In search of my body...not the one I ate! Part Deux... We sit at the popular table!

Ok, here are the before's -

September 2007


October 2007, right before I started WW


And the after's


With two skinny girls

With Nick on the cruise

Last weekend
Ok, here are the before's -

September 2007


October 2007, right before I started WW


And the after's


With two skinny girls

With Nick on the cruise

Last weekend

You look sooooo great!!! OMG You are definitely an inspiration to me!!! You are an amazing woman!
Thanks for listening last night. Tonight!!!

Unfortunately I needed to spill the whole enchilada. But that's great because now I don't have to watch any words. And confuse you all. So that's great.

Amazing pics, everyone! Just what I need to get more re-committed.

Someone must have sent me fairy dust, because I lost 2 lbs this week!

When you look at what my last two days have been like, I should have gained 2 lbs. No exercise at all during the week. Thursday and Friday were god-awful at work Yesterday I drank 2 regular cokes, 1 diet coke, and a glass of wine. And I don't drink sodas anymore on a regular basis. Our anniversary was last week, and we celebrated with a movie/appetizers at home - Brie, Stilton, wine, shrimp coctail. Sooo good! On top of sushi for lunch, and chex mix for a mid-morning snack.

So this morning I got up and went out for a 5 mile bike ride. First time I've been out in almost 2 weeks. Tomorrow I'll shoot for 7 miles.

Tomorrow is mommy-daughter day. Hubby's going to be on the computer ALL day playing some new game. I'm trying to come up with something fun for us to do. Mainly so I don't have to play Princess Polly Pockets or Fairies. I'm pondering the beach or the pool, depending on weather and rip tides. Any inspired ideas?

And, since I've been reading and not posting the last few days:

#1 Name and Family you care to share plus a little about your weight struggles/programs you are on:
Deb (40 this month), DH (40), Kaitlyn (6). No pets, though Kaitlyn's begging for a fish to talk to when she gets lonely. No specific program, just trying to count calories and get moving. My struggle is travel. Late hours, hotel foods, catered lunches, dinners with customers, wonky time zones.

#2 What are some of your trigger foods?
Chips and salsa, oreos, m&ms, reese's mini peanut butter cups, tootsie rolls.

#3 What form of exercise (activity) would you love to do but have limited yourself from due to weight/confidence?
Rock climbing, I think. There's an indoor place about 30 minutes from here.

#4 Occupation (if legal)Engineering Manager for a company that makes VIP and Super-First Class seats. (Watch the news - my sweat and blood is in the Qantas A380 first class (beige) seats - first delivery is on Friday!)

#5 What do you want to achieve from a healthier body / lifestyle?
Feel better about myself. I have 2 sisters, both size 4-6. I've always been 'the fat one' in the family, even at a size 10... Also hoping to avoid joint / blood sugar problems.

#6 If you could celebrate with anything when you reach/ed goal, what would it be...or what would it have been?
Not sure. Diving? (Though I'm certified, I haven't been under since Kaitlyn was born). Skinny clothes, for sure. Don't know that I'll ever have the right body image for a bikini. Gifting away my clothes I won't fit into anymore.

Hope everyone has a good day!

Sorry I was such a flash last and out like lightning. You will have to fill me in on what I missed. I was having a ball, but you know...other things prevailed. :goodvibes

LIZ--I have said it a million time and I will never tire of saying it. You are amazing. Your strength, dedication, attitude....all of it. Smokin' hot! You look incredible. Let's kick the ever-lonvin' sh*t out of those last 15 pounds together, eh?

LYZ--yeah, we do. We really do. :hug:

LISA--you are such a great addition to our group! So fun to have you here with us!

Today is soccer day. Riley has two games in a town about 45 minutes away, so that is where we will be. I just want a day off...from all of it, you know?
WOO HOO on the loss, Deb! Excellent! Glad you are back on track!

For your day with Kaitlyn--whenever I get one on one time with one of mine, we got out to lunch. They love it! Obviously nothing fancy or expensive, but they really feel special. Beach and pool are always good choices.

