Halloween Time at Disneyland, Oct 16-19. Lots Of Pictures! Trip Report Completed

Oh man, it's been too long, I can hardly remember what happened on this day. Hopefully I'll remember most of it, but since I don't have any pictures, I'm at a total loss. :confused3

When I met up with the gals in Critter Country, I found that I would be spending the day with Stacie, her daughter, her daughters friend, Cheryl and Callie. We chatted a bit by Pooh's Corner and I heard a interesting story about the morning they had. Seems that Callie was being sneaky, but that's all I will say...Beth can share the story if she wants, I wont give away Callie's secret. ;) Cheryl, Callie and I went inside Pooh's Corner to get a Apple Pie caramel apple and chatted with the guy behind the counter for awhile. He asked as where we were from and we all gave different answers, he looked at us like we were crazy when we told him why we were in Disneyland together (the DIS boards ladies mini-meet). We had the apple sliced and Cheryl shared a piece with all of us. Oh my goodness, it was SO yummy.

We decided to head over to DCA so Cheryl could pick up our tickets for the Happiest Haunts Tour. On our way out of Disneyland, the girls decided to refill their water bottles with the filtered water from the Baby Center. I did not have a water bottle, which I believe made Callie disappointed in me. :rotfl: Once they had their bottles filled, we were on our way. At the aain entrance we ran into Linda and her daughter Brianne. They all talked for awhile and then continued on our way. When we walked out the turnstiles of Disneyland, I got my hand stamped, even though it wasn't necessary with my AP, it's become sort of a tradition to me. When I got out into the sunlight, I read it and it said "Wendy" which made me happy, because I was named after that hand stamp! :rotfl2:

We made our way into DCA and split up into two groups. Cheryl was going to get the tour tickets and Stacie, Callie and I were going to go on Screamin'. The three of us got sidetracked by the Blue Sky Cellar. This was when I got to see "butt boy" aka Ryan. For some reason Callie avoided him, I have NO IDEA why. She must be in love with him. :rolleyes1 :rotfl2: We finally made our way out and headed toward Screamin'. When we got there we couldn't see Cheryl, we were sure she'd be there waiting for us since we had taken so long getting there. We didn't see her at first which was weird, but we finally found her. She told us she had a problem picking up the tickets and had to wait a long time to get them, but she was rewarded for her patience. She received three(I think) fastpasses for having to wait. They all got the dream fastpasses earlier that day and decided to fastpass Screamin'. Cheryl was nice enough to let me use hers since she wouldn't be riding. Stacie, Callie and I got in line. I've never sat in the front of the ride vehicle before, so Callie requested it for us, and her and I sat in the front. It was such a different experience! I loved it! Although, we did get the car with no music playing. :sad2: It was a really great experience and if you haven't done it before, I suggest that you do!

After we got off the ride, we had the brilliant idea to go on Toy Story Mania. :rolleyes: When we saw the line, we decided we would do the single rider line, but when we got there we found out they had closed it. We stood by the line for a little bit and the CM working there decided he would let us all in the single rider line, which was awesome of him. Unfortunately there was this huge mess and we ended up waiting about an hour to ride. In the end though I totally didn't mind, because the 6 of us all got to ride together on the same little platform. I had a blast! It was a really great ride and I had a lot of fun. :cheer2:

Once we were off, we decided to head over to Soarin' to use one of the fastpasses that Cheryl got. We got to sit in the front row, so there were no feet dangling overhead! :woohoo: I was having SO much fun! I'm so happy that I got to hang out with the girls all day! After Soarin' we decided to get some food, so we headed over to White Water Snacks. When we walked in, we noticed that Linda and her daughter were there! We stopped and talked to them for awhile and then went to get some food in our tummies. I ordered the chicken nachos and those were really yummy. We sat outside and ate and talked. Linda and her daughter joined us and Callie left us (I think the excitement was too much for her ;) ). We sat and chatted for awhile. Brianne had to leave us to go to work. We talked some more, then decided to head over for our tour!

Up next: Hey guys, where's the tour?

Oh boy, I'd better put my boots on. It's really starting to pile up in here.


