl:
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