George Zimmerman is in police custody

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It's probably not manslaughter because when he called 911 he was very deliberately asked if he was following Trayvon and told NOT to follow him. The moment he went against what dispatch told him, he went outside of the law - with gun in hand, so to speak, and there is now considered some premeditation to his actions.

Also, one can shoot a gun 10 - 20 feet away with some accuracy. He got close enough to get into a physical scuffle, so he said. He could have stopped approaching at any time IF his intent was simply to hold Trayvon in place until the police arrived. He deliberately escalated & got into an altercation with Trayvon.

The dispatch said to Zimmerman "we don't need you to follow him". This was not a lawful order so he didn't break any laws by going against that.
Was there EVER a doubt, an arrest was coming? He's already been convicted in the MSM. Regardless, this will be used for political purposes. Sadly, it's not about justice. IMHO

Not only that, one of the networks, MSNBC I believe, altered the 911 recording they played in such a way to make it appear that Zimmerman brought up Martin's race first when in fact it was dispatch that asked what Martin's race was. What they did should be a crime because made many people believe something that wasn't true and stirred up racial tensions.
Have you heard the entire 911 call and not the editted version? After he was told he did not have to follow him, he specifically said okay and was heading back to his car. Treyvon then approached him, so he would have been in close range.

Both parties share responsibility of what happened that night. Now it will be up to the court as to whether the living responsible party will go to jail. Sad story all the way around.

Is there video evidence of him returning to his car and Treyvon then approaching him? I had not heard that this was the case.

Of is that just what he said?
It's going to be interesting. Zimmerman has a top notch attorney. Unless there is evidence that has not been released this thing may not even make it to trail.

Did he hire another attorney today? The precious ones quit yesterday, didn't they.
Is there video evidence of him returning to his car and Treyvon then approaching him? I had not heard that this was the case.

Of is that just what he said?

Does Zimmerman actually state on the 911 recording that he is returning or has returned to his car? It has been a long time since I have listened to the tape but I don't remember him saying that. Isn't that just what he told the police after the shooting or did he really say that to the 911 operator?
If the law is applied as Geoff posted, then it will be mighty darn hard for the prosecution to prove that The unlawful killing of a human being, when perpetrated by any act imminently dangerous to another and evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life, although without any premeditated design to effect the death of any particular individual...: because there are no eyewitnesses except for Zimmerman until Martin and Zimmerman ended up in "John's" yard.

IMO, they're going for 2nd degree murder because of statements and attitudes like the one below. They're trying to appease hotheads.
“Let me tell you, the things that’s about to happen, to these honkeys, these crackers, these pigs, these pink people, these —- people. It has been long overdue. My prize right now this evening … is gonna be the bounty, the arrest, dead or alive, for George Zimmerman. You feel me?” — New Black Panther Party chief of staff Michelle Williams
Was there EVER a doubt, an arrest was coming? He's already been convicted in the MSM. Regardless, this will be used for political purposes. Sadly, it's not about justice. IMHO

There was obviously NOT going to be an arrest UNTIL the media got involved. I'm not crazy about the was some members of the media have handled the story, but Zimmerman was going to walk away free and clear until this case became national news. I think justice is being served by the case being heard in a court of law. When all the actual evidence is presented, I'll decide then whether I think he's innocent or guily. I'm just glad to finally get that chance.
Local news broke in to show Zimmerman's arrival at the Seminole County jail. He has a new attorney.
There was obviously NOT going to be an arrest UNTIL the media got involved. I'm not crazy about the was some members of the media have handled the story, but Zimmerman was going to walk away free and clear until this case became national news. I think justice is being served by the case being heard in a court of law. [/B]When all the actual evidence is presented, I'll decide then whether I think he's innocent or guily. I'm just glad to finally get that chance.