We will also often do something that they love to do but I don't ever do with them. Like ride bikes. My kids are always riding their bikes outside and around the neighborhood, etc. But that is typical after-school stuff and I am never out there with them. So sometimes I will go on a bike ride with one of them and they LOVE that. Because I can take them out of the neighborhood on a "real" bike ride. Same with roller blading. They go crazy when I strap on the blades. :lmao: And we laugh a lot.

Shopping is usually good, too. And if we need indoor stuff or we are at home, I will jump on Webkinz with them (and try and manage and control their spending habits as well as their decorating coices! :rotfl: )

Just some thoughts. :goodvibes
Thanks for listening last night. Tonight!!!

Unfortunately I needed to spill the whole enchilada. But that's great because now I don't have to watch any words. And confuse you all. So that's great.


Lisa, glad you're here.

Amazing pics, everyone! Just what I need to get more re-committed.


Someone must have sent me fairy dust, because I lost 2 lbs this week!

2lbs! Whoo to the hoo.

When you look at what my last two days have been like, I should have gained 2 lbs. No exercise at all during the week. Thursday and Friday were god-awful at work Yesterday I drank 2 regular cokes, 1 diet coke, and a glass of wine. And I don't drink sodas anymore on a regular basis. Our anniversary was last week, and we celebrated with a movie/appetizers at home - Brie, Stilton, wine, shrimp coctail. Sooo good! On top of sushi for lunch, and chex mix for a mid-morning snack.

So this morning I got up and went out for a 5 mile bike ride. First time I've been out in almost 2 weeks. Tomorrow I'll shoot for 7 miles.

Tomorrow is mommy-daughter day. Hubby's going to be on the computer ALL day playing some new game. I'm trying to come up with something fun for us to do. Mainly so I don't have to play Princess Polly Pockets or Fairies. I'm pondering the beach or the pool, depending on weather and rip tides. Any inspired ideas?

And, since I've been reading and not posting the last few days:

#1 Name and Family you care to share plus a little about your weight struggles/programs you are on:
Deb (40 this month), DH (40), Kaitlyn (6). No pets, though Kaitlyn's begging for a fish to talk to when she gets lonely. No specific program, just trying to count calories and get moving. My struggle is travel. Late hours, hotel foods, catered lunches, dinners with customers, wonky time zones.

#2 What are some of your trigger foods?
Chips and salsa, oreos, m&ms, reese's mini peanut butter cups, tootsie rolls.

#3 What form of exercise (activity) would you love to do but have limited yourself from due to weight/confidence?
Rock climbing, I think. There's an indoor place about 30 minutes from here.

#4 Occupation (if legal)Engineering Manager for a company that makes VIP and Super-First Class seats. (Watch the news - my sweat and blood is in the Qantas A380 first class (beige) seats - first delivery is on Friday!)

You have a very interesting job.

#5 What do you want to achieve from a healthier body / lifestyle?
Feel better about myself. I have 2 sisters, both size 4-6. I've always been 'the fat one' in the family, even at a size 10... Also hoping to avoid joint / blood sugar problems.

#6 If you could celebrate with anything when you reach/ed goal, what would it be...or what would it have been?
Not sure. Diving? (Though I'm certified, I haven't been under since Kaitlyn was born). Skinny clothes, for sure. Don't know that I'll ever have the right body image for a bikini. Gifting away my clothes I won't fit into anymore.

Hope everyone has a good day!


Deb, have you met John Travolta?

...I will jump on Webkinz with them (and try and manage and control their spending habits as well as their decorating coices! :rotfl: )

lol. Ya freak, how old are you?

I must say, I'm so glad when pictures are posted. Twofold for me. One, I love/need the progress pics and two, I feel so much more connected to you guys when I "see" you in my mind. You become real. kwim?
Thanks for listening last night. Tonight!!!

Unfortunately I needed to spill the whole enchilada. But that's great because now I don't have to watch any words. And confuse you all. So that's great.


No prob... you are a great addition to our little family here... :)

Amazing pics, everyone! Just what I need to get more re-committed.