I would absolutely love to see you walk in those...maybe on the Vegas trip. :rotfl:

I understand about the shower thing, and I can one up you! Not only do I have to take a shower each and every morning, most of the time, I can't sleep at night until I've had one then too. :sad2:

My scalp would hate me if I did anymore then one a day. :scared1: It can be very sensitive at times, just like my fragile feelings. :angel:

And she does it so WELL~!!!!!!!!! I'm waiting for the restraining order to get issued any day now . . . . .:rolleyes1

First Billie, then Ryan and now the other CM's. What are we going to do with her!?

I'm sooo good at it, they CM's don't even know they're being stalked. :tiptoe: :ssst:

Seriously, I wasn't the only stalker that day, so I won't take all the blame (I mean credit). :rolleyes1

You may not have been the only, but you sure lured the others over to your dark side. :rotfl2:

I've just now found this TR. So many pages to read. :) I'm reading it backwards, as I often do, and I'm back to page 39

Sometimes it's easier to do it backwards...whoa, wait, what are we talking about? :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:

I think that for someone who married their childhood sweetheart and is still blissful, there's really no reason to watch it. Unless you have a desperate need to understand the lives of women who haven't met the right guy well into their 30s (and now 40s). It's sort of like Bridget Jones IMO...if you're a "smug married" why read about people who are alone and sad about it? (and if you're alone and sad about it, as I was for sooooo long, it's nice to read about others in the same situation, though Bridget Jones and the ladies from SATC always had MUCH more fun than I did while single!)


OK back to page 39. By the way, how wild is it, that you can see the Maliboomer from the Mark Twain? I just never really look up when I'm there, I guess.

It's SO weird!

I can't comment on the choice to play Edward as I haven't read the Twilight books, but that actor Messed Me Up when Goblet's movie came out. Why? Because the Cedric in my head as I read was of African descent! I guess the only Cedric I've ever known was Black (and now I'm remembering Cedric the Entertainer, but I don't know him), so that's basically who I pictured, and seeing a guy that looked like a Daniel Ratcliffe wannabe (seriously, they couldn't have picked someone who looked just a little different than Harry Potter?) was just weird weird weird.

Ack, I know! He looks so much like Harry Potter, but a more adult version at the time.

Seriously Beth, you're killing me here.... :scared: :flower3: :goodvibes

I still haven't gotten over all the Disney movies she hasn't seen. *sigh* :sad2:

Wendy, you should have body slammed that lady in the tram! How dare her! :mad:

It took everything I had to not react to that lady. I probably would have been banned for life if I had done what I wanted to! :rotfl:

:laughing: I'm the same way about taking a shower. I will not go ANYWHERE if I have not taken a shower and my hair is washed. Don't worry, you're not alone! :hug:

Yay, another crazy gal! ;)

Mmm. That Mark Twain looks GOOD! popcorn::

It was good!!!!

Thanks to everyone for reading! :goodvibes
So Ryan has a cute butt? I'll bet he rides a bike.:goodvibes
Who in the world did you guys stalk?
Glad you had fun with your DIS lady friends!!!!!
Can't wait to hear about the tour.....
That stinks that the single rider line was closed. You know I don't read well so I can't remember if you said whether or not you rode it at all this trip so far. :confused3
Forget the redhead.....We want an update!
We want an update! pirate:

Some of us are staying on top of updating our TRs. :rolleyes1 Well, sort of. LOL At least I finally got day seven started. Let the stalking begin!! :banana:

Now get to work on yours missy! I want to know about that tour. popcorn::
As we were getting up to walk out of White Water Snacks, we saw that Beth and her family were there. We stopped and talked to Bet and her husband Ruben for a little bit and then headed on our way to Disneyland.