I'm not convinced, this is true, but we'll never know. Zimmerman was cooperating, without counsel... But, once the Martins lawyered up, the Reverands swooped in..and the riots ensued. Pretty much a done deal..
The dispatch said to Zimmerman "we don't need you to follow him". This was not a lawful order so he didn't break any laws by going against that.

splitting hairs John. The man carried his gun when he was out doing the neighborhood watch thing. Then he accosted an innocent kid and ended up shooting him. I have young men wandering in and out of my house all the time. They all dress just like Tayvon Martin. They wander through people's yards cluelessly. They are mysterious by design. They are great young men who can be bribed(lol) to get better grades and are boyish when they come to tell us about their successes. I am crushed every time I think about Tayvon Martin. It could have been one of 'my' boys targeted by George Zimmerman. I hope they find a way to put him away for the maximum sentence. You can't just wander around with a loaded weapon, targeting innocent young kids in your neighborhood and get away with it. This is the United States of America and we do not allow people to behave that way without a trial and punishment.
If the law is applied as Geoff posted, then it will be mighty darn hard for the prosecution to prove that The unlawful killing of a human being, when perpetrated by any act imminently dangerous to another and evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life, although without any premeditated design to effect the death of any particular individual...: because there are no eyewitnesses except for Zimmerman until Martin and Zimmerman ended up in "John's" yard.

IMO, they're going for 2nd degree murder because of statements and attitudes like the one below. They're trying to appease hotheads.
“Let me tell you, the things that’s about to happen, to these honkeys, these crackers, these pigs, these pink people, these —- people. It has been long overdue. My prize right now this evening … is gonna be the bounty, the arrest, dead or alive, for George Zimmerman. You feel me?” — New Black Panther Party chief of staff Michelle Williams

I find it ludicrous to think that the prosecutors in this case are remotely influenced by a radical hate group like the New Black Panthers. There have been plenty of awful, hateful things said by white supremacist groups, too. I wouldn't bother repeating them.
I'm not convinced, this is true, but we'll never know. Zimmerman was cooperating, without counsel... But, once the Martins lawyered up, the Reverands swooped in..and the riots ensued. Pretty much a done deal..

And all legal in this country. To say 'the Reverends swooped in..and the riots ensued." is so inflammatory-exactly what you've accused 'the Reverends' of doing. "The Martins lawyered up" is another troubling phrase. Would you sit around and wait for something to happen if your 17yo child was shot by some stranger who was known for thinking of himself as a self appointed law enforcer? I'm sensing something from you...not sure what it is but it makes me uncomfortable.
I've said this in another thread and I'll say it here.

Zimmerman has already been convicted by the masses. If he is found guilty of 2nd degree murder, he will spend life in prison. If he's found not guilty or is released a few years down the road he will be killed in some sort of "street crime". Regardless, his life is over.

I think it's sad that we, as a society, form our opinions based solely on hearsay or what the media tells us. Not a single one of us was there that night but somehow we all know he's guilty or innocent.
The Panthers and others like them would do well to get a well spoken person to do their "speaking" for them rather than racist idiots. I can't even take people that speak like that seriously. Other than that they are seriously messed up.

In case Ms. Panther hasn't noticed, plenty of "pinkies" have been upset by the whole case as well. Way to degrade a big portion of your support.

People with that kind of hatred for a race in them really need professional help. :sad2:
I'm not convinced, this is true, but we'll never know. Zimmerman was cooperating, without counsel... But, once the Martins lawyered up, the Reverands swooped in..and the riots ensued. Pretty much a done deal..

This is very true. Sanford police chief had already said the murder had been investigated and they saw no other reason to proceed further.

also what riots have ensued? Every protest has been very peaceful. They had one incident where a police cruiser had the window shot at, they found the perpertrator (sp) and it was a local h.s. kid.

Had the sanford police department answered the parents questions instead of saying it was a done deal, there would have been no need for anyone to "swoop" in. If Sanford police department actually investigated it longer than 15 minutes, the govenor would have had no need to appoint a special prosecutor.

If people don't want public opinion deciding cases then it might help if the people entrusted to do their job actually do it.

And yep, I totally admit. You kill my child and the police do nothing I am 100% "lawyering up". In fact I'm finding the most persistant, ruthless, loud lawyer every last dime of my money can find.
I've heard the unedited 911 call.