Someone must have sent me fairy dust, because I lost 2 lbs this week!

When you look at what my last two days have been like, I should have gained 2 lbs. No exercise at all during the week. Thursday and Friday were god-awful at work Yesterday I drank 2 regular cokes, 1 diet coke, and a glass of wine. And I don't drink sodas anymore on a regular basis. Our anniversary was last week, and we celebrated with a movie/appetizers at home - Brie, Stilton, wine, shrimp coctail. Sooo good! On top of sushi for lunch, and chex mix for a mid-morning snack.

So this morning I got up and went out for a 5 mile bike ride. First time I've been out in almost 2 weeks. Tomorrow I'll shoot for 7 miles.

Tomorrow is mommy-daughter day. Hubby's going to be on the computer ALL day playing some new game. I'm trying to come up with something fun for us to do. Mainly so I don't have to play Princess Polly Pockets or Fairies. I'm pondering the beach or the pool, depending on weather and rip tides. Any inspired ideas?

And, since I've been reading and not posting the last few days:

#1 Name and Family you care to share plus a little about your weight struggles/programs you are on:
Deb (40 this month), DH (40), Kaitlyn (6). No pets, though Kaitlyn's begging for a fish to talk to when she gets lonely. No specific program, just trying to count calories and get moving. My struggle is travel. Late hours, hotel foods, catered lunches, dinners with customers, wonky time zones.

#2 What are some of your trigger foods?
Chips and salsa, oreos, m&ms, reese's mini peanut butter cups, tootsie rolls.

#3 What form of exercise (activity) would you love to do but have limited yourself from due to weight/confidence?
Rock climbing, I think. There's an indoor place about 30 minutes from here.

#4 Occupation (if legal)Engineering Manager for a company that makes VIP and Super-First Class seats. (Watch the news - my sweat and blood is in the Qantas A380 first class (beige) seats - first delivery is on Friday!)

#5 What do you want to achieve from a healthier body / lifestyle?
Feel better about myself. I have 2 sisters, both size 4-6. I've always been 'the fat one' in the family, even at a size 10... Also hoping to avoid joint / blood sugar problems.

#6 If you could celebrate with anything when you reach/ed goal, what would it be...or what would it have been?
Not sure. Diving? (Though I'm certified, I haven't been under since Kaitlyn was born). Skinny clothes, for sure. Don't know that I'll ever have the right body image for a bikini. Gifting away my clothes I won't fit into anymore.

Hope everyone has a good day!


grats on your loss!!! :dance3:
Congrats on your loss Deb!!!

I didn't drag my lazy butt out of bed until after 1. You guys wiped me last night! This week has been long, but I am so glad that I made the move to this new job. I am really excited about it and think that it was a great move for me. I hope that it continues to rock.

I am also continually glad that I found you all and this thread. I didn't realize how much I rely on it and how much I missed it, until I go away and come back. :hug:

Today is cleaning, laundry, etc. Whee!! Hope everyone has an awesome day!
Congrats on your loss Deb!!!

I didn't drag my lazy butt out of bed until after 1. You guys wiped me last night! This week has been long, but I am so glad that I made the move to this new job. I am really excited about it and think that it was a great move for me. I hope that it continues to rock.

I am also continually glad that I found you all and this thread. I didn't realize how much I rely on it and how much I missed it, until I go away and come back. :hug:

Today is cleaning, laundry, etc. Whee!! Hope everyone has an awesome day!

I hear ya there... :rolleyes1
Deb - Amazng loss! Way to go!

Lisa - It was great last night, so glad we did all that.

Lyz and Erika - Thank you and i love you both.

Today we picked up the race info, got our goody bags, and got body marked. Only Teri, our swimmer, needs it, but they did it to me and Jodi (biker) also, for team spirit. We turned in our checks, but if you want, you can still donate online for breast cancer research.

I filled out a card to wear in honor of my mom. Very emotional. It's all very emotional. I didn't sign on to this to get fit or run a 5K, I did it to raise money and because my friends wanted to do it in honor of my mom. Today, thinking about the 12 years she has lived with this, the four times she has been told she has cancer, all the chemo and surgeries and treatments, it's like, how can I NOT do this?

