Get Ready to Get FIT FOR DISNEY!!

When I went to DisneyWorld in 1998, someone on one of the Disney Message boards, had created a map of Disney Property with the miles mapped out. After getting a new computer I lost the map. It started at one of the resorts, then went to each one of the theme parks. I used it as motivation to get in shape before I went. Every day I would walk, then color in on the map how far I went. It was my goal to walk around Disney before I actually went. I think it was about 60 miles total. I ended up walking around Disney & back & losing 15 pounds in the process! I would love to get a copy of that map again if anyone knows what I'm talking about or can figure out how to make a new one.
Hi Sky,
What ideas do you have for someone who is very overweight, not getting very much exercise
at this time and planning a trip to WDW for 2 weeks. In the past, trips to WDW have been painfull, lots of walking, not much time to rest, it seems all my exercise gets done in one trip to WDW. How would you suggest to get prepared for this trip. My complaints are usually about my lower legs and feet, the muscle in my lower legs seem to become frozen almost to the point of not being able to move or flex my feet, the painis in the out sides of my legs, not the calf muscles (sorry I don't know the correct terms). Taking my only chance to get a break for 1/2 hour for lunch or dinner the pain is releived, but then the moment the walking starts so does the pain, Advil every day and night has been my solution.

Thank You In Advance!
Thanks Sky!!!

Your tips on motivation are just what I needed to hear! Just like Ray, I printed it out immediately and am going to put it on my fridge door, and in the bathroom! thanks for your help!

My next question. I work out at home with aerobic video tapes. I also have some toning/weight tapes. What would be the recomendation on how much aerobics vs weight tapes to do? Switch off every other day? I work 12 hour shifts every weekend with a 1 hour commute time, and it is difficult to work in work out time. I am a nurse, so I walk quite a bit at work. Is working out Mon-Fri enough, and what would the recommendation be to balance aerobics and weight/toning tapes? Thanks
Hi Sky,
I don't have a question, I just wanted to officially welcome you to the Inspiration Board !
Sky, wonderful tips, information, and motivation! Welcome!

sportmom42, what a great idea!!!!!
I Hope everyone is doing well !!

Let's get started,

Scanne> Congrats on your "MOM TO BE" decision. As a mother of two beautiful girls, It's the best job in the world!!. First of all, consult your doctor before making any changes in your health or fitness.

"Mom's to be" nutrition:

*Eat a high vegetable protein diet, with plenty of whole grains, seeds and sprouts, with
fish or seafood at least twice a week. Have a fresh fruit and fresh green salad every
day. Eat plenty of soluble fiber foods like whole grain cereal and vegetables. Eat
complex foods like broccoli and brown rice for strenght.
*Drink plenty of water and fresh juice ( only Juice you've made yourself, NOT store
bought) daily to keep your system flowing
*Eat folacin rich foods, such as spinach and asparagus for disease resistance
*Eat carotene rich foods, such as carrots, squashes, tomatoes, yams and broccoli
*Eat zinc rich foods, such as pumpkin and sesame seeds for good body formation
*Eat vitamin C foods, such as broccoli and bell peppers and fruits for connective tissue
*Eat bioflavonoid-rich foods, such as citrus fruits and berries for capillary integrity
*Eat alkalizing foods, such as Miso soup and brown rice to neutralize toxemia
*Eat mineral-rich foods, such as sea vegetables, leafy greens, whole grains for baby
*Have a good protein drink several times a week for optimal growth and energy.
*Eat small frequent meals instead of large meals
*Do not skip breakfast

With regards to exercise ABSOLUTELY !!. Walking and weight training are excellent! Consult your doctor first, THEN...a personal trainer for weight training tips. Best of luck!

Janet2k > Computer exercises ?? Great idea.....BUT, not very effective unless you strap your computer to the handlebars of a stationary bike. The great news is you have 168 hours in a week and getting in great shape only requires using 3 1/2 hours of that time to create a super 30 minute a day walking program! Come on! you deserve it !

Kelsie > I would love to help you. I would need some additional information, so that I know what you're up against. I look forward to hearing from you!

