Former Lasagne Lovers Meet Here!!!

Glad to hear things are better Sandy!

And Honu...what are we going to do with you?? I'm with you on the headaches, they suck :headache:

On a different note...any of you ever go to the supermarket and buy something, take it home, eat it and then think to yourself, "I really shouldn't have done that?" :lmao: I just bought the java chip Starbucks ice cream from the store. It was a little 3.6 oz container and it just looked so cute. Plus my bf is coming home late tonight and I'm I was like, that'll be a nice snack. So I came home, ate it. ...then I looked at the nutrionals. Bad idea :rotfl: What was I thinking??? Man, I should have at least splurged for a pint from Ben & Jerrys!!! yeah, that's my story. Don't judge me. :snooty:
Thanks for all the good thoughts. Good drs appt today. She listened to what my husband said and told him its okay to be depressed once in awhile not all the time and no reason not to be making plans.
Going to oncology next week to see if we can do something else otherwise they don't know what is causing the scarring in the lungs.
Dr also told him to get out of the house more and wants to increase his PT.
So now he is going to do some swimming. He seems in a better frame of mind. So thanks to you all-You help me get through the tough times.

Honu--I will keep you in my prayers. I hope things work out for you.
I want to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July.

Thanks Sandy! I'm glad your husband is doing better. Swimming rocks! :thumbsup2 That should help him stay in a better frame of mind. Just ask Elle Woods. People who exercise have endorphins, endorphins make you happy. :rotfl::lmao::rotfl2: I love Legally Blonde.

Honu, man that stinks on ice. Aren't you tired of all the hot docs yet? :rotfl:

Hmmm, I guess I'm not tired of those hot docs yet. :confused3

There is a really cute guy framing the new house in the cul-de-sac too. He had his shirt off earlier. He was all tan and buff. Very hot! I'll have to go take him some lemonade or something later... :rolleyes1

And Honu...what are we going to do with you??

Hmmm, I guess you'll have to take me out back and put me out of my misery. Just call me Old Yeller. :rotfl2:

I'm with you on the headaches, they suck :headache:

I hate headaches. They're so annoying. GRRRRRRRRRR. I wish they'd go away.

On a different note...any of you ever go to the supermarket and buy something, take it home, eat it and then think to yourself, "I really shouldn't have done that?" :lmao: I just bought the java chip Starbucks ice cream from the store. It was a little 3.6 oz container and it just looked so cute. Plus my bf is coming home late tonight and I'm I was like, that'll be a nice snack. So I came home, ate it. ...then I looked at the nutrionals. Bad idea :rotfl: What was I thinking??? Man, I should have at least splurged for a pint from Ben & Jerrys!!! yeah, that's my story. Don't judge me. :snooty:

What? No cookie dough? :lmao::lmao::lmao: I do that all the time. I bought a slice of cake at the grocery store. It was lemon. Yum! I shouldn't have looked at the nutritional info...
You know, I'm not a cookie dough fan. My recent fave is Strawberry Cheesecake from Ben & Jerrys. I know! Not even chocolate...but trust me. Go down to the store (yes, right now! Drop what you're doing!!) get yourself some. It's so decadent. And it's strawberry...therefore healthy :snooty:
On a different note...any of you ever go to the supermarket and buy something, take it home, eat it and then think to yourself, "I really shouldn't have done that?" :lmao: yeah, that's my story. Don't judge me. :snooty:
Can't. Did it myself last week; I was craving pistachio ice cream and couldn't find any. Ben & Jerry's is the only one that had it and I normally refuse to buy Ben & Jerry's. But bought it and eat it I did.

Honu--Lemonade, huh? ;)

Friday is DH's birthday. I'm trying to decide if I should make a chocolate cake or if I should make Oreo pie. :confused3
That's a tough decision Tink.

And I used to boycott B&Js, then I decided I don't care, it's tasty :rotfl: I have no willpower.

Oooooo Honu...see who's judging on SYTYCD?
Hey all. I'm just trying to hang in there. I talked to my endo the other day. The surgery failed. I'll be trying a cortisol lowering medication called ketoconazole (which I've been on for a few days now and HATE. I get massive headaches from it). We're going to re-scan my pituitary gland in 2 months. If nothing grows out, we're going to take both my adrenal glands out in September/October. So, that's what's going on with me.