We have to be there at like 6am tomorrow, and I probably won't run until 9am or later. Long morning. I'm bringing my laptop, camera, so I can write and take pictures.

My dream is that no one has to go through this, ever again. I think one day we will get there. But only if we keep strong and help when we can and come together. Sorry, this is so much more than a race day to me.

The link to donate is:

It's my explanation of how to do it - complicated as hell, but worth it in the end!

I'll try to be on later, but I have to go do a ton of stuff to get ready.

Thanks for the support, ladies and Dan. xoxo.
:rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl:

I know. I know. It really is one of those four bites and you're done kind of thing. It really is. If only I could say that about my love for chocolate. :rotfl: ;)

Enjoy Steph. But I can't say that saved Poutine is really yummy. :rotfl: ;)
Ummm No it wasn't as good but it was still OK

Great Pics!! I too am guilty of using a decoy... LOL... I love standing in front of chairs with high backs.
Check out all my Disney pics in Photobucket There isn't ONE pic with out a child standing in front of me... well with the exception of the one with Prince charming

Ok, here are the before's -

September 2007


October 2007, right before I started WW


And the after's


With two skinny girls

With Nick on the cruise

Last weekend
Ok You should be the Poster child for WW. You look so good!
Deb great Loss! Did you have to dodge anything on this bike trip?

Liz I pledged a donation.. I hope... it said something about registering so if I show up on your team I did it wrong!

Lisa great to see ya! Love the color hair! My grandmother was one of 7 girls and ALL of them had some shade of RED! After she passed last year I decided to go red. Hey if you are ever in the area let me know!

I was going to get on aim last night..but Steph was up when I got home and I sat thinking that we could watch the three hours of prison break that we have on the DVR.. but he was intrigued with the movie he was watching ..I think it was "what a woman wants"???:confused: :confused3 It had Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt in it. I ended up dozing in the recliner. I finale went to bed at 1 only to get up at three to check zac. Then the boys were up at 6:45. GOD I hate that they get up so early! I made steph get up with them.
Yesterday We bought a new couch for the new House! Shoot me know I bought a pale yellow couch..with four kids and three of them being BOYS and the other a cluts! I guess there will be NO EATING near it. I did have it scotched guarded with a ten year warranty. Today we had to go have some lab work done for sam. She's 14 and hasn't started as of yet. Then we went to the mall and looked for some shoes for BIGFOOT but hmmm the largest shoe size that most stores carry is a ten. Sam is in an eleven. YES THATS RIGHT AN 11. So I am off to shop online for what I tell her is for dragqueen shoes! I am mean. Liz ... you couldn't have been an worse with Em that I was today with Zac. I end up grabbing his ear as he tried to run for being scolded in the mall for running through the racks. My kids can be perfected then bring them to the mall or LOWES and forget it! The are something from "where the wild things are" . The whole reason I grabbed his ear... because that is all I could manage to grab a hold of.. I swear he coated himself in vaseline..... he was slippery! :mad: :mad: This was me in the stores!
Ok off to find size 11 Ballet flat shoes!

Lyz and Erika - Thank you and i love you both.

:hug: Love you too.

Today we picked up the race info, got our goody bags, and got body marked. Only Teri, our swimmer, needs it, but they did it to me and Jodi (biker) also, for team spirit.

Ohh, you are an official racer. That is so awesome! And you know, this is good for Em to see.

I filled out a card to wear in honor of my mom. Very emotional. It's all very emotional. I didn't sign on to this to get fit or run a 5K, I did it to raise money and because my friends wanted to do it in honor of my mom. Today, thinking about the 12 years she has lived with this, the four times she has been told she has cancer, all the chemo and surgeries and treatments, it's like, how can I NOT do this?

I can imagine it IS very emotional. Hate Cancer.

We have to be there at like 6am tomorrow, and I probably won't run until 9am or later.

Liz - I'll be sending all kinds of positive thoughts your way. And let us know asap, k.