Iaswrider > Food combining is wonderful!! and yes, I do practice proper food combining everyday, except when I have a weakness for sushi, which is twice a week. Food combining is
based on the principles that certain combinations of foods may be digested more efficiency than others. Energy is the key, and nothing streamlines the digestive process, which energizes the body, more than proper food combining. Nearly two thirds of the population is overweight. A great deal of this can be attributed the improper food combining. It's worth lerning more about! With regards to reducing fat or carbs??...My answer is to reduce or eliminate processed foods and avoid using microwave ovens which distroy all nutritional value. Fresh and natural is best!!

SandraC and PrinessVija > Ahhh....Avoiding those "bad for you" cravings! I guess "Just say no!" won't work? Just kidding.....What I find works the best for me (and my clients) is to take ENZYMES between meals. It's all natural and good for you. When taken 20 minutes before a meal it helps with the digestion of your food and when taken in between meals it acts as a wonderful all natural appetite suppressant. ENZYMES can be found in any health food or supplement store. Be sure to buy a full spectrum enzymes product containing Protease, amylase, lipsase all of which are from fruits and vegetables. Take care!
Hi, sky! Glad to "see" you here on the DIS! My question is not a nutrition question, but rather a fitness question: I suffered a major ankle injury 7 years ago (all ligaments and tendons were torn plus a fracture of the bone) in a soccer game. Being an athlete and anxious to return to the game, I started putting weight on it too early, and it has never healed properly. It seems that no matter how much "pre-WDW training" I do (I start walking 30 minutes every other day between 4-6 weeks before my trip), no matter what type of shoes or brace I wear, at the end of the day in WDW, my ankle is still sore and swollen. Any suggestions?
Hi Sky!

More questions!

Can you explain more about food combining and how to use it. Or a place to read up on it.

What do you think of the high protein diets that are very popular right now. They do seem to work and work well for some people?

Can you tell me the best way to treat/heal plantars fascitis. (I haven't been to a Dr. but listed my symptoms and researched it. The best therapy it appeared was for some rest and stretching.) How long does it take to heal?
If I only have time to walk 20 minutes a day (I work 40 plus hours a week) ...
would that still get my legs into shape to walk around WDW ?
Hope everyone is doing well and on track!

Let's begin

Big Dude > Congratulations!! it sounds like you are doing a great job!. One suggestion I
have for you would be to avoid the pretzels and any other highly processed food.
I realize that everyone gets confused over the fact that pretzels have no fat in them and you would think that would make them an excellent diet food...but ...pretzels are a highly processed food with very little nutritional value, your body would much rather store pretzels as bodyfat than to deplete it's enzymes storages trying to use them as energy. Fresh fruit and veggies make excellent snack food choices and help to replenish your enzyme storages, burn more stored body fat,and detoxify your body. I love snacking on fresh carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, celery, and a wonderful sweet snack to replace sherbert is fresh frozen fruit! peaches, pineapple, berries, grapes and bananas.
Concerning your workouts, 3 times a week weight training sounds great! you might want increase the number of days that you do cardio, try adding a walking program on the days that you don't go to the gym.
Concerning vitamins, If you are eating very healthy and limiting your processed food intake I don't feel that vitamins are needed, If you still would like to take them or you feel your diet isn't as good as it should be, go ahead, but make sure you choose a brand that is all natural not synthetic. I do strongly recommend the use of a good enzyme supplement taken 20 minutes before eating your meals and inbetween meals if you are still wishing to lose weight.
Bets of luck. Keep in touch

Sportmom42> I looked into your map question. But so far no results! HEY, EVERYBODY!!!!>>> IF anyone knows where sportsmom42 can find a copy of the Disney property map with the miles mapped out, PLEASE!! lets us know...I would love to have a copy too!!

tinkandme> I'm very concerned with the leg pains that you are experiencing. First of all, Have you seen a doctor about this? I'm sure that bodyweight plays a role in the problem...But.. to be on the safe side, PLEASE consider see a doctor. Remember advil is not the answer and prolonged use of it can cause other problems as well!!. Please write back and let me know what your doctor has to say.

