Disneyland Divas working out, getting healthy, and looking fine in '09!!

Hi everyone. I weighed in this morning and lost 4 lbs! However for the purpose of this thread I will have todays weight be my start weight. So I am starting at 265 lbs and my first goal is to be below 250. 16 lbs to go. I would like to get it off by September 12, so 7 weeks. I think that is doable for me if I keep at it and start exercising. Good luck everyone. I will check back in on sunday or monday...I am going on a girls weekend with my mom, aunt, grandma and daughter!

Happy Friday! :wizard:


Just do it.

Weigh in: 143 (down 1 lb.)
Exercise: 14 miles running (including 5 mile long run on Saturday) and 2 weight sessions
YAY!!!! I'm so happy for you two!!! :banana: :woohoo: :yay: :cool1: :cheer2: :thumbsup2

Thanks Beth!

Heh heh. Back atcha in the same non-creepy, non-stalker kinda way, lol. :love: I'm so glad you got the last one! Woot! :banana:

So did you get it set up? It took us awhile to get it sync'd up, but obviously we got it working. The whole family is into it and we had a big hula hoop contest tonight. Guess who won? :teeth: And that also meant I added more time. I'm think I'm at 48 total minutes now.

Thank you SO much again! I love the WiiFit!

I did have a bit of an issue with the sync. I got too excited and started pressing lots of buttons, I'm lucky I didn't mess anything up!

The hula hoop was killing my lower back! The most I got was 233 spins. The only thing I did good at was the short distance run, I got 101% ...don't really know why they'd give over 100%.

Hi everyone. I weighed in this morning and lost 4 lbs! However for the purpose of this thread I will have todays weight be my start weight. So I am starting at 265 lbs and my first goal is to be below 250. 16 lbs to go. I would like to get it off by September 12, so 7 weeks. I think that is doable for me if I keep at it and start exercising. Good luck everyone. I will check back in on sunday or monday...I am going on a girls weekend with my mom, aunt, grandma and daughter!


Congratulations Sarah! Have a great weekend with the girls!

Happy Friday! :wizard:


Just do it.

Weigh in: 143 (down 1 lb.)
Exercise: 14 miles running (including 5 mile long run on Saturday) and 2 weight sessions

Congratulations on 1lb down!

Keep up the awesome work! I can only aspire to be running.

My weigh in for the week:

Weight: 212 (haven't lost anything, but I'm OK with that. I feel so much better then usual with all the exercise I've been doing)
Exercise: 7 miles of walking/powerwalking. 1 hour on the WiiFit.

Just do it.
:rotfl2: Short and sweet. And so true!!

Congrats to all of you who lost weight this week!!!! And for those who didn't, no worries, it'll happen!! Just keep at it. I know we can do this!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

I weighed in today at 237.6, down from 239. So a loss of 1.4 lbs.
I'll take it. :)

Keep up the great work everyone!!! :yay:
Ok, so I tried to weigh in . . . . . and my scale told me I was 122.4 (in my dreams-LOL!)

so I think I either need new batteries or a new scale!
Ok, so I tried to weigh in . . . . . and my scale told me I was 122.4 (in my dreams-LOL!)

so I think I either need new batteries or a new scale!
If my scale told me I weighed that I would think I was 17 again!!! :rotfl2:

Ah, if only I knew then what I know now. :rolleyes:

I bought my digital scale from Sams Club. It wasn't too bad. Twenty something dollars. And it works great.
Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't checked in. My computer completely crashed today. Some kind of virus/spyware thing......Trojan thing......I have no idea what to do?!!!! I'm about to cry!

I'm on my DH's computer at the moment, but it's his work computer, so I can't be on it very much.

I hope everyone had a good weigh-in day. I haven't even had time to do that yet.....I've been working on my computer all day trying to fix it, but nothing is working.
Hey everyone!
Today has been a great day! I woke up, exercised, and ate healthy all day!
I weigh in tomorrow so I'll post my update tomorrow.

Congrats on all the weight loss!:goodvibes

Sometimes the most urgent and vital thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest.
-Ashleigh Brilliant

Today is Saturday, which means today is my long run. I'm hoping to make it five miles again. Downloading podcasts now to bring along in the run for motivation.

Have a great weekend everyone! :thumbsup2
Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't checked in. My computer completely crashed today. Some kind of virus/spyware thing......Trojan thing......I have no idea what to do?!!!! I'm about to cry!

I'm on my DH's computer at the moment, but it's his work computer, so I can't be on it very much.

I hope everyone had a good weigh-in day. I haven't even had time to do that yet.....I've been working on my computer all day trying to fix it, but nothing is working.
Oh Capri, that sucks about your computer. I hope it's not too hard to fix.

Hey everyone!
Today has been a great day! I woke up, exercised, and ate healthy all day!
I weigh in tomorrow so I'll post my update tomorrow.

Congrats on all the weight loss!:goodvibes
Sounds like a great day!!! Good for you!!!! :cool1:


Sometimes the most urgent and vital thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest.
-Ashleigh Brilliant

Today is Saturday, which means today is my long run. I'm hoping to make it five miles again. Downloading podcasts now to bring along in the run for motivation.

Have a great weekend everyone! :thumbsup2
5 miles??? :worship: You go girl!! :cheer2: :cheer2:
5 mile run DONE. I got inserts for my running shoes and that seemed to make a difference. Aches and pains kept to minimum.

Oh, I also have to share a compliment I got from my husband this morning. I put on my jog bra for my run and my DH was looking at me from my back. And he said, "sweetie I think you're starting to have less stuff poking out." (stuff being back fat and under arm fat). Well, I'll take it as a compliment! :rotfl:

Have a great weekend ladies! And get some well deserved rest and relaxation!
Hello everyone!