The news is driving me batty. So I've got quite a few books to keep me busy. Lawn mowing day, so I'll do that later.

Hugs y'all!

hugs honu. :hug:
sandy, i'm very pleased to hear about a more positive appointment today. we'll all keep up our good work on your behalf!

honu, doesn't that cute framer need something cool to drink during the day? and don't you happen to have something in the fridge you could walk over and offer? :teeth: there some reason you must choose cake or pie? i mean, it IS a birthday...
I'm with wonder on the cake/pie question, Tink -- it IS a birthday. And, who knows? Some greedy little friends might love to help you eat both....:rolleyes1

And, honu -- I hate this SO MUCH!!!! When will it ever end? What will happen when both of your adrenal glands are taken out? Will there be other problems that could result from their removal? :grouphug:

And, Sandy - thank you for reporting that encouraging news. I'm glad to hear that the doctor was so straightforward with your DH. We'll keep praying. Now, don't you get depressed yourself -- try to do things without your husband, with friends who will encourage you. It must be so hard to be the rock for someone - please try not to do all of this on your own.

And Breezy, YIPPEE!!!!!
You know, I'm not a cookie dough fan. My recent fave is Strawberry Cheesecake from Ben & Jerrys. I know! Not even chocolate...but trust me. Go down to the store (yes, right now! Drop what you're doing!!) get yourself some. It's so decadent. And it's strawberry...therefore healthy :snooty:

I love strawberry ice cream. :thumbsup2 I'm waiting for them to make chocolate covered strawberry flavor. Now that would rock! :woohoo::woohoo: Anything with fruit in it is healthy. No matter what! ::yes::

Can't. Did it myself last week; I was craving pistachio ice cream and couldn't find any. Ben & Jerry's is the only one that had it and I normally refuse to buy Ben & Jerry's. But bought it and eat it I did.

Hmm, did you eat any pickles with the ice cream? :rotfl2:

Honu--Lemonade, huh? ;)

Yeah, lemonade was the only thing I could think of. :confused3

Friday is DH's birthday. I'm trying to decide if I should make a chocolate cake or if I should make Oreo pie. :confused3

Oreo Pie. :woohoo:

And I used to boycott B&Js, then I decided I don't care, it's tasty :rotfl: I have no willpower.

Did I miss something? Is there a reason I should boycott B&J?

Oooooo Honu...see who's judging on SYTYCD?

Um, was she actually nicer than usual today? :confused3 I still don't like her though. I wish Tyce would have done a routine. I like him. :sad1:

honu, doesn't that cute framer need something cool to drink during the day? and don't you happen to have something in the fridge you could walk over and offer? :teeth:

I'm thinking that yes, he needs something to drink. :rolleyes: Maybe tomorrow. The only bad thing is there's an older guy working with him, so I'd have to get him a drink too.

And, honu -- I hate this SO MUCH!!!! When will it ever end? What will happen when both of your adrenal glands are taken out? Will there be other problems that could result from their removal? :grouphug:

Thanks Debbie! :grouphug: Well, hopefully the Cushing's part of my journey will be over in September/October. But I will be tied into doctors for the rest of my life. No getting away from them. If they're both taken out, I will cease to make any hormones produced by them, most worrisome would be the lack of stress hormones. This means I have to be extra careful if I get sick. I would end up in the hospital much easier. I would need to carry emergency injectible meds with me everywhere in case something would happen.

I have to choose between 2 options (well, 3, but the 3rd one really isn't a viable option). The 1st option, the most unrealistic one, would be radiation. We don't have a clear source of the problem to radiate, it takes up to 2 years to see any improvement and current research seems to show that most people lose complete pituitary function at around 10 years out. Not good. That means replacing a lot of hormones (growth hormone, thyroid, etc.) For someone my age, I'd probably have a tough time convincing them to go this route if I were to chose it.