When we got into Disneyland, we all decided that we should take a potty break before the tour. After the potty break we went to where the tour place next to City Hall. We stood around for a little and noticed that the tour time was quickly approaching, but nobody was around. We discovered that the tour was meeting at DCA. So, we walked back to DCA and made our way through the turnstiles once again. We went to Guest Relations there and we were told that the tour was meeting next to the lost and found in the Esplanade. So, we headed out of DCA and went to were we were supposed to go. That's when we found out that they gave our spots away on the tour, because we weren't there in time. Luckily, we were able to make it onto the next tour, which started on 15 minutes after the one we signed up for. We all sat on the ground and waited for our tour to start. At this point we were already kind of tired walking back and forth between the parks, just to find where the tour was supposed to meet. After a little bit, we were all called into the building and into the lounge area, and everyone got a seat but me. :rotfl: I didn't mind though, because if I would have sat down, I probably would have curled into a ball and fell asleep. They showed us the story of Mr. Ichabod Crane and then our tour guide came into the room. Our guide was dressed as a ghost hunter, complete with ghost hunting tools. She led us into the Guest Relations building where we were to get our special headphones and radio to hear all the paranormal sounds.

Everyone was having trouble with their radios and it took a LONG time for it to get figured out, so we wasted a lot of tour time on that. Finally, it was all figured out and we headed to Tower of Terror. We got to use the fastpass line for this ride, but even that line was long. Our little group was too far from our tour guide to hear anything or see anything, so that part of the tour was also lost on us.

I was super excited, because Cheryl agreed to go on Tower of Terror with us! :banana: I knew she could do it! Our tour guide did not ride with us and that would be the last we saw of her for a little while. I got to sit next to Cheryl and I don't know if my laughing or her screaming was louder...I think I'll go with her screaming though. :rolleyes1 It was SO much fun, and despite what she says, I know she loved it!!!!! Don't even lie Cheryl. ;) Our picture was hilarious! I wish we could have gotten a copy of it. We walked out of the little gift shop and met our second tour guide, Hilary. Hilary was a ghost herself and resides in the Haunted Mansion, but she was out to cause trouble and apparently she scared away our first tour guide.

Hilary gave us each a light up necklace that had a key at the end. I thought the key was really neat, but I get excited over little things like that.

One side of the key:

The reverse side:

We kept kidding little kids trying to join our group and, Hilary let them know that they were not wanted, it was quite humorous. After we got our keys we walked to Monsters, Inc. were our group was asked to scream as loud as we could. The screaming got a lot of attention and I don't think the innocent passerby appreciated it very much. After screaming our heads off we went over to Disneyland, where the parade had just ended. :scared1: Main Street was absolutely packed! :scared: It was very hard to navigate our tour through the madness and that wasted even more of our tour time. FINALLY, we made it to Snow White's Scary Adventure, where the line was out the tour. :sad2: We waited and waited and waited in line. After we made our way on and then off the the ride, we headed toward Big Thunder Ranch. First our tour made a stop in front of Casey Jr. and that's where Callie found us! She stayed and talked for a little, but then headed on her way again, because the excitement was too much for her. I found a Disney cat on the steps to the old Sky bucket station. Hilary told us the story about the cats being brought in for their ability to control the mouse population. At this point, our first tour guide found us and Hilary told us to act like we had never met her and she ran off.

Our first guide wanted to know what happened to us, and we all played dumb and pretended to never have met Hilary and just acted like we roamed around on our own. We went over to Big Thunder Ranch and our tour guide was telling us a Halloween story and Hilary was in the background being downright hilarious. She had a pumpkin in her hand and was walking behind our tour guide and making faces. Hilary made herself known and she said her goodbyes, because Madame Leota was calling her home to the mansion. Our guide told us another Halloween story and then we headed over to Big Thunder Mountain. Of course BTMR was down, so we didn't get to ride it. :sad2: Our group walked over to New Orleans Square were we returned our headsets and heard some more Halloween stories. After that, our group headed for the last ride of the tour, Haunted Mansion Holiday. We got to use the fastpass line for this ride too. Even the fastpass line was sorta long, but it moved really quickly. In the doom buggie loading area, Hilary was dressed in a white gown and was holding a parasol and she was lit up by blacklight and was waving goodbye to us. She almost missed saying goodbye to Cheryl and myself, because they were unloading some people and that took a little while. She had already closed her parasol and turned off the light by the time we got to her, but she quickly turned and the light and opened her parasol back up and said goodbye, which I though was very nice of her.

