Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggity Dog! LINK TO TRIP REPORT!!!

okay...i'm in!!!:thumbsup2

Thanks, Jordan! Now I actually have to start making some more concrete plans, but there has been a lot going on. I really can't wait for this trip though because we're taking our son for the first time and, well, our last trip was a little messed up! The timing wasn't the greatest and there was a definite cloud hanging over the trip.
Thanks, Jordan! Now I actually have to start making some more concrete plans, but there has been a lot going on. I really can't wait for this trip though because we're taking our son for the first time and, well, our last trip was a little messed up! The timing wasn't the greatest and there was a definite cloud hanging over the trip.

hopefully this one will go much smoother...
OK, I know that I said in the beginning that I had no idea what this trip would turn into...thus, the fun, right?

Well, let's see... I had assumed it had been pretty much pre-determined that my parents would not be accompanying us on this trip, given my dad's battery of health problems: mobilitiy issues, flying issues.. issues of generally being older and more cantakerous and not used to travelling.

Yet, it seems that my parents haven't totally ruled it out! Which got me thinking about April again for a number of reasons. For one, if they try and drive and/or take the train part of the way, it will be easier in April than in February. For another, all of my own personal business will be handled by then!

You see, my husband and I are having to do a short sale on our house, ie. basically give it back to the bank, etc. It is super complicated and I would appreciate no one judging me for having the nerve to be planning a trip to Disney, while I'm cleaning up a financial mess. One of the numerous things I've learned from the past several months, is that you have no idea what most people are going through, so try your best not to judge them.

Our house..oh...our money pit of a house. We were incredibly naive (ok, stupid) when we bought it and did not realize how much work the place really needs. Probably in excess of fifty thousand dollars worth, all told. Add in nasty neighbors who are about twelve feet away (there is...I swear...a driveway separating our two houses) who refuse to cooperate with us to start fixing anything (including our roof...thus, getting the roofer's money back). On top of that, our basement was flooded half way up its walls this past spring on more than one occasion during all the rain.

The decisions we've made have not been easy for us. We are both gainfully employed people who earn decent money and aren't out to take advantage of anything, we just have very few options at this point, other than to reorganize ourselves.

And anyone who thinks this will all be No. Not quite. You see, in doing all of this, we are going to be voluntarily trashing our credit and going back to renting, albeit a place that will probably be nicer than the house we currently own.

In the meantime, we have the opportunity to put a lot of money away in savings. I have learned a ton about finances and home ownership.

And...well...yes, it does appear that we will get to go to Disney again soon! :woohoo: Not sure if we'll be with my parents or not, or whether it will be in April or February... great problems to have, frankly! :thumbsup2

This has been a gut wrenching six months or so...I cried in almost every country in World Showcase when I was at Disney in February! I saw the toll all the craziness was taking on my son and I knew that we had to figure out a plan. So, I got a lawyer and we're fixing our situation, thank god.

I just hope that no one judges me. This economy, the mortgage crisis, all of it... it has impacted people in ways people barely even realize.

These boards have gotten me through, given me hope, and made me smile so many times during the past six months. For that, I thank all of you.
Allow me to wallow in self-pity for a moment, will you? My last update, I poured my heart and was really nervous and then I had no response. So, it is possible that I'm just talking to myself, but I hope not!


We'll see... so, I am on sort-of vacation...I have the next week and a half off from school! Lots of time to hang out with my son and enjoy the summer. And this coming weekend, we will be celebrating my son's third birthday. Hard to believe. It seems like the only thing that you can really count on is that time will continue marching on... and I really believe that time heals all wounds, so that can only be a good thing, right?

My mom and I have planned a Mickey-themed birthday for him, which is actually going to be pretty low-key this year, just close family. It will be fun, as I think he is starting to understand the concept that its his day.

As for our Disney trip plans... I checked out touringplans, which I know isn't always the most reliable, but at least its something to go on. According to them, the first part of that week before Easter (from Saturday to about Wednesday/Thursday) is actually looking far less crowded than President's Week in February. Plus, when I think about our afternoon plans to hang out and enjoy things at our resort, like the pool and playground, it makes more sense to go during a time of year when we are much more likely to have warm weather. OK, when we're guaranteed to have warm weather.

While I still would really prefer to go in February, its looking like it might have to be April...