Option 2 is another pituitary surgery, which is risky. It may not work. I stand an even greater chance of losing all pituitary function than I did the first time around. I'm more prone to Cerebral Spinal Fluid leaks, including lifetime leaks, which can leave me vulnerable to brain infections. We don't have a clear target to go after currently. But I LOVE :love::lovestruc:lovestruc:love: my surgeon. I think he's great. I have complete faith in him that if he says do it, he believes there's a good chance of a cure. This would be done in Houston again.

Option 3 is bilateral adrenalectomy. The surgery is fairly complicated, but can be done laproscopically (converted to an open incision if necessary). I need a skilled surgeon who has done a lot of these because if they don't understand the hormone replacement needed during the procedure, I could die. If it's done right and they get all the tissue, I will cease to produce stress hormones and will be on replacement hormones for life, but it will essentially cure the Cushing's and I potentially can go back to everything I love. My endo says that if everything goes well, no hitches, I could be back on the ice as early as January. The downside to this is if they don't take the tumor out of my head and it continues to produce ACTH (a hormone) unchecked, I can develop Nelson's syndrome which isn't good. Which could result in another pituitary surgery at a later date. Fortunately, that complication seems to be a rarity. I've only talked to 1 or 2 people that have had it happen versus the probably 100 or so people that have had a BLA.

Sorry for the novel, but that's the options I have to think about over the next few months. No easy hit it out of the park choices. Each one will affect me in different ways and there are risks and rewards with each one. I'm leaning toward option 3. I know the risks. I also know I can't live like this forever and that's the best option really at this time. We'll see what happens.

I kinda want to go back to Houston, just 'cause that's where my hottie lone survivor author lives. I'd just die if I ran into him. I had a dream about him the other night... I should be so lucky to have that dream again! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Night all! I'm off to take in a little Common Sense for the evening. :thumbsup2
Good luck with your choices can't be easy! I wouldn't want to make that choice!!

As for Mia Michaels...I think she was doing a bit of back peddling, and thus was nicer to the contestents this week. I also think they all did an awesome job. I really only think there's one couple (Brandon) that's safe. They're amazing and I look forward to their routine each week. Every other couple was really great, but I think it's so close that really anyone could be in the bottom this week.
Oh my, I've been MIA from here for far too long! Hi all! Hope everything is well with everyone. Honu, I saw about your surgery failing; I'm so sorry. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Raven, I'm so sorry to hear your husband's having such a tough time. Has he ever thought about counseling or some other kind of therapy? Maybe that could help him as well.

We're doing okay here. Don't remember if I posted after we got back from WDW or not. I got sick on said trip, plus we were there during that awful storm system that just sat over the state and wouldn't leave. Not the vacation I envisioned at all, but at least we made it there. My mom's so far still doing well health-wise. Another relative is having some health issues though. Me, I'm just exhausted! Never fully recovered from the bug I got on vacation before the afforementioned health crisis hit, so I'm just plain wore out. Someone take me back to Disney, please! :rotfl: I will be starting a Dining Review hopefully sometime this weekend. I may have been sick and the weather may have sucked, but we sure ate well! :rotfl2: Brown Derby, Coral Reef, Le Cellier, California Grill, Chefs de France, Ohana, Chef Mickey's, Tony's, The Plaza, Liberty Tree Tavern, Whispering Canyon, Afternoon Tea at the GF... yeah, did I mention we ate really well this trip? :rolleyes1 ;)

Talk to y'all soon. Will post a link once I start on the dining review. Lots of pictures, that's for sure! I may be able to give breezy a run for her money for once. :rotfl:
That's a tough decision Tink.
I made the devil's food cake with dark choco fudge frosting. there some reason you must choose cake or pie? i mean, it IS a birthday...
DH wanted cake. I'll make the pie soon, though!

I love strawberry ice cream. :thumbsup2 I'm waiting for them to make chocolate covered strawberry flavor. Now that would rock! :woohoo::woohoo: Anything with fruit in it is healthy. No matter what! ::yes::

Did I miss something? Is there a reason I should boycott B&J?
They used to make one years ago called Cool Britannia. It was vanilla ice cream with strawberries and choco-covered pound cake. *drools* They quit making it years ago.
No, no pickles. :lmao:
As for boycotting, let's just say their political views are way way way different than ours, and their practices left much to be desired, and I decided my money was not going into the pockets of those who support what I do not. :teacher:
I also don't shop at wal-mart. ;)
Good luck with your choices can't be easy! I wouldn't want to make that choice!!