PRINCESS VIJA> Glad to hear the movitational tips are a hit! I keep them posted too!!
Even I need a little reminder now and then! Aerobic / weighting training tapes are an excellent way to get in and stay in shape I recommend the aerobic tapes mon-weds-fri
weight/toning tapes on tues and thurs and if you can take a walk on the weekends and grab a little fresh air!! Best of luck
Hope everyone is doing well and on track!

Let's begin

Big Dude > Congratulations!! it sounds like you are doing a great job!. One suggestion I
have for you would be to avoid the pretzels and any other highly processed food.
I realize that everyone gets confused over the fact that pretzels have no fat in them and you would think that would make them an excellent diet food...but ...pretzels are a highly processed food with very little nutritional value, your body would much rather store pretzels as bodyfat than to deplete it's enzymes storages trying to use them as energy. Fresh fruit and veggies make excellent snack food choices and help to replenish your enzyme storages, burn more stored body fat,and detoxify your body. I love snacking on fresh carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, celery, and a wonderful sweet snack to replace sherbert is fresh frozen fruit! peaches, pineapple, berries, grapes and bananas.
Concerning your workouts, 3 times a week weight training sounds great! you might want increase the number of days that you do cardio, try adding a walking program on the days that you don't go to the gym.
Concerning vitamins, If you are eating very healthy and limiting your processed food intake I don't feel that vitamins are needed, If you still would like to take them or you feel your diet isn't as good as it should be, go ahead, but make sure you choose a brand that is all natural not synthetic. I do strongly recommend the use of a good enzyme supplement taken 20 minutes before eating your meals and inbetween meals if you are still wishing to lose weight.
Bets of luck. Keep in touch

Sportmom42> I looked into your map question. But so far no results! HEY, EVERYBODY!!!!>>> IF anyone knows where sportsmom42 can find a copy of the Disney property map with the miles mapped out, PLEASE!! lets us know...I would love to have a copy too!!

tinkandme> I'm very concerned with the leg pains that you are experiencing. First of all, Have you seen a doctor about this? I'm sure that bodyweight plays a role in the problem...But.. to be on the safe side, PLEASE consider see a doctor. Remember advil is not the answer and prolonged use of it can cause other problems as well!!. Please write back and let me know what your doctor has to say.

PRINCESS VIJA> Glad to hear the movitational tips are a hit! I keep them posted too!!
Even I need a little reminder now and then! Aerobic / weighting training tapes are an excellent way to get in and stay in shape I recommend the aerobic tapes mon-weds-fri
weight/toning tapes on tues and thurs and if you can take a walk on the weekends and grab a little fresh air!! Best of luck
Pooh2001 > Is 20 minutes of walking a day enough? more of course is better...BUT.. if that's all the time you've got to give, it's just great!! And if you find that on somedays you can squeeze out a few more minutes for yourself do it!!. Remember there is 168 hours in a week, if we all could find just 3 1/2 hours a week to dedicate to ourselves we would be a much healthier country with far less illness!! take care of yourself!!

I have low back problems. Everytime I go out and walk my lower back starts to hurt within 15 minutes of my walk. Right now I am on the Torso track to get my back strengthened and that strenthens my back, stomach and arms and I do 3 sets of 60 5 days a week. I am also on the tread mill 2-3 x's a week. How long does it take to get the back strenthened? Do you suggest anything else I should do? My husband says my back starts to hurt due to I am walking like a pregnant person.

Question do I have to be on the treadmill? I really do not care to do this. Only thing I really want to do is the torso track. Would that still be ok? or do I have to continue being on the treadmill?

Thanks for the hypothyroidism diet advice. I am under a doctor's care and I appreciate you mentioning you are not a doctor. However, you seem to be quite knowledgeable on diets and nutrition and physical wellbeing.
My favorite part of your advice was to avoid certain foods that I don't usually eat anyway (such as brussel sprouts) - that will be the easy part!