On the ride, I tried to be nice to Cheryl and point out this little monkey that was dressed as a bride, but she just laughed at me and made fun of me until I cried. OK, it didn't really happen that way, and even though no one else seems to believe in her, I will continue to. So there! :snooty:

When the ride was over we walked out and they had cinnamon candied apples for us. I believe they said it was from the old lady from Snow White.


I never did eat my apple, I'm not very fond of cinnamon candies, but it was a cute presentation.

All in all the tour was fun, but disorganized. If I knew someone that wanted to go on the tour, then I would go with them, but it's not something I'm dying to do again.

Everyone pretty much went their separate ways, but Stacie and myself. We went on Indiana Jones and went on a mission to find some pumpkin fudge. I'm not really sure if we did anything else, but we probably did and I just can't remember! :upsidedow I said my goodbyes to her and went into the little jewelry shop on Main Street to try and find a pair of earrings I had bought in February, but ended up losing one. I couldn't find the ones I wanted, but they did have the same style in a different color, so I settled for those ones. When I walked out I decided to go to Blue Ribbon Bakery to check out the sweets. I decided to get a chocolate filled croissant. It was pretty good, but I didn't like how the filling was kind of hard. I would probably get one again, because I do love my chocolate croissants. :goodvibes

The croissant:

I went back to my hotel before the park closed, because not only was I tired, but I wanted to get some packing done before I went to bed.

So Ryan has a cute butt? I'll bet he rides a bike.:goodvibes

Oh, he probably does!

We were at WWS too! :cool1: I finally tried their nachos.

No you weren't, don't lie.

Ohhhhh, mannnnnnnnnnnn. I KNEW that was coming . . . . .

Hey, I knew it was coming too! :rotfl:

Who in the world did you guys stalk?
Glad you had fun with your DIS lady friends!!!!!
Can't wait to hear about the tour.....

I didn't stalk anybody, it was all the others doing. I was a good girl.

Sorry I couldn't make the tour sound more interesting, it's been too long!

That stinks that the single rider line was closed. You know I don't read well so I can't remember if you said whether or not you rode it at all this trip so far. :confused3

Yep, I did get to ride it. :goodvibes

Forget the redhead.....We want an update!
We want an update! pirate:

Some of us are staying on top of updating our TRs. :rolleyes1 Well, sort of. LOL At least I finally got day seven started. Let the stalking begin!! :banana:

Now get to work on yours missy! I want to know about that tour. popcorn::

Update: COMPLETED! WooHoo! Hopefully I'll finish my report this week. I have to start on my next pre-trip report. :rotfl:

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :scared1: That thing is scarier then an evil clown!!!! :eek: :rotfl2:

Don't listen to Beth. I happen to think that monkey is very cute. Beth's evil clown on the other hand can burn a fiery death.
When I woke up, I knew that I would be spending my morning finishing up packing and loading my car. I had hoped to be in the parks by 11, but that didn't happen. It was more like 11:30 when I finally got to the parks and I was a little disappointed by that, because I knew I should leave early for my journey home.

I rolled out of bed and started to get ready and finish packing. I started taking loads of my stuff down to the car. On the second trip down, I managed to lock myself out of my room. It was only a matter of time before that happened. I went a had a new key made and kept at least two keys on me at all times while I finished up. There was a working ice machine on the first floor, so I filled up my ice chest for the ride home. Finally my car was packed and I said goodbye to my hotel and went to the Mickey and friends parking structure for the last time this trip.

When I woke up I started snacking on Cheez-It crackers and some trail mix. By the time I got to the parks, I was hungry. It was my plan to spend part of my afternoon at DCA and then head over to Disneyland for a little bit before I went home. So, I headed over to DCA and decided to try a corn dog over there. First, I stopped to take a few pictures.


I noticed how bare the Sun Wheel of Death looked:

Close up of one of the cars:

The Orange Stinger:

Close up:

Then I decided that I could not put off eating any longer so I went and got my corn dog. Corn dogs were slightly cheaper here then the Red Wagon at Disneyland, by about 10 cents. I took my food and to the Golden State Park ans enjoyed my meal by the water.