As for Mia Michaels...I think she was doing a bit of back peddling, and thus was nicer to the contestents this week. I also think they all did an awesome job. I really only think there's one couple (Brandon) that's safe. They're amazing and I look forward to their routine each week. Every other couple was really great, but I think it's so close that really anyone could be in the bottom this week.

Thanks! Yeah, no easy choices. But I think I've settled on which one I want, unless the MRI scan comes back showing tumor. I do want to go to Houston again to see McCutie, McHottie, and see if I can find the ultimate McDreamy of them all, McMarcus. :rotfl:

Are you happy with who went off SYTYCD? I am. They were my least favorite pair of the week I think. I knew they weren't going to get rid of Kayla and Jonathan.

It seems like the trend is to have a choreographer do a Thursday routine and then judge the next Wednesday, so hopefully I'll get to stare at Tyce for 2 whole nights! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

I made the devil's food cake with dark choco fudge frosting.

DH wanted cake. I'll make the pie soon, though!


They used to make one years ago called Cool Britannia. It was vanilla ice cream with strawberries and choco-covered pound cake. *drools* They quit making it years ago.

I would die for that. Yum!!!!

No, no pickles. :lmao:

Pickles are good!!!!!!!

As for boycotting, let's just say their political views are way way way different than ours, and their practices left much to be desired, and I decided my money was not going into the pockets of those who support what I do not. :teacher:
I also don't shop at wal-mart. ;)

Got it! Thanks!

Happy 4th everyone!
Honu, Sandy and SD - please know that you are all in my prayers.

Thanks! :hug:

Oh my, I've been MIA from here for far too long! Hi all! Hope everything is well with everyone. Honu, I saw about your surgery failing; I'm so sorry. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Thanks SD! I was thinking about you the other day and hoping you're doing OK.

We're doing okay here. Don't remember if I posted after we got back from WDW or not. I got sick on said trip, plus we were there during that awful storm system that just sat over the state and wouldn't leave. Not the vacation I envisioned at all, but at least we made it there. My mom's so far still doing well health-wise. Another relative is having some health issues though. Me, I'm just exhausted! Never fully recovered from the bug I got on vacation before the afforementioned health crisis hit, so I'm just plain wore out. Someone take me back to Disney, please! :rotfl: I will be starting a Dining Review hopefully sometime this weekend. I may have been sick and the weather may have sucked, but we sure ate well! :rotfl2: Brown Derby, Coral Reef, Le Cellier, California Grill, Chefs de France, Ohana, Chef Mickey's, Tony's, The Plaza, Liberty Tree Tavern, Whispering Canyon, Afternoon Tea at the GF... yeah, did I mention we ate really well this trip? :rolleyes1 ;)

Talk to y'all soon. Will post a link once I start on the dining review. Lots of pictures, that's for sure! I may be able to give breezy a run for her money for once. :rotfl:

:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: Dining review! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: :hug::hug::hug: Take care of yourself and don't be a stranger! We miss you. :hug:
She must be busy planning her big trip to the World....we'll have to wait til Labor Day, I guess.

Hugs, honu, from me, too. Like onelil said, I'd hate to make those decisions, too.
Breezy didn't stop by to serve us a holiday spread??:confused3;)

Not even any tea. What's up with that? :confused3

:eek: Oh my goodness - I do usually keep up with that sort of thing don't I?! OOPS! Sorry...:flower3: (waiting for SM to tell me she doesn't eat flowers...hehehehe;) )

She must be busy planning her big trip to the World....we'll have to wait til Labor Day, I guess.

::yes:: And I was out of town, so that contributed to the oversight. Yup, I'll have to make it up to y'all with a big Labor Day spread!!! :yay:

Hugs from me too Honu - I'm still praying....:hug:


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