First time in the world oct. 2014

ok how do you do the banners ? Even Raina has one.....feel left out. How do you get a pic under your name?

Not the best pic and its several years old. Will have to get another taken in aug. when DD Raina is here. We are going to do some face to face planning and she is going to take all the stuff I have gotten for the girls and our room that I can't take on the plane. We are going to an indoor water park and the Michigan Rennisance Faire pirate: and of course shopping. Oh yea and the Rainforest café. :banana: Did I mention the girsl will be in our room at WDW. Going to give DD Raina and DSiL Greg some alone time. They will have their own room and Friday the 17th they will do a day to theirselves.

:welcome: to your own thread :lmao: nothing fancy to post have to get to bed its been a long rainy crappy FL day looking forward to talking to you and getting to know you soon can then help you with pictures (nice to see you both by the way) and whatever else I have been going to WDW since 1985... I think we figured out... but have little Mickey heads on my DNA so should be able to help too !

Actually I took a crooked pic of it laying on the guest bed ....:rotfl2: It's the only pic I could find of us. I put my comp pics on a stick when I got my new comp and of course one of the boys ran off with it, so no pics :confused3

Ok lets see if this works this time :littleangel:
going to need a place to eat on our pirate day. We will have on our pirate faces so nothing fancy. I was thinking maybe Liberty Tavern or Tony's ?? Anyone?
Ok lets see if this works this time :littleangel:
going to need a place to eat on our pirate day. We will have on our pirate faces so nothing fancy. I was thinking maybe Liberty Tavern or Tony's ?? Anyone?

Ok let me get on board here this is for Oct 2014 yes ? so nothing can be made as far as reservations, ADRs , nothing in stone right ? This is a wish list at this stage? Then I will tell you what I usually did
The VERY first thing I would do, since where you want to stay is very popular is get myself over
and find out everything I could Especially ask how fast these rooms get booked

Then you will know when you have to start stalking the WDW website or the phone lines to get it done. Since you're talking October I believe Jan 2014 can start being booked July 10 I would definitely ask over on that thread when, based on history, they think you will be able to book

Also you mentioned DP there have been a lot of cutbacks, in case its not offered next year need a budget backup plan for OOP costs (need to think about that)

PH tickets need to figure out the cost of those versus AP especially for you Trish and Raina if you are planning 2 trips in a 365 day period it may be cheaper

I already booked the rooms and put down a deposit on both of them requested first floor for DH's ECV. And connecting rooms because the girls will be in our room so it would just make it easyer. oh and building 90 I think it was the one closer to the main building. Our travel agent (Kindom Konsultants) booked our room using 2013 dates and will switch them to 2014 on july 10. She is going to do our ADR's when the time comes. I guess I will have to get DGCs if they do away with DP hope they don't though.
well our travel agent figured in the DP and the tickets but will have to check out the AP thing. I am in ohio , so not easy to get to WDW. At least Raina can drive down, we have talked about a trip for just the 2 of us..hhhmm have to think about that one. :yay: I bet you can hear the wheels turning from here....:rotfl2:
welcome to my PTR new at this as I am sure you can tell. Don't know how to quote peeps so I just have to say welcome Everyone. Haven't figured out how to change font or colors ,well I will get there. I have 4 mini doxys the hardest part of going on vacation is leaving my fur babies. Lucky I have good friends who will take care of them for me.
I already booked the rooms and put down a deposit on both of them requested first floor for DH's ECV. And connecting rooms because the girls will be in our room so it would just make it easyer. oh and building 90 I think it was the one closer to the main building. Our travel agent (Kindom Konsultants) booked our room using 2013 dates and will switch them to 2014 on july 10. She is going to do our ADR's when the time comes. I guess I will have to get DGCs if they do away with DP hope they don't though.

Well thats new to me, never heard of such a thing as you are describing :confused3

to quote people see the + sign on the right hand side of a post ? click on that and as many others (on the same page) you wish to "quote" if you just want to quote one there is a "quote" in the same area

To change fonts & color when you post above the space to type is the area to change that
B for BOLD
slanted I for this
change sizes click on sizes
change font click on where it says fonts and a drop list will come down
See ?

color next to that click on large A SEETAKES PRACTICE, YOU'LL GET IT !!

have fun

and when the weekend is over i will have to catch back up with D~ and chicago mo and Suzi, wowza :rotfl2:

LOOK WHO'S HERE!!! It's MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Back from the weekend and POOF! a new PTR i can hijack!!! :cool1:

welcome to my PTR new at this as I am sure you can tell. Don't know how to quote peeps so I just have to say welcome Everyone. Haven't figured out how to change font or colors ,well I will get there. I have 4 mini doxys the hardest part of going on vacation is leaving my fur babies. Lucky I have good friends who will take care of them for me.


there are a couple of buttons on the threads. One says QUOTE hit that and your quoting one person.. want multiple? Click the " button on several of your people you want to quote. the last one click quote and POOF you have several quoted items. and post away!!!
everything else is in your reply to thread message thing.. ALL KINDS of buttons and smilie things. that really help emphasize your message! :thumbsup2
Where is D~ when i need her... Oh yeah she is relaxing at the lake!!!

LOVE LOVE the pictures so far! Adorable family!!!
Pirates! YAY! love the pirates league! you can see mine here: CLICK ME post #145 love the pirates league. ask for Ken or Gina Marie!!!!
LOOK WHO'S HERE!!! It's MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Back from the weekend and POOF! a new PTR i can hijack!!! :cool1:


there are a couple of buttons on the threads. One says QUOTE hit that and your quoting one person.. want multiple? Click the " button on several of your people you want to quote. the last one click quote and POOF you have several quoted items. and post away!!!
everything else is in your reply to thread message thing.. ALL KINDS of buttons and smilie things. that really help emphasize your message!
Where is D~ when i need her... Oh yeah she is relaxing at the lake!!!

LOVE LOVE the pictures so far! Adorable family!!!
Pirates! YAY! love the pirates league! you can see mine here: CLICK ME post #145 love the pirates league. ask for Ken or Gina Marie!!!!

and is there a BUTTON for "read the post above" that explained all this already Mo :rotfl2:


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