We'll see... decision time will be here soon! I just can't wait for Disney to release their prices for 2011 so I can start pricing out all of my options for real!
OK, I know that I said in the beginning that I had no idea what this trip would turn into...thus, the fun, right?

Well, let's see... I had assumed it had been pretty much pre-determined that my parents would not be accompanying us on this trip, given my dad's battery of health problems: mobilitiy issues, flying issues.. issues of generally being older and more cantakerous and not used to travelling.

Yet, it seems that my parents haven't totally ruled it out! Which got me thinking about April again for a number of reasons. For one, if they try and drive and/or take the train part of the way, it will be easier in April than in February. For another, all of my own personal business will be handled by then!

You see, my husband and I are having to do a short sale on our house, ie. basically give it back to the bank, etc. It is super complicated and I would appreciate no one judging me for having the nerve to be planning a trip to Disney, while I'm cleaning up a financial mess. One of the numerous things I've learned from the past several months, is that you have no idea what most people are going through, so try your best not to judge them.

Our house..oh...our money pit of a house. We were incredibly naive (ok, stupid) when we bought it and did not realize how much work the place really needs. Probably in excess of fifty thousand dollars worth, all told. Add in nasty neighbors who are about twelve feet away (there is...I swear...a driveway separating our two houses) who refuse to cooperate with us to start fixing anything (including our roof...thus, getting the roofer's money back). On top of that, our basement was flooded half way up its walls this past spring on more than one occasion during all the rain.

The decisions we've made have not been easy for us. We are both gainfully employed people who earn decent money and aren't out to take advantage of anything, we just have very few options at this point, other than to reorganize ourselves.

And anyone who thinks this will all be No. Not quite. You see, in doing all of this, we are going to be voluntarily trashing our credit and going back to renting, albeit a place that will probably be nicer than the house we currently own.

In the meantime, we have the opportunity to put a lot of money away in savings. I have learned a ton about finances and home ownership.

And...well...yes, it does appear that we will get to go to Disney again soon! :woohoo: Not sure if we'll be with my parents or not, or whether it will be in April or February... great problems to have, frankly! :thumbsup2

This has been a gut wrenching six months or so...I cried in almost every country in World Showcase when I was at Disney in February! I saw the toll all the craziness was taking on my son and I knew that we had to figure out a plan. So, I got a lawyer and we're fixing our situation, thank god.

I just hope that no one judges me. This economy, the mortgage crisis, all of it... it has impacted people in ways people barely even realize.

These boards have gotten me through, given me hope, and made me smile so many times during the past six months. For that, I thank all of you.

I am so sorry I missed this post. You know that I would never judge you; we have many money issues due to some poor choices ourselves over the last couple of years, added with very high college tuition bills, mortgage, etc. This economy is awful and I am still amazed by the number of houses in our neighborhood that people are trying to sell because they can't afford the payments anymore, etc., and we saw the first foreclosed house in our neighborhood. Very, very sad. :sad2:

I'm always here...even if I don't answer right away (or send me a PM if you just need to talk).

Allow me to wallow in self-pity for a moment, will you? My last update, I poured my heart and was really nervous and then I had no response. So, it is possible that I'm just talking to myself, but I hope not!


We'll see... so, I am on sort-of vacation...I have the next week and a half off from school! Lots of time to hang out with my son and enjoy the summer. And this coming weekend, we will be celebrating my son's third birthday. Hard to believe. It seems like the only thing that you can really count on is that time will continue marching on... and I really believe that time heals all wounds, so that can only be a good thing, right?

My mom and I have planned a Mickey-themed birthday for him, which is actually going to be pretty low-key this year, just close family. It will be fun, as I think he is starting to understand the concept that its his day.

As for our Disney trip plans... I checked out touringplans, which I know isn't always the most reliable, but at least its something to go on. According to them, the first part of that week before Easter (from Saturday to about Wednesday/Thursday) is actually looking far less crowded than President's Week in February. Plus, when I think about our afternoon plans to hang out and enjoy things at our resort, like the pool and playground, it makes more sense to go during a time of year when we are much more likely to have warm weather. OK, when we're guaranteed to have warm weather.

While I still would really prefer to go in February, its looking like it might have to be April...

We'll see... decision time will be here soon! I just can't wait for Disney to release their prices for 2011 so I can start pricing out all of my options for real!