I weighed in this morning three different times because I had to adjust the scale settings. So I lost 0.5 lbs!:goodvibes

I'm going to lessen my calorie intake each day that way I can lose faster.
Congrats Cristabel! 1.5 lbs is awesome!

You know what 1lb equates to? 4 sticks of butter. So you lost 6 sticks of butter this week. Not bad! And 5 lbs total is a bag of potatoes! The scale makes these amounts seem so small...but they are not!

You know Weight Watchers doesn't want you to lose more than 2 lbs a week, as if you're losing more than that it's really likely to come back on. The first few weeks you usually lose more, but a lot of that is just water. You need a healthy eating plan that you can live with as part of a healthy lifestyle. I'd be thrilled with 1.5 lbs!!
Hi girls--hope you're all having a good weekend. I'm at work trying to force myself to work when I would much rather be Dis-ing---kwim?

I am SO behind at work. . . . I usually get up early (sometimes as early as 4 a.m.) and get in to get stuff done before the phones start ringing and lately, well, I just have been having a hard time getting up in the a.m.--I mean REALLY hard. And I found out it's because I was severely anemic. Normal is 12--I was 8.9 :sick: . When I went in this week my doc was convinced that it was going to be below 8 (in which case I would need a blood transfusion:scared1: ) but it's now at 11.7!!!! I've been taking prescription iron, eating a TON of spinach and some beef . . . but we are still trying to figure out what caused it. (I think I have ulcers--I've had them before and have similar "pains"). I'm seeing a gastroenterologist on Wed. for that and because I need anyway to schedule the dreaded "post-50" colonoscopy.

Anyway, because of all this I am behind in my work, and so far have kept the clients somewhat happy (well, maybe not a couple :laughing: ) but need to get on top of this stuff. Sigh, but I'd much rather search Disney sites :surfweb: or even go see a movie :3dglasses or something!!

Hope you guys are having FUN!! oh, and the painters came this morning to power wash my house and they start painting on Monday!!

oh, and I am now 97 days away from my first official trip to WDW! (My trip when I was a teenager and there was only a Magic Kingdom doesn't count!)

See you real soon! :banana:

Oh, I also have to share a compliment I got from my husband this morning. I put on my jog bra for my run and my DH was looking at me from my back. And he said, "sweetie I think you're starting to have less stuff poking out." (stuff being back fat and under arm fat). Well, I'll take it as a compliment! :rotfl:
:rotfl: That is so funny! But I bet that felt great too. :goodvibes

Cristabel, congrats on the loss! Any little bit that the scale goes down is a good thing. :thumbsup2

Cheryl, I'm so glad your iron wasn't below 8. Good for you! Sorry about your stomach pains though. Good luck on Wed.
That's so exciting that your WDW trip is in double digits now!!! Just think how much more healthy you will be by then. :)
Oh, I also have to share a compliment I got from my husband this morning. I put on my jog bra for my run and my DH was looking at me from my back. And he said, "sweetie I think you're starting to have less stuff poking out." (stuff being back fat and under arm fat). Well, I'll take it as a compliment! :rotfl:

OMGosh, LOL!! Funny... and still a compliment I'd say! :thumbsup2 Congrats on the 5 miles too!

I've been rockin the Wii Fit. I banked 1:45 today! (that's one hour 45 minutes, not 1 minute 45 seconds, lol). Not that I was really trying to clock a lot of time per se. But as it is a "lazy" Saturday and DH joined in, it got competitive and we were all tryng to beat each other's high scores. It's been really fun! And the cool thing is, I can feel all sorts of different muscles and ligaments working (and getting sore, lol) so I think it's been a great combo of strength and aerobic excercise.

Fun fun! :yay:
And I found out it's because I was severely anemic. Normal is 12--I was 8.9 :sick: . When I went in this week my doc was convinced that it was going to be below 8 (in which case I would need a blood transfusion:scared1: ) but it's now at 11.7!!!! I've been taking prescription iron, eating a TON of spinach and some beef . . . but we are still trying to figure out what caused it. (I think I have ulcers--I've had them before and have similar "pains"). I'm seeing a gastroenterologist on Wed. for that and because I need anyway to schedule the dreaded "post-50" colonoscopy.

Hey Cheryl. Well I'm sure you're glad it wasn't low enough to have a transfusion, holy cow. Glad it's close to normal now. Good luck with your appt on Wed and YES, schedule that colonoscopy! My mom was diagnosed with colon cancer in the fall. It was caught early with a regular screening - not because there were any symptoms that were cause for a test.
OMGosh, LOL!! Funny... and still a compliment I'd say! :thumbsup2 Congrats on the 5 miles too!

I've been rockin the Wii Fit. I banked 1:45 today! (that's one hour 45 minutes, not 1 minute 45 seconds, lol). Not that I was really trying to clock a lot of time per se. But as it is a "lazy" Saturday and DH joined in, it got competitive and we were all tryng to beat each other's high scores. It's been really fun! And the cool thing is, I can feel all sorts of different muscles and ligaments working (and getting sore, lol) so I think it's been a great combo of strength and aerobic excercise.

Fun fun! :yay:
An hour and 45 minutes?!?!?! Dang, you go girl!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
That is awesome!!

Hey Cheryl. Well I'm sure you're glad it wasn't low enough to have a transfusion, holy cow. Glad it's close to normal now. Good luck with your appt on Wed and YES, schedule that colonoscopy! My mom was diagnosed with colon cancer in the fall. It was caught early with a regular screening - not because there were any symptoms that were cause for a test.
I'm glad she was able to catch it early. :hug:


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