Corn dog:

Apples that came with it:

After I ate I relaxed for awhile, looking across Paradise Bay to wards Paradise Pier. Finally I gathered up my garbage and threw it away in one of the themed garbage cans:


I snapped a couple more shots in this area.



Heading to wards GRR I noticed some people standing around looking at something and laughing. I had no clue what was going on, but as I got closer I realized that it was PUSH! I have never encountered Push before so this was really awesome. Push chased people around trying to get them to give him some of their churros and that had me rolling on the ground laughing. Then he asked a girl on a cell phone to let him talk to who was on the line. The girl held up the phone to him and it looked so funny. Finally, a nice guy gave some of his churro to Push and that made push very happy. Then it was time for Push to leave to so I left too.


I walked along the path that goes through GRR instead of around it. Luckily, no one was in the smoking area so I didn't have a cough attack. I snapped some picture along the way.












Then I headed over to Candy Corn acres to take a few more pictures before leaving for Disneyland.




After that, I headed out and made my way to Disneyland.

Up Next: Aimless walking and the new monorail!
I am really enjoying your trip report. As much fun as the tour sounds I think I will probably give that one a miss at least until they work the bugs out.
Great pictures! I love that you take a lot of pictures of those little things like the clever, out-of-the-way signs and trucks that people would probably overlook! But I was studying the photos, trying to see if I could notice any Hidden Mickeys anywhere!! I now train myself to try to find Hidden Mickeys in everything!

And I LOVE Push!! When we went in October, I was trying to find that darn trashcan because I had heard that DLR put one in (WDW has one). For some reason, I thought that it would look different from the other trashcans, like it would have some bright colors or flashing lights or whatever. I didn't realize that it looked exactly like the other brown trashcans!!! And so we may have passed it once or twice at first. Finally we identified Push. Actually we saw a group of little girls punching and kicking a trashcan in mob-like fashion and we didn't know why.:rotfl: Then we heard Push talking and asking for a group hug and 'where is the love' and all that. We were trying to figure out where the person is who clearly operates the remote to make Push move, and who does the 'talking.' There were some second story windows in a nearby building, so we wondered if the man behind the Push persona was perched up there, sniper-style, looking creepily out the window to see what people are eating and wearing so he can comment on it!!! Or maybe there is a small camera inside Push and the guy on the second story can see everyone on video? We weren't sure how it worked but it was cool - and it takes you by surprise, because, again, he looks like every other trashcan!!!
Walking through the turnstiles, I tried to not to think that this would be my last time doing that on this trip. I veered toward the left, even though I usually enter Main Street through the right tunnel. I took a picture of the best sign ever:


Then I took a few more shots around that area.




Hi Walt!:


I absolutely adored the window displays at the Emporium so I took a lot of pictures of it:














Then I continued taking more pictures of Main Street.



I thought this little section of the shops was really cute:

More signs:



OK, I've reached my picture limit. That's all for now!

Up Next: Tomorrowland!
I am really enjoying your trip report. As much fun as the tour sounds I think I will probably give that one a miss at least until they work the bugs out.

Thank you!

The tours have been a real miss for me. I guess ever since they started using those headsets, the tours just haven't been as good, that's what I've heard at least. I've only done the Holiday tour last year and the Happiest Haunts tour this year. They started using the headsets last year and if you're not close enough, meaning at least 10 feet, all you hear is static.

Great pictures! I love that you take a lot of pictures of those little things like the clever, out-of-the-way signs and trucks that people would probably overlook! But I was studying the photos, trying to see if I could notice any Hidden Mickeys anywhere!! I now train myself to try to find Hidden Mickeys in everything!