Yay...time to spend with your son during summertime -- what could be better? The party sounds like great fun.

We've never been in February; we did April one year (the year Mark turned 50) and we loved it...the weather was perfect.
I am so sorry I missed this post. You know that I would never judge you; we have many money issues due to some poor choices ourselves over the last couple of years, added with very high college tuition bills, mortgage, etc. This economy is awful and I am still amazed by the number of houses in our neighborhood that people are trying to sell because they can't afford the payments anymore, etc., and we saw the first foreclosed house in our neighborhood. Very, very sad. :sad2:

I'm always here...even if I don't answer right away (or send me a PM if you just need to talk).

Yay...time to spend with your son during summertime -- what could be better? The party sounds like great fun.

We've never been in February; we did April one year (the year Mark turned 50) and we loved it...the weather was perfect.

Thanks for your kind words, Kathy. I just feel silly when I even try and explain to folks who aren't on the Dis how much of an escape it can be!

I do feel SO much I said, we have a plan and I'm off with Max for awhile, so that is the best. I'll be sure to post some pictures of his party.

I can imagine that the weather in April would be perfect. We'll see. The break is so NICE in February. It really breaks up the northern winter (even if it is freezing in Florida :rotfl:). Chances are, though, that we'll be wrapping up some business around here at that time and April will be better. And it still leaves the door open for my parents to make the trip with us, which would be great! :thumbsup2

Course, from there, I start thinking...hmmm...maybe just wait 'till the end of the school year (2011) and go at the end of June. That would feel nice and we'll be even more settled! :confused3
Who am I to judge? We all have our stuff....

Some people swear by RideMax, TGM, Touring not so much. I hear they work really well during the busiest times of year.
Who am I to judge? We all have our stuff....

Some people swear by RideMax, TGM, Touring not so much. I hear they work really well during the busiest times of year.

:goodvibes Thanks, Jordan. I really believe, the older that I get, that it isn't about the mistakes you make or the obstacles you face, but how you deal with them.

And as far as when we go...because I'm a teacher (and so is my husband) we are limited as to when we can go. We are pretty much always looking at times that are crowded. What can you do? :confused3
:goodvibes Thanks, Jordan. I really believe, the older that I get, that it isn't about the mistakes you make or the obstacles you face, but how you deal with them.

And as far as when we go...because I'm a teacher (and so is my husband) we are limited as to when we can go. We are pretty much always looking at times that are crowded. What can you do? :confused3

I wish we could go in Feb 2012,when my 50th actually is, but with so many folks having kids in school, it'll be next to impossible. June it is.

Have you heard of RideMax? I tried it, but ended up not using it.
I wish we could go in Feb 2012,when my 50th actually is, but with so many folks having kids in school, it'll be next to impossible. June it is.

Have you heard of RideMax? I tried it, but ended up not using it.

I've heard of it. Haven't thought about using it. I think we'll be fine. There are just a few pieces of our lives that have nothing to do with Disney that need to fall into place before we can make our final decisions about when. February is more than likely not happening and now June is looking better all the time. Too bad, too, because I'd really love to be going back in February. Just keep telling myself that I WILL be back at Disney within the next year! :cool1:
Tina, I am very sorry I have not responded to your post (the one with no answers), but I swear that yesterday was the first notification I had in a while from your trip!
I am always wondering how people do it, with BUYING houses. Tom and I inherited ours and even though there are no monthly payments on it, there is always something that needs to be repaired or replaced. So I completely understand your "house" situation!
But it was nice to hear that your parents are back in the game! Even though it would mean that we might miss each other! :hug:
I am sure you enjoy your time off with Max at the moment and his birthday party sounds fun - a Mickey party IS fun!
Photos PLEASE!!!!!!!!
9 more days of work left for me! I cannot wait!
I love it!! We are going end of Jan, early Feb 2011 too. I will have a 5 y.o., 4 y.o. and 18 mo old. We took the older girls when they were 2 and 3! It was AWESOME!! They loved it, especially MK! The parades and shows were their favorite. It was all about them that trip too so we just went at their pace and they loved it.

I am too, planning, and planning, and so I love to hear about others doing the same. I'm Disney OBSESSED!! I admit it, freely. Others also think I'm nuts.