He didn't say that he was heading back to his car. You are speculating that he was.
First of all, it wasn't a 911 call. I'm not sure why people keep stating that it was, but Zimmerman called the non-emergency number, not 911. Second, regarding following Martin, the dispatcher didn't actually order him to stop as some in these threads and in the media claim. He actually said 'We don't need you to do that.' That is quite different from telling him to 'Stop following him' or even 'We would like you to stop following him'.

Either way, however, Zimmerman replied 'OK'. This suggests that he intended to stop following him at that point.
You're also speculating that Trayvon approached him at that point.

So, listening to the unedited 911 call really doesn't shed any new light on this for me.
That's actually pretty good speculation, in my opinion, given that we know that Martin approached him during Zimmerman's phone call. Also, the location of the shooting doesn't make sense based on the timeline if Martin was headed in the general direction from the north entrance to his stepmother's home given Zimmerman's location during his call to the police.
One additional thing about the unedited 911 call that I find interesting...

The dispatcher is trying to arrange for a car to meet up with George Zimmerman. At the end of the 911 call, George asks, "Actually, can you have them call me, and I'll tell them where I'm at."

To me, (and I am speculating), it seems George wasn't sure where he was going to be when the police got there. I think this is because he was still planning on finding Trayvon. If not, why wouldn't he just agree to meet the police at the clubhouse, his truck, the gate; etc?
Why would Zimmerman wait at the clubhouse, his truck, or the gate? It's much more likely that he would walk back to his truck and drive the couple blocks to his home and put away his groceries. Since he was in motion and he elected to not give his address (even though he gave enough of it that any chimp could figure out exactly where he lived), he asked them to call him rather than giving a location.
I've said this in another thread and I'll say it here.

Zimmerman has already been convicted by the masses. If he is found guilty of 2nd degree murder, he will spend life in prison. If he's found not guilty or is released a few years down the road he will be killed in some sort of "street crime". Regardless, his life is over.

I think it's sad that we, as a society, form our opinions based solely on hearsay or what the media tells us. Not a single one of us was there that night but somehow we all know he's guilty or innocent.

I think it's sadder that the people we entrust to find out innocence or guilty do not do their jobs simply based on what they percieve as the "worth" of a a particular individual.

Had these parents not diligently kick up a fuss, this would have been simply another black child dead. no big deal. George Zimmerman himself said he thought this "would all blow over".

I really could care less if his life is over because he has more of a life than Trayvon Martin does.
splitting hairs John. The man carried his gun when he was out doing the neighborhood watch thing.
He wasn't doing 'his neighborhood watch' thing. He was doing his 'coming home from the grocery store' thing. Either way, he was carrying his weapon lawfully.
Then he accosted an innocent kid and ended up shooting him.
Objection. Facts not in evidence. The primary definition of 'accost' is to Approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively. According to Zimmerman, he was not approaching Martin at the time of the altercation. He was returning to his truck. Also, according to the girlfriend's statement, it was Martin who made first verbal contact.
I have young men wandering in and out of my house all the time. They all dress just like Tayvon Martin. They wander through people's yards cluelessly. They are mysterious by design. They are great young men who can be bribed(lol) to get better grades and are boyish when they come to tell us about their successes.
If while cutting through these yards cluelessly someone asked them 'What are you doing here?', would they punch him in the nose?
I am crushed every time I think about Tayvon Martin. It could have been one of 'my' boys targeted by George Zimmerman. I hope they find a way to put him away for the maximum sentence. You can't just wander around with a loaded weapon, targeting innocent young kids in your neighborhood and get away with it. This is the United States of America and we do not allow people to behave that way without a trial and punishment.
First, I object to the term 'targeted'. Second, I agree completely that this is the United States of America. In this country, a person can legally 'wander around' with a loaded weapon. He can also discharge this weapon as necessary to defend his lief.
This is very true. Sanford police chief had already said the murder had been investigated and they saw no other reason to proceed further.
The fact is, their assessment may have indeed been the correct one. It is certainly true that the special prosecuter may only be going forward with this because she is bowing to public pressure (and that of the governor).
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