And I LOVE Push!! When we went in October, I was trying to find that darn trashcan because I had heard that DLR put one in (WDW has one). For some reason, I thought that it would look different from the other trashcans, like it would have some bright colors or flashing lights or whatever. I didn't realize that it looked exactly like the other brown trashcans!!! And so we may have passed it once or twice at first. Finally we identified Push. Actually we saw a group of little girls punching and kicking a trashcan in mob-like fashion and we didn't know why.:rotfl: Then we heard Push talking and asking for a group hug and 'where is the love' and all that. We were trying to figure out where the person is who clearly operates the remote to make Push move, and who does the 'talking.' There were some second story windows in a nearby building, so we wondered if the man behind the Push persona was perched up there, sniper-style, looking creepily out the window to see what people are eating and wearing so he can comment on it!!! Or maybe there is a small camera inside Push and the guy on the second story can see everyone on video? We weren't sure how it worked but it was cool - and it takes you by surprise, because, again, he looks like every other trashcan!!!

Thanks for reading!

I loved Push! The guy that does it is just so funny! I'd love to talk to him when he isn't in character to see how funny he is when he's not in character. It got me wondering if he's the same guy who does Crush. Both Crush and Push are so witty and quick with the comebacks. I could never do either! :rotfl2:
When I got toward the end of Main Street, I went toward the left through toward adventure land and made a quick right into Frontierland. I snapped a couple of pictures of the display the had set up in front of one of the shops.



Here's a cute wood sculpture:

Then I headed to Big Thunder, but the line was way too long for me to want to stand in it alone. I decided to get a fastpass instead. My time frame wasn't for another couple of hours, so I continued to walk along and take some more pictures!





When I was at DCA, I noticed the new monorails were running and I just had to ride one! When I got to the station I saw that I would be riding monorail blue.








Oh man, it sure was hot in there! I tried to sit by the somewhat cracked windows, but it did nothing for me. When the cast member came to close the door of the cabin I was in, he had a lot of trouble. The door kept on popping open and finally he just forced it to stay shut. When I disembarked on the other side, I took a moment to take a picture of monorail red.


When I got back into Disneyland, I took a moment to take this picture:

I headed over to Innoventions and was amazed that I had to wait in line to get in. It took a long time to finally get in, but I really wanted to see the house of the future.



Some pictures from the second floor, outside of Innoventions:








OK, I've once again reached my picture limit!

Up Next: I give myself a tummy ache!
Nice pics from Innoventions... I haven't been up there since it was America Sings!

I still love that pic of the Matterhorn and the palm tree and the Subs. That is so awesome.

Also, the retro looking Halloween pics in the beginign were really cool :goodvibes
At this point I was dehydrated and hungry. My first choice was Carnation Cafe. When I got there, the line was long so I decided I would try and find something else. My second choice was Stage Door Cafe, because I have never been there. I ordered the chicken nuggets with fries and a coke. With my premium AP discount, my total with tax came to $9.78. I grabbed the only free table I could find and enjoyed my meal. It was really yummy. I'm glad I decided to eat here, because I'm such a picky eater and these chicken nuggets and fries was perfect!

My meal:

I noticed my fastpass was usable, so I headed over to Frontierland. With my fastpass, I practically walked right on and bypassed the line that was still very long.

Goat trick:

After the ride, I walked around some more and took in the sights and sounds of Disneyland.


The benches in between Frontierland and the Plaza Gardens Stage were empty and shaded so I took a chance to take a break. I sat there for awhile and then a couple came up and sat on the bench across the way from me and were being inappropriate and disgusting. I thought it was rather rude of them to do that, when I was sitting there before they got there. I knew I couldn't leave without getting a Mickey pretzel, so I went to the little cart in Frontierland and bought one. Then I returned to my bench to sit down and enjoy it. Luckily the yucky couple was no longer there.

My pretzel:

After I ate my pretzel, I decided to walk around some more.





I realized at this point, that I was next to a churro cart. I hadn't had one yet, so I decided it was now or never. The line was somewhat long, but it amazed me how long it took to finally get a churro. I felt kind of ripped off, because the lady gave me a churro that was broken in half. Also, I looked really piggish holding two churros!














OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO NOT COOL!!!!!!!!


Spiders are so not cool. I wish I had never seen this guy at Disneyland! Ugh! So freakin' huge! Yuck, yuck, yuck!!!!

How very unDisneylike:


Up Next: Why isn't there anyone here to stop me from eating more food!



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