Can't wiat to read more.
who doesn't have stuff, drama, etc...You go to Disney, no matter what. You'll feel better. Only you know what is best for your family. Getting out of your house will be a big relief. No judgement at all!! Please, I'm the one who had 3 kids in 4 years!!
Tina, I am very sorry I have not responded to your post (the one with no answers), but I swear that yesterday was the first notification I had in a while from your trip!
I am always wondering how people do it, with BUYING houses. Tom and I inherited ours and even though there are no monthly payments on it, there is always something that needs to be repaired or replaced. So I completely understand your "house" situation!
But it was nice to hear that your parents are back in the game! Even though it would mean that we might miss each other! :hug:
I am sure you enjoy your time off with Max at the moment and his birthday party sounds fun - a Mickey party IS fun!
Photos PLEASE!!!!!!!!
9 more days of work left for me! I cannot wait!

Karin! Thanks for the support...its been tough, but we have a plan (more on that in my next update!) and its moving forward in positive ways.

And :cheer2: for only nine more days!!!

I love it!! We are going end of Jan, early Feb 2011 too. I will have a 5 y.o., 4 y.o. and 18 mo old. We took the older girls when they were 2 and 3! It was AWESOME!! They loved it, especially MK! The parades and shows were their favorite. It was all about them that trip too so we just went at their pace and they loved it.

I am too, planning, and planning, and so I love to hear about others doing the same. I'm Disney OBSESSED!! I admit it, freely. Others also think I'm nuts.

Can't wiat to read more.

:welcome: More readers! And yes, others think we're nuts, too. I'm not even telling many people that we're planning this trip because I will surely be met with the dreaded, "But he won't even remember it...." By that same logic, we shouldn't do anything with our kids until they're about five or six, maybe? :lmao:

Now that I have some personal business out of the way, looks like I can get back into the swing of planning! :thumbsup2
Sorry for the more somber, downbeat posts of late. I HATE not knowing what's going to happen. Luckily, I got a little look into my crystal ball this morning (ie, met with my lawyer) and now have a better idea about a timeline for our little situation. We also received the actual CHECK from the roofer just as we came in this afternoon! :thumbsup2 So, things are looking up..and just in time, too, as I was afraid I was going to spend my week and a half long break an anxiety-ridden mess! :lmao:! My husband and I shared a brief thought about going to Disney, like tomorrow (booking a last minute trip not nearly as expensive as I would have thought), that's a tad unrealistic, BUT... given the timeline we're currently on, I think its a go for FEBRUARY!!!!

While April had its own benefits, especially the better weather, I really love the idea of getting away in February. By mid to late April, it is really spring up here in CT and starts getting gorgeous. My favorite time of year, actually, so who wants to leave that behind? February on the other hand...YUCK! Our trip at that time last year really did break up the winter so was Christmas and then BAM! we were off to Disney and when we came back it was March and we had turned that corner, you know?

That means we are looking at doing a trip February 21-26 at CSR!!! :woohoo:

It is a crazy time at Disney then, but we did it last year and lived to tell about it. I am just hoping that the weather is slightly nicer than it was last year, but I'll take a week of sun anytime! :cloud9:

In the meantime, Max will be turning three... and we've decided to head off to Cape Cod, in Massachusetts, for a couple nights. Both my husband and I are having a tough time relaxing in this house :-)scared1:), so we decided a quick trip to the beach was in order.

Here a few pictures of Max at the Cape during the last two summers:




The first two were taken when Max was about a year old and the last one was taken shortly after his second birthday.

So, now just as soon as I have a spare moment, I will get down to starting to plan in earnest... the time to make ADR's is not that far away... :cool1:

And truly, thanks to you all for your kindness and support! :hug:

And yes, Karin, if we're both fortunate enough to be there together this February we are going to make sure we meet up! :thumbsup2
who doesn't have stuff, drama, etc...You go to Disney, no matter what. You'll feel better. Only you know what is best for your family. Getting out of your house will be a big relief. No judgement at all!! Please, I'm the one who had 3 kids in 4 years!!

Thanks! :goodvibes But you'd be amazed at some of the comments I've seen on these boards...and well, from people outside of them. I am so sure that most non-Disney people would freak out if they knew I was planning a trip to Disney in the midst of everything else. But, then again, there are plenty of things other people just don't need to know about! :thumbsup2


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