Liz I pledged a donation.. I hope... it said something about registering so if I show up on your team I did it wrong!

:rotfl: Steph you have to show up at 6AM!

Liz great to see ya! Love the color hair! My grandmother was one of 7 girls and ALL of them had some shade of RED! After she passed last year I decided to go red. Hey if you are ever in the area let me know!

Yesterday We bought a new couch for the new House! Shoot me know I bought a pale yellow couch..with four kids and three of them being BOYS and the other a cluts! I guess there will be NO EATING near it. I did have it scotched guarded with a ten year warranty.

Are you mental? What the heck?

Today we had to go have some lab work done for sam. She's 14 and hasn't started as of yet.

Wow. Hope everythings ok. Keep us posted. Is she upset she hasn't started?

Then we went to the mall and looked for some shoes for BIGFOOT but hmmm the largest shoe size that most stores carry is a ten. Sam is in an eleven. YES THATS RIGHT AN 11. ...Ok off to find size 11 Ballet flat shoes!

Do you have a Payless in your area? We can't find tennis shoes there, but they have an excellent selection of larger shoes, (Molli is an 11 too) for dress. Heels, flats, random popular shoes the girls wear. And it's not too expensive. Which is a plus, cause Molli will like something for 2 months and then decide she hates them. We got 2 pairs on monday, BOGO, $30 total. Patent black flats and open toe heels.
Liz, will be thinking of you tomorrow. Can't believe it is already here! Time flies. And, you are a total goddess in every way.

Lyz, thanks for the Payless tip. I haven't been in there in years but my shoes are all worn out and I hate buying more. I am a 10 which isn't totally huge, but still big enough that I have trouble finding my size sometimes.

Steph, hope that everything works out okay. Yellow couch! Nuts.

Today is all about cleaning and laundry. Was going to go to the gym but will probably do the mini stepper later.
So we crowned our lastest this week. And for the first time I love the singer. Well last year was okay too.

So here he is singing "Weak in the Knees" by Serena Ryder - a Cdn. artist. It comes after a session with Gavin Rossdale. So it's there after a short intro.

I love the song. So I chose this one simply because of that.

We had an interesting top ten. We threw out having equal girls and boys in the top 20/30. They were mostly boys. So the top ten ended up to be only two girls. And we had some wild boys in the top five. Very interesting. The two who went five and four. Guys you NEVER would have thought would get through because they are so not mainstream singers. Nice to see whether you enjoyed them or not. Theo, the winner, is more mainstream but very talented. The sound is not great.

So here he is:

And here is the top two. The second place had a lot of voter support. From out east - Cape Breton area of Nova Scotia. He wasn't the strongest of the remaining eight but a lovely guy. I just love this song. It's an older song. Early nineties. Cdn. band Blue Rodeo. It's so funny because it's such a sad song and the two of them are smiling throughout. Maybe they were glad it was finale night. So here it is:

Just in case you got nothing better to do. :lmao: ;)
Steph - I have white couches and a white rug. I think it can be done! I believe in the yellow couch! Just scotchguard it, and oh, does it have slipcovers? Lifesaver!

I am still totally feeling like bad mom - I really need to get over this. So the Zac thing made me smile. Because it's nice to know not everyone's kid is perfect. Or every mom.

Payless - love it! I only buy certain shoes there, though. Size 10, but not all of them are actually comfy for me. I hurt my foot when I went out last night, the shoes never bothered me before but not i have a huge blister on the side of my foot. Hopefully the running socks will negate that.

Isn't it funny how so many women and girls have larger feet now? It s our diet? Our lifestyle? What is it?

Lyz - yes, please send me positive thoughts! I am psyching myself out here. I have to go watch some TV and chill, I think. I keep throwing things into a bag, stuff I'll need and don't want to forget, like allergy medicine, an extra hat after mine is all sweaty, sunscreen. Because we have to be there by 630am and I won't run until at least 9am, I have a lot of time. I can watch my friend swim, her time is 742am. So all three of us are hanging out until she starts!

Must chill. Must chill. Must chill. :rotfl:


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