I had a baby 9 months ago and the weight just wasn't dropping so I went to my doctor and she gave me fastin? It has really gotten me motivated to loose weight, plus the idea of getting into some good looking clothes instead of fat clothes (as my husband calls them). I was never like this before. My current exercise progam is walking a 15 minute mile and walk between 40-45 minutes a day with one day off for rest. During my walk I run for 1 minute walk for the other 4. Right off the bat I lost 10 pounds, but the weight has stopped dropping. I think that I am still loosing inches though because of the way my pants fit. Here are my questions for you:

1) What do I need to do to start loosing again? I have been doing this for 3 weeks now.

2) If I wake up at 7:30 and walk at 9:30 should I eat before or after walking?

3) Can you recommend any good websites that could give me some information on getting started weight lifting?

I am really proud of myself for staying motivated I just hope that not loosing any weight right now is going to undermine what I am currently foing.

Thanks for your time

It's seem to me that many of you have an interest in food combining, but are not really sure what it is or how it works.

Let's begin!

We eat for many different reasons, the physiological reason for eating is to get nutrients into the blood so that we can build new cells to replace the ones that are constantly dying. Dead cells and other body wastes are removed from the body through the systems of elimination. When food is not properly digested, nutrients are not released, and it takes extra energy to remove the undigested waste from the system. This is why you may notice low energy, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, flatulence, bloating, bad breath, cellulite, and weight gain when you eat meals that are not properly combine.

Tha principles of food combining are based on an understanding of how the digestive process works. Different foods are digested in different ways, and they require different digestive juices to release the nutrients that promote efficient digestion and make the process extremely efficient.

The Five Food-Combining Rules:

1. Eat fruit alone. Every morning you will have a breakfast consisting of fresh fruit. Fruit is a great detoxifer for the body. It has the highest water content of all foods, and travels through the body very quickly. Besides the nutrients that it provides, the fiber in fruit acts like a brush to keep the intestinal walls clean and clear. The soluble fibers in fruit also help to lower cholesterol in the blood.
Fruit is a very simple food. It contains natural sugars that are ready for the body to utilize, and provides it's own enzymes, so it does not need much time to be digested in the stomach as quickly as possible, so that it's nutrients will be absorbed rapidly through the walls of thre small intestine and colon. This is why you should not combine fruit with other foods, or have it too soon after eating protein or starch. If you do, the sugar in the fruit will ferment in the stomach, causing bloating and gas pain among other things.

2. Do not combine protein with starch. Protein foods and starchy foods require different digestive juices in order to be properly broken down and used by the body. The digestion of starches begin in the mouth with the enzyme ptyalin, which is contained in your saliva. Proteins are mainly broken down in the stomach, by hydrochloric acid and the protein-splitting enzyme pepsin. Please avoid the traditional American dinner of meat and potatoes, or meat and other starches, as well as sandwiches containing cheese, meats, eggs, or other proteins. When you think about how regularly we consume these combinations, it is no wonder that indigestion remedies are among the best-selling over- the -counter medicines in this country!!

When protein and starch are eaten together, ptyalin is not effectively produced in the saliva, and so the starch is not predigested in the mouth. It enters the stomach and begins to ferment, producing gas. To make matters worse, protein needs to be digested in an acid environment. So, when starches and proteins are combined, the acid and alkaline digestive juices neutralize each other! All this decaying food is held up in the stomach, causing gas and discomfort. More important, the nutrients you need to rejuvenate and replenish your cells are distroyed in the decaying and fermenting process. This dietary cycle can eventually lead to premature aging and illness.
When I speak of protein I am referring mainly to animal proteins. Some plant protein foods, such as beans, contain natural combinations of sarches and proteins. If these foods are eaten alone, the body is able to digest them properly by releasing the proper digestive juices in the proper sequence. Even so, some people do feel uncomfortable after eating beans.

3. Protein with vegetables is okay. Vegetables are high in water content and are relatively easy to digest. They can be broken down in either an acid or alkaline enviroment. And so they can be combined with proteins as well as with starches. The enzymes in the vegetables actually enhance the digestion of protein. The fiber contained in vegetables helps to move the non-fiber protein foods rapidly through the intestines.Since protein requires the most energy to break down, it's best to enjoy your protein meal in the midday between 12:00 and 3:00 pm.

4. Starches with vegetables are okay. Since vegetables do not require their own specific digestive juices, they can be digested in the alkaline environment required by starches. I recommend that you have your protein meal in the afternoon and your starch meal in the evening. You will feel and see the benefits right away when you begin to eat your lighter meal in the evening rather than at lunchtime. Your body will respond by speedliy digesting your dinner meal while you sleep. By morning it will be ready for it's final flushing with a fruit breakfast.

5. Do not drink with meals. If you drink water, tea or any other beverage along with your meal, you dilute the digestive juices that are needed to break down your food, preventing it from being properly digested. The best time to drink fluids is between meals-at least a 1/2 hour before or 1 1/2 after. Remember you need to consume at least 1 ounce of water for every two pounds of body weight. If you are eating fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of fluids between meals you should not be thirsty. If you do find that you are thirsty after eating, you may be consuming too much salt.

These are the basic rules......let me know your thoughts! BEST WISHES
I had a baby 3 months ago and I am breastfeeding. I have lost 30 pounds of the 40 I gained, I also have another 20 I would like to lose. I am walking and doing areboic and toning exercises. However, Nothing is happening. The weight is not going anywhere.

My main concern is the flabbiness of my stomach now. What is the best exercise to firm this area of my body up. Also, my behind got rather large this time around, what is the best exercise for this area of my body? I was not allowed to exercise from 5 months on and my body reflects that.

Thanks for any information.
Hope everyone is doing well!

Minybear> Concerning your lower back problem- First of all, I found your husband's comments very interesting....if he's correct...this might be a problem for your chiropractor, it sounds like your pelvis is out of alignment,stressing the Quadratus lumborum connection involving the posterior ilac crest. If that is the case all that ab and lower back work is just making the problem worst. What you really need is to have your pelvis alignment checked. Good luck and let me know what your doctor has to say!

Mariecand and Torismom> Congrats to both of you on your wonderful bundles of joy!

On with my best weight loss plan:

Between 6am and 12 noon: Begin your day with unlimited fresh raw fruit. Enjoy oranges, apples, melons, berries, bananas, peaches, in short...any fruit and in any amount you would like to include as long as it is FRESH. Not cooked or canned or frozen!! fresh only!!

Between 12 noon and 3 pm : This is the time for protein and vegetables, especially in the form of a salad. Proteins are stimulating and particularly satisfying. poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, beans, served with a large colorful salad.

Afternoon snack 3 to 5: Any and all raw veggies make wonderful snack foods and make losing weight a snap!

Between 5 to 8: This is your starch and vegetable meal. Enjoy your choice of brown rice, baked potatoe, sweet potatoe, or a chunk of healthy whole-grain bread with an unlimited amount of lightly steamed veggies of your choice

Bedtime Snack: a piece of your favorite fruit

I've said it before and I'll say it again "The healthiest and best way to lose weight is by avoiding all packaged and processed foods and for at least 70% to 80% of the food you consume be fresh raw fruits and vegetables natures best!" You'll feel great and full of energy, as you watch those pounds melt away!

Love and Laughter Sky
Hi Sky!
I have the opportunity to either walk a track 5 times a week or swim three times a week. I have lost 20 lbs so far on my diet and want to start firming as I loose. I Which one do you suggest would be better. I would be able to stay at each for about 30 minutes. I am not at all fit and know I have to work up to 30 minutes on either of these...I still have about 35 lbs more to loose. Any help would be appreicaited..Also, I still have a motivation problem when it has to do with exercise....
Glo, congrats on 20lb lost! You've done a wonderful job!

Skye, what is the best way to decrease abs and hips? I have long legs and a short torso. My legs & buns respond quickly to my workouts, but my abs/hips don't! I workout with weights 3x a week for 45 min. On weight days I walk about 30 min. Two days a week, my nonweight days, I do interval jogs/ with walking for 45 min. I'm in my early 40s and find that when I try to increase the days that I jog I run into the problem of increasing my injuries. Two days a week seems to be as high as I can go at this point. I feel like I have to work my abs twice as hard as the rest of me to see half the benefit